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Konami's new CEO: Mobile is the future of gaming, is Konami's main platform




Also, I was noticing how their Logo looks like a Red Knife tip; ironically foreshadowing Kojima's betrayal and "execution".... Or maybe I'm reaching. :p
I don't mind gaming moving to different platforms like mobile but the thing is, the experience is really casual and low quality, that's my biggest beef with it.

I don't mind buying an iPad to play my games if the games had controller support, external monitor support, solid online and kick ass graphics and sound but it doesn't, so reading the future is mobile really is sad from someone who loves well designed videogames and hardware.

It's also the fact that the audience isn't there or it's there but hasn't expanded a way companies want it to, look at the sales, they're good for some type of games but the variety isn't the thing that sells.

These companies look at the profits made from mobile and can't resist to try that market. Which i understand but at the same time, it's so soulless that it hurts.
I've never heard of any of their mobile products. Maybe I'm just out of touch.

This is sad though, I really liked Castlevania back in the day. Guess I'll back that Kickstarter.

I guess this means no MGR 2 as well, yeah? Does Konami have any other good IPs? I never got into Silent Hill.


As one of the few who actually enjoys mobile gaming, I'm curious to see where Konami goes with it. I do worry about IAP versus being able to just buy a game outright, but I'm willing to give the games a chance if they seem interesting to me.

Mobile gaming won't supersede consoles for me, but it has replaced dedicated handhelds for me already as a way to get some gaming in when I'm not home or just before bed.
Reminds me of the late 1990s when everyone rushed to get on the internet as if it was an endless pot of gold. This is not going to end well.
You could also say digital cameras as well. Kodak tried and failed to capitalize on it.

I don't mind gaming moving to different platforms like mobile but the thing is, the experience is really casual and low quality, that's my biggest beef with it.
Yeah, that is my main issue with it as well. There are still some gems out there (Heck, I would recommend Hay Day to anyone that likes Harvest Moon), but most are generic rip-offs like Bubble Witch.
Yeah, but Sony and Microsoft can't nostalgia bomb me.

Contra, Gradius, Life Force Salamander, Twinbee, Parodius, Axelay...

rip shmups

I'm fairly certain you were never getting sequels to any of those games with or without Konami. I'd go as far as to say you might even have a better chance now of them selling the IP's to the highest bidder and somebody else taking care of a sequel.


love on your sleeve

I'd have to go back a decade plus to find the last Konami game I bought that wasn't from Kojima or IGA. Not a big loss for me.
It is funny people still think it is a bubble and it has been 5 years so far.
Even if it does "pop", internet came back from it and has replaced TV for many people.

As the internet has not killed TV yet, mobile will not kill traditional gaming as well.

Yeah, to me mobile is to consoles as consoles are to arcades. Its the next 'phase' of gaming whether you like it or not. Of course its going to be a long, gradual transition similar to the transition between arcades and consoles. And consles will still be around, just like how you can still find arcades if you look hard enough. But they wont be what they used to be.



I guess that explains some of the recent Scorched Earth policies. From a business perspective I can understand a greater investment in mobile. It may be like a good friend moving away to a different state/country/etc. but you understand they are doing what's best for themselves even if it makes you personally sad. (I'm putting aside the fact that some of his statements make me a bit concerned about the type of mobile games they might intend to make)

The issue is the incompetence, negligence and sometimes downright malice exhibited by this company not just now but in the past few years. Now this old friend is not only moving away but decided to punch your grandma in the face, slash your tires and literally shit on your lawn before they left. Its just unnecessarily bad PR within the gaming realm and it just confuses me. You can adjust business strategies without burning bridges and being a general asshole.
Reminds me of the late 1990s when everyone rushed to get on the internet as if it was an endless pot of gold. This is not going to end well.

It likely won't end well becuase these larger companies are going to fill the bubble even more with a ton of games in an attempt to deliver one or a few money makers. Seriously Square Enix only has one foot in the mobile door and are still managing to release 40+ F2P titles over the next year. If the bubble does burst for mobile gaming it will be companies like Konami that will cause it. Much in the same way they too are responsible for the decline in Japanese console market. You can't fault Japanese for buying less consoles if companies like Konami won't put out games for them. Edit: I am not just talking about the last 3 years either, look at the output by Japanese pubs last gen compared to the PS2 gen.


Wonder if Konami will see an exodus of talent that doesn't want to work on mobile games. This also goes for a lot of Japanese developers shifting over to mobile. Seems like a good time for a couple new dev studios to emerge from the ashes like the phoenix.
I don't see how mobile is the future of gaming without a controller. You are drastically limited in the kinds of games you can make and play with only a multi-touch screen. You cannot play Last of Us on your phone. You cannot play BioShock on your phone (try for yourself, it exists). These games need controllers. And these games are not experiences you can play in twenty minute bus rides.

If mobile is the platform of the future, I would like to see how current console games can be played on it. Mobile games fulfill a different appetite of the market and has not made strides towards replacing why people buy consoles.

Also, about arcades becoming consoles becoming phones: the transition from arcade to console opened up the medium to different kinds of games, longer lengths, and better experiences, while keeping all the games people played on arcades as well. Can mobile do that?


Companies are going to flood the market hoping to get mobile cash flowing. Make fifty games and if one of them is half popular as clash of clans, you are in the clear, I guess.
Yeah, to me mobile is to consoles as consoles are to arcades. Its the next 'phase' of gaming whether you like it or not. Of course its going to be a long, gradual transition similar to the transition between arcades and consoles. And consles will still be around, just like how you can still find arcades if you look hard enough. But the wont be what they used to be.

I just don't buy that it's the same transition though, I mean Arcades to consoles made sense, it was just putting something you did outside in your house and expanding on it.

With the transition from consoles to mobile it feels like they are taking something you do at home, putting it outside the house again but stripping the whole home experience down.

A new gen of gamers may jump on board but i feel a large chunk won't... well i won't at least.


If insipid, F2P whale-hunter phone games are the future then you can count me out, Konami.

Another developer that is dead to me. It's like watching my childhood die one by one.


Could at least give Hudson to someone else before you swap focus!

Bleh..well at least I don't think one could ruin Bomberman on a phone.

nah it's gone. rip hudson

Bomberman's not crazy fast-paced movement-wise, but it's still very precise. Not interested in playing it on a phone.


What happens to Fox Engine? Here I was thinking it would be used for so many games and now it seems like barely none? What a waste.


I'm not sarcastic. I don't really think KONAMI will quit console games, but even if this happens some other company will take their spot.

Ok sorry then :)

Also lets not forget like mentioned earlier Square Enix seems to be doing some kind of coming back which is a good news !


It's also the fact that the audience isn't there or it's there but hasn't expanded a way companies want it to, look at the sales, they're good for some type of games but the variety isn't the thing that sells.
Mobile gaming is a gachapon that occasionally spits out $100 million. Kind of funny considering Japanese F2P games.


Oh it'll pop trust me, just wait until the smartphone market saturates, they'll become so common that no one will use them until they are forced to.
We are still in the "omg new generation of smartphone! so shiny and so nice new features!!!!" phase, when it'll stagnate it'll be all over.

That doesn't make any sense. As people get more dependent on their smartphones they'll be more engaged in using it, not less. Mobile gaming isn't going anywhere and will only grow in the coming years.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I don't see how mobile is the future of gaming without a controller. You are drastically limited in the kinds of games you can make and play with only a multi-touch screen. You cannot play Last of Us on your phone. You cannot play BioShock on your phone (try for yourself, it exists). These games need controllers. And these games are not experiences you can play in twenty minute bus rides.

If mobile is the platform of the future, I would like to see how current console games can be played on it.

Not only current games...try playing orig Tecmo Bowl or Super Mario NES on your phone. Even games from back then its hard to play on a phone.

They can be played but the experience is not the same as with a controller. As a big Android fan, they have controller support and Sony did make a phone that doubled as a controller. Some phones, tablets have HDMI Out, MHL so you could connect a phone to a TV. Mirroring and Airplay for iOS devices.... Now I hope controller support dies off on mobile phones, tablets. I think the day we see more of that is going to be the beginning of the end for consoles.

Especially as specs in phones, tablets keep increasing. God I hope I'm wrong.....


I sincerely hope these greedy money grubbing fogies take the bait and sell off the rights to their big IPs fit a quick buck. I think that's just about the only way we will ever see another Silent Hill, Zone of the Ender, Contra or Castlevania game that's worth a damn. Literally the only way gamers come on top here is if Konami sells off whatever ties it still has to AAA gaming.
The big difference is that mobile/social game have no cutural cache.

Only a few have managed any level of public consciousness and none long term (Hi angry birds)

Gaming culture remains within our sphere regardless of the higher profit flashes of mobile.

By abdoning the traditional complex game market instead of diversifying into both (like Square Enix) They will lose the cultural relevance of the current ip (already been years in the making) and have nothing to replace it with.

The future of profits may lie in mobile but culture never will. They are made to be disposable.

Having both portfolio seems most sensible (trad gaming is still a multi billion dollar business) but it does not appear that konami are taking that path.


Konami is a business, lead by business men so it´s no surprise. Some companies are making huge profits with relatively low/moderate risk and therefore it´s only expected to jump on the bandwagon. The amount of users you can reach is just huge.

"return of the king" "PS1/2 gen ver. 2.0" "JRPG heaven"...

The overly exaggerated enthusiasm in the beginning of the generation due to PS4s success, lead to unfounded hopes and dreams that seem to get crushed day by day, at least when it comes to the actual amount of new high profile content, especially from Japan.

While PS4s success lead many believe that there wouldn´t be any contraction, belittling this concern as just a problem for a certain segment of the console market, the actual contraction gets very obvious when you look at the actual amount of new moderately to high budget games. So far this gen has been notorious for cross-gen and HD-ports.

Great for Sonys business and fans of financial results, but as a gamer there is an obvious decline of new console games compared to last gen.


I was joking in the other thread when I made the Silent Hill for Smartphones joke "For $4.99 equip James with the Melee weapons pack!"

Oh God, the next Silent Hill is going to be a pay as you go mobile game. Why God? WHHHYYYY?!?!?
If by portable they mean Vita/3DS then I'm ok. But I know they mean like cellphone/iOS/android. So later Konami I really hate gaming on that shit.


This is not the future that I want.

Konami, I don't want your suffering!

I can't help but nod along to someone with this name and avatar. (Do make sure you try to reach M2 with a request for Turbo Outrun on 3DS, and/or Sega about Outrun 2016 / Outrun 3.)

At this point I wish we could erase Apple's success with the iPhone and iPad altogether (and hopefully prevent others from coming up with such touchscreen devices). I know this doesn't make sense but still.

Some days I want to slap any person I see who keeps playing games like Hay Day while defending them as "nice innocent time wasters" while at the same time frowning at a game like Mario Kart 8 (or any other console/PC game) by exclaiming things like "No I don't want tot try that game because I'm not good at video games."

However selfish, this frustrates me to no end as it throws 30 years of arcade to console/PC game development into the trash as "video games" while catapulting (mostly terrible!) mobile touch based games as a starting point for a new, socially more acceptable medium. Good that games are reaching so many people through touch devices, sure, but why does it have to come at the high price of traditional, button controlled games slowly dying out?

Ok, I'll stop my (obviously not the most subtle) rant now and go for a walk...



Good night, sweet prince.

You were among my favorites for generations of systems. We had a lot of memories. Alas, we've grown apart and now it's time to let you go.
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