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Known Doofus Acts Like Doofus About Something Dumb in GameStop


I completely lost it and started cracking up when I read he changed his name because a bear conductor got his name wrong.


benevolent sexism
There some misconceptions surrounding this - People on the autistic spectrum may have a hard time recognizing the social cues on how/when they should react emotionally, but can definitely feel compassion, sometimes in overwhelming amounts.

Chris happens to be lacking in compassion as well because he's just not a very nice person. He still doesn't deserve any of what people online have done to him, but outside of this stuff he's been a grade-A jerk to people on many occasions.

I'm well aware that not all autistic people are incapable of feeling empathy. In this particular case, I see it as a plausible contributor to his attitudes and personality problems. He could, of course, just be a shitty guy, but it seems unlikely to me that his disorder isn't inextricably intertwined with all his other bullshit.

I think he's a tragic figure and, depending on the extent of his impairment, not entirely blameworthy for all the nonsense he gets mixed up in.
Fucking hell, that wiki... I'd say that the people who are maintaining this have serious mental issues, but that would be insulting. It's much more accurate to call them fucking losers. Holy shit, some of the shit in there is literal stalking. They have pictures people took of him in secret, people sneaking into his burnt down house to steal shit, it's fucked up.


Fucking hell, that wiki... I'd say that the people who are maintaining this have serious mental issues, but that would be insulting. It's much more accurate to call them fucking losers. Holy shit, some of the shit in there is literal stalking. They have pictures people took of him in secret, people sneaking into his burnt down house to steal shit, it's fucked up.
What did they steal? The photos on there were from someone who worked at the insurance company that assessed the damage.
Fucking hell, that wiki... I'd say that the people who are maintaining this have serious mental issues, but that would be insulting. It's much more accurate to call them fucking losers. Holy shit, some of the shit in there is literal stalking. They have pictures people took of him in secret, people sneaking into his burnt down house to steal shit, it's fucked up.

Most of the stuff given in that wiki comes from Chris himself. Chris is notoriously bad for hiding and protecting information.
What did they steal? The photos I saw were from someone who worked at the insurance company that assessed the damage.

"Meanwhile, a troll snuck into 14 Branchland Court and recovered some documents which feature samples of his academic work, and show that he received very poor marks."
"Meanwhile, a troll snuck into 14 Branchland Court and recovered some documents which feature samples of his academic work, and show that he received very poor marks."

Because he is from the insurance company. The boards explain that (and even generated controversy as people felt uncomfortable).

Sorry, I don't get it. This is one deep rabbit hole.

It was the next day after the Call.


When he told the internet he jizzed into a cup when masturbating, mixed it with Fanta and drank it because he thought you only had one load and would lose it forever if you didn't ingest it again; that's the craziest thing I've heard about Chris-chan.

That's true and he even did a video of the act. Yeaahhhhhhh...


Ok, so I listened to a few partial clips on YouTube from prank calls of a girl with a really annoying, high pitched voice named Kacie pretending to chew him out over how he attacked a character in one of his comics, and then a prank call from some idiot pretending to be this Kacie girl's father who browbeats and humiliates him for wanting to date her. This is sick and these people who engage him in this way should be ashamed of themselves. The fact there is a rather large community built around gleefully baiting, prodding and harassing a guy with mental problems is disgusting and disturbing. I've seen all I want to ever take in of this ever again.

That's the thing. This kind of stuff has happened to him MANY times and he does not learn from it. It's honestly amazing how someone can be this stupid.


That's the thing. This kind of stuff has happened to him MANY times and he does not learn from it. It's honestly amazing how someone can be this stupid.

He is a result of his experience and circumstance. It doesn't help that his mother is an enabler of his attitudes and actions such as this, and I'm sure his autism plays a role in this type of conditional imbalance when compared to a typical person of our society.

The internet hive mind hasn't done him any favors. If anything, it's been committed to bomb any bridges to help this man, making sure he stays where he is.
He is a result of his experience and circumstance. It doesn't help that his mother is an enabler of his attitudes and actions such as this, and I'm sure his autism plays a role in this type of conditional imbalance when compared to a typical person of our society.

The internet hive mind hasn't done him any favors. If anything, it's been committed to bomb any bridges to help this man, making sure he stays where he is.

He burned the bridges before that, being honest. His initial comics were about loitering and avoiding mall cops and managers.
I try to never make a point if mocking him, but I feel bad even passively following hisnantics now if it helps fuels the harrassment

I wanted to respond to that comment with a picture a fishy queen...but I was too lazy to look through Google images and my pinterest board.
ah good ol chris chan! the gift that keeps on giving! man that takes me back forever lol. also, im pretty sure he isnt the only person in the world filled with rage over sonic and knuckles arms lol


You know, Chris-chan freaking out over Sonic having blue arms is nothing for Sonic fans.

I remember a few years ago when the first Sonic 4 trailer came out, a fan made a reaction video and went on a long rant (in tears) about how Sonic's eyes were green. For some reason, Sonic fans are really protective of how he looks. It's freaky.

Not really, but ok.


Blaming chris's actions on his autism is a god damn disservice to the rest of the autistic community.

He's an awful person who just happens to have autism.

It certainly doesn't help that at times, aspects of his autism compound with his dickishness to make him worse (selfishness, inability to empathise with others etc)

But to chalk up the examples of intolerance, sexism, racism, homophobia etc he has shown over the years to a single disorder is wrong and giving him an excuse.


this dude obviously has some problems but still needs to be held accountable for spraying pepper spray on someone. however, isn't it wild the amount of personal information that that wiki has collected and posted about him? his parents names, where they live, what he pays in rent, the amt of his SS disability cheques, childhood pictures, etc etc. it's fucking creepy.
He has Asperger's Syndrome.

As an individual with Asperger's Syndrome myself, I wish to state that Chris's behaviors are beyond what is characteristic for those with this illness. I have reached out to him in the past several times in support as I truly sympathize with him. However, even when one is in his corner, he chooses to ignore what support others may try to offer, outright set in his own mindset even when the evidence is presented before him and laid out in even the simplest manner. I was diagnosed in my teens (later in life compared to his diagnosis during his elementary school years) andsome of the behaviors he has exibited just don't add up entirely.

For example, he refuses to believe that his form of autism and Asperger's Syndrome are the same thing, much less even remotely similar in any way, shape or form. The years of the internet trolling/cyber-bullying certainly have not helped his mental state, no doubt, but he still maintains enough awareness to use his disability as not only a crutch, particularly in the event he doesn't get his way, but as justification for the things he does. His upbringing certainly seems to have been detrimental as his parents enabled a lot of the things he has done (running up high debts due to outlandishly frivolus spending, bailing him out of nearly every incident he has been involved in, enabling his lack of structure and motivation to move forward in life, etc). He has been taught that he can do what he desires and face no consequence, that he need not do anything for himself (hence his sole dependence of disability funds and donations from those who truly hope to help) and that his "special-ness" puts him above all others.

By comparison, I maintain a job in addition to receiving governmental assistance (with the goal of becoming fully independent and secure in the future so I need not rely on said assistance), participate in several different social events to help overcome the social awkkardness that I suffer from as a result of my disability, and work hard at just being a functioning member of society as a whole. Now, I have some quirks of my own which I have to cope with, particularly my gaming and cosplaying hobbies of which are not cheap endeavors and have to resist the urge to splurge upon. I have to fight the impulsive nature I have to buy a lot of the games I wish to play (both domestic and import) because it feasibly is not a habit I can just lavishly throw money toward. I always try to plan out which things I'd like to buy first by level,of excitement and strategize to allot myself x number of games only so often in a certain span of time as I have to not only worry about paying rent, but have three pets to take care of, set aside money for savings, and pay bills/utilities.

I wholeheartedly sympathize with Chris but a lot of what he has done cannot be tributed to simply his illness or the result of the cyber-bullying. For instance, the situation years ago regarding an argument he had with an African-American Yu-Gi-Oh player at The Game Place in which he threatened to hit the individual only to cower immediately when said individual stood (showing he was significantly bigger) seems to show that he understood the gravity of his words and that he would likely get pummeled, a sign he was aware that he faced a consequence for his actions.

I suppose my point is that while Chris certainly has a high-functioning form of autism, there are clearly other underlying issues that need to be addressed to help him improve in life and he is not totally blameless in a lot of what has occured. The egotistical attitude, the enabling of his parents, the inability (or blatant refusal) to understand what he has done wrong, the lack of respect for rules other than his own... These will lead down a dangerous path for him sooner or later. While I hope things can turn in his favor and a lot of the trolling he has had to deal with (some of which he has instigated) comes to an end, we must be able to see from all the angles and analyze that which lay before us as the situation is certainly not as black and white as many have made it out to be.


He burned the bridges before that, being honest. His initial comics were about loitering and avoiding mall cops and managers.

Some, sure. But even so, some of his racist and hateful attitudes were very likely influenced by his family. He's had an issue with blacks for years, deeming that entire variation of skin color to be unworthy of him to date.


what the fuck is a chris-chan? a few pages in on that sonichu site has me confused as fuck... is this kid retarded?


Blaming chris's actions on his autism is a god damn disservice to the rest of the autistic community.

He's an awful person who just happens to have autism.

It certainly doesn't help that at times, aspects of his autism compound with his dickishness to make him worse (selfishness, inability to empathise with others etc)

But to chalk up the examples of intolerance, sexism, racism, homophobia etc he has shown over the years to a single disorder is wrong and giving him an excuse.


maybe tomorrow it rains
One of my friends and co-workers worked at that store and remembers him from long ago. Pretty strange.
I think everyone in Charlottesville has had a run-in with Chris Chan at some point.
well, reading up on this made me realize I know the town [read: gaping maw of sub-suburban hell] where he lives.

whatever help he needs is probably never going to be found in a town whose main attractions are a wal-mart and broken down cars on cinderblocks in peoples' front yards.

They love that Wal-Mart, though.


For example, he refuses to believe that his form of autism and Asperger's Syndrome are the same thing, much less even remotely similar in any way, shape or form. The years of the internet trolling/cyber-bullying certainly have not helped his mental state, no doubt, but he still maintains enough awareness to use his disability as not only a crutch, particularly in the event he doesn't get his way, but as justification for the things he does.

You are far from being the only one who tried to reach out to him or help him, in fact even some of the people Chris-Chan passes off as "trolls" are just people who were actually just offering genuine help and connections to help groups to help him overcome his issues with autism, which, reading this thread, he condems himself these days apparently?

Before he even got big and things escalated to him being a "comedy goldmine", he already didn't and still doesn't seem to understand or want to understand that Autism or Asperger's are not untreatable curses laid upon him, which is to why they were so many people, people who succesfully overcame issues like that, switched sides to against him once they realized that he has no intention on working on his issues and instead just uses them as a crutch to make himself look like a victim. Although I'm sure the bullying didn't help, it's definitely not like he already had that mindset prior to most of his sagas.

PS: To the people thinking there is a hardcore amount of stalking going on, besides the people who are actually weird enough to have attended his trial and the such (as seen by somebody posting their streetpass with his catgirl mii), most of the documentation comes straight from Chris Chan or indirectly from his vlogs.


as a guy with asperger and Chris-chan deserve all the mockery that he gets because he is an asshole. He does not get it for asperger. He gets it for being a grad ass cunt. Blaming his antics on Asperger is bullshit! He is shitty person because he is a shitty man.


as a guy with asperger and Chris-chan deserve all the mockery that he gets because he is an asshole. He does not get it for asperger. He gets it for being a grad ass cunt. Blaming his antics on Asperger is bullshit! He is shitty person because he is a shitty man.


I recommend everyone to read the almighty Sonichu Comic books, featuring Christian's one and truly original character
do not steal


I spent like 10 minutes, this is all new to me. Stumbled on that Sonichu(?) page and my eyes were burnt seeing the shit on there.

Stay away from that page.

he was a big think (or meme, I suppose) several years ago. I remember it well. I remember his father stepped in and put an end to it all a few years ago, but I suppose the call of the internet was too much for him to resist.
he was a big think (or meme, I suppose) several years ago. I remember it well. I remember his father stepped in and put an end to it all a few years ago, but I suppose the call of the internet was too much for him to resist.

He father didn't step in, he died and many trolls dropped the trolling. He also stopped posting stuff later when he was arrested for first time (he had a competent lawyer at that time).
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