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Kotaku: Next Assassin's Creed codenamed "Empires"; set in Egypt, coming 2017


I would be way more interested in an Assassin's Creed game taking place in Japan then Egypt. Egypt is going to be one big desert level.

Uhhh, no. Egypt does have lush parts in the country.

I do still hope for an Asian setting one day, maybe they could do the Phillipines/Indonesia.


I'm down for this. Especially if that means that they're going back to releasing this things every other year.


I hope their rendition of Egypt is good, because you never know, it may end up going against God of War's version of Egypt. Disappointed it's not Japan though.
Been playing Syndicate recently and really looking forward to the next AC. I hope AC: Rogue will finally be ported to PS4/XB1 this year now that the main entry is taking a year off.

One thing I've been thinking about the Egyptian setting though, is that we won't be able to do the signature leap of faith off the tip of the pyramid into a haystack. If one swan dives off the top of a pyramid, surely you won't be able to jump far enough to reach the haystack around the foot of the pyramid? Unless there will be some hay laying around on the slope of the pyramid......


You won't be able to do a lot of things in this one, but I'm sure they're internal pitch hinged upon coming up with cool alternatives. Just picking ancient Egypt means it has to be a sort of reboot, design-wise.

The story (the overarching one) should continue as is though. There's another shoe that's yet to drop after Syndicate.


If they knocked it back after the Unity backlash then this game is going be Arno following Napoleon on his campaign to Egypt. Which honestly I want see downfall of Napoleon


I'm cool with Egypt and all but... I can't help but be disappointed. I feel like we're never going to get an Assassin's Creed game set in feudal Japan.

If I can't get a new Tenchu, they can at least give me an AC game in that setting. It makes too much sense not to do it.
I'm confused by the games proposed setting. The leak suggests that they wish to set the game at a time where there is little concrete historical knowledge. So at first I thought that they were going to be setting the game in the either the Old Kingdom because it is the least well known and they could intergrate some of the more interesting events of the period. It is also the time of the Pyramids so that would make for an interesting backdrop.

But then they mention Greece which made me think of the New Kingdom and the Mycenaean's or Minoans which could still make sense given the Greek dark age follows on from that period meaning that we have little concrete information about them. The New Kingdom represented Egypt at the very height of its power and expansionary sentiments. Maybe they could do something interesting with the trade network that combined the eastern Mediterranean, the push south into Nubia or the expansion east into the Levant. Or maybe even repelling the attack of the "Sea Peoples" under Ramses III, it would certainly fit the ship element.

But then they mention Rome and that makes no sense. If you want to set a game in Rome and not have it be a village of huts it would have to be set at the earliest in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. But that conflicts heavily with the idea of lacking historical knowledge. There is a bunch of knowledge about this time period. Alexander had happened only a century earlier! The Ptolemaic dynasty was in firm control of Egypt by this time! We have tons of documentation (relatively) about this period and area! There was a well developed literary tradition both at Alexandria and in Greece at this time period let alone the Persian and surviving Hellenistic kingdoms. I guess I don't understand why choose this setting if they want more freedom from the historical record. They would have far more freedom in the various Kingdom eras since those span a much earlier period.

Also for those of you wanting the naval warfare from Black Flag back that is not happening. Archers, slings, and boarding were what the navy did. There was no big ship to ship combat. Ships were more like floating platforms for troops to board or ranged soldiers to fire from than anything of themselves.

Some extra thoughts: I would like to see some of the more interesting Egyptian weapons used like the Khopesh or axes. I imagine Carriages would be replaced with chariots. I wonder how they will handle the map layout since there were no large permanent settlements away from the Nile. The Egyptians were very clear in the distinction between the red lands and the Nile plains and as to why they would never go there.That would seem to result in a very thin map that then suddenly widens out into the Delta marshes. Going from having guns back to bows is going to require some revamping. I don't know how they will be able to justify any of the series gadgets.


You won't be able to do a lot of things in this one, but I'm sure they're internal pitch hinged upon coming up with cool alternatives. Just picking ancient Egypt means it has to be a sort of reboot, design-wise.

Really depends on where and when in Egypt they set it, look at the pics of Alexandria I posted on the previous page, for example. However, if the rumour that it's mostly set in villages and the desert is true, then yeah, it'll probably be another ACIII affair where the buildings are tiny and the environments don't really facilitate free running...

If they knocked it back after the Unity backlash then this game is going be Arno following Napoleon on his campaign to Egypt. Which honestly I want see downfall of Napoleon

According to the rumours, it's set in ancient Egypt, so no Napoleon.


I am liking the amount of Ancient Egypt games that are coming (maybe in the case of GoW) down the tube. It is a dramatically unexplored setting in gaming. I can't remember the last AAA game set in Egypt that wasn't cancelled.
This is fanart but maybe not so far from how the game will look in some places.




If they knocked it back after the Unity backlash then this game is going be Arno following Napoleon on his campaign to Egypt. Which honestly I want see downfall of Napoleon

Arno is an insultingly bad char, so I'd rather see a new protag.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Assassin's Creed go bi-annual if Watch Dogs 2 sells really well.


Not really "feeling" ancient Egypt as a setting, I might end up skipping this one. IMO Unity's Paris and Syndicate's London were the best settings to date. Oh well, I still have these 2 great games to finish.


Earliest we could hear something about this will be in February (before February 15th). That is when Ubisoft will have Conference Call for 3rd quarter.


So perhaps the 4chan thing was true.
Very interesting and defiantly needed for the series to rekindle the life in it.


I love the new change of setting. An open world game set in ancient Egypt? FUCK yes.

I hope the extra time is what they need to make this a success and break free of some of the sameyness this series has suffered from.
I love the new change of setting. An open world game set in ancient Egypt? FUCK yes.

I hope the extra time is what they need to make this a success and break free of some of the sameyness this series has suffered from.

how many times do i have to say this? the average time for making an AC is 30 month ! NOT A YEAR!


how many times do i have to say this? the average time for making an AC is 30 month ! NOT A YEAR!
I guess you can talk yourself blue in the face then because that's not what I said. I know they have teams staggering the development. Doesn't change that the extra time is a benefit.
AC1: 3 years
AC2: 2 years
ACB: 9 months
ACR: 18 months
AC3: 3 years
AC4: 30 month
AC4-2: 1 year
AC5: 4 years and 6 month
AC6: 30 months
AC7: 3 years (apparently).

So stop that nonsense. You're pissed because a game each year, NOT because they're made in one year. That's not the same thing it's just psychology


AC1: 3 years
AC2: 2 years
ACB: 9 months
ACR: 18 months
AC3: 3 years
AC4: 30 month
AC4-2: 1 year
AC5: 4 years and 6 month
AC6: 30 months
AC7: 3 years (apparently).

So stop that nonsense. You're pissed because a game each year, NOT because they're made in one year. That's not the same thing it's just psychology

why oh why do you insist on calling those games 5 6 and 7...
Ancient Egypt is an interesting and massively underexploited setting. I'm surprised they went with that instead of classical Egypt (Anthony and Cleopatra, etc.) The classical period is infamous for the sort of revolutionary politics that asscreed normally uses for it's templar/assassin consipracy plots.

I guess this way they really get to have a clean slate. The historical cameos were always supposed to be a big feature of AssCreed though. Maybe we'll find out that Moses was the first templar.

Overall though, I'm glad they're doing something very different - and that they're going to take their time and do it right.


Ancient Egypt is an interesting and massively underexploited setting. I'm surprised they went with that instead of classical Egypt (Anthony and Cleopatra, etc.) The classical period is infamous for the sort of revolutionary politics that asscreed normally uses for it's templar/assassin consipracy plots.

I guess this way they really get to have a clean slate. The historical cameos were always supposed to be a big feature of AssCreed though. Maybe we'll find out that Moses was the first templar.

Overall though, I'm glad they're doing something very different - and that they're going to take their time and do it right.

Uhm, most people don't make such a strict distinction between "ancient Egypt" and "classical Egypt" and I doubt some random game developers who talked to Kotaku would. What they've said about possibly visiting Greece and Rome in the game's direct sequels certainly makes it very likely that it's indeed set either during the Roman or Ptolemaic period or at least not too long before Egypt's "liberation" by Alexander.


Uhm, most people don't make such a strict distinction between "ancient Egypt" and "classical Egypt" and I doubt some random game developers who talked to Kotaku would. What they've said about possibly visiting Greece and Rome in the game's direct sequels certainly makes it very likely that it's indeed set either during the Roman or Ptolemaic period or at least not too long before Egypt's "liberation" by Alexander.

if they are really going to ditch the current plots and go back in time I hope its classical but the teaser screenshot from black flag (so far all of those have proved real one by one right?) and the leaked development screenshot fit together and show ancient period (with one of the great pyramids still being constructed)


Man I would love a black lead. Egypt was like the most diverse place of anywhere in the ancient world so it could be a pretty progressive game. And Ubisoft is pretty good about that stuff.

Yeah, cut that's what's most important in video games. Who cares about quality? Let's hope it's progressive, the rest doesn't matter.
So after this is confirmed, I really hope the main character talks more than what the rumours say. At least it said he was not edgy.

Climbing the pyramids and the sphynx is going to be great the first time, and then theres some cool looking temples and big ass statues, but after that, theres not a lot of impressive things to climb. Or maybe they are going with the Hollywood version of Egypt and invent 90% of the architecture and cities to make them more imprssive.
I cant wait for Greece and Rome though, theres were actually the good amount of important monuments, some of them that dont exist anymore, are.

You already answered your own question. They'd have to create too many assets from scratch.

I really fucking hope you are not saying with this Renaissance Rome has the same architecture than Revolution France, or Revolution France the same one as Industrial England. Because its not the first time I hear this sheer idioccy.
The problem with Feudal Japan and AC is that, like AC3, there are not enough tall impotant buildings to help the player get interested and the building gameplay AC has cemented. It could have amazing type of samurai battle system, the problem is, there where never really good at doing fight gameplay.


I'm confused by the games proposed setting. The leak suggests that they wish to set the game at a time where there is little concrete historical knowledge. So at first I thought that they were going to be setting the game in the either the Old Kingdom because it is the least well known and they could intergrate some of the more interesting events of the period. It is also the time of the Pyramids so that would make for an interesting backdrop.

But then they mention Greece which made me think of the New Kingdom and the Mycenaean's or Minoans which could still make sense given the Greek dark age follows on from that period meaning that we have little concrete information about them. The New Kingdom represented Egypt at the very height of its power and expansionary sentiments. Maybe they could do something interesting with the trade network that combined the eastern Mediterranean, the push south into Nubia or the expansion east into the Levant. Or maybe even repelling the attack of the "Sea Peoples" under Ramses III, it would certainly fit the ship element.

But then they mention Rome and that makes no sense. If you want to set a game in Rome and not have it be a village of huts it would have to be set at the earliest in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. But that conflicts heavily with the idea of lacking historical knowledge. There is a bunch of knowledge about this time period. Alexander had happened only a century earlier! The Ptolemaic dynasty was in firm control of Egypt by this time! We have tons of documentation (relatively) about this period and area! There was a well developed literary tradition both at Alexandria and in Greece at this time period let alone the Persian and surviving Hellenistic kingdoms. I guess I don't understand why choose this setting if they want more freedom from the historical record. They would have far more freedom in the various Kingdom eras since those span a much earlier period.

Also for those of you wanting the naval warfare from Black Flag back that is not happening. Archers, slings, and boarding were what the navy did. There was no big ship to ship combat. Ships were more like floating platforms for troops to board or ranged soldiers to fire from than anything of themselves.

Some extra thoughts: I would like to see some of the more interesting Egyptian weapons used like the Khopesh or axes. I imagine Carriages would be replaced with chariots. I wonder how they will handle the map layout since there were no large permanent settlements away from the Nile. The Egyptians were very clear in the distinction between the red lands and the Nile plains and as to why they would never go there.That would seem to result in a very thin map that then suddenly widens out into the Delta marshes. Going from having guns back to bows is going to require some revamping. I don't know how they will be able to justify any of the series gadgets.

My interpretation is that the proposed trilogy, set in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, would be set around the same historical timeframe with, presumably, the same assassin. In that case, it would make sense to base the game probably during the time of the Second Triumvirate, in Egypt when Cleopatra and Mark Antony were ruling the region. It would totally make sense to me that you could be sent by Octavian Caesar to shake things up, and then have the game end after the Battle of Actium (big naval battle!) and the "suicide" *coughassassinationcough* of Mark Antony. That this event lead to the creation of Roman Empire (though not named as such until the reign of Tiberius but that's pulling hairs), it would make sense to me to codename the game as Empire in this instance.

The Rome game would be self-explanatory, but I'm not sure what a Greece game would be like in this period. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything particularly special that took place in Greece after it was taken over by Rome; at least nothing of vital historical importance. Could just be chasing Apples of Eden, mind.

The only other big event in Egypt that could be named "Empire" would be Napoleon's conquest of it, and it's somewhat implied that the series wanted to go in that direction after the end of the Dead Kings DLC for Unity. I doubt that would please many people, though.
I really liked the settings of all the other games, but the middle eastern setting of the first game was still the most interesting to me. So I am really glad they are returning to a similar setting for this new game.Also , please Ubisoft , don't have a white protagonist for this,
AC1: 3 years
AC2: 2 years
ACB: 9 months
ACR: 18 months
AC3: 3 years
AC4: 30 month
AC4-2: 1 year
AC5: 4 years and 6 month
AC6: 30 months
AC7: 3 years (apparently).

So stop that nonsense. You're pissed because a game each year, NOT because they're made in one year. That's not the same thing it's just psychology

Eh. Saying a game is in development for x number of years means nothing if we don't know what stages that game went through in that time. I don't believe for a second that Unity was in full development for 4 and a half years, but with the the next gen engine development tacked on sure. Just becuase the engine was being improved for "next gen ac" doesn't mean the game was in full development.
My interpretation is that the proposed trilogy, set in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, would be set around the same historical timeframe with, presumably, the same assassin. In that case, it would make sense to base the game probably during the time of the Second Triumvirate, in Egypt when Cleopatra and Mark Antony were ruling the region. It would totally make sense to me that you could be sent by Octavian Caesar to shake things up, and then have the game end after the Battle of Actium (big naval battle!) and the "suicide" *coughassassinationcough* of Mark Antony. That this event lead to the creation of Roman Empire (though not named as such until the reign of Tiberius but that's pulling hairs), it would make sense to me to codename the game as Empire in this instance.

The Rome game would be self-explanatory, but I'm not sure what a Greece game would be like in this period. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything particularly special that took place in Greece after it was taken over by Rome; at least nothing of vital historical importance. Could just be chasing Apples of Eden, mind.

The only other big event in Egypt that could be named "Empire" would be Napoleon's conquest of it, and it's somewhat implied that the series wanted to go in that direction after the end of the Dead Kings DLC for Unity. I doubt that would please many people, though.

Good reasoning.
Could also jump during eras, and not be the same protagonists during games, its just that the trilogy is framed during Empires of that era (or even a modern prtagonist that uses 3 different characters depending of the game), instead of a single main game protagonist like Ezio's trilogy. That could mean we are going to see classical greece instead of when the romans took over it.


I really fucking hope you are not saying with this Renaissance Rome has the same architecture than Revolution France, or Revolution France the same one as Industrial England. Because its not the first time I hear this sheer idioccy.
The problem with Feudal Japan and AC is that, like AC3, there are not enough tall impotant buildings to help the player get interested and the building gameplay AC has cemented. It could have amazing type of samurai battle system, the problem is, there where never really good at doing fight gameplay.

I'm saying what you quoted, which is that feudal Japan would require them to build more new assets than they seem to be comfortable with. From architecture to NPCs, there's very little that's been in these games that can be re-used in that setting.
I'm saying what you quoted, which is that feudal Japan would require them to build more new assets than they seem to be comfortable with. From architecture to NPCs, there's very little that's been in these games that can be re-used in that setting.

The same amount of assets they need to do when they buit Italy, France and England architecture. If theres asset reuse in AC is not in architecture, I can assure you that. Animation rigs is probably the asset more resused between all this games, and even then they need to create new animations.
why oh why do you insist on calling those games 5 6 and 7...

Because that's how developers call them.
If you're still waiting for an "AC5" you can, it will never come. I always regret the remove of the numbers in those titles. But hey, AC4 is more Black flag than "AC4" right?

Also, Jeremy Irons will play Alan Rikkin (the real real bad guy templar in the present timeline in the games) for the movie AND future games.


Since no AC this year, do you think there's a chance that they'll release an AC collection instead?
I haven't played Rogue and it's $8 on Amazon right now so I'm tempted but don't want to if it'll be on next gen consoles eventually.


Egypt could be really cool. I wonder if there's any way they could tie it loosely to the Prince of Persia by making the time dagger one of the pieces of Eden or something.
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