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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer


So regarding the final boss
did it catch anyone else off guard when Hades just starts running at you? Obviously he won't catch you but just seeing this big guy running at your screen is crazy.

It was a little scary I must admit lol. The 3D model is legitimately creepy. The 2D depiction is more "cool".


Finally finished the game. (Only 84% on my save file, so I'll have to work on that).

My spoiler-free opinion is that this is the best game I've played in a long time -- in the sense that, in addition to the nonstop fun you find in basically every first-party Nintendo game, KI:U brings a ton of freshness to the table in multiple ways. All Nintendo games are finely-tuned, but few push it over the top to the level that this one does.

I also really enjoyed the level design, as silly as that might sound given the simplicity of it. What really struck me (with the ground designs especially) is that you're rewarded both for exploration and for upping the intensity (referring to the gates, obviously), without being forced to do either. In addition, the "secrets" are basically just off the beaten path, rather than being something that you have to spend endless hours to find.

Some near-end sort-of spoilers follow:
The only place that really made me afraid that the awesomeness level was winding down a bit was the Chaos Rift chapter where you just fight wave after wave of monster on a stationary platform. I didn't like it.

The other rhythm-breakers in the last third of the game were nice though. Playing as Magnus, playing as Dark Pit, the battle against Palutena, and the Magnus/Gaol fight were all really good.

The only thing I really wish might have been different is maybe having Magnus around a little more in whatever capacity. I felt like he could've/should've been fleshed out at least as much as Dark Pit, but oh well.


I love the foreshadowing in Ar
dialogue, made the second run-through fun to listen to.
Some choice quotes:
"Why would I be attacking. I'm far too busy...defending, my dear"
"Mistress Viridi told me not to let you spread chaos here, of all places"
"The Lunar Sanctum hasn't enough room for any...more guests"
It fit his reserved character well, I thought.
Was anyone else a bit sad at the end of this chapter? Not only did Pit blow up this base containing beautiful golden cities and a commander who hardly comes across as villainous, but he also unleashes 3 years of anarchy and destruction. Dick.
Also, and I'm just venting here, but the weapon stat transferral system in this game is pissing me off. I have this arm with Def+5 that can be fused into a blade I want, but the club I have for the fusion won't bring the stat over. So I make another club and, whaddaya know, it won't transfer. I end up making 5 clubs, which isn't easy because they all need decent values to make the fusion worthwile, none of which work and I get understandedly frustrated. Is there any rhyme or reason to this or is it just, "lols, hope you're lucky bitchtits"
I love the foreshadowing in Ar
dialogue, made the second run-through fun to listen to.
Some choice quotes:
"Why would I be attacking. I'm far too busy...defending, my dear"
"Mistress Viridi told me not to let you spread chaos here, of all places"
"The Lunar Sanctum hasn't enough room for any...more guests"
It fit his reserved character well, I thought.
Was anyone else a bit sad at the end of this chapter? Not only did Pit blow up this base containing beautiful golden cities and a commander who hardly comes across as villainous, but he also unleashes 3 years of anarchy and destruction. Dick.
Also, and I'm just venting here, but the weapon stat transferral system in this game is pissing me off. I have this arm with Def+5 that can be fused into a blade I want, but the club I have for the fusion won't bring the stat over. So I make another club and, whaddaya know, it won't transfer. I end up making 5 clubs, which isn't easy because they all need decent values to make the fusion worthwile, none of which work and I get understandedly frustrated. Is there any rhyme or reason to this or is it just, "lols, hope you're lucky bitchtits"

Yeah, I was pretty upset that Pit and Palutena just invaded and destroyed this awesome place just because it was Viridi's. I think my philosophy prof called that being a "victim of association." Also, if it weren't for Pit and Palutena, they could've put an end to the Aurum threat a lot sooner by using thd Lunar Sanctum to go all Death Star on them. Grrrrrrr, designated heroes!

But can we be sure that Arlon's dead? Phosphora survived her beatdown, and she was much more frail than Arlon.

And yes, as far as I know there is no algorithm for bonus inheritance; they seem to be completely random. It seems, however, that the better he bonus is, the less likely it is to be inherited. So yes, I do hope you're lucky.


The homing on the
Palm is hilarious. I got a really, really good one (5 range, 2-3 Melee (can't remember, don't melee that much but it's at least decent), +3 shot range, and +5 defense) and temporarily replaced my awesome Violet palm with it. (My Violet is pretty much just 1 1/2 stars weaker in both stats, but has a +3 heart bonus that makes it better to use if I can as it nets me more cash.) Anyway, it's great curving shots around corners or hitting
Cragalanches' back
(mid-game boss spoiler) from the side.

Oh, and I beat
Chapter 24
on 9.0. Now all that's left is the final boss. Any tips on
how to dodge the tornado part?
That's the one bit that seems kind of confusing to me.
The homing on the
Palm is hilarious. I got a really, really good one (5 range, 2-3 Melee (can't remember, don't melee that much but it's at least decent), +3 shot range, and +5 defense) and temporarily replaced my awesome Violet palm with it. (My Violet is pretty much just 1 1/2 stars weaker in both stats, but has a +3 heart bonus that makes it better to use if I can as it nets me more cash.) Anyway, it's great curving shots around corners or hitting
Cragalanches' back
(mid-game boss spoiler) from the side.

Oh, and I beat
Chapter 24
on 9.0. Now all that's left is the final boss. Any tips on
how to dodge the tornado part?
That's the one bit that seems kind of confusing to me.

Veer to the left the first time and to the right the second time, think. They may be reversed, so try it on 2.0 first.

Now just let me steal a quote from the game and say, "Look how far you've come! I'm proud of you."


The homing on the
Palm is hilarious. I got a really, really good one (5 range, 2-3 Melee (can't remember, don't melee that much but it's at least decent), +3 shot range, and +5 defense) and temporarily replaced my awesome Violet palm with it. (My Violet is pretty much just 1 1/2 stars weaker in both stats, but has a +3 heart bonus that makes it better to use if I can as it nets me more cash.) Anyway, it's great curving shots around corners or hitting
Cragalanches' back
(mid-game boss spoiler) from the side.

Oh, and I beat
Chapter 24
on 9.0. Now all that's left is the final boss. Any tips on
how to dodge the tornado part?
That's the one bit that seems kind of confusing to me.

to avoid damage in the tornado part of the final boss just move to the lower right corner of the screen. That's what I do and I take no damage.

Also I really wish you could add people you play with online. I spent the last hour in a free for all battle with someone called Sakura. The whole time we both pretty much just went after each other. We just kept killing each other and if anyone got near us we would take them out before continuing our battle.


to avoid damage in the tornado part of the final boss just move to the lower right corner of the screen. That's what I do and I take no damage.

I thought you were supposed to go where there was "resistance". Like, if you go left and Pit gets pushed back slightly, then you keep going against it until you get to the edge. If you can get to the edge easily, then just go the opposite direction.
It's what I did to avoid damage, at least.
I'm getting more of a hang of the controls. I'd still trade them for a customizable bounding-box scheme. I'm beginning to think this game has so much damn content just to keep you playing until you get used to the handling and camera.


Yeah, I was pretty upset that Pit and Palutena just invaded and destroyed this awesome place just because it was Viridi's. I think my philosophy prof called that being a "victim of association." Also, if it weren't for Pit and Palutena, they could've put an end to the Aurum threat a lot sooner by using thd Lunar Sanctum to go all Death Star on them. Grrrrrrr, designated heroes!

But can we be sure that Arlon's dead? Phosphora survived her beatdown, and she was much more frail than Arlon.
Wow, stop the crazy train!
Arlon was going to use the Lunar Sanctum to destroy human cities. Palutena says it right at the start of the chapter -- the Lunar Sanctum makes Reset Bombs look like firecrackers and will be used next. Our heros didn't really have a choice; Viridi had declared war on humanity and that was the next tool in her arsenal.


Just finished up the game on 9.0. That last chapter got intense at the end.
Beat the second to last form with a shot that also broke a purple ball. I was in crisis mode. Death was shooting at me as he died. And then I also beat the last form in crisis mode. It was INSANE.

Anyway, I guess I'll keep chipping away at those little boxes for at least a bit, as I still have a decent number left. And I need to do
Boss Rush on medium and hard.
Not sure how doable that last part will be, but I figure I should at least try.
Wow, stop the crazy train!
Arlon was going to use the Lunar Sanctum to destroy human cities. Palutena says it right at the start of the chapter -- the Lunar Sanctum makes Reset Bombs look like firecrackers and will be used next. Our heros didn't really have a choice; Viridi had declared war on humanity and that was the next tool in her arsenal.

*Insert obligatory Ozzy Osbourne reference*

Huh, I guess I missed that. To be honest, I've only really played through that chapter like, 3 times, and once without dialogue. It's next on my to-9 list after

It DOES kind of make Arlon's "I'm too busy defending" line sound out-of-character, though. Was he lying, or did he honestly think that the Sanctum wouldn't be used for evil porpoises?


*Insert obligatory Ozzy Osbourne reference*

Huh, I guess I missed that. To be honest, I've only really played through that chapter like, 3 times, and once without dialogue. It's next on my to-9 list after

It DOES kind of make Arlon's "I'm too busy defending" line sound out-of-character, though. Was he lying, or did he honestly think that the Sanctum wouldn't be used for evil porpoises?

He WAS too busy defending... because you were attacking him right then. If you weren't attacking him he wouldn't be too busy defending and then he could be attacking.
He WAS too busy defending... because you were attacking him right then. If you weren't attacking him he wouldn't be too busy defending and then he could be attacking.

I just checked, and the exchange goes as follows:

Palutena: With all this firepower, Arlon must be gearing up for a massive attack!

Arlon: Why on earth would I be attacking? I'm far too busy... defending, my dear.

The context of the sentence makes it sound like Arlon wasn't even CONSIDERING launching an attack, maybe because he was busy containing the Chaos Kin. I dunno, the reasoning just sounds kinda flimsy to me.


I just checked, and the exchange goes as follows:

Palutena: With all this firepower, Arlon must be gearing up for a massive attack!

Arlon: Why on earth would I be attacking? I'm far too busy... defending, my dear.

The context of the sentence makes it sound like Arlon wasn't even CONSIDERING launching an attack, maybe because he was busy containing the Chaos Kin. I dunno, the reasoning just sounds kinda flimsy to me.
Hmm... I suppose it's possible the first shot when you're approaching was a shot they'd take at anyone who'd come close enough to jeopardize the sanctum's safety and risk loosing the Chaos Kin. But it's also possible Arlon -was- planning to attack. His whole character was that he was a dangerous enemy who wore a polite facade. I think his idol even mentions how he plays the part of a "reticent butler." I interpreted his behavior as self-styled hospitality to lure his foes into a false sense of security. There's a part in the trench run, I believe, where he's talking in terms of polite chat over tea or some such -- all while enemies try to kill you and, not long later, the sanctum takes another shot at you at point-blank range. Consider also the polite way he introduces his special ops, the Flages. He knows fully well they're trying to kill you, but he speaks of them like it's a mild amusement for him and Pit. It's an act.
Hmm... I suppose it's possible the first shot when you're approaching was a shot they'd take at anyone who'd come close enough to jeopardize the sanctum's safety and risk loosing the Chaos Kin. But it's also possible Arlon -was- planning to attack. His whole character was that he was a dangerous enemy who wore a polite facade. I think his idol even mentions how he plays the part of a "reticent butler." I interpreted his behavior as self-styled hospitality to lure his foes into a false sense of security. There's a part in the trench run, I believe, where he's talking in terms of polite chat over tea or some such -- all while enemies try to kill you and, not long later, the sanctum takes another shot at you at point-blank range. Consider also the polite way he introduces his special ops, the Flages. He knows fully well they're trying to kill you, but he speaks of them like it's a mild amusement for him and Pit. It's an act.

Come to think of it, there was that one part where he briefly drops his facade and becomes angry before Pit jokes about how this contradicts his title, at which point he becomes calm and polite again.

Everythig he did during the air section, though--firing "warning shots," closing the gates, and trying to overwhelm Pit with the Flages and security lasers--seemed more consistent with trying to guard the Sanctum rather than crush Pit. I'll admit, the point blank shot kind of contradicts this theory, but a surprisingly large number of his lines ("We don't have room for any more guests") and actions (using Dark Pit as an impromptu security measure) seem to imply that his first priority was keeping the Chaos Kin secure.


I was busy fooling around trying to create a better Halo club for multiplayer and came up with the following:
Ranged ** 1/2
Melee ** 1/2
Overall defense +4
Running Speed +3
Poison +1
Shot homing +1
Value 265

It's not a monster weapon but I was fairly pleased with the results plus I was doing very well with a weaker version of the same weapon so this should help out even more. Now it's time to try it!
Ogre Club:
2 Stars Ranged
5 Stars Melee
Speed +4
Melee Dash Attack +4
Stamina +2

Dash attack does 370 damage, 1-shotting everyone in Together.

fucking gaol and it's 9.0 shenanigans

fight went on forever and totally cheap shotted me ;_;
IMO, Gaol on 9.0 is super easy with a good club. Gaol dies in just 3 melee combos. Run around until Gaol uses the dash attack, and then swing away.


Any suggestions on beating Twinbellows before he howls? It seems like he always does it at the start, and even my powerful weapons don't seem to bring him down quick enough on zero (even when adding in a mega laser). I'm kind of at a loss.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It sounds like we have a similar play style, and I have always favored palms. They can be very power medium range and you wasting the specialization of claws if you don't do a lot of melee attacking.

Burning Palms and Pudgy Palms off fantastic ranged power and, my current pick,
Aurum Palms
absolutely dominate the flying segments.

That said, movement speed is reduced with Palms vs Claws.

Cursed palm ftw.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Any suggestions on beating Twinbellows before he howls? It seems like he always does it at the start, and even my powerful weapons don't seem to bring him down quick enough on zero (even when adding in a mega laser). I'm kind of at a loss.

I've ye tto beat the challenge myself, but I think he gets off an attack or two before howling on medium difficulties (3-5). I think you need to try to beat him there. Just get something with 6 stars ranged, energy charge and blast the crap out of him ASAP, firing off a laser or two as well.
Game STILL hasn't left my 3DS yet. Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Ocarina of Time 3D, RE: Revelations, and other games are just crying for attention. But, I just can't seem to pull myself away.


Nooooo, I almost made it to the ch. 3 boss on 9.0, but that totem that shoots lasers killed me.

Well, at least I got a new badass weapon that I'll be trying tomorrow.

Has it been said how amazing is this game? ;)


Man, online with random people is easy mode compared to you guys.

I think I've settled on Arms now. Their normal shots aren't very good but the melee attacks have crazy knock back making it great in arenas with pits. Also the charge shots have pretty decent homing and damage on them.


Has anyone come across any problems using the Circle Pad Pro with Kid Icarus? I don't mean gameplay wise, but technically. I find that my CPP won't work half the time when I'm trying to play the game :(
Has anyone come across any problems using the Circle Pad Pro with Kid Icarus? I don't mean gameplay wise, but technically. I find that my CPP won't work half the time when I'm trying to play the game :(
Nope, works fine here. Is it just KI? Maybe something is wrong with your CPP.


Nope, works fine here. Is it just KI? Maybe something is wrong with your CPP.

Seems to be. It takes a while before my system registers it, even after changing the battery. I have to put the 3DS in there up to three times consecutively before it will work. I tried searching for similar problems but have only come across one person who seems to be experiencing the same thing and that person never got a reply about it.


Has anyone come across any problems using the Circle Pad Pro with Kid Icarus? I don't mean gameplay wise, but technically. I find that my CPP won't work half the time when I'm trying to play the game :(

Yes, and no. Upon startup, yes. In the middle of gameplay, no.

Originally, when I owned it I didn't read the manual and knew nothing of synchronisation. I would start up the game and half the time it would register, the other half I'd just quit and restart the game.

Since putting it on standby and raging when it didn't work, I've learned about the sync process. Now, it never registers when I turn on the game and I have to sync it every fucking time.


Seems to be. It takes a while before my system registers it, even after changing the battery. I have to put the 3DS in there up to three times consecutively before it will work. I tried searching for similar problems but have only come across one person who seems to be experiencing the same thing and that person never got a reply about it.
For your convinience:

when the CPP does not work go to the titlescreen or pause the game. Now press L + R +X. Now you are in a configuration menu. Configure the hell out of it.

should work now. Does not work in multiplayer.
Seems to be. It takes a while before my system registers it, even after changing the battery. I have to put the 3DS in there up to three times consecutively before it will work. I tried searching for similar problems but have only come across one person who seems to be experiencing the same thing and that person never got a reply about it.
Have you tried pushing the shoulder buttons before start-up? CPP powers up then and it might help the syncing.


Have you tried pushing the shoulder buttons before start-up? CPP powers up then and it might help the syncing.

For your convinience:

when the CPP does not work go to the titlescreen or pause the game. Now press L + R +X. Now you are in a configuration menu. Configure the hell out of it.

should work now. Does not work in multiplayer.

I have not tried that yet, thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if that helps.

PK Gaming

So I basically fused the coolest fucking thing ever.


Palutena blade
value: 278
range: 5.5
melee: 0

+3 speed, +2 shot range, +3 imperil boost, +2 Melee combo.

So I basically have a blade that hase range comparable to some staffs (87.7M for my forward dash shot) a TON of speed, a nifty imperil boost for when i'm crisis and a fairly cool Melee combo boost (keep in mind that the Palutena blade has dirt weak melee damage, so its not that cool of stat)

I don't usually brag, but being able to deal 88 - 100+ damage to people from afar is fucking sweet. Especially when I combine it with energy charge.

It's my baby <3
Beat the game.
It was awesome.

So just a question about the end of the game.
Doesn't Viridi still want to wipe out Humanity? Or did I miss something were she forgave all their horrible crimes. I mean, with Hades and the Aurem out of the picture surely now is a good time to attack the humans.

But yes, game was awesome.


Just wanted to get a pic of these here. These are my babies. Mostly for single player.


Ogre Club:
2 Stars Ranged
5 Stars Melee
Speed +4
Melee Dash Attack +4
Stamina +2

Dash attack does 370 damage, 1-shotting everyone in Together.

My God! Nice breeding job there with Speed and Melee Dash +4. Even the +2 Stanima is relevant.
Beat the game.
It was awesome.

So just a question about the end of the game.
Doesn't Viridi still want to wipe out Humanity? Or did I miss something were she forgave all their horrible crimes. I mean, with Hades and the Aurem out of the picture surely now is a good time to attack the humans.

But yes, game was awesome.

She hasn't forgiven them, but it's implied that everything that happened from chapter 15 on caused her to change her approach.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This game broke my L shoulder button.
That's how I see it as well.
Especially when she starts warming up to Pit, you can kind of see that her attitude has changed.

Viridi had 3 years to rebuild and restock her Reset Bomb factories as well as strengthen her army. That she instead spent those 3 years protecting the Earth from Hades and Chaos!Palutena is proof positive that she's changed for the better.


Does anyone know how much HP we have in Together?


Been using a Divine Bow with 2 star shot, +3 charge dash shots and +4 powers. It's crazy accurate so I can finish off the folks that I couldn't quite kill with my laser. Wishing I had lv4 laser instead of lv1 though. Also, the nature of heavenly light caters it to a more close quarters weapon (you can pretty much drain the entire life bar of an enemy just standing next to him with power+4 lv4 light). I'm enjoying it though and I guess that's what matters most.
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