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Kevin Smith's top 10 films of 2006 (yes, Clerks II is on it). Good read.

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Gattsu25 said:
but...clerks 2 ****ing sucked...

No, it was awesome.

Honorable Mentions:

Mission Impossible 3

Uh, M:I3 was ****ing great.

I love how some of you go "well ____ was a BAD CHOICE". No, it wasn't a "bad choice". It's his opinion. Then some of you call him a douchebag for having his own movie on it.

So, you can't enjoy your own movie? Perhaps he had a wonderful time filming it and really liked the outcome? Don't know why some of you people act like Kevin Smith killed your baby.
I'm actually on the Evening with Kevin Smith: Evening Harder DVD. Had a 15 minute interview with him but only about 30 seconds got in.

Thanks Kevn. Thanks.

Good guy, pretty much how you would expect him to me. Mewes was bringing him coffee.

EDIT: WTF? People are bitching about MI:3. That was one of the better movies of the year and at least attempted to mimic the Mission: Impossible series. The first MI totally botched the job by turning Phelps bad. Anyone who actually watched the series knew that character would never turn bad.

The second one was an action film with the MI name slapped on.
Eric Hall said:
Dude dont ****ing spoil that shit. Some people didnt get a chance to see it....like me

thanks dick
You should thank him. Now you don't have to see it. It's a turd, the worst film of Scorsese's career. That it's what he'll finally be awarded an Oscar for is embarrassing.


He's got it all wrong, Children of Men and The Prestige are way better than most of the movies up there, especially V for Vandetta (even tho I liked that movie alot too).

Oh well, Clerks 2 was awesome, I forgive you Kevin.

White Man

mamacint said:
I don't have much to say other than it's really weird where we're now at the point where a movie like Borat comes along and though flying under the radar by all conventional means, ultimately is seen to "live up to it's hype".

You're kidding, right? The whole god-damned internet was covered in Borat ads for like 3 frickin' months before the release of the movie. The saturation of ads and the like WEEKLY youtube threads dedicated to the movie actually had me thinking the movie came out earlier than it did. I was surprised when I asked a friend when it was playing, and he replied with, "That doesn't open for like another 2 weeks."
adamsappel said:
You should thank him. Now you don't have to see it. It's a turd, the worst film of Scorsese's career. That it's what he'll finally be awarded an Oscar for is embarrassing.

Oh, c'mon. Even if you didn't like it, it's loads better than Gangs of New York. And I think it's better than Casino, the Aviator (I fell asleep!), a couple of Scorses pictures I've watched in the last year.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Oh, c'mon. Even if you didn't like it, it's loads better than Gangs of New York. And I think it's better than Casino, the Aviator (I fell asleep!), a couple of Scorses pictures I've watched in the last year.
Gangs had Daniel Day Lewis, Casino at least looked like a Scorsese movie, and I didn't see The Aviator.
Good list, aside from his honorable mention of Mission Impossible 3. That movie was woeful. Definitely the worst movie i saw last year.


omg rite said:
Joke post?

No. I know Smith uses vulgarness as a way to get a message across, but that line/scene in particular crossed a line for me and seemed needless, or tacked on to take a shot at religious types.


Online Ho Champ
I agree with most..and a few i havent even seen. I finally got to see V for Vendetta last week it was awesome, now i gotta find the graphic novels heh.


Just saw the first disc of Evening Harder and I thought it was equally awesome as the first one. Where's the hate coming from? So far this is basically more of the same and that's just what I wanted.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but 'Evening With K.S' was essentially the "best of" material from the US college tour; whilst Evening Harder in Toronto and London was the whole show but trimmed here and there. Hence why the standard of the questions/jokes weren't quality consistently (yea, horrible choice of words for a post about Kevin Smith, sorry :p)

I personally thought the Toronto Q&A was rather weak compared to the others, but the British Q&A rather made up for it despite resulting further into sexual vulgarity.


Alucard said:
No. I know Smith uses vulgarness as a way to get a message across, but that line/scene in particular crossed a line for me and seemed needless, or tacked on to take a shot at religious types.

.. Uh, it wasn't a shot at religious types. That's not even arguable.

And it doesn't matter if you are one of those religious types, you should be able to understand that it's a joke and is no way a personal attack on you or religious types.

He said "I'm sorry Jesus" because he knew it was wrong. It was a.. joke.

You're saying that was offensive.

Lighten up.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Oh, c'mon. Even if you didn't like it, it's loads better than Gangs of New York. And I think it's better than Casino, the Aviator (I fell asleep!), a couple of Scorses pictures I've watched in the last year.

Agreed. If you look at the past decade of Scorsese, the only thing that is possibly better than The Departed is the Bob Dylan doc, or Bringing Out The Dead.

Also, Casino sucks big donkey nuts. Probably the worst film Scorsese has made. A pointless, half-baked Goodfellas set in Vegas. Except not good like Goodfellas.


I don't really understand all the hate Gangs of New York gets. It's a great movie with an amazing Daniel Day-Lewis (should've won the Oscar).


omg rite said:
.. Uh, it wasn't a shot at religious types. That's not even arguable.

And it doesn't matter if you are one of those religious types, you should be able to understand that it's a joke and is no way a personal attack on you or religious types.

He said "I'm sorry Jesus" because he knew it was wrong. It was a.. joke.

You're saying that was offensive.

Lighten up.

It just made me go :-\ instead of LOL. Thats all.


Yonn said:
Just saw the first disc of Evening Harder and I thought it was equally awesome as the first one. Where's the hate coming from? So far this is basically more of the same and that's just what I wanted.

Me and my other friend who loved the first one didn't like it, so different strokes. We also saw him in person at the University of Maryland in like '04 where he basically did the same jokes that show up on Evening Hard so that could be another reason why we didn't like it as much :-\


Solo said:
Also, Casino sucks big donkey nuts. Probably the worst film Scorsese has made. A pointless, half-baked Goodfellas set in Vegas. Except not good like Goodfellas.

umm no
I just saw Casino for the first time a few months ago, and it's not bad, but it's so far from "good Scorsese" that it isn't funny.

It's like getting a new game in a series and finding that it would have been better marketed as a pack of bonus level add-on content. Casino is a chance to see some good Pesci/DeNiro acting in a Scorese-ish setting. And too ****ing long.

Gangs of New York isn't bad, but to me it's clearly lesser work. The story is pretty pedestrian, and while I like DiCaprio as an actor, he doesn't do anything really great in it. Not that he did in Departed either, but that was an ensemble piece and he wasn't the star of the show-- the story was. The best thing in the whole picture was the time-laspe at the end, and Daniel Day Lewis channelling the hammiest side of DeNiro is not a selling point.
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