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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 6

I wonder if they could do a work around by writing down the pick/ban on paper then going into a blind pick, or if it would still mess up the draft.

Edit: Oh, here we go.
I always laugh when a Black Cleaver + Frozen Mallet mini-Gnar tries to tank a 4-item ADC.

Like, you don't have armor, bro. You're roughly as tanky as the support right now.


I really hope this patch killed Rek'Sai and Gragas

Granted, we'll probably just see the next two best junglers picked every game but still


Laughing and basically trashtalking the UOL players when they make missplays. Like "Look at Move what is he doing, his jungle pathing is trash, what is he doing there haha!" and stuff like that over and over but hardly saying anything when H2K make mistakes.

I mean Move have made alot of mistakes so calling him out on it isnt wrong but the way they say it just feels a bit iffy

I really hope this patch killed Rek'Sai and Gragas

Granted, we'll probably just see the next two best junglers picked every game but still
Yes i agree, really tired of seing them so often. Would love if they nerfed Nidalee more and tanked Elise aswell just so we can see some interesting picks


Laughing and basically trashtalking the UOL players when they make missplays. Like "Look at Move what is he doing, his jungle pathing is trash, what is he doing there haha!" and stuff like that over and over but hardly saying anything when H2K make mistakes.

I mean Move have made alot of mistakes so calling him out on it isnt wrong but the way they say it just feels a bit iffy

Oh, i agree, the eu cast has a love for H2K that i will never understand
Oh, i agree, the eu cast has a love for H2K that i will never understand

I mean, as casters, it's perfectly logical for them to like them.

Jankos is known for early aggressive pathing and ganking, preventing long, boring farm-offs where casters have to fill time for 15-20 minutes before the game starts.

Forgiven is a very aggressive, play-making ADC who likewise tends to ensure that the game devolves into bloody, late-game 5v5 team fights rather than being decided off split-pushes or cheeky picks. Ryu, too.

The team, in general, tends to rotate into fights rather than away from them, which is basically super popular with every caster except for Monte because it just makes for better "TV".

Particularly considering the reputation EU teams have for grinding out long, low-action games, it's easy to see why they would like having a team like that around.


Laughing and basically trashtalking the UOL players when they make missplays. Like "Look at Move what is he doing, his jungle pathing is trash, what is he doing there haha!" and stuff like that over and over but hardly saying anything when H2K make mistakes.

Deficio and Krepo in particular always seem overly harsh when giving their criticsm.
Man, these stooges better have a Gnar counterpick in their pocket. If they just waved it off to Huni without a second thought on the matter I'm gonna be triggered hard.


huhhi is just dicking people right now

People would assume Huhi doesn't have a champion pool after the TSM games. Which begs the question of where the fuck were his Syndra picks

he did play it game 2 against TSM and he did well on it. i don't know why he didn't play it game 3, it might have been banned
Pobelter's just a non-factor here. He's like a Support Karma, but worse because at least Support Karma usually has enough HP not to get one-shot.
These fights should not have been anywhere near this close with how absurdly ahead CLG was.
Huhi has more different picks this year than Bjergsen.

Huhi has no champion pool is just another way of saying "Huhi sucks".
Having a champ pool means being actually good at the picks, you know.


I'm surprised it took this long for midlaners to start taking ignite on Syndra. It's straight up essential to get her snowballing and takes far less setup than teleport.


I'm surprised it took this long for midlaners to start taking ignite on Syndra. It's straight up essential to get her snowballing and takes far less setup than teleport.

I'm pretty sure Huhi has been taking ignite since it started getting played in Quarters
I'm surprised it took this long for midlaners to start taking ignite on Syndra. It's straight up essential to get her snowballing and takes far less setup than teleport.

Yeah, plus I've never honestly found Syndra teleports to be that great. She can't teleport deep without a Zhonya's because she doesn't have any escapes or shields, so you're usually just trying to find a flank and lobbing out the billiards stun on a wing and a prayer; if it gets flashed you don't do much other than float around looking intimidating. No way to speed yourself up or jump a wall to continue pursuit, even.

Like, sure, you can get a good teleport on basically any champion, but there's a pretty big difference from a Lissandra popping up in the middle of your team versus a Vel'Koz showing up in a bush somewhere in the backline and hoping you don't just walk away and ignore him.

Edit: Summoner Icon polling confirms that Immortals are the Jill Stein of NA LCS.


I'm pretty sure Huhi has been taking ignite since it started getting played in Quarters

Looking back at the match histories, he had played Syndra twice before today with one game on ignite and one with cleanse. I guess I'm mostly clowning on Jensen - he never took ignite and I specifically remember he missed out on lane kills because of it.
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