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Kevin Smith's top 10 films of 2006 (yes, Clerks II is on it). Good read.

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Rage Bait Youtuber
From his blog:

Of the 85 I saw, here are my Top Ten for 2006, starting with number one (mother**** burying the lead)...

The One Everybody Else Liked Too

This is the one film I watched repeatedly in 2006 (other than "Clerks II", which I had to watch even more during our edit, promotion, etc.) - and I did so because it's so ****ing genius. I've seen it eight times now, and it's been an excellent, compelling watch every time. I will never tire of it. Lots of folks were saying "Scorcese's back!", but I never thought he left; can't a brother take a leave of absence from the genre he defined to try other shit every once in awhile?

But return to the genre he's most identified with he did, and Jesus, did Mr. Scorcese do so with a vengeance! "The Departed" is so good, it's actually a strong contender for sex substitute: I'd almost rather watch the flick again than get laid (almost). All the performances, across the board, are superb, but the star turn, for me, was by Matty Damon: he was outstanding as the nearly amoral, uber-charming climber who acts as Jack Nicholson's eyes and ears within the Boston PD.
The elevator scene in which Leonardo DiCaprio has Matt's corupt cop cuffed is my favorite movie moment of the year - particularly when Matt swings from defiant to broken, begging to be shot.
If you haven't seen this flick yet, what is your problem?

The One That Would've Won Best Picture If Harvey Weinstein Had Released It Four Years Ago, Circa Miramax

Todd Field's study in upper-middle-class suburban unrest and desire is a clinic in subtle performance, largely thanks to the ever-brilliant Kate Winslet. The omniscient narrator, however, owns this flick and elevated it for me: it's one of the few times omniscient narration was ever used so effectively (and at all: normally, a story narrator in film is a character in the flick). The film felt like a novel splayed across the screen, and I don't mean it was simply a strong adaptation; it felt like someone was reading you a novel. And I mean that in the best possible way.

The One That Made Me Ashamed I Was Ever Identified as an Independent Filmmaker, Because This is Real Independent Film

The crime of Matt Damon not getting an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in "The Departed" is almost made up for by Ryan Gosling being recognized for his career-defining turn in this small, powerful Sundance graduate. Gosling proves he's easily the best actor of his generation with his work here, as a laid-back, engaging inner-city teacher/girls basketball coach who's nursing a serious drug addiction. Newcomer Shakeera Epps as the student who "gets" him and Anthony Mackie as the neighborhood dealer also shine in this flick that reaffirmed my faith in (and love for) Indie Cinema.

The One I'll Take Shit For, Pt. 1

Yeah, gauche to include your own flick on your own top ten list, but **** you: I loved this film. How could I not? It came from me, for Christ's sake. The ****ing thing was tailor-made for my tastes. It's just ****ing sad that, considering how customized this flick came for me as a film-lover, I still enjoyed three other films more than my own.

"Clerks II" is my favorite flick I ever made. Hence, it makes the list. If that bugs you, then you're retarded and need to get out more.

The One Nobody Else Seems to Remember

I'm a Spike Lee fan. I'm a Denzel Washington fan. I'm a Spike/Denzel team-up fan ("Malcolm X", "Mo' Better Blues", "He Got Game"). So this flick was right up my alley. An entertaining and energetic heist movie, "Inside Man" represented a new chapter in Spike's career: Spike as the director of commercial fare he didn't write. And if anyone was uncertain before (and after "Do the Right Thing", how could they be?), it's abundantly clear with "Inside Man" that Mr. Lee is one of the ten best American directors working today.

The One I'll Take Shit For, Pt. 2

Despite the presence of the Wachowski Brothers as producers, comparisons to "The Matrix" were unfair, I felt: this political action thriller based on the graphic novel stands on its own. Even though it took liberties with its classic source material, "V" still held up as cinema - in much the same way that Kubrick's "The Shining" is equally (but differently) as strong a piece as the book it was based on. Kudos for casting the always interesting Hugo Weaving in the lead, instead of an overpaid A-lister who we'd eventually see remove the mask.

The One That Made Me Never Want to Travel Abroad

Yes, Forest Whitaker is as good as the awards groups are saying in this historical drama that examines the brutal rise to power of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, as seen through the eyes of his personal physician. A relevant but unfortunate title seems to be keeping the mainstream from boosting the box office take of a film that should be required viewing in any acting class, so riveting is Whitaker's passive/bloodily aggressive performance as the paranoid despot.

The One That Made Me Never Want to Fly Again

Shot as though Paul Greengrass were a documentarian aboard the doomed September 11th flight, "United 93" is a gut-wrenching, nearly real-time study in the horror of a hostage situation in which negotiation to a peaceful conclusion was never an option. Wisely cast with veritable unknowns, "United 93" isn't just a loving memorial to some of the first victims of the "War on Terror", it's awesome filmmaking.

The One That Made Me Say "What the **** is going on?!?"

I never read the best-selling book, so I had no idea where this picture was going. And Lord, did it go to weird, imaginative places. Grubby, puzzling and surprisingly touching, this look into the life of a man with an extraordinary sense of smell (and the crimson lengths he'll go to for it) plays as a sad valentine to first love and the frustrating inability to recreate it.

The One That Actually Lived Up to Its Hype

We've seen actors starve themselves and put on massive amounts of weight to play roles, but Sacha Baron Cohen's ability to stay in character not just throughout the shoot, but also throughout the months-long promotion and release of this extremely funny film version of his "Da Ali G Show" character deserved at least an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. What easily could've grown tired and dismissed as merely an overly-extended sketch was kept fresh and funny, thanks wholly to Cohen's Sellers-like commitment to inhabiting his creation. Yes, the wrestling scene is hysterical, but for me, the funniest moment in a film crammed wall to wall with funny moments was when Borat is looking down at a large turtle (tortoise?) and asks "What kind of dog is this?"

Honorable Mentions go to...

Children of Men
Mission Impossible 3
The Break-Up
Thank You For Smoking
Little Miss Sunshine
Talladega Nights
Marie Antoinette
The Prestige
I don't have much to say other than it's really weird where we're now at the point where a movie like Borat comes along and though flying under the radar by all conventional means, ultimately is seen to "live up to it's hype".


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The One That Would've Won Best Picture If Harvey Weinstein Had Released It Four Years Ago, Circa Miramax
Is that a nod to the way Weinstein turned awards season into a bidding contest, or some kind of arrogant notion that only Weinstein should have produced such a film?

God, Smith and Tarantino need to ditch that enemy of cinema for someone who doesn't simply exploit it. On second thought, maybe Tarantino fits in.


I hate Kevin Smith. Clerks 2 was a pile of crap. Therefore without reading this list I will proclaim it bollox.


I love how he tries to preempt anyone giving him shit for choosing one of his own movies in his list. What a douchebag. :lol

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I love how he thinks there's some kind of jealous nerd conspiracy against him and his movies because everyone thinks they suck yet he thinks they're awesome.


Stoney Mason said:

I'm not a huge Kevin Smith guy but some of you people act like he slapped your mothers.

He's just a pompous asshole, so I have no particular fondness for him. That, and his movies are uniformly mediocre. He's a one-trick pony. All his characters speak with the same voice, and he uses the same tricks over and over again. It got old after Mallrats.

He has a huge hard-on against anyone who criticizes him, and will go to extreme lengths to get back at critics (be they nerdy online people or professionals). It's pathetic.

J2 Cool

Yeah, he's a nerd. So what? He's pretty funny. Not a bad list, though I'd bump Children of Men up and find place for Pan's Labryinth and at leatst an honorable mention of Rocky Balboa.


J2 Cool said:
Yeah, he's a nerd. So what? He's pretty funny. Not a bad list, though I'd bump Children of Men up and find place for Pan's Labryinth and at leatst an honorable mention of Rocky Balboa.

...Nobody on this thread called him a nerd. -_-


Matt Damon should have got an Oscar for TD? :lol

I like his films but this was his worst. Just compare his character to the counterpart in infernal affairs and you'll see how bad he was. He came across as the badguy not the anti hero. I was glad when he died.

A good list IMO/


The Amiga Brotherhood
Don't agree with V For Vendetta, it's good but too flawed.

Perfume deserves to be there though, and United 93 really surprised me by how good it was.

Eric Hall

kammy said:
Matt Damon should have got an Oscar for TD? :lol

I like his films but this was his worst. Just compare his character to the counterpart in infernal affairs and you'll see how bad he was. He came across as the badguy not the anti hero. BIG SPOILER HERE

A good list IMO/

Dude dont ****ing spoil that shit. Some people didnt get a chance to see it....like me

thanks dick
edit:yeah it's a spoiler my bad
kammy said:
Matt Damon should have got an Oscar for TD? :lol

I like his films but this was his worst. Just compare his character to the counterpart in infernal affairs and you'll see how bad he was.
How does that, which could also be debatable, diminish his amazing acting? Also The Departed>IA


Kevin Smith is really fun in person, I think he'd be a blast to converse with. I don't care much for his list though, especially since he included his own work.
Good list. Of what I've seen, only V for Vendetta stands out as a bad choice. I liked it, but I would have put many other movies ahead of it. V was flawed and sensationalistic, and Children of Men accomplished much more of what V was aiming for (and what the book was about), with far more style.

I have no problem with him including his own movie. It's his list, not some pretend-objective analysis. And Clerks II was a fine movie.


I should be getting "An Evening With Kevin Smith II: Evening Harder" tomorrow. :) The first one was really great so I'm very excited. Anybody seen Evening Harder?
Yonn said:
I should be getting "An Evening With Kevin Smith II: Evening Harder" tomorrow. :) The first one was really great so I'm very excited. Anybody seen Evening Harder?

Yes, tho I never saw the first one. It's OK, but sadly some of the best material is stuff he used in Clerks II.

Also, in real life, Mewes is the silent one and Smith the chatty bitch.


Flizzzipper said:
Wow, I've read Perfume, no idea they made a movie. I bet it sucks.

Yeah, it's generally considered one of the books that could never be converted to film... but from what I've read and heard, the director (name eludes me now) did a pretty amazing job of it.

It's showing at the theatre right down the street from my work, been meaning to catch it. Might stop by after work and see it.


Kevin Smith is one of my most hated writers/directors, so I really don't care what he has to say about film.


Solo said:
Kevin Smith is one of my most hated writers/directors, so I really don't care what he has to say about film.

So... ummmm.. then why did you come in this thread? You care enough to take the time to express you dislike, eh?


Ignatz Mouse said:
Given how much we agree on a lot of film, this surprises me.

Well, I don't hate Smith the writer/director. Only a case of finding him to be a mediocre writer and a bad director. It's the total package of that combined with his personality, and, more importantly, his quasi-fanatical fanbase that drives me into full on hate territory. Some of these people won't stand for even the slightest bit of negativity, or even constructive criticism, to be tossed towards Smith.

So yeah, I merely dislike Smith as a filmmaker, but his rabid fans often make me feel hatred.


Honorary Canadian.
I actually respect him for being honest and putting his own film on there. He's right-- it's his top 10 and given that he custom-built a movie specifically to his tastes, Clerks 2 probably should have been at the top.

Man. I don't even know if I can remember ten movies I saw last year without going and looking at a list :lol

Oh well. Not a bad list. And although I've never seen it, Richard Roeper jumped up and down on Perfume, saying it was the most idiotic thing he's ever seen in his life :lol... so I'll wait for the DVD.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Yes, tho I never saw the first one. It's OK, but sadly some of the best material is stuff he used in Clerks II.

Also, in real life, Mewes is the silent one and Smith the chatty bitch.
What do you mean by 'he used it in Clerks II? Like in the bonus material? And yeah, he is a chatty bitch. But I love him. :)
Solo said:
Well, I don't hate Smith the writer/director. Only a case of finding him to be a mediocre writer and a bad director. It's the total package of that combined with his personality, and, more importantly, his quasi-fanatical fanbase that drives me into full on hate territory. Some of these people won't stand for even the slightest bit of negativity, or even constructive criticism, to be tossed towards Smith.

So yeah, I merely dislike Smith as a filmmaker, but his rabid fans often make me feel hatred.

Yeah but the Kevin Smith fellatio crowd has calmed down considerably over the past few years. I'm guessing that it was mostly due to Jersey Girl. People were finally able to wake up to what 99% of the world thinks: that Kevin Smith is no big deal.
Yonn said:
What do you mean by 'he used it in Clerks II? Like in the bonus material? And yeah, he is a chatty bitch. But I love him. :)

I mean some of the stories/routines he does on stage are things Randall says in Clerks II.

Solo: I guess I never really run into fanatical Smith fanboys who can't take criticism. I mean, I have all sorts of criticisms of his work, but mainly, I judge them for what they're trying to be. They're the opposite of ambitious filmmaking, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps my perspective comes form having seen Clerks when it debuted, and thinking it was a novel piece of film and very funny but horribly acted-- and then really disliking mallrats. I never had the glow/hype factor to shake off.


Yonn said:
I should be getting "An Evening With Kevin Smith II: Evening Harder" tomorrow. :) The first one was really great so I'm very excited. Anybody seen Evening Harder?

It was terrible...if you've seen the first one. Just a huge let down compared to the first one. It doesn't help that every third word is profanity in the 2nd, it was really noticable and distracting


Ryu1999 said:
It was terrible...if you've seen the first one. Just a huge let down compared to the first one. It doesn't help that every third word is profanity in the 2nd, it was really noticable and distracting
Really? Damn, and I paid three times more for this than I did the first one just because I thought the first one was so good. Well, it should arrive tomorrow, anyway.


2 of my friends are actually in Evening Harder at Smith's Toronto appearance. I still haven't watched it.

The people ragging on Smith in this thread need to realize that he's a fan of movies as much as anyone else on this board, and has every right to his opinion. Not to mention having every right to post it, like anyone else does on this board or any blog on the net.

P.S. I enjoyed Clerks II, minus the donkey scene and the inappropriateness of "I'm sorry Jesus".


Ignatz Mouse said:
Solo: I guess I never really run into fanatical Smith fanboys who can't take criticism. I mean, I have all sorts of criticisms of his work, but mainly, I judge them for what they're trying to be. They're the opposite of ambitious filmmaking, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Nope, there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It's not his ideas/philosophy that doesn't work with me, it's the execution. I've just never been a big fan of his writing. To each their own though.


TD spoiler = :(

I haven't seen it and I guess that's my own fault but damn it!

Also i enjoy Kevin Smith's movies *shrugs* and I enjoyed his list.
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