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Kid Icarus should be held more accountable for it's controls


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Honestly, I didn't buy Kid Icarus purely because of its controls. It looks like a great game, but the game's controls are not made for people with hands larger than a small child.

I don't want Sakurai to bend to my will and remake the controls. That's silly. I'll just not buy it.
Is that a fact?
Predictable, yes it's a fact. (seriously)

Just like it's a fact, for example and detached from the Kid Icarus case, that a game like Snake Eater designed around dual analog controls have issues when being controlled in the 3DS. It's a real problem, that some get adapted to and others don't.

We are becoming "the opinion culture" along as the opinion card is played you can get way with anything. F@ck reality.


Lots of people with KI avatars defending the controls in here. I can't believe this wasn't mentioned before "virtual thumb", and "a,x,b,y," analog options (really?). Paying 13 bucks to get a grip helps a lot, even with this grip, the controls on foot are still not great, but the claw-hand basically goes away.


Don't think I could play Starfox or Icarus without this.

That would indeed solve the claw hand problem, but Jesus, that thing looks nightmarishly impractical and ugly. Would totally erase the portability of the system.

The stand isn't a solution at all. I'm not playing my portable system on a stand. Come on guys.
More accountable? Every review has mentioned that the controls are an obstacle. Doesn't take away the fact that it's one of the best handheld games ever made.


Also for all of you guys that are feeling pressure on your wrists, you definitely shouldn't be.
If you are, you're not in an ideal position, you shouldn't be moving your wrists much anyways, just the fingers holding the stylus.

That's something I hate about the 3DS. Everything needs to be done in a right way.

For you to play with 3D you need to hold the console on a specific angle. To play game X, put the console on a specific position. To play games with gyroscope + 3D, move/tilt your head at the same time as the head.

Goddamit, just let me play the game whoever I want. On the DS I didn't had these problems, for most of the time (meaning outside games like Moon, Dementium, Metroid Prime Hunters).


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
More accountable? Every review has mentioned that the controls are an obstacle. Doesn't take away the fact that it's one of the best handheld games ever made.

Actually, technically it does, because I'll never play it solely because of its controls.
Complaints regarding this control scheme have been made since the DS inception. So you can bet we would be hearing about it even withouth the stand.

Just like we have had complaints about every other control scheme in existence. We still have those people pop up in Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime threads and complain about those controls. But for some reason, that game just doesn't seem to attract the anti-system sentiment like the 3DS does.

By your logic, every control scheme ever made is factually broken.

I've been wanting to check it out but the controls sound awful. And the ground sections don't look that great.

The ground sections are awesome. The controls are decisive. It's a new control scheme, and just like all of the ones in the past, it takes some getting used to.

I wonder how many threads Halo got about its broken dual analog.


That would indeed solve the claw hand problem, but Jesus, that thing looks nightmarishly impractical and ugly. Would totally erase the portability of the system.

I don't get the claw complaints either.
You should be holding it just like you hold any other controller.


The controls are so smooth for me. I'd like to see people who can't play the game upload a video to see what the heck they are doing wrong.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I don't get the claw complaints either.
You should be holding it just like you hold any other controller.

Uh, what? How small are your hands? A normal controller doesn't have 2 inches of air between the palm and the controller. I have to hold the 3DS like a claw to make sure it doesn't fall out of my hands.

The controls are so smooth for me. I'd like to see people who can't play the game upload a video to see what the heck they are doing wrong.

Please please please read what other people are posting. People are talking about how uncomfortable it is, not how hard the controls are.
Stand is still in my box!

Travel to work on train and tube 5 days a week and have no problem playing this standing or sitting down. Takes a while to get to grips with but now the controls are fine for me.

Great game!!
That's something I hate about the 3DS. Everything needs to be done in a right way.

For you to play with 3D you need to hold the console on a specific angle. To play game X, put the console on a specific position. To play games with gyroscope + 3D, move/tilt your head at the same time as the head.

Goddamit, just let me play the game whoever I want. On the DS I didn't had these problems, for most of the time (meaning outside games like Moon, Dementium, Metroid Prime Hunters).

I'm a new 3DS owner and I'm already in that boat.

I just turn off 3D for SMT Overclocked and just...you know...play?

I like Kid Icarus. It's a brilliant game and I know that I would be playing it more if the controls were more conventional.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just like it's a fact, for example and detached from the Kid Icarus case, that a game like Snake Eater designed around dual analog controls have issues when being controlled in the 3DS. It's a real problem, that some get adapted to and others don't.
Oddly enough, the original release of Snake Eater didn't really take advantage of dual analogs. I'm still baffled as to why they didn't use the original fixed camera angles for the 3DS version. Would have worked better than the solution they came up with.

I like Kid Icarus. It's a brilliant game and I know that I would be playing it more if the controls were more conventional.
That is definitely the case with me. I really like the game but whenever I consider playing it the comfort and viewing angle issues turn me away. The situation is similar to something like my racing wheel. I love using it, but there is some additional effort that I must go through before getting into a game with it and that sometimes prevents me from bothering. I constantly feel that way about the 3DS already and the additional control issues with Kid Icarus only make it worse.


More accountable? Every review has mentioned that the controls are an obstacle. Doesn't take away the fact that it's one of the best handheld games ever made.
The general consensus with reviews seems to be: "Your mileage may vary with how quickly you acclimate to the controls, if ever, but the controls themselves work well, and the game is worth playing regardless."

In the official topic there have been numerous reports by large-handed and left-handed users saying they're playing the game just fine. I'm a tall guy with long fingers, but I play the game (WITHOUT the stand) just fine. I voiced perhaps the most concern about possible control issues going in, but ramp up the reticule aiming speed and max out the camera stopping speed and it's all gravy from there, in my experience. Highly intuitive, an extension of my mind, and no more taxing on my hands than 3D Land.

Those on the fence should at least find a way to give the game a solid try, so they can see for themselves whether they can adapt. For some people it takes a chapter, for others a few chapters. Most people seem able to master the controls, though. Your mind and muscle memory are learning a new thing, but it can be learned and thoroughly enjoyed.


Uh, what? How small are your hands? A normal controller doesn't have 2 inches of air between the palm and the controller. I have to hold the 3DS like a claw to make sure it doesn't fall out of my hands.

Please please please read what other people are posting. People are talking about how uncomfortable it is, not how hard the controls are.

The distance between the Circle Pad and L button is barely an inch (or maybe less).


I'm a new 3DS owner and I'm already in that boat.

I just turn off 3D for SMT Overclocked and just...you know...play?

I like Kid Icarus. It's a brilliant game and I know that I would be playing it more if the controls were more conventional.

I still will be getting a 3DS, because of Nintendo games... but it's certainly not the best Nintendo hardware I've seen.

Good thing there's a 3D slider there. It'll be mostly off.


The controls are so smooth for me. I'd like to see people who can't play the game upload a video to see what the heck they are doing wrong.

Yes, of course, the people complaining are "playing it wrong", because it works for you it must not be an issue.
Yes, of course, the people complaining are "playing it wrong", because it works for you it must not be an issue.
It's at least a possibility given the general unconventional nature of KI's controls. I mean, I'm suggesting people put a pillow in their lap with the stand on top, it's not too hard to imagine someone not reaching that conclusion on their own.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I really think you're jumping to conclusions here.

Perhaps, but I already can't really play 3DS games for the most part because my left hand hurts after playing for more than 30 min. Maybe I have a very unique problem, but I find playing games on the 3DS to be rather uncomfortable over long periods of time, and having to hold a stylus with my right hand would only exacerbate the problem.

I do want to play Kid Icarus, but considering how awkward the controls are, I'll probably wait until it's really cheap. I don't really want to pay $30 to be uncomfortable.

In general, I wish the 3DS was more bulky. It's too thin and small, meaning I have to scrunch my hands up to hold it properly. The Vita is pretty small as well, but for some reason holding it doesn't hurt my hands the way holding a PSP did.


I got some helpful suggestions in the OT, but decided not to go back and discuss the game after reading stuff like I must suck at games, and somebody was glad they're superior at games since the controls aren't a problem for them.

How? There's no camera to control in TWEWY. I never have to use the shoulder buttons in that game.

I don't know if it's a problem with my circle pad, but I have problems dashing to the right. It doesn't register a lot of the time. I have no problem dashing any other direction. :(

Exactly. I stopped reading just so I can wait until I beat the game but I got that too. Being called pampered over some videogame controls? :lol There were people acting like I was going down to the mill to chop logs or something.


I know, and that's the real tragedy. Oh well. I value the health of my hands.

They provide a nice stand that means you don't have to hold the 3DS at all which should alleviate your problem. I personally like it and will probably use it for other games.
It's at least a possibility given the general unconventional nature of KI's controls. I mean, I'm suggesting people put a pillow in their lap with the stand on top, it's not too hard to imagine someone not reaching that conclusion on their own.

So...put a pillow in your lap. Place stand on pillow. Place 3DS on stand. Play!


It works for you...that's great.

I'll limit my Kid Icarus playing to when I'm near a flat surface...such as a table.

As an aside, I make my daughter use the stand when she plays Nintendogs. It totally keeps her stapled to her seat. +1 for the stand.
I'm a new 3DS owner and I'm already in that boat.

I just turn off 3D for SMT Overclocked and just...you know...play?

I like Kid Icarus. It's a brilliant game and I know that I would be playing it more if the controls were more conventional.
Overclocked has roughly 5 seconds of 3D.

Why does every thread turn in to both sides hiding behind a thin veil of subjectivity?

You guys are dumb, I'm going to go play videogames now.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
They provide a nice stand that means you don't have to hold the 3DS at all which should alleviate your problem. I personally like it and will probably use it for other games.

I play most of my 3DS games in bed or on the shitter. I don't think a stand would help me much in either situation.

That said, the uncomfortability of the 3DS basically means I don't really touch it. I haven't really turned mine on since December. It's a real shame...I spent quite a bit of money on the thing. :(
Just like we have had complaints about every other control scheme in existence. We still have those people pop up in Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime threads and complain about those controls. But for some reason, that game just doesn't seem to attract the anti-system sentiment like the 3DS does.

By your logic, every control scheme ever made is factually broken.

I wonder how many threads Halo got about its broken dual analog.
Some complaints are more valid than others, some control schemes have more issues than others. You have been ignoring my arguments or not properly reading them. There's been more controller complaints from users for this game than usual. Please read, don't make me repeat myself so much.

The examples noted regarding input criticism for those games had to do with people expectations of shooters control schemes at the time, not with ergonomics.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I still will be getting a 3DS, because of Nintendo games... but it's certainly not the best Nintendo hardware I've seen.

Good thing there's a 3D slider there. It'll be mostly off.
It's actually uncharacteristically poor hardware for Nintendo.

The original DS, even with its ugly phat design, was a very well thought out device with all of its elements playing into one another to create a cohesive, unique experience. The 3DS, on the other hand, has a serious identity problem. Many of its functions not only fail to compliment one another but actually detract from the experience when used in conjunction. Thanks to the 3D screen, direct touch interaction in games becomes limited (many DS games used the touchscreen as their main game screen while that is almost never true with 3DS). Motion sensing is also at odds with the 3D as it breaks the illusion while using it. Then you have the stylus positioning (which is in a difficult place to reach comparatively) and the whole second analog stick thing.

The DS and the Wii were very elegant machines while the 3DS feels incomplete almost as if everything about the design was sacrificed in order to include 3D.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'll just say in brief what I said in the Kid Icarus OT:

IMO the game is designed around a unique interface.

There is no single perfect control device that would allow that interface to seem "normal" by the standards of the lowest common denominators in the 3rd person action genre for most people.

Having said that I do believe it was a mistake to not include dual analog as an option with the CCP for people who absolutely do not want to learn the game's control scheme.

If there was a dual analog option, it might have gotten people acclimated to the game more gently, and encouraged them to try the stylus control for speed and precision at higher difficulty levels and to compete in multiplayer.

In the end, I think it's overly dramatic to say the interface and controls in the game are "bad" or even overly awkward. If you sit down, shut up, and figure out how to play the game, the interface works really well, and perhaps more importantly, creates a unique experience.

That does not mean the controls are fluffy, soft, and have no edges that make people frowny face. The biggest objective problem is NOT the stylus concept, but the form factor of the system. Same problem it's been since the DS. That is a legitimate issue.

Which is why I said CCP control should have been an option. I think Nintendo included the stand not because stylus controls are "bad" and they're trying to convince people they're not, but because the comfort issue is unavoidable.

In the end the problem is that some people will swear that because of this, the game should not be the game it is and should just have been a typical third person shooter.

Other people will feel the uniqueness of the game is not worth sacrificing at the altar of conformity.

Most of the pro reviews of the game have been remarkably fair, and have pointed out that the interface and comfort of playing the game is a rough edge, but not nearly enough to ruin the game. Only a few like the Sterling review and the ridiculous GameShark Dude have made the controls out to be a world ending disaster.

Oddly enough, the controversy does remind me of something that is now taken for granted about another Sakurai game: Smash Bros.

Most probably don't remember this, but back when Smash Bros became really big with the Gamecube, I distinctly remember a hell of a lot of controversy over its primary control scheme of using the analog stick for play. It was cited as stupid, backwards, and "just plain wrong" to play a fighting-type game that way. The controls were supposedly too uncomfortable and flawed because of having to distract one's self paying attention to factors like not pushing the stick down too hard to avoid dropping through platforms. It was called a "bad game" due to stuff like this.

Today, it seems most fans would think it's dumb to play Smash Bros. any way other than with a GC pad and analog stick. Ironically, that doesn't mean Smash Bros. control scheme isn't awkward until you get used to it. It can be. The game could have been designed in a much more "nerf-wrapped" manner to avoid absolutely all player confusion and skill curve in using the controls well. But, as seems to be the case with Sakurai games, a specific play mechanic was imagined and the game built around that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'll just say in brief what I said in the Kid Icarus OT:

IMO the game is designed around a unique interface.

There is no single perfect control device that would allow that interface to seem "normal" by the standards of the lowest common denominators in the 3rd person action genre for most people.
Really? I think it's pretty clear that this game would work absolutely flawlessly with the Wii-mote. It certainly feels as if it were designed for it.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Aside from the thread title, I agree with you AgentOtaku that the control scheme offered for left-handed people is not preferred and should have been remedied by offering at LEAST a Dual Analog option.

I love how many people come in here and say:

mock-GAF post said:
oh I got use to it after three or four stages HUR HUR HUR oh yeay I'm right handed, but stop complaining you little cry baby

Ummm.... How would you know? Have you tried playing the game with the stylus in your inferior hand while moving around with the dominant? If you thought it was hard to get use to the controls as a right-hander, then try and imagine what it is like for a left-hander. But why don't we just go out and get a CC Pro? Well because the damn thing is nearly impossible to find. The only option you have is from ordering online from Nintendo. And the CC PRO doesn't even offer a true control scheme for us left-handers unless we play south paw (which most of us don't).

That all said, yes I did get use to the original control scheme provided. It took me half the game and going back and playing levels over and over at different difficulties, but I finally feel comfortable holding the stylus in my right hand. I would go as far as saying that I now prefer playing the game with the control scheme giving then a dual analog set-up. But the problem is we are forced into playing something that is not intuitive, not preferred, and not even comfortable for us from the beginning. It's even worse then a FPS not offering an Inverted option.


Played about 3 hours of it from gamefly.

Honestly think this game is an embarassment control wise.

The only reason I didn't send it back after 20 minutes was my insomnia that night + how hilarious I thought it was.

Just the typical nintendo MO, make something potentially good/great and than jam bullshit controls into it to kneecap the poor thing. Best examples would be their wii platformers where inconsistent waggle detection made things that should be button presses a complete pain in the ass.


All the positive buzz around this game really made me want to pick up a 3DS and dive (soar?) in, but I'm left handed and none of the control schemes have looked suited for me, so I'm still holding off for a Nintendo redesign.


It feels like most of the first party 3DS titles I played, I ended up having some naggling issues with despite my overall love for them.

Kid Icarus: Controls. Impossible for me to play without the stand and awkward with it. I still get hand cramps unless I sit upright at my desk with the 3DS on the stand directly in front of me. Sitting on a couch has me constantly adjusting my legs to be a platform and laying in bed has me laying on my stomach, which is uncomfortable for long periods.

Mario 3D: Fixed camera and weird angles to make it all 3Dish has my eyes playing tricks on me. I literally have to play as Marios shadow just to see where he standing and judge my jumps based on that. First Mario game I ever had to consistently do this in. Its bad enough that I cant see 3D so I really wish the game had am adjustable camera.

Mario Kart: Cramps my hands like crazy.


he's Virgin Tight™
Yeah the controls are a clusterfuck. 2+ hours in and... ugh. I have hand cramps FFS. Big handed guys will have issues with the game, especially since the 3DS is such a piece of crap ergonomically. I like the game a lot, but the controls are a disaster. I honestly like them for the flight sections (aside from the hand issues) but on foot? God damn what an amazing clusterfuck. I dread going to the ground and fighting more than 3 enemies at once.

Such a shame, the game has amazing potential. If you have big hands, don't buy the game. Really. I shouldn't have to buy an accessory to play a game comfortable, even more so a handheld game.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Yeah the controls are a clusterfuck. 2+ hours in and... ugh. I have hand cramps FFS. Big handed guys will have issues with the game, especially since the 3DS is such a piece of crap ergonomically. I like the game a lot, but the controls are a disaster. I honestly like them for the flight sections (aside from the hand issues) but on foot? God damn what an amazing clusterfuck. I dread going to the ground and fighting more than 3 enemies at once.

Such a shame, the game has amazing potential. If you have big hands, don't buy the game. Really. I shouldn't have to buy an accessory to play a game comfortable, even more so a handheld game.

The game's controls would be infinitely more appealing to me if it was keyboard and mouse based. It seems perfect for that.

Unfortunately, like you, I already find the 3DS to be a nightmare ergonomically, and my hands already hurt immensely after playing the 3DS for 30 min or more. Kid Icarus looks painful to play.


So are people complaining about the stylus control or the globe camera? Stylus control is a hardware limitation and has been there since DS days with Metroid Prime Hunters and any other FPS. That should be clear going in.

What is disappointing is that the control options don't go far enough. No matter what you are still stuck with this spinning globe concept. No way to lock/restrict the reticule to control like DS FPS games, and no bounding box options to make it control like a Wii FPS.

A few other hardware comments. The circle pad is not suited for the walk/dash mechanics, this is pretty clear to me when trying to fight and navigate a narrow platform. A capacitive touch screen would have helped I think with some of the ergonomic issues. I have no problems controlling FPS games on a phone or tablet.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Really? I think it's pretty clear that this game would work absolutely flawlessly with the Wii-mote. It certainly feels as if it were designed for it.

Already thought about it. I think here'd still be problems.

The game levels and pacing seems designed for the ability to quick turn and spin 180 on a dime, especially in multiplayer. The stylus controls are effectively already a Wiimote.

With a Wiimote + nunchuk I'm not sure how you could avoid a 'distracting' gesture, swipe, or extra function key to quick turn, and spin.

It's the same prob folks have pointed out with FPS using Wiimote. It's fantastic for IR pointing, but unlike a keyboard and mouse, you cannot just flick the wiimote to spin instantly then pick the mouse up and recenter it. This is why the analog bounding box system is used in Wii and PS Move shooters instead of locking the cursor 1:1 to the IR pointer.

The stylus is much more like a mouse. The game could have used a straight Metroid Prime Hunters interface and I think that would have soothed much of the controversy.

It sure seems the game concept though, is combining a free targeting gun-game shooter with a 3rd person free roaming action game. That's almost completely unique, but it does introduce oddities in devising a control scheme.

Yeah the controls are a clusterfuck. 2+ hours in and... ugh. I have hand cramps FFS. Big handed guys will have issues with the game, especially since the 3DS is such a piece of crap ergonomically. I like the game a lot, but the controls are a disaster. I honestly like them for the flight sections (aside from the hand issues) but on foot? God damn what an amazing clusterfuck. I dread going to the ground and fighting more than 3 enemies at once.

Such a shame, the game has amazing potential. If you have big hands, don't buy the game. Really. I shouldn't have to buy an accessory to play a game comfortable, even more so a handheld game.

It's a prob because the ergonomic issues of holding the system shouldn't be conflated with actually learning how to play the game. A lot of people are probably doing the typical thing of assuming everyone who says "I played it a while and figured out how to play" are liars are "nintendo fanboys" or the usual shit people toss out when they are convinced something is objectively horrible and everyone should hate it. (See: the 15 different Skyward Sword threads of people swearing the Wiimote only works 1 out of every 100 sword slashes.)

If the game had supported a "backup" dual analog with CCP mode, I think that would have diverted a lot of the usual knee-jerk Nintendo game responses so that a rational discussion could be had about the merits of the stylus mode. Sadly, the fact that the learning to play the game well will be married to physical discomfort for a number of people is just going to screw the whole deal.

Here's a point: before the game was out and I tried it, I thought that it needed CCP support as the primary way to play the game. I was skeptical when I found out it didn't support a true dual analog mode. I even worried that this was a scheme; that Nintendo had insisted Sakurai not introduce that one option to not make a 1st party game seem "crippled" without dual analog controls.

Then I played the game, and after a couple of hours realized what a mutant freak of design it was, but a good freak.

I went in a hostile critic worried that the game would be broken, and came out more or less convinced. That's entirely apart from the unavoidable comfort issues of holding the system which varies wildly depending on one's personal ergonomics. (Personal ergonomics is why I said CCP controls should be included! Even if playing that way didn't show off the true uniqueness of the game.)

I have to chuckle a bit, that hardcore gamers are apt to complain about every game being the same, but deviate from current dominate base design in a game, and they'll be the first to gripe that they shouldn't be forced to waste their time "learning how to play". <---- this is not targeted at any one person on GAF, but is the widespread reaction happening in many places.
Yeah the controls are a clusterfuck. 2+ hours in and... ugh. I have hand cramps FFS. Big handed guys will have issues with the game, especially since the 3DS is such a piece of crap ergonomically.

Yep...picking up the 3DS and Kid Icarus has kindof confirmed for me that Nintendo and I are travelling in opposite directions.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Already thought about it. I think here'd still be problems.

The game levels and pacing seems designed for the ability to quick turn and spin 180 on a dime, especially in multiplayer. The stylus controls are effectively already a Wiimote.

With a Wiimote + nunchuk I'm not sure how you could avoid a 'distracting' gesture, swipe, or extra function key to quick turn, and spin.

It's the same prob folks have pointed out with FPS using Wiimote. It's fantastic for IR pointing, but unlike a keyboard and mouse, you cannot just flick the wiimote to spin instantly then pick the mouse up and recenter it. This is why the analog bounding box system is used in Wii and PS Move shooters instead of locking the cursor 1:1 to the IR pointer.

The stylus is much more like a mouse. The game could have used a straight Metroid Prime Hunters interface and I think that would have soothed much of the controversy.

It sure seems the game concept though, is combining a free targeting gun-game shooter with a 3rd person free roaming action game. That's almost completely unique, but it does introduce oddities in devising a control scheme.

Kid Icarus would be perfect on PC, with keyboard and mouse. it's a a real shame it's not on Wii with a mouse and keyboard peripheral.


So are people complaining about the stylus control or the globe camera? Stylus control is a hardware limitation and has been there since DS days with Metroid Prime Hunters and any other FPS. That should be clear going in.

What is disappointing is that the control options don't go far enough. No matter what you are still stuck with this spinning globe concept. No way to lock/restrict the reticule to control like DS FPS games, and no bounding box options to make it control like a Wii FPS.

A few other hardware comments. The circle pad is not suited for the walk/dash mechanics, this is pretty clear to me when trying to fight and navigate a narrow platform. A capacitive touch screen would have helped I think with some of the ergonomic issues. I have no problems controlling FPS games on a phone or tablet.

I have problems with the globe camera. I just can't get it to spin right. It's either too slow or too fast or I go too far, or not far enough. It makes close range/melee impossible for me. I also have issues with the dash thing. I often can't dash when I want to or dash when I don't want to. I'm constantly fighting with the controls just to move Pit.

But a lot of other people seem to just have issues with comfort.
Comfort isn't an issue for me. But I have small hands.


I've got a grip like the one posted earlier and it makes playing this really comfortable. I didn't have any issues at all with cramping or pains. I recommend it totally.


Such a shame, the game has amazing potential. If you have big hands, don't buy the game. Really. I shouldn't have to buy an accessory to play a game comfortable, even more so a handheld game.

This is why Microsoft is basically the only hardware company that will ever get my money it seems like (gf got a 3ds as a gift). Both Nintendo and Sony seem to have no desire to make handhelds/controllers that are ergonomically compatible with hands bigger than a childs.
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