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Layna Lazar makes point about pro-sexuality art, reignites feud with insomniac dev - twitter outrage mobs


Explain mass effect andromeda?

Unless you mean those nut job conspiracies that the female characters don’t look “attractive enough” because of sjws or some bullshit

Ignoring the far more obvious answer that the b tier BioWare crew assigned to the project can’t design or animate characters well in general

But sure. BioWare has an agenda. Lmao

You couldn't even create a white character in their character creator. Haha. The default faces were ugly, etc. The game was trying really hard to remove any sexualization from the female characters. They ranged from plain to ugly.
No. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. They got the actors faces fairly spot on:

I don’t really have a dog in this race. Twitter is a place of self imposed misery. I like the new look of Lady and the old look. But I don’t think they got the jawline of the model right. The eyes and nose sure but in game those jowls are thicker for sure. Not that it matters. But I just don’t think they are spot on. Kingslayer FFXV model was more spot on which is probably why it isn’t in DMC5.


I think this is just Capcom chasing what they believe to be what the Western market wants. They removed the anime style, now they are using real actors. They are going for photorealism. And, yes, they are toning down any "sexualization" because they want to get the media on their side.

About Layna. I think Twitter is a treasure trove! We need to expose every developer who does stuff like this. Ok, Insomniac is PC now (well, judging by the burka black cat in the Spider-Man DLC, they have been for a while).

Naughty Dog, Insomniac, etc, let's let people know about what the developers are saying and doing!
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The Tribe Has Spoken
I think Xavier has a serious boner for Layna, honestly. He wants to be involved with her and the best way to do that is through negativity.
Well, someone posited a theory in another thread about dudes like this who go hard and all in on this “progressive” stuff being about just trying to ingratiate themselves with the opposite sex in order to hopefully get some. It’s a crass theory, but the evidence almost always supports it. Bald, ugly & chubby. Tick, tick & tick. (Ugly is subjective of course). It’s a very interesting theory.

Nerds get horny too.


Then, she used a quick and dirty 'liquify filter' in photoshop to mimic the old proportions of the character's face, which was the retweeted by XaiverCK from Insomniac

YIKES that comparison sure is telling, sjws ruining games no longer a meme, no wonder they are pissed about being called out
and that Xavier soyboy its such a whiteknight that no one ask for
And, yes, they are toning down any "sexualization" because they want to get the media on their side.
Spot on, very important to get on the npc media side to get those high Metacritic scores
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Gold Member
I care very little about the argument between the two, but I will agree that Lady's design sucks in DMC5 when it comes to her outfit. She looks like a line dancer in a bar singing country music.

As for the face, almost everyone's face sucks.

The probability is quite the opposite. Lady 'had' a personality in DMC3. Lady in DMC4 is the same character in name only, for some reason they decided to turn her into a money grubbing trope that rips Dante off of money. Contrast this in DMC3 where she was driven by her hate of demons and thirst for revenge due to personal tragedy, she appeared much more mature and serious.

If anything it's more likely they'll just carry on with her botched personality from DMC4.

Hopefully her happy personality will come out in 5.


Well, someone posited a theory in another thread about dudes like this who go hard and all in on this “progressive” stuff being about just trying to ingratiate themselves with the opposite sex in order to hopefully get some. It’s a crass theory, but the evidence almost always supports it. Bald, ugly & chubby. Tick, tick & tick. (Ugly is subjective of course). It’s a very interesting theory.

Nerds get horny too.

Not a theory. It's the absolute truth. I know some dudes like this one in real life. We call them "feministo" here in Brazil and if we were wild animals they would be the first ones to be eaten by other predators. lol


The Tribe Has Spoken
Not a theory. It's the absolute truth. I know some dudes like this one in real life. We call them "feministo" here in Brazil and if we were wild animals they would be the first ones to be eaten by other predators. lol
Oh, I agree. It fits the mold in almost all cases. I was just trying to be nice about it. It’s true though. They ain’t kiddin’ anybody.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
People looking for attention on Twitter... If it is good enough for the POTUS, then everyone can join in!
I don't understand why the look needed changing. Sure they are all older, but they look weird, like the images where they are smiling were taken at gunpoint.


I think this is just Capcom chasing what they believe to be what the Western market wants. They removed the anime style, now they are using real actors. They are going for photorrealism. And, yes, they are toning down any "sexualization" because they want to get the media on their side.
I wouldn't say DMC was that anime. There's an influence yes, but if you look back at the concept art and designs of the previous games, DMC5 style isn't out of place with the rest of the series.

The level of 'anime' in the series I'd say is about on par with the MGS series. I think this misconception is because how popular DMC4 is because that's the only game in the series that was really, really anime and set in an entire city stuck in the middle ages.

Back in the days before DMC4 was released, the following was a popular rendition of Dante amongst fans (despite the game sucking):

The problem here isn't with the style of the character designs, it's just these new designs aren't very aesthetic and/or they don't match their former designs. In Lady's case it seems like she's grown a jawline she didn't have before.

I agree though regarding the sexualization, Capcom probably thought Lady's outfit as too sexy and made her look frumpy as a result.
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I said it before and I'll say it again. Feminism (in its current form) is about leveling the ground in uglyness so low self esteem women can feel better about themselves. They can't stand beauty and want to make it like socialism. This is why we get these butch characters all the time.

Yep. I wholeheartedly agree with this and I said something similar before. Feminists, average or unattractive women cannot stand beauty or femininity and want everything to be on a level playing or “toned down” where they don’t feel inferior to these fictional characters.

I don’t really have a problem with the way Lady looks, but I will never understand why companies try to appeal to a diminutive demographic who is much more interested in politics than video games.
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My one wish for 2019 is for Twitter to crash and burn and never rise from the ashes in any form.
I really don’t care either way about the topic but what I do know is Twitter is a intellectual garbage dump.


Gold Member
Explain mass effect andromeda?

Unless you mean those nut job conspiracies that the female characters don’t look “attractive enough” because of sjws or some bullshit

Ignoring the far more obvious answer that the b tier BioWare crew assigned to the project can’t design or animate characters well in general

But sure. BioWare has an agenda. Lmao
Well, how would you explain Mass Effect's failure? Mass Effect was/is a well known and respected franchise. Animation and characters can't be it. Bethesda can't do that stuff either and their games sell well.

You people really don't want to see that this shoehorn progressivness is indeed effecting sales. I was funny reading the thread about Battlefield 5's failure on ERA and how most people were not able admit it played a large role. No, it was because of server issues and such. Or competitive launch date. Yeah, right...


Not this again. The previous fight these two had pushed me away from ArtStation since it looked like it was going to become a battleground where anything sexy could hurt your career. I'm so sick of watching these fights devolve into personal attacks that follow the same snarky pattern over and over. She seems to want to damage his career for attacking anime art while he passive aggressively equates anime to porn (calling it trashy and gross) and calls her a transphobe.

Not a very welcoming environment for artists. If this was the environment I grew up in I don't know if I would want to be an artist.

I'm not sure if I want to upload art to ArtStation because if I get pulled into something like this it's going to hurt. I'd hate to have my name damaged by bigger professional artists trying to bully me out of the industry. I only uploaded my header image and I bet that would get me into fights there since it has featureless female nudity.


Notice how any representative of a feminist issue is never good looking and always seem like a downer?
I happen to have noticed the same, whether it's with pictures or posting history and on that note add this generation to the list.
That's my observation on it, though never get into these kind of talks as they'll only give me a headache.


Team #don'tgiveafak

Who fn cares?

You guys complain about resetera politics then you bring it here. Seriously, make up your minds. You want to talk about games, or this shit?


Team #don'tgiveafak

Who fn cares?

You guys complain about resetera politics then you bring it here. Seriously, make up your minds. You want to talk about games, or this shit?

The key difference is that this is an Insomniac artist talking. It makes it relevant to gaming.

It may indicate what their games might be like in the future.


Hint of misogyny in A Akira1983 's post there. The old models aren't unrealistic fap-bait, they're perfectly reasonable depictions of confident women. I notice that attractive real women attract a lot of this kind of commentary too from the alt left and it's really weird to see the kind of attitude from that side of the fence.

The issue here is direction of travel. The masculination of a confident female character, the puritanical removal of anything that might be considered sexy, you and I both know this won't be enough, it's the thin end of the wedge, and before long we'll have either a butch lesbian or an obese person in place of what was previously a healthy representation of a confident woman.

Why do you hate confident women Akira?
Revenge for how they treated him throughout middle school is my assumption for all these types of drama.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I think both sides would be better off chilling out and letting other people feel how they do about things. This obsession with forcing a conformity of convictions is patently insane in a world of billions.

No. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. They got the actors faces fairly spot on:

Yeah, I think they did a great job and there wasn't any political motivations here. Also I've seen a lot of people hating on Nico but I don't get it. I think she's cute. A character doesn't have to fit anime or Scandinavian characteristics to be pretty/attractive/charming.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I can barely follow what the hell is going on. Do either of these people have anything to do with Capcom at any point? Shrill western white knights getting offended on behalf of (fill in the blank) by Japanese characters designs is kinda old news at this point.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Team #don'tgiveafak

Who fn cares?

You guys complain about resetera politics then you bring it here. Seriously, make up your minds. You want to talk about games, or this shit?

This is in direct reference to gaming. This is a known game developer from Insomniac. Do you want to talk about games, or whine that people aren't talking about what you want to talk about?


All of the characters in the new DMC are a bit questionable looking I'm guessing from the mash up of anime to a more realistic style. Sometimes the artists arrive at something odd looking and it has to stay that way to make it consistent or it's an artifact of the tools or whatever. Think Uncharted 3 which looked extremely weird before they got back to something more naturally pleasing in Uncharted 4. Another example is the Witcher 2 Geralt who had a face that looked like they injected him with a massive amount of hgh for any number of artistic or technical reasons but in Witcher 3 they finally figured out how to make rigs for characters that look good.


its also amazing how females only bitch about how other females look, when a lot of video game guys walk around with no shirt on. Its like the whole double standard they have with movies like magic mike, twilight, and 50 shades of grey
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Again, I don’t necessarily have a problem with the realistic designs of the characters in DMC5, but seems like literally everyone caters their designs and aesthetics to the Western audience. I think that’s why Lady looks the way she does in DMC5.

Yeah, I understand gaming is immensely popular in the West, but I just hope Japanese developers don’t forget about their trademark, stylistically impressive art and designs that give their games an identity and unique look. I noticed this in RE7 actually as well.
Explain mass effect andromeda?

Unless you mean those nut job conspiracies that the female characters don’t look “attractive enough” because of sjws or some bullshit

Ignoring the far more obvious answer that the b tier BioWare crew assigned to the project can’t design or animate characters well in general

But sure. BioWare has an agenda. Lmao

Imo, it was more than the unpolished engine, bad animations and jank that caused Mass Effect Andromeda to sell below expectations. If it was really because of lack of polish, animation and a few glitches, most AAA games would probably see lackluster sales then.

Bethesda games don’t have good animation and glitches galore, yet they sold well. Even games with questionable animations like Assassins Creed during combat sell well. Witcher combat wasn’t the best with some awkward movement, yet it sold very well. NetherRealm games normally have bad animations, but they sell well also.


Imo, it was more than the unpolished engine, bad animations and jank that caused Mass Effect Andromeda to sell below expectations. If it was really because of lack of polish, animation and a few glitches, most AAA games would probably see lackluster sales then.

Bethesda games don’t have good animation and glitches galore, yet they sold well. Even games with questionable animations like Assassins Creed during combat sell well. Witcher combat wasn’t the best with some awkward movement, yet it sold very well. NetherRealm games normally have bad animations, but they sell well also.

My point is anyone that believes mass effect andromeda had purposefully “ugly” characters to push an “sjw” agenda are Alex Jones level fruitcakes

The game just looked janky and hideous in all aspects but maybe some of the outdoor environments . It’s incompetence plain and simple

Is Bethesda pushing an “sjw” narrative because their female characters look like shit in all games?

Is the earth flat? The moon landing a hoax?! Sandy hook is a false flag! Ugh

Btw I threw “sjw” in quotes because it’s a dumb acronym and I never use it except to mock people that do


Her model looks much better in motion, I don't know why they chose such an ugly render for that. Her liquify also doesn't look much better imo.
Either way this has nothing to do with the girl being transphobic or some conspiracy that sjws inserting ugly models in DMC5. People just want to latch on to the next outrage.


My point is anyone that believes mass effect andromeda had purposefully “ugly” characters to push an “sjw” agenda are Alex Jones level fruitcakes

The game just looked janky and hideous in all aspects but maybe some of the outdoor environments . It’s incompetence plain and simple

Is Bethesda pushing an “sjw” narrative because their female characters look like shit in all games?

Is the earth flat? The moon landing a hoax?! Sandy hook is a false flag! Ugh

Btw I threw “sjw” in quotes because it’s a dumb acronym and I never use it except to mock people that do

Then why didn't the male game models look just as bad?

Fallout looks bad in general, but all models look bad, both male and female.

EDIT: an example of the people working on Mass Effect Andromeda:

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People are so eager to defend a fictional woman that they’re willing to viciously bully a real woman. In what universe is it okay to harass someone just because they don’t like frumpy character designs?
My point is anyone that believes mass effect andromeda had purposefully “ugly” characters to push an “sjw” agenda are Alex Jones level fruitcakes

The game just looked janky and hideous in all aspects but maybe some of the outdoor environments . It’s incompetence plain and simple

Is Bethesda pushing an “sjw” narrative because their female characters look like shit in all games?

Is the earth flat? The moon landing a hoax?! Sandy hook is a false flag! Ugh

Btw I threw “sjw” in quotes because it’s a dumb acronym and I never use it except to mock people that do

You got some good points, but there are some not so visually appealing, glitchy and janky games that still sell admirably well despite their shortcomings like PUBG. Things like like the director with the racist tweets could of contributed to ME:A as well?

Why did they drastically change the female Ryder actress’ face and left the male Ryder character basically the same though? Maybe they are not trying to push an agenda, but that’s very peculiar. Also, most of the female models in the character creator looked worst then the males and the males didn’t even look that great to begin with. Yeah, could be unfamiliarity with modeling because the last Mass Effect games had noticeably more attractive characters despite the antiquated hardware, but it seems like the females were affected more. Even the female aliens and costumes were more attractive in past games. Not sure if that is a coincidence.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Twitter is a game for losers. The only way to win, is not to play.

This whole thing is STUPID!!!!!!!! Those two simply disagree with how the lady from DMC5 should look. One is more into sexualized art styles and the other is more conservative. Who cares?!?! It's okay to disagree!


Unconfirmed Member
My point is anyone that believes mass effect andromeda had purposefully “ugly” characters to push an “sjw” agenda are Alex Jones level fruitcakes

The game just looked janky and hideous in all aspects but maybe some of the outdoor environments . It’s incompetence plain and simple

Is Bethesda pushing an “sjw” narrative because their female characters look like shit in all games?

Is the earth flat? The moon landing a hoax?! Sandy hook is a false flag! Ugh

Btw I threw “sjw” in quotes because it’s a dumb acronym and I never use it except to mock people that do

Well done on achieving the highest ever count of straw men I'm a single post. You truly are special. I think I'm a little bit in love.


Unconfirmed Member
AGAIN! This only shows how STUPID all of this is. Why are we blaming this Insomniac dev for other people sending the Layna chick death threats and hate DMs?

People with large followings know this will happen, and some do leverage the power this gives them. The right thing to do is to to not go after people aggressively because idiot followers WILL be idiot followers.


Some people are going to be unhappy with character redesigns.

Lady did go from being a cute spunky looking girl with an upturned nose to having a models face with a strong jawline.

I don't think it's anything politically motivated I just think they liked the look and went with it.


Then why didn't the male game models look just as bad?

Fallout looks bad in general, but all models look bad, both male and female.

EDIT: an example of the people working on Mass Effect Andromeda:


They do? Did you even play it? Default male Ryder and Liam costa look like complete goobers

I went with default female Ryder because it was more appealing

Most custom characters looked awful, universally

The only characters that weren’t super offputting was Lexi, Drack and most of the alien species except those horrid looking Jaal things, whatever those were supposed to be
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