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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


i would like to see if they limited ranked to 2s and 3s

yup, no 1s

i'd be very curious to see how that would turn out haha

whoops top of the page with the controversial opinion

quick! hide!


(if this is nsfw to you neko then quit your fucking 1984 job)
probably not the right attitude to have though. Playing with a premade can be an audition of a sort giving you the chance to get invited into their group.

Now playing against one.... I'm not going to comment. I have no idea if I'm going up against a premade in LoL. * Most games put stars by their names to indicate this but never noticed this in LoL
It's normally easy to tell a premade because a lot of the time they have the same group tag.

I've run into a good deal of drama when playing with premades.

Recently had a Karthus game where our Garen top came storming down mid to get a kill on the enemy mid but he ends up getting double teamed by the JG and mid and dies. He goes on a rager calling me useless and such ... I COULD have pointed out how unlike him my champ needs mana and I had zero at the time and was trying to back (the fuck am I gonna do with a manaless Karth, Auto attack them to death as I chase them into in their jg?) but I noticed that he and at least 2 other people had the same group tag. So if I say a damn thing against him I'm sure it's just gonna make things worse there for I had to mute him and report him after we won.

I found out that I had to do stuff like that when dealing with premades because some time ago I played Poppy top and died to the Croc ... it was close but he killed me. The Rango JG decided to run in at a slither of HP like 10 secs after I died and he got killed. He raged in chat about me feeding the Croc, blaming me for his death. I speak up and suddenly I have 3 children telling the enemy team to report me as they systematically blame everything wrong on me. And you guessed it, they were a premade with the same tag. So yeah, now if I ever have words to say with someone in a premade i just don't say em.

I've had games where people talk about RL stuff in chat, forcing me to mute them all cause IDGAF who is talking about who behind their back. Had games where 2+ people go AFK for large spans of time, costing us the game. Had premades refuse to FF. Had premades force the game to go on by not helping me push objectives and just farming or running around after we win teamfights cause we wanted to fight more ... and that ends up getting us an L because they don't realize how much a Jax scales in late game.

I think it's just a part of being human. It's easy to see someone outside your group as "the other".

IDK, maybe I have the wrong outlook on this but these kinda things don't normally happen when everyone is clearly solo.

Seems like being IN a premade is fun as shit though and common sense tells you that toxic behavior greatly goes down when people are playing with others they know and everyone's getting the role they want. Still sucks to be the out sider when you're grouped with them.
Let me tell you about playing with a group of friends.

if a group of friends wants to try ranking together, to try and be successful, don't do it. It wrecks relationships. You'll snipe and bicker at each other more than usual. You'll learn to hate certain knacks of some friends, the way you're spoken to from other friends. It'll probably end in disaster if you plan on retaining any semblance of competitiveness for ranked, and friendship. The higher you want to go in ranked, the more your friendship deteriorates.

And if there's some sexual tension, hoo boy you're in for a wild ride of hatred.


Welp, 10 game winning streak, one match away from getting into my promos to get into Gold, all just came to an end =(

I got outplayed hard by a Gnar.
Poke me under my turret then GNAR! out to kill, etc.


Let me tell you about playing with a group of friends.

if a group of friends wants to try ranking together, to try and be successful, don't do it. It wrecks relationships. You'll snipe and bicker at each other more than usual. You'll learn to hate certain knacks of some friends, the way you're spoken to from other friends. It'll probably end in disaster if you plan on retaining any semblance of competitiveness for ranked, and friendship. The higher you want to go in ranked, the more your friendship deteriorates.

And if there's some sexual tension, hoo boy you're in for a wild ride of hatred.

honestly i've been playing with the same group of friends for like 4 years and we've never had that problem

like we've yelled at each other and like ragequit and had to say sorry and whatnot but we're still going strong haha

i personally spend more time watching league than playing it these days but u know
honestly i've been playing with the same group of friends for like 4 years and we've never had that problem

like we've yelled at each other and like ragequit and had to say sorry and whatnot but we're still going strong haha

i personally spend more time watching league than playing it these days but u know



I apologize. You'll be a shiny diamond one day.


going back to playing support only. I love playing other lanes but it put me on tilt.

edit: silver 3 is a cesspool. which I never dropped this low lulz


Meh, two losses in a row, second game thanks to a feeding Jhin who wouldn't stop complaining about being tilted, then kept dying while typing.

S1 56LP, time to stop for the night.


Meh, two losses in a row, second game thanks to a feeding Jhin who wouldn't stop complaining about being tilted, then kept dying while typing.

S1 56LP, time to stop for the night.
Yep. 2 loses and row and it is time to stop playing ranked. Had a rough couple of games tonight(never play league in a tropical storm) lol
Just took an L in one of those head ache games where the strongest person refused to just fucking END the game cause he wanted to chase kills and pad out his KDA when our comp didn't scale well for the types of fights we had to face (Teemo ADC/ Olaf Top vs Kennen Top/ Luc ADC. Kennen could decide team fights with his ult, Teemo was damn near a non factor in fights and the "I'm the strongest!" Olaf would just die stupidly trying to 1v4 instead of trying to push objectives and when he did he did it solo to prove how strong he was. Soloed Elder Drag ... until Luc stole it cause no one was around).

It was one of those stupid "Hey, everyone is dead other then Olaf, Thresh and the enemy Luc. Instead of taking the enemy mid inhib that's tots open as the sup tries to stop Luc's push I think it's a good idea to just waste the 20 free secs of everyone being dead by chasing the dashy dash ADC instead of putting supers on the map." games ..


so, got an invite to the alpha client


some kinks still need to be worked out lol...

looks real pretty but i kind of wish i knew i wouldn't have access to runes and masteries and the shop lol


so, got an invite to the alpha client


some kinks still need to be worked out lol...

looks real pretty but i kind of wish i knew i wouldn't have access to runes and masteries and the shop lol

how do you get into the Alpha? ;-;

nevermind, just signed up!
You know what I hate about low elo ranks. People who confuse this game for Team Deathmatch.

Ignoring all toxicity, it infuriates me to no end, my team going 4v5 under a turret at the enemy inhib turret, when I am the only team mate ahead.

Or just running in to team fights one at a time instead of just backing off and grouping first. Everyone thinks they are the new god and can just 1v5 an enemy team. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I'm thinking of taking a break. This game has become way more difficult to carry solo and its difficult with work to get friends who are available to play too. For some reason it just doesn't feel as fun as before.


You know what I hate about low elo ranks. People who confuse this game for Team Deathmatch.

Ignoring all toxicity, it infuriates me to no end, my team going 4v5 under a turret at the enemy inhib turret, when I am the only team mate ahead.

Or just running in to team fights one at a time instead of just backing off and grouping first. Everyone thinks they are the new god and can just 1v5 an enemy team. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I'm thinking of taking a break. This game has become way more difficult to carry solo and its difficult with work to get friends who are available to play too. For some reason it just doesn't feel as fun as before.

Yeah, this happens alot. Especially where 2 people just push mid and overstay and get wiped out because they are in the enemy territory. I have to say I have been at fault because of that, but I got better when to back out and to push.


Champion.gg got updated for 6.11.

Ashe, MF, Sivir and Twitch are the adcs with the top win rate for 6.11.

Malz and Swain still seem really dumb, so Swain still getting banned seems reasonable.

Zyra is sitll the top support.
I've stopped using the alpha client a few days ago. I'm just waiting for 0.2. The lag with everything in champ select was just unbearable.
Champion.gg got updated for 6.11.

Ashe, MF, Sivir and Twitch are the adcs with the top win rate for 6.11.

Malz and Swain still seem really dumb, so Swain still getting banned seems reasonable.

Zyra is sitll the top support.

Wukong seems great in jungle and top. Illaoi looks decent too.

Kindred are still amazing it seems


Champion.gg gets updated, first match I queue today enemy first picks Irelia...

Coincidence? Maybe. Dammit.

Edit: Next queue she gets banned. It begins ;_;

... yep, another match and she's banned. Farewell dreams of Gold.


Hate double posting, but man, went from one win away to get to promos for Gold, to four game lose streak (down to 20LP)


I feel bad for Breezy. Swain gets to be good and he's a perma-ban.

See, that's why it's bad when your main is buffed to ridiculous levels. Swain will stay as a ban for a while even after he's no longer OP due to ban inertia.

Sleeper OP or just strong is the best power level.
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