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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

watchign your teammates chase and roam by themselves every game gets old.

if you are adc/mid why are you face checking every non warded brush

Something similar but, I had a Lulu that kept going around the jungle by herself. Doing god knows want. Died like 17 times.


my favorite thing is the support who doesn't buy a sightstone or pinks and berates you for not warding objectives enough. Then bitches about it in post game lobby even though you end up the game having placed 32 wards in total and support only placed 3
I'm confident League has the most toxic gaming community. And that is pretty impressive. I mean, I've played Counter-Strike and recently started playing Dota. Those places seem gentle compared.
I'm confident League has the most toxic gaming community. And that is pretty impressive. I mean, I've played Counter-Strike and recently started playing Dota. Those places seem gentle compared.

There is something special to league.

But it's also a size thing. League is probably the biggest game in the world in terms of players, so naturally there's just going to be more assholes.
Just dodged a game cause I locked in Karthus and the enemy team's last lock in was Mid Fizz.

I am not in the mood to deal with assassin ass champs on Karthus. Woulda stayed if I had decided to go with Liss or Malz but nope.

First game I've dodged in weeks I think...
So I'm getting around to listening to Jhins login music

and they need to make more of Jhin

He completes me like no other adc does

I've only played Jhin twice, but I love his design because he looks like he's straight out of Treasure Planet.

league makes Call of duty seem like a bath and spa.

Yeah, that's probably true right now. However, I don't think anything can touch pre-party chat Call of Duty/Gears in terms of toxicity. Oh boy.


i've found a lot of overwatch players to be pretty toxic already

i'm making pretty liberal use of the "avoid this asshole" feature


i've found a lot of overwatch players to be pretty toxic already

i'm making pretty liberal use of the "avoid this asshole" feature

I haven't noticed too much toxicity really, hardly ever pay attention to chat anyway though since I always play with friends on voice
Hmmm, I see a lot of pros using RoA on Ziggs and I don't get it. He doesn't have that much of a mana problem late game :/

Might try it to see how I like it though


It's nice to see the support diversity in pro play right now. Every type of support and almost every support see play.


Well "people" on Pro builds.

Tried RoA ... not into it. The CDR and ap from Purple book is too good.

Didn't help that my bot lane fed as hard as they could :/

Uh yeah there's hardly anyone playing Ziggs and only one of which is building ROA on him, and I wouldn't exactly look to Alex Ich as the be all end all of builds
Uh yeah there's hardly anyone playing Ziggs and only one of which is building ROA on him, and I wouldn't exactly look to Alex Ich as the be all end all of builds

Huh, I see ...

Welp, Trm (or later today as it's normally referred to) I'mma be playing some Viktor.

Hope he's not too hard to learn :v
I like Team Fight champs but laning with them seems to be awkward. Like Kennen ... I love his Ult in a good team fight but his wave clear sucks so bad I feel like maybe I should just forgo the straight AP route and try a AD/ Hybrid build to beef up his AAs.



Started playing ranked again now that my internet seems stable. Gotta love it when I have enough money to buy any single item, but I can't let leave without pinks. I have not playing SR in a very, very long time (99% ARAM). I really sucked in the first few games, like forgetting to pickup red after Sightstone, or not doing my old habit of setting up objectives 60-90 seconds beforehand, or just not as map aware as I used to be. Slowly re-learning the game.



I haven't noticed too much toxicity really, hardly ever pay attention to chat anyway though since I always play with friends on voice
i've noticed some, about the same as in league, but i play with more friends in league so there's that

It's nice to see the support diversity in pro play right now. Every type of support and almost every support see play.
yea, it seems that itemization, champion design and general balance have all been going really well for supports lately. it's very cool to see

and honestly it doesn't feel like all the other lanes are THAT bad. like, there's a few problem champions in every lane but they're mostly dealt with in 6.11 (tho i think viky will need a nerf too), so it seems to be shaping up pretty decent

the types of games also seem to be really varied, at least in korea

oh and here i was thinking league was all but doomed
yeah i think it's a good change for velkoz since his ult being mostly a single target thing felt really off

but then again that's what it did before so i'm not sure what exactly did the rework accomplish then...
At the very least I think they made his lategame a bit better. I think he should be better against tanky teams as well?

problem with morellos and a new 20% item is that mids don't really care about the grievous wounds stuff. it's like nice when you're against swain or soraka and you might buy it on a champion you normally wouldn't if you are against one of them, but it's not the reason the item is bought

so if you create another 20% cdr + mp5 + ap item with a passive that benefits you in a more broad situation then you'll just switch to that for like almost every game

i think i would just remove grievous wounds from morellos and make another item to compete with it with new passives for both. grievous wounds would be nice to be had maybe on a nlr item because it's not such a great laning passive imo (since it doesn't kill sustain since you need to be <40% hp for gw to kick in), and even after that it's kind of wonky. like i would love to see the stats on how effective morellos is at countering swains and sorakas and vladimirs and whatnot on like an actual game, because the <40% hp thing always made it sound to me like it didn't really do much
Yea, I only get rellos really for the cdr since I run 20% cdr ruins 99% of the time. The thing about GW and mages is even if you feel you need it for a vlad or swain in lane, you won't be able to get it until you finish Rello and on top of that you have to get them low to utilize it, as you pointed out.

Executioner's calling on the other hand offers ad champs the GW passive for 800 gold and seems to work when they are at 100% as well?

I guess the reasoning on that is because mages are more bursty? I think you are right in saying they should remove GW from rellos and give it a new passive. But I'd settle for them removing the hp requirement for GW on Rello, although I'm biased and don't really play champs with sustain lol.

I think they should make an equivalent Executioner's Calling for mages that applies the full GW no matter what the opponents HP is and maybe have it build into another part of a different void staff or maybe another build component of Dcap?
Wouldn't GW be good against any form of regen? Like Cho's passive/ Trundle's passive and ult/ Grasp mastery and anyone with a potion?

But yeah, seems kinda like a passive you don't buy the item for. I buy it for the CDR and AP ... in fact, if I'm on a champ who doesn't need to complete it asap I leave it at the lost chapter thing and upgrade it later.


Holy shit magic pen supp zyra is fun. Ended up with 53 flat/35% from void

Dealing true dmg to the entire team ggwp
I had 3 wins in a row for the first time in forever

I played Vlad, Swain and Illaoi. Carried the first 2, 1 v 2'd a few times in the Illaoi game.

They all seem pretty darm strong.

Oh also I got to interview Xpeke yesterday. that was a lot of fun.



The people you meet in Aram.

I played with him too. That's a clever name.

Stories from Silver III: Episode 2

Champ Select: Banning phase. I hover Malz jungle since we're first pic... enemy bans go through and Malz is open; I'm happy. Of course, the last person on my team bans Malzaher, his excuse? He was away from the PC, just came back and banned whoever; sorry bro. Being the gentleman I am, I tell him to pay attention next time, especially in the game, and pick Yi. He picks Brand.

The Game: 15 Minutes in. Mid-lane Brand DC's 10 minutes into the game, comes back at 15 minutes, than dies to the enemy Ryze. He then complains how bad I am in chat. During this time, I'm 4/2/6, ganked bot lane 3 times, top lane twice, and secured us first dragon. He was 1/3. I point out our teams score, tell him to stay positive because we are winning the game. He says "No, we are going to lose," and then follows me around trying to steal my jungle camps with his W.

Thankfully I managed to get myself and our top Garen fed off the enemy Nasus that pushed all game without wards.

I hate this game sometimes (a lot)


Another game with a support who didn't buy Sightstone.

Oh wait, they did... EVENTUALLY.

@34 min
ADC: "sightstone. 34 min."
Support: "27. just finished watchers."

As if that's better...
What about her E since it deals single target damage?

Hmm? Not sure if it does or does, never played her before.

But DFT seems to be an underrated keystone. I started using it on Sion in match ups where I don't think I can prec Grasp in ( ranged match ups where you max E first) and it's great.
I got a purple gem thing , should I shard it into a chest and key or for annie hextech
I have 9 ... woulda had 11 if I saved the ones I first got.

I'm saving them because I figure that if they're willing to do ONE Hextech gem exclusive skin they're likely willing to do another in the future. And the next might be for a champ I like playing (I have the Chinese Annie, I'm happy enuff with that seeing as I don't play her)
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