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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer

So I picked this up on Thursday. Haven't played it at all.

Wanna know why?

My little brother who is a huge CoD freak, like it's literally the only game he's been playing the last 6 months, has been attached to the hip with my 3DS and this game all Easter break. He's complained about getting hand cramps and I tell him to stop playing and take a break but he refuses! So congratulations Sakurai, this game must be super addictive.

I really want to play it. : |
Well, it's not just the ridiculous camera that's bothersome now. I'm up to the chapter with the stereotypical gay villain, and there's a small moving platform to ride. Of course, when trying to inch forward, that is the same input as a dash. I believe I have dashed off the platform four times already.


Well, it's not just the ridiculous camera that's bothersome now. I'm up to the chapter with the stereotypical gay villain, and there's a small moving platform to ride. Of course, when trying to inch forward, that is the same input as a dash. I believe I have dashed off the platform four times already.

Yeah, it takes some practice to find that subtle difference between sliding into a walk and smashing into a run. It's usually not a problem on open ground, but I can totally understand the frustration from dashing off ledges.

I think they just shouldn't have let you walk off of ledges - especially since there are some ledges that you can walk off and some that you can't, and it's never entirely clear which is which until you've dashed off into a pit.
Yeah, it takes some practice to find that subtle difference between sliding into a walk and smashing into a run. It's usually not a problem on open ground, but I can totally understand the frustration from dashing off ledges.

I think they just shouldn't have let you walk off of ledges - especially since there are some ledges that you can walk off and some that you can't, and it's never entirely clear which is which until you've dashed off into a pit.

No pun intended, I'm sure.

Man... I want to love this game. I like the flying sections. And the ground sections are fun for bits, until I run into a control/camera issue. Then I get frustrated.

I can feel the love that went into the weapons and enemies, but it's just so aggravating when I overshoot the camera. I'm terrible at dual analog shooters, and for me, the CoD Wii pointer controls are amazing for FPS. I would kill for those here. At least, I wish I could play with Metroid Hunters bounding box controls. I'd more than be willing to give up any speed in turning. Just give me Metroid Hunters controls with CoD Wii levels of customizing. Oh, and don't let me dash off cliffs.

With finessing this could've been an amazing launch title for Wii U in HD with the pointer. Shame they're going for the whole tablet thing, but that's another gripe for another time. Back to trying to fall in love with this flawed game.

edit: And I tried First Person mode, but that didn't give me any awareness of my surroundings. I like the idea of having a camera recenter, but the 3DS just doesn't have the inputs for it. Or I should say that it doesn't allow them with this control scheme of monopolizing both hands. I have camera recenter assigned to A, but I can never hit it smoothly without getting hit. That could've been a glorious input to put on the nunchuk C button with Wiimote aiming and B-trigger shooting. Aaah... what could have been...
-I found the 3D hard to keep on. A lot of ghosting. Was it just me?

Not just you. The 3DS does have crosstalk (I think that's the name for it) particularly when an object is contrasting with the background (light on dark). Zelda had this problem pretty badly in a lot of it's dungeons.

I've definitely noticed it on a few of the stages so far, but most of the time everything is happening so fast I don't notice it too much.

My problem with the 3D is that it's very hard for me to keep myself in the "sweet spot" with this game. With the stand it's hard because I have to keep my head perfectly still, and without the stand it's impossible to keep my 3DS steady while I'm awkwardly clutching it with one had smashing the analog stick and hammering the left trigger.

Not going to lie; this game would be much more comfortable to play with a keyboard and mouse. (shift button for dash/run, LMB for shooting, perfect!)
I think I read somewhere (this thread, maybe??) that the game didn't sell too well in the UK. Anyone know how it's doing in the U.S.?
For what it's worth, so far it retained its price at online retail. If it would've totally bombed we would've seen some incentives to get rid of excess stock. But we all knew that this would not be huge out of the gates seeing that it's basically a new IP, its success depends on the legs it has.

I see one problem though: With Sora now occupied with Smash Bros for WiiU and 3DS even if it does sell well we won't be seeing a sequel in like forever (at least not done by Sora). *sad face*

Wrecking havoc online with my upperdash arm <3
Strange, can't ever get arms to work. Their range is pitiful and their melee is relatively slow (compared to claws) and lacks oomph (compared to clubs). Tried out a pretty sweet (or so I though)
arm out the other day but got handled pretty well.


I can make so many weapons, but I've still to encounter one I like better than my 5-star ranged Hedgehog Claws. I've timed it and no other weapon comes close to quickly killing the practise Mono-eye using just standard shots. The damage of the dash attacks is very respectable too and it charges very quickly, plus mine has +3 speed, so that makes me Sonic fast.

The main downside is the rest of the stats, I have 0-stars on melee (hardly use it anyway) and the rest is just +1 poison, health etc. Nothing impressive there. I'm having a really hard time making better Hedgehog Claws though, they all seem to fall short in one way or another.


I can make so many weapons, but I've still to encounter one I like better than my 5-star ranged Hedgehog Claws. I've timed it and no other weapon comes close to quickly killing the practise Mono-eye using just standard shots. The damage of the dash attacks is very respectable too and it charges very quickly, plus mine has +3 speed, so that makes me Sonic fast.

The main downside is the rest of the stats, I have 0-stars on melee (hardly use it anyway) and the rest is just +1 poison, health etc. Nothing impressive there. I'm having a really hard time making better Hedgehog Claws though, they all seem to fall short in one way or another.
Out of curiosity, how many points does it have?


Did anyone receive a SpotPass gem this morning?

I'm going to try to compile a listing showing what has been sent out and its attributes.


Ha! I just got a claw with "overall defense +8"

but the claw itself sucks and when i try to fuse it the attribute won't go over. Grrrrhhhh....
Nintendo need to lock back up Sakurai and Sora, give them anything they want, let them make whatever they want, just keep them making games for them.

Sakurai is the man, I hope he doesn't burn himself out. The amount of love and detail that is crammed into everything, its amazing. Fun AND kingly amounts of content no matter what the task is, outstanding!


Zero problems with 3D in land battles here. It's not hard at all to keep a steady grip, and I don't even get hand cramps, guess I should be thankful for that.

Love the 3D effect in this game though, makes the presentation truly shine.
Zero problems with 3D in land battles here. It's not hard at all to keep a steady grip, and I don't even get hand cramps, guess I should be thankful for that.

Love the 3D effect in this game though, makes the presentation truly shine.

For some reason i just fucking love the 3d cross.


Ha! I just got a claw with "overall defense +8"

but the claw itself sucks and when i try to fuse it the attribute won't go over. Grrrrhhhh....

I'm starting to believe that +8 defense isn't a transferable attribute. Been stuck with a cannon that has +8 defense too but it won't transfer to any of my other 188 weapons.


I'm starting to believe that +8 defense isn't a transferable attribute. Been stuck with a cannon that has +8 defense too but it won't transfer to any of my other 188 weapons.
Aw man! :(

is there any indication/guide when attributes will carry over and when not? There has to be a system behind this.

the higher the attribute the lower the cances to carry it over or something alike?
I'm taking my time with this game and soaking in every awesome moment. They really went above and beyond with the presentation. I love the characters and the steady progression of the narrative. The flying levels are just balls awesome. I would love to see this team make the next Star Fox.


Speaking of speaking of awesome imagery, I simply love the part of Mysterious Invaders that concides with 2:00 of the flight theme. It's my favourite piece in the game, due to it being sweeping and grand while still seeming imposing. I just loved the Aurum as enemies--they came from nothing, they were nothing, and in the end they returned to nothing. They existed only to consume and destroy, almost like zombies or Godzilla. I thought the concept was really neat in that way. Anyways, back to the song. Thr part at 2:00 is amazing, because it gives you that feeling of hopelessness as you struggle to even put dent in the forces of an enemy that is literally consuming the world. That song is up there with Lightning Battle and Magnus' Theme as some of the best the game has to offer.

Being a music minor, I could literally talk for hours about the imagery in THIS GAME's music.
YES!! First off, I love that song -- on my car CD, the flight version opens the 24-track concert I've assembled for myself. The best part is 2:28 when the drums go thump-THUMP-thump-THUMP-thump. Also, agreed on (spoiler about enemy not seen in pre-release material)
the Aurum: They're a colossal, menacing, grandiose presence with their Independence Day-style fleet of floating islands and their countless battle cruisers and ships, yet their jazzy themes and digitized look give them loads of style to match. They also inspired some of the coolest-looking weapons in the game, and have probably the slickest reactor-style bosses of any series in gaming, from the fleshy Aurum Generator to the graceful spirals of the Aurum Brain. I also love the interlocking patterns of light leading to the Aurum Brain and threading across the many patchwork tiles comprising their various structures. Hypnotizing! What a trilogy of chapters the Aurum were.
That segment you cited was a cutoff version. I'm not sure who ripped the tracks, but it has a missing beginning segment at the beginning to signify
Pyrron's appearance
. That is essentially

I still love the track that comes AFTER that.
It's such an unexpected style of choice to choose Jazz, but how they used the violins at 1:10 to give it that "mysterious alien wail" and then blend them at 1:27 make the tune really come together.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Did anyone receive a SpotPass gem this morning?

I'm going to try to compile a listing showing what has been sent out and its attributes.

I'm getting one on almost a daily basis.
That segment you cited was a cutoff version. I'm not sure who ripped the tracks, but it has a missing beginning segment at the beginning to signify
Pyrron's appearance
. That is essentially

I still love the track that comes AFTER that.
It's such an unexpected style of choice to choose Jazz, but how they used the violins at 1:10 to give it that "mysterious alien wail" and then blend them at 1:27 make the tune really come together.

Yeah, as a violin student myself, I loved that part. It also really like the violins at 2:17, they give the piece a certain amount of grace, representing the sleek, nondescript nature of the Aurum. Then at 3:15, the whole piece goes crazy, with the violins now signifying the truly dangerous threat the Aurum pose.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a piece to go learn ;)


I'm starting to believe that +8 defense isn't a transferable attribute. Been stuck with a cannon that has +8 defense too but it won't transfer to any of my other 188 weapons.

Nah, it'll carry. Mine's just stuck to my -4 health, unfortunately, and I haven't been able to separate them. Fortunately, I have a good number of moveable +5s, a few +6s that can move around, and at least one +7 that doesn't really want to go anywhere useful.


I'm starting to believe that +8 defense isn't a transferable attribute. Been stuck with a cannon that has +8 defense too but it won't transfer to any of my other 188 weapons.

I found a similar situation for my DEF+7 Health+5 cannon. can it take a beating? Oh HELL YES. Does it do damage? Let's not go there.

What probably needs to happen is to find something with a rating high enough to transfer the trait over. Unfortunately that probably means you'll need a 350+ rating or something which I haven't seen yet (max I've gotten so far is 345 or so, the aformentioned cannon is 324). Fusing higher-level weapons it looks like ratings don't gradually rise w/ items of equal value, but rather, they converge towards ~300. Anything less than 300 I can combine and raise ratings but higher and it's an uphill battle to keep ratings up. Obviously a balancing mechanism to prevent you from making some uber weapon, but...


I can make so many weapons, but I've still to encounter one I like better than my 5-star ranged Hedgehog Claws. I've timed it and no other weapon comes close to quickly killing the practise Mono-eye using just standard shots. The damage of the dash attacks is very respectable too and it charges very quickly, plus mine has +3 speed, so that makes me Sonic fast.

The main downside is the rest of the stats, I have 0-stars on melee (hardly use it anyway) and the rest is just +1 poison, health etc. Nothing impressive there. I'm having a really hard time making better Hedgehog Claws though, they all seem to fall short in one way or another.

I'm with you, I made some 243 hedgehog claws with a 3 star melee rating and I use nothing else right now. Its got a +2 running speed bonus with +4 stamina so I can run around forever at high speed (great for putting daybreak together) that and I have +3 melee combo and +1 melee dash attack which makes it a great hit and run weapon. Also it has burning +1 which helps from time to time :D

Nintendo need to lock back up Sakurai and Sora, give them anything they want, let them make whatever they want, just keep them making games for them.

Sakurai is the man, I hope he doesn't burn himself out. The amount of love and detail that is crammed into everything, its amazing. Fun AND kingly amounts of content no matter what the task is, outstanding!

I highly agree, Sakurai really knows his games, Nintendo needs to make sure they stay first party


Junior Member
I finished the game a few days ago and I don't think I'm going to go back to it until circle pad pros come back in stock. The controls made it harder than it should have been because of me being a lefty. Can't wait to go back to it eventually though.


I'm taking my time with this game and soaking in every awesome moment. They really went above and beyond with the presentation. I love the characters and the steady progression of the narrative. The flying levels are just balls awesome. I would love to see this team make the next Star Fox.

Yes, this game is entirely awesome and I've enjoyed every moment.

From what I've played of Chapter 13,
it is pretty much the final run through the Death Star (even down to the "Is that a moon? That's no moon, that's a space station"). I want the next Star Fox to go even more overboard with the Star Wars references.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
God the "crisis mode" challenges are so infuriating. Learning the timing requires grinding the entire level a few times and if I screw up and get hit in crisis mode and lose and my level drops below 5 I have to start the whole mess all over again

I just missed Thanatos by a hair because Pit recovered from crisis mode literally a half a second before I dealt the final blow


I just missed Thanatos by a hair because Pit recovered from crisis mode literally a half a second before I dealt the final blow

I was stupid enough to try and complete that challenge while playing at 9.0 so I won't have to replay the level again, and in the end died right before killing him.


I can make so many weapons, but I've still to encounter one I like better than my 5-star ranged Hedgehog Claws. I've timed it and no other weapon comes close to quickly killing the practise Mono-eye using just standard shots. The damage of the dash attacks is very respectable too and it charges very quickly, plus mine has +3 speed, so that makes me Sonic fast.

The main downside is the rest of the stats, I have 0-stars on melee (hardly use it anyway) and the rest is just +1 poison, health etc. Nothing impressive there. I'm having a really hard time making better Hedgehog Claws though, they all seem to fall short in one way or another.
It sounds like we have a similar play style, and I have always favored palms. They can be very power medium range and you wasting the specialization of claws if you don't do a lot of melee attacking.

Burning Palms and Pudgy Palms off fantastic ranged power and, my current pick,
Aurum Palms
absolutely dominate the flying segments.

That said, movement speed is reduced with Palms vs Claws.


I never really understood that. Are they implying that a tattoo is heavier than a set of claws that you strap to your hands?

The weight of knowing that you've made a horrible mistake in getting a full arm tattoo, and it will automatically be a mark against you in any job interview you attend in the future.
Holy shit chapter

This was the last game I expected to give a shit about when it came to narrative.

What. The. Hell.

I don't think I've made it that far yet
I'm on the chapter where Pit becomes the one ring
and the story is already batshit insane, in the best way.

This has really set a new standard for relaunching an old franchise. I remember loving KI when I played it as a kid but I can hardly believe how much Sakurai and his team were able to build from that strange game into this wild cast of characters.
The weight of knowing that you've made a horrible mistake in getting a full arm tattoo, and it will automatically be a mark against you in any job interview you attend in the future.
I think that you'll find that today's employers are much more open to ignore the typical tattoo stereotypes. I mean, my full body Yakuza tattoos haven't prevented me from finding gainful employement. In fact I usually show up to interviews in speedos to properly show them off.
The weight of knowing that you've made a horrible mistake in getting a full arm tattoo, and it will automatically be a mark against you in any job interview you attend in the future.

So does THAT imply that Pit undergoes laser-removal surgery every time you switch weapons?! Suddenly, I regret using the Ninja Palm on and off for a few days...


I don't think I've made it that far yet
I'm on the chapter where Pit becomes the one ring
and the story is already batshit insane, in the best way.

This has really set a new standard for relaunching an old franchise. I remember loving KI when I played it as a kid but I can hardly believe how much Sakurai and his team were able to build from that strange game into this wild cast of characters.

I think you both are talking about the same stage.

Man I'm so sad that I've spoiled so much about this game =/
Waiting 2-4 weeks to play a game you guys play day one makes me do this u.u


Holy shit chapter

This was the last game I expected to give a shit about when it came to narrative.

What. The. Hell.

Loved that part. Loved the music and a nice change of pace. I'd just thought to myself how the game needed a break from the action.

I kind of miss that in this game. If you marathon through the chapters like I did there's really no point (except what I just mentioned) where you can just wander around, take a breather and take in the scenery without being urged forwards. Oh wells, not much of a complaint really.
I think you both are talking about the same stage.

Man I'm so sad that I've spoiled so much about this game =/
Waiting 2-4 weeks to play a game you guys play day one makes me do this u.u

I was trying to do a marathon run this weekend to finish SP but I didn't realize that I'd made it that far.

...and stop reading spoilers :p


So regarding the final boss
did it catch anyone else off guard when Hades just starts running at you? Obviously he won't catch you but just seeing this big guy running at your screen is crazy.


...Wow. The Medusa head item sucks. I got about halfway through
Chapter 24
on 9.0, saw a reaper and the head, and figured "what the hell, I guess I'll try using it this time." (Even though I can do that part easily without it, I figured maybe it'd speed things up.) Turns out it can hit and stone you. The dumb thing hit me twice and made what would've been a cakewalk into an instant death. Never again! (Luckily, this level doesn't seem too bad and as soon as I get a LITTLE more comfortable with the boss/killing mimicuties consistently I should be able to take it down easily.)


God the "crisis mode" challenges are so infuriating. Learning the timing requires grinding the entire level a few times and if I screw up and get hit in crisis mode and lose and my level drops below 5 I have to start the whole mess all over again

I just missed Thanatos by a hair because Pit recovered from crisis mode literally a half a second before I dealt the final blow

I unlocked that one by accident on my 9.0 run, spamming idol transformation holding on for my dear life on the 2nd crisis mode hoping Thanatos bites it. Might want to have Bumblebee handy so that you have a better chance of not getting one-shotted.
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