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(Lack of) General Consensus: Best JRPG battle system ever?

I like action based combat systems, so my choices go towards Dark Cloud 2 and Tokyo Xanadu.

Dark Cloud 2 had you switching characters on the fly, had vehicular combat, guns and had a great upgrading system as well.

Tokyo Xanadu does as well, however, it relies more on Elemental choices, and combining skills to make combo chains and clearing the dungeons in the quickest time possible. I reccomend you guys looking at TXEX+ when it comes out later this year.


FFXII's Gambit System isn't really a battle system, IMO, it's a rudimentary scripting language for automating menu commands. The actual battle system in FFXII is a modified ATB, like every FF game.

For me Bravely Default is up there, the risk/reward aspect of the system adds a level of excitement and lets you burn through lesser battles in a satisfying way.

FFX is my favourite FF system; it's turn-based, allows for quick party member switches, and was utilised really well by the developers, who designed encounters and enemies that push the player to swap characters out and use spells and abilities cleverly.

Press Turn is my favourite non-FF JRPG system. Hitting weaknesses is satisfying, but there's always that anxiety that you haven't *quite* put together a solid party, and your enemies might poke your weakness and wreck you. The system is simple to grasp, fun to master, and marries perfectly with the different elements, skills and buffs available.
We could debate all day on the definition of a battle "System" regardless it is an integral mechanic that is manipulated by the user for combat scenarios.


disappointed see no more mentions for EO series

My pick:

Also I'm sure i'm the only one thinking FFX's battle system is completely trash
No your not it is not very engaging and is the easiest FF to cheese imho. It kinda feels like a poor man's one more system.


Simple turns. No gimmicks, no timers. If there has to be a gimmick, I like Bravely Default and it's future turns thing.


I like action based combat systems, so my choices go towards Dark Cloud 2 and Tokyo Xanadu.

Dark Cloud 2 had you switching characters on the fly, had vehicular combat, guns and had a great upgrading system as well.

Tokyo Xanadu does as well, however, it relies more on Elemental choices, and combining skills to make combo chains and clearing the dungeons in the quickest time possible. I reccomend you guys looking at TXEX+ when it comes out later this year.

You should look into Ys VIII when it releases. I found it to be vastly superior to Tokyo Xanadu in almost every way (same developer).


That horrible battle system was the reason why I stopped playing FF XII after 2-3 hours and never returned.

If I had to pick, FF X for turn based and KH 2 for active battle system.


Persona 3
Final Fantasy X
Dragon Quest VIII
Persona 5

All have amazing turn based systems.

Final Fantasy XII has the best ATB system.
Kingon Hearts has the best Action system
As much as Eternal Sonata is flawed in many ways, the combat system was incredibly interesting and engaging, and was what kept me going and play through its entirety.

It starts out as the standard fair Bamco combat system where you control the characters in a 3D environment and use attacks, but as you progress, you also unlock additional mechanics for combat, including different special abilities depending on whether you are in light or shadow, or combo meters. This way, the combat never gets stale because at the moment it starts doing so, you unlock a new combat level.
Resonance of fate is incredible, is a shame it dosn't offer more varied arenas, it would have been perfection.

Still some of the most fun I had with a JRPG Battle System.


Nocturne's press turn system is genius, Radient historia really lets you play with space, and Resonance of Fate just feels sexy as hell to play


Final Fantasy X - I love being able to change party members during battle.

Shadow Hearts 2 - Judgement Grid is such a great risk-reward system and the way they expand it usage in 2 is just amazing.

You took the words right out of my mouth! FFX allowing me to level up all. My party members and switch without taking up a turn was the best for me!


It's hard to separate the battle system in my mind from the quality of encounters and progression systems; most JRPGs suffer pretty heavily thanks to the latter two. How can you really appreciate a combat system outside the fact combat is boring or pointless? It's difficult, anyway.

FFXII is a game sold short by its poorly balanced license board system (and the Zodiac/Job versions only really made the player even stronger with higher stats and growth efficiency). Gambit system puts too much focus on preparation over the actual tactics of fighting - which is an odd thing to praise about a battle system (half joking).

The Last Remnant
Took too long. This is my definitive answer. TLR, at a conceptual level, is like one evolutionary step above the rest (especially in the presentation of combat).

Lightning Returns has the best ATB tho.
I feel many FFXIII answers should be funneled into here, since they finally got close to what they were aiming for with a higher-action ATB. Best battle system of the series and far from wasted like FFXIII (mostly), FFXIII-2, or X-2 were.

The lack of Pokemon mentions is a shame considering how the battle system is good enough to enable an entire local, online and competitive multiplayer and competitions. There's a whole social culture around Pokemon battles that I haven't seen from many other JRPGs.

As XCOM creator Julian Gollop put it:
It's not that Pokemon's battle system is so good that it can enable multiplayer, it's that its depth is only really visible in multiplayer to begin with. Outside multiplayer, there's not much room for discussion. BW2 and maybe a few others are the only ones that can even rank compared to the average SMT game; some of the new ones like XY are especially vapid and lacking in redeeming end/post-game content. It's something that's difficult to compare to singleplayer games, which what every choice in this thread has been except from some MMOs like FFXI (which are not focused on PvP, anyway - though I loved Ballista!).

In such a comparison, I don't know if the "meta-gaming" argument has much weight. A negative way to look at it would be that the Pokemon games are extremely bloated. 700+ characters (many of whom are purposefully obsolete), similar amount of moves and deviations for each of them, etc. all filtered into bottleneck of fairly simple format of a team of six (often less in singleplayer), each having four moves, an ability, and item to hold, and maybe an extra gimmick transformation layered on top. Okay, would Final Fantasy VII suddenly be a hundred times deeper if it had 300 more characters to choose from? I think it would be a case of decreasing returns at best, especially if there isn't the tension that comes from highly competitive PvP (the "meta-game").


I like chrono cross' battle system with the 3 tiers of attacks, a stamina bar, and spells that unlock based off of how many attacks you do


Shin Megami Tensei Press Turn system and variations (Sessions in SMT#FE particularly)
Xenoblade Chronicles X, ground combat with all the different builds.
Persona Press Turn is great for what it is but I really don't think it's anywhere near the best. It's extremely easy to take advantage of that system and that kills the tension in a lot of battles. I honestly get bored in most dungeons.
If you know what you're doing, the only time things get tense is when you get surrounded by enemies with one hit kill moves.
SMT does it better in most cases to me but I prefer the presentation in Persona.

These are some of my favorites:

Suikoden series (especially II and V) - Nice simple turn based system with an interesting and a balanced magic system. A varied combo attack system is the cherry on top

Xenoblade Chronicles X - I love the variety of builds you can do and it does the AI assist system about 1000x better than something like FFXV. Really interesting system with a lot to discover and the various skill trees were all fun. Plus mecha.

FFVII: I'm a huge fan of magic systems and customization in RPGs so Materia was basically crack for me. It does reduce some of the uniqueness of characters that is only really made up for with Limit Breaks. Everything else about it is great and I liked how many uses and subsystems were built into it.

Other favorites are Star Ocean series, Vagrant Story, and Skies of Arcadia (mostly for the ship battles, limited as they were). And Valkyria Chronicles if it counts.

Edit: oh wow how did I forget Pokémon. Easily in my top 5.


Neo Member
I see a lot of Persona 5, and it's up there because it's so varied and intricate while also being fast enough to draw new users into turn-based systems.

I just think it has to be Chrono Trigger. It was so ahead of its time. You had incentive to make sure every character levelled up techniques because they could combine those into more powerful ones later. It's one of the few games where you could legimately play any combination of the characters and feel like you had a good shot at beating the game. And it's not because it was easy, either.


TBH, you give me a DQ clone with tight character rolls, HP pools that are frequently in danger, and nice enemy/boss patterns, and I'm happy.

I don't really think of DQ battle systems much as to which one I like best...so that's something I need to think about more.

But, say, Earthbound had some nice wrinkles with the rolling HP counter and what-not.


Purely turn-based, I think FFX's was amazing. And I don't particularly like turn-based. I really enjoyed how you didn't screw yourself by bringing "the wrong people" into the battle, since you could just swap them out whenever. Really opened the door for good strategizing.

Purely _non_ turn-based I'd say Xenoblade Chronicles. I love that MMORPG style of combat, and while it's initially super boring in the earlier parts of the game when you only have a few moves and only Shulk, it's pretty slow. But when you have a full team and Melia is going apeshit with the magic charges, woo-boy did that get the heart pumpin'!


Can someone enlighten me as to why Disgaea has not been mentioned in this entire thread? Is it NOT a series known for it's great battle system?

Genuine question, as I have not played the game yet.


Can someone enlighten me as to why Disgaea has not been mentioned in this entire thread? Is it NOT a series known for it's great battle system?

Genuine question, as I have not played the game yet.

I think the thread is more about traditional JRPGs. Disgaea is an SRPG, which at least I see as a different genre.

If we're including those, Fire Emblem Conquest is the best turn-based thing I've ever played from a purely mechanical perspective. Level and encounter design, enemy balance, objectives, everything is just polished to a sheen.
Pleased to see Cosmic Star Heroine mentioned a few times. I'm really pleased how that battle system turned out and think we could do even more with it with some tighter encounter design & a modification here and there. :)

Can someone enlighten me as to why Disgaea has not been mentioned in this entire thread? Is it NOT a series known for it's great battle system?

Genuine question, as I have not played the game yet.

Thing about Disgaea is that it's overly complicated and it's designed to encourage the player to break it. It's very much a love it or hate it thing.
Personally, I'd say the Growlanser battle system is the best I've played. It's a very elegant combination of turn-based actions and real time movement (at least until they fucked it up with Growlanser V). It helps that Career Soft often found ways to set up battles that would have you use the system in interesting ways, but even "vanilla" battles in Growlanser are quite fun.


I think the thread is more about traditional JRPGs. Disgaea is an SRPG, which at least I see as a different genre.

If we're including those, Fire Emblem Conquest is the best turn-based thing I've ever played from a purely mechanical perspective. Level and encounter design, enemy balance, objectives, everything is just polished to a sheen.

Thing about Disgaea is that it's overly complicated and it's designed to encourage the player to break it. It's very much a love it or hate it thing.

Ahhhh I see what you're getting at. OK point taken. Still looking forward to sinking my teeth into the series. Especially now that you mentioned it's overly complicated hehe :)


Grandia 3 could have been so much better if there were skills, ways to play with the turn gauge
and if the best characters didn't leave at the beginning

I know that's not the point. I would have prefered if you told us what part exactly you thought were good, you know...

Sure thing, the aesthetics of both games (for me) in the battle system department are beautiful and practical for my taste.





Pokemon, no contest. Just take a look at smogon university discussions and team building. It's also the only JRPG that can support a massive online community just on the combat alone.
Also, probably the deepest.
More than 800 Pokemon.
Almost 500 moves.
Hundreds of hold items
EV and nature to modify the 6 stats.
6 member partys.

2nd p´lace would be FFXII for me, I loved the gambit system (first interaction with "programming" in my life lol).
Bravely second, vagrant story, ff12. I wanna say p5 but Persona just adds mechanics for the heck of it. Its smooth as hell but its overly basic nature and poor animations of the persona attacks continue to disappoint me greatly.
I agree with you 100 %

Vagrant story is great in this department while p5 is a lot of sizzle and little substance, imo


Grandia and Ogre Battle 64 (not sure if this counts but to hell with it). These two games pretty much stick out, even with the recent influx of JRPGs. God, playing Grandia II back on the Dreamcast back then was a blast. These are the two games I wish would somehow get modernized. They're just so good.


Bravely Default/Second
Tales of Destiny (Remake)
Tales of Graces f (Basically ToD Remake's battle system in 3D + some)
Valkyrie Profile 2
Star Ocean 3

Honorable Mentions:
Xenoblade Chronicles
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