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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
naut goes top right? i need to find a good top i like
Nautilus was pushed out of top after a few nerfs to damage/mana regen and would be considered a very weak pick for those lanes at this point. Just pick up Renekton or something.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Nautilus was pushed out of top after a few nerfs to damage/mana regen and would be considered a very weak pick for those lanes at this point. Just pick up Renekton or something.

thanks, i'll check him out

any yasuo tips before i play a game w/ him?


should i always be clearing camps throughout the whole game?

Depends on the jungler, how the game is going, and your style. You should always keep it in mind, farming is xp and gold, but it's a balancing act too. For what my shitty experience is worth, late game farming becomes more a matter of opportunity than anything else.


how is jarvan iv for jungle? im ready to move on from warwick and try someone new

he's pretty damn fun. nailing his q and r are super satisfying.

i got him out of a crate and some blue essence - not bad for a free champ

Jarvan's good. His hard engage is extremely good since he can first pop the enemy up with his combo, then use ult if they flash. He's a hard engage tank in the late game with Stoneplate -- you can build him bruiser but I think it's less common now because tank items are so strong.

Yasuo is very, very difficult to play at a useful level, but if you're enjoying him, just think of him as a melee-range ADC that can go in any lane and itemize him mostly that way.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
jon is a walking meme

janna, lux, ahri, yasuo

who are the champs the cool kids play these days

Jarvan's good. His hard engage is extremely good since he can first pop the enemy up with his combo, then use ult if they flash. He's a hard engage tank in the late game with Stoneplate -- you can build him bruiser but I think it's less common now because tank items are so strong.

Yasuo is very, very difficult to play at a useful level, but if you're enjoying him, just think of him as a melee-range ADC that can go in any lane and itemize him mostly that way.

nice thanks, i think i'll use my IP on him


Looking at character reddits after the SG skin stuff and wow ... SG has caused such a drama bomb.

"Why does Ahri get to have the legendary? Raka is the 'Star Child' she should have the legendary! (I kinda agree in that I think Raka shoulda come out next year with a legendary SG skin ... revealing that she's the "First Star". Would really fit the theme and the character. Perfectly fine with Ahri getting her first legendary in this line. They coulda made SG Sona instead of Raka)/ SG Ahri is such a bitch! >:'( ... / SG Lux should be upgraded! She's the original but Ahri gets the better recall that fully embodies the Magical Girl Trope and new VOs!/ Why is Lux over shadowed in her own line by Ahri and Jinx!?/ Riot playing favorites cause Ahri is basically the poster child for LoL!/ MF doesn't fit!/ Why is Ahri so mean to Eve?!?/ SG Ahri is Pay to LOSE! Too easy to tell she has a ult charge!"

Anyway, think I'll get Ahri and MF.


Looking at character reddits after the SG skin stuff and wow ... SG has caused such a drama bomb.

"Why does Ahri get to have the legendary? Raka is the 'Star Child' she should have the legendary! (I kinda agree in that I think Raka shoulda come out next year with a legendary SG skin ... revealing that she's the "First Star". Would really fit the theme and the character. Perfectly fine with Ahri getting her first legendary in this line. They coulda made SG Sona instead of Raka)/ SG Ahri is such a bitch! >:'( ... / SG Lux should be upgraded! She's the original but Ahri gets the better recall that fully embodies the Magical Girl Trope and new VOs!/ Why is Lux over shadowed in her own line by Ahri and Jinx!?/ Riot playing favorites cause Ahri is basically the poster child for LoL!/ MF doesn't fit!/ Why is Ahri so mean to Eve?!?/ SG Ahri is Pay to LOSE! Too easy to tell she has a ult charge!"

Anyway, think I'll get Ahri and MF.
tbh most of those are right, not everything is worth throwing a fit about (ahri is the poster child of lol... why wouldn't riot play favorites?), but things like the mf skin being uninspired and subpar compared to the rest are very much true

i think what we're getting with the skin lines now is the same as the early chromas or the early group splashes, it's riot being cheap and stubborn, and hopefully like those two they'll find a good solution that makes most people happy

this i think is real lame, that mf skin holy shit it's like they didn't even try lol


tbh most of those are right, not everything is worth throwing a fit about (ahri is the poster child of lol... why wouldn't riot play favorites?), but things like the mf skin being uninspired and subpar compared to the rest are very much true

i think what we're getting with the skin lines now is the same as the early chromas or the early group splashes, it's riot being cheap and stubborn, and hopefully like those two they'll find a good solution that makes most people happy

this i think is real lame, that mf skin holy shit it's like they didn't even try lol

I know they play favorites and the profits from SG Ahri can probly fund 3 full future team skins alone AND a rework.

But I don't think MF "uninspired and subpar". I think it's a perfectly fine addition ... it's just that 1- MF doesn't naturally lend herself well to the theme (Even though she's got a bad ass bad story and was a beast in that short animation sheeeee's .... still a walking sex joke in game. In both presentation and VO. Not the first thing I think about when I think Magical Girl and I don't know of too many magical girls double fisting guns. Works fine for Pool Party but not so much for this) and 2- She's kinda really old with not very flashy moves. Only 2 skills really make a visual impression on her)

Like sure, there's better fits that would make more sense (Sona for example. Earth Bender is a no brainer if they actually wanna put in the work) but when compared to the last batch in which only Jinx (fucking great) and maybe Poppy were good I think she's fine and comes out above the likes of LuLu and Janna.

Quality wise I think it's better and more impressive than Arcade and Pool Party (they change her idea pose AND her Ult animation) but thematically those out class it as they actually fit her character and work with it more.

It's kinda like 10 dollar "DunkMaster Syndra". Sure, she has balls and tosses them at people. Sure, you can give her a cool fade away basketball shot animation for an ult ... but theme wise it wouldn't mesh the best and she'd need fully reworked VO lines and animations to make it fit. Would probly be better to ref a different sport as well.



ori winrate went up a fair bit after they unfucked her

good stuff

I know they play favorites and the profits from SG Ahri can probly fund 3 full future team skins alone AND a rework.

But I don't think MF "uninspired and subpar". I think it's a perfectly fine addition ... it's just that 1- MF doesn't naturally lend herself well to the theme (Even though she's got a bad ass bad story and was a beast in that short animation sheeeee's .... still a walking sex joke in game. In both presentation and VO. Not the first thing I think about when I think Magical Girl and I don't know of too many magical girls double fisting guns. Works fine for Pool Party but not so much for this) and 2- She's kinda really old with not very flashy moves. Only 2 skills really make a visual impression on her)

Like sure, there's better fits that would make more sense (Sona for example. Earth Bender is a no brainer if they actually wanna put in the work) but when compared to the last batch in which only Jinx (fucking great) and maybe Poppy were good I think she's fine and comes out above the likes of LuLu and Janna.

Quality wise I think it's better and more impressive than Arcade and Pool Party (they change her idea pose AND her Ult animation) but thematically those out class it as they actually fit her character and work with it more.

It's kinda like 10 dollar "DunkMaster Syndra". Sure, she has balls and tosses them at people. Sure, you can give her a cool fade away basketball shot animation for an ult ... but theme wise it wouldn't mesh the best and she'd need fully reworked VO lines and animations to make it fit. Would probly be better to ref a different sport as well.

i agree it's on par with janna/lulu (would def add poppy too to that list), but that's kind of the problem with this skin line

with the exception of the legendary skin all the champions look the same, this time they tried a little harder but it's still pretty bad, syndra skin has really awesome balls but her design is really bad and while i think soraka looks good it's still just more of the same. only one that's sort of original is ezreal and that's probably only cos he's a guy

it's real lame, and they're charging 1350 for these half-hearted efforts

at least it's not as bad as that awful brand skin lol


i agree it's on par with janna/lulu (would def add poppy too to that list), but that's kind of the problem with this skin line

with the exception of the legendary skin all the champions look the same, this time they tried a little harder but it's still pretty bad, syndra skin has really awesome balls but her design is really bad and while i think soraka looks good it's still just more of the same. only one that's sort of original is ezreal and that's probably only cos he's a guy

it's real lame, and they're charging 1350 for these half-hearted efforts

at least it's not as bad as that awful brand skin lol
I see your point. (As for Poppy IMO her's looks better partly because she has the newest model and animation set as a character. Janna and Lulu are damn old in comparison so any shared skin is gonna look worse on them to me unless given some hella high love)

I do think that there was a path they coulda taken other than "make em all abide by the aesthetics of a team". Magical Girl anime has become much much larger than SM, they coulda taken inspiration from Pretty Cure and kaleid for more characters. I mean, they kinda did that for the Cosmic skins. They don't all have the same look as Cosmic Reaver, they just share a cosmic element theme. But they wanted their lore narrative with these skins so the gotta look like a team.

And that's what they did, tried to make the first batch look like a team. They tried harder to make unique traits the 2nd time but in doing so you gotta ask a lot of questions.

Like Soraka. They made the amazing choice to give her hip wings. But she only moves them in her HG run and her ult. Raka fans reached out to them, asking for the animation to be put on her passive or Q movement speed buff but Riot said nope, that would change her silhouette too much in game. I mean, Lulu gets/ gives the flying animation when ever she speed buffs herself or a SG skin and Demon Vi gets Wings and a tail anytime she Q's or Ults but I guess it's too hard to make a simi-wing flapping animation for Raka's Q and Passive? And Wings seem like they woulda been great for Janna ... flapping hip wings coulda been apart of her reg running animation given she flys. Would have made the skin something worth the RP IMO.

Syndra ... they give her cute balls but then make her fucking DARK PURPLE?!?! Why not Red or Green? Her normal skin is fucking dark purple. They seem committed to giving her a huge ass head dress which is strange seeing how they had enuff common sense to not do that to MF. Syndra's outfit is just too damn busy and unappealing IMO. Oro skirt sure didn't do it any favors.

With too many of them you gotta ask "why though?" cause so few of them mesh well with the theme of magical girl in their normal VO lines. Lux and Lulu's lines make sense when heard from a SG skin ... Janna not so much, MF not at all and Syndra ... she woulda made sense if they flat out started the villain line like I thought they would and made her the first bad guy. Raka seems like she'd sound right at home in a SG skin and the same goes for the Earth Bender. So yeah, seems like if they don't make new VO lines for a character most characters picked for the SG line don't sound right in SG skins.

Which is like the oppose for Omega. I may not like all of them and I think not giving Trist a kick ass mask should be punishable with slappings but at least they all seem to match their skins when they talk normally.
AR URF is a really fun game mode and thats casual. But theres so many people that are so fucking dense in this game and take this mode way too serious.

The usual flame sometimes errupts and report this and this guy in the game. I mean, sometimes you die alot in urf mode, kinda the part of it.. no?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
copped jinx & yorick on sale - anyone got any thoughts on em? jinx in particular as i like sivir in bot but am looking for someone new

Jarvan's good. His hard engage is extremely good since he can first pop the enemy up with his combo, then use ult if they flash. He's a hard engage tank in the late game with Stoneplate -- you can build him bruiser but I think it's less common now because tank items are so strong.

just had a great game with him in top lane, thanks again for the overview

built bulky and towards the end he was super hard to take down and ended up with the win.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There is stuff about Yorick I really like, but I had to stop playing him because the bugs were just so insanely frustrating. And when you do get a bug on the ultimate there's just nothing you can do about it, because you have zero control over what it does.
I enjoy playing Yorick a lot, I usually struggle to win games with him though. I and others in my elo range aren't particularly good about playing around split pushing. I don't really know how to turn lane wins into game wins when I'm splitting


Yorick's fun in low elo because even when I feed I can usually come back once I get trinity. It's fun to just like, whale on someone with a bunch of zombos


Is there any particular reason you can just teamfight with Yorick? Yeah, his specialty is splitpushing because of his ult, but dark procession is pretty insane CC against targets without flash/dash ability that aren't paying attention. How bad could using his ultimate in a teamfight be, what's the worst case typical scenario?

2 x (10% max health damage procs) from maiden's passive ~ 400 damage vs. 2000hp target
3 x AAs from maiden (40 +0.5 total AD) ~ 345 damage
4 x ghouls x 1 AA/ghoul x (100 +0.3 AD) ~ 580 damage

1325 damage before resistances on a single target is pretty damn nice, and the longer the maiden and ghouls live the higher it gets. Not to mention some pretty nice base damage in Yorick's kit, sheen procs from TF...

Like, I get that he's better off split pushing, but he isn't a useless tool in teamfights like he used to be.
What ELO are you in? I found that when I got to mid/high Platinum a couple of years back teams were suddenly very knowledgeable about how to apply split pressure across the map (supports would start warding deep in the jungle to help keep the split pusher safe and the middle group would try not to get into fights). It might have been low Diamond MMR though since I was duo queued with a high Diamond player.

In mid Gold, where I am today, that just doesn't happen - teamfighting wins out almost every time. Did have a game a couple of days ago where a splitting Teemo helped carry, but it was more through sheer chaos than careful pressure.
It's more like if you're going to teamfight with Yorick you might as well pick any other top laner. He has really poor target selection and can't really access the backline, he just has to walk at people. He does bring best in class splitpushing tho, so if you're picking him you're doing so for that.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
thanks, i am unranked so i dont know how much of that matters at this low level

how is jinx? sivir rips shit up but i prefer ahri for that boomerang style move so i want a diff kind of bot


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is there any particular reason you can just teamfight with Yorick? Yeah, his specialty is splitpushing because of his ult, but dark procession is pretty insane CC against targets without flash/dash ability that aren't paying attention. How bad could using his ultimate in a teamfight be, what's the worst case typical scenario?

2 x (10% max health damage procs) from maiden's passive ~ 400 damage vs. 2000hp target
3 x AAs from maiden (40 +0.5 total AD) ~ 345 damage
4 x ghouls x 1 AA/ghoul x (100 +0.3 AD) ~ 580 damage

1325 damage before resistances on a single target is pretty damn nice, and the longer the maiden and ghouls live the higher it gets. Not to mention some pretty nice base damage in Yorick's kit, sheen procs from TF...

Like, I get that he's better off split pushing, but he isn't a useless tool in teamfights like he used to be.
The effectiveness of Dark Procession is reduced the more people there are around. The wall health is somewhat underwhelming at times, and the number of champions that can do weird things with the wall adds to the frustration. Like I'm pretty sure I've seen Talon just jump over it regularly, and no cooldown is incurred for the following walls. Those are the kinds of things I mean with Yorick where you play him and I just stop and ask why I'm punishing myself by playing the champion. If the wall had Poppy's undashable effect on its edges or something it'd be much more interesting, but as it is you have a very high skill ability that can have little to no reward in most games.

I am actually not super impressed with Yorick's split because his mobility is so low, which makes it harder to pressure hard when your escape options are not great. For his teamfight...it's fine. Very easy to get kited though and in those cases the champion's impact is not very high. So his initiation pressure winds up being very low, and the amount of control you can assert over fights is very limited. Again...another case where the ult cannot be controlled so you can't always use your power the way you want to.


Yeah, the problem with Yorick in teamfights is not necessarily his raw output but his wins above replacement. You can do all that with Yorick if you have zombies, you have your ult, you're close enough to land Dark Procession, you actually land it, the target can't just get out easily, the enemy team doesn't focus it down, and nobody kills you while you're doing all those things. But why not just play Jarvan or whoever instead?

Yorick has no gapcloser to actually use his stuff in teamfights. So he can't initiate, and he's sitting in toplane, where you could have an actual initiator instead, so if you want to teamfight the jungler probably has to do it. So he has to splitpush, every game, but he doesn't have the bailout capability that other splitpushers do.

I really wanted to like Yorick because I thought the redesign was so cool, but I just don't think he quite works.


It's more like if you're going to teamfight with Yorick you might as well pick any other top laner. He has really poor target selection and can't really access the backline, he just has to walk at people. He does bring best in class splitpushing tho, so if you're picking him you're doing so for that.

I don't think Yorick is a great Split Push champ. I agree with Neacy on this, most all juggernauts are just ok at it because of their lack of mobility and escapes

Being able to 1v1 or 1v2 is good but if you don't have the skills to gtfo and weave in and outta fow to keep the confusion and frustration going then you're not best in class imo.


Yeah, the problem with Yorick in teamfights is not necessarily his raw output but his wins above replacement. You can do all that with Yorick if you have zombies, you have your ult, you're close enough to land Dark Procession, you actually land it, the target can't just get out easily, the enemy team doesn't focus it down, and nobody kills you while you're doing all those things. But why not just play Jarvan or whoever instead?

Yorick has no gapcloser to actually use his stuff in teamfights. So he can't initiate, and he's sitting in toplane, where you could have an actual initiator instead, so if you want to teamfight the jungler probably has to do it. So he has to splitpush, every game, but he doesn't have the bailout capability that other splitpushers do.

I really wanted to like Yorick because I thought the redesign was so cool, but I just don't think he quite works.

League needs a blink dagger. That would solve the problem of all of these champions that suffer from mobility creep.


Mobility creep was an issue.

Riot is slowly but surely shifting power so that there is a tradeoff for mobility. Like Newt said, the top winrate ADCs are immobile as hell. The top winrate top laners are a solid mix of mobile and immobile champions. Etc.

It's never going to be perfect, but mobility creep is not nearly the issue it once was.


League needs a blink dagger. That would solve the problem of all of these champions that suffer from mobility creep.

I don't think Yorick's problem is mobility creep, exactly. If you are a splitpusher you're supposed to have, at the very least, disengage. It's a key requirement of the job -- one of the possible outcomes of splitpushing is that they send 2 or 3 people to kill you, so you need to have a decent chance of getting away.

Yorick's disengage is Dark Procession, which is just not that strong at disengaging. The question from a splitpush perspective is, when does it make sense to play Yorick and not Jax or Fiora? They're both better in teamfights AND better at splitting because they're better at just leaving when they need to.

But calling that mobility creep seems wrong, in the same way that it wasn't mobility creep to point out that Shyvana was a terrible Diver because she actually didn't have good tools to dive. (And is now a Juggernaut because of that.)


winrate is usually a wonky stat to pay attention to for these kinds of issues

but yeah, mobility creep is not really a big issue

i don't like blink dager tho

I don't think Yorick's problem is mobility creep, exactly. If you are a splitpusher you're supposed to have, at the very least, disengage. It's a key requirement of the job -- one of the possible outcomes of splitpushing is that they send 2 or 3 people to kill you, so you need to have a decent chance of getting away.

Yorick's disengage is Dark Procession, which is just not that strong at disengaging. The question from a splitpush perspective is, when does it make sense to play Yorick and not Jax or Fiora? They're both better in teamfights AND better at splitting because they're better at just leaving when they need to.

But calling that mobility creep seems wrong, in the same way that it wasn't mobility creep to point out that Shyvana was a terrible Diver because she actually didn't have good tools to dive. (And is now a Juggernaut because of that.)
yeah but basically that's a problem with yorick's design and not fiora or jax i guess

jax having a shit half statchecky design notwithstanding lol


winrate is usually a wonky stat to pay attention to for these kinds of issues

but yeah, mobility creep is not really a big issue

i don't like blink dager tho

Blink dagger doesn't really solve mobility creep at all for the same reason that Flash existing doesn't solve mobility creep.

yeah but basically that's a problem with yorick's design and not fiora or jax i guess

jax having a shit design notwithstanding lol

That's how I see it, yeah.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i understand some of these words....

any thoughts re: playing jinx? not really the harley quinn type but im down for more waifus
Don't play ADC
But calling that mobility creep seems wrong, in the same way that it wasn't mobility creep to point out that Shyvana was a terrible Diver because she actually didn't have good tools to dive. (And is now a Juggernaut because of that.)
Yup. Yorick having a kit that can't really handle basic kiting is not mobility creep's fault. It's not like he's only bad vs people like Riven or Lucian.


i understand some of these words....

any thoughts re: playing jinx? not really the harley quinn type but im down for more waifus

Jinx is good as a deliberate deconstruction of the manic pixie dreamgirl archetype.

Oh, to play? She's pretty strong. Jinx is one of the hypercarry-ish ADCs because of her multiple scaling factors. Build Runaan's to make your rocket launcher strong. Weapon selection is important and you probably need a real ADC to explain the intricacies, but in general minigun is better against objectives and in duels, rocket for teamfights. Jinx is immobile so manage your chompers wisely. Remember that you are way stronger in cleanup because of your passive.
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