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Lulu's Q nerfed for the second time (both damage and ratio). I guess they're determined to get people to stop playing her mid lane. :p

•All spells attempted to be cast while crowd controlled (stunned, snared, etc) will now cast immediately at the end of the effect
I wonder if this will lead to some surprising/amusing effects.

•Fixed a bug where players could not spam emotes to their heart's content
Haha, what.


How the hell are they nerfing mid Lulu when midRaka is still ridiculous.

Free harass with no fear or retaliation, free heals, free global presence, and free lane pushing. Oh and early game MR from her passive.

But no, let's nerf the fun supports.


How the hell are they nerfing mid Lulu when midRaka is still ridiculous.

Free harass with no fear or retaliation, free heals, free global presence, and free lane pushing. Oh and early game MR from her passive.

But no, let's nerf the fun supports.
Heals and lane pushing aren't free since they cost mana (and heal has a big cooldown I think?). Unless you mean after she gets archangel's or something.


Heals and lane pushing aren't free since they cost mana (and heal has a big cooldown I think?). Unless you mean after she gets archangel's or something.

Well by free I mean she gets it over every other mid champion. While still dealing hefty damage.

And late game, mana isn't a problem, she isn't even blue dependent.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Added red/green rings to indicate which targets will be affected
Launch delay reduced to 0.65 seconds from 0.7 seconds

Dr. Mundo

Sadism now returns 40/50/60% of Mundo's health instead of 40/55/70%


Damage adjusted to 80/125/170/215/260 from 80/130/180/230/280
Ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.6
Ugh, Riot. So sick of the meta poking with every tiny nerf that will inevitably put champions back into (or further into) obscurity. Buff your broken shit already.


Neo Member
What the heck us up with Darius' ultimate? True damage, instant refresh on kill hit = the kill securer/stealer. Looked fucking crazy on the spotlight video. Seems like a really weird decision for me. Other than that, it's just Garen ult with true damage. Not much originality >_>


New Skins in the Store:
Blackthorn Morgana

Soul Siphon Spell Vamp reduced to 10/15/20% from 10/20/30%

I hate it when they do that.
I've been postponing playing Morgana because I thought I'd start playing her again after buying this sick skin. Now I'll have to play with a nerfed Morgana.
On the other hand I suppose it was necessary.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What the heck us up with Darius' ultimate? True damage, instant refresh on kill hit = the kill securer/stealer. Looked fucking crazy on the spotlight video. Seems like a really weird decision for me. Other than that, it's just Garen ult with true damage. Not much originality >_>
The limiter on his ultimate will probably be his low mana pool and the high cost of the ability. Still, the instant reset is pretty big if only for being able to avoid its cooldown and still have a strong finisher for any fight. He is really a champion with limited range and survivability, and his mobility is really pretty low, even if it seems like he'll have no trouble sticking to targets. I think his kit is really interesting, and comes together as a whole really well. I'm curious to see how he winds up doing.


I think I troll a bit too much in my solo Q games but the funny thing is when I do play seriously, I lose even harder.

It's just an unbreakable cycle.


I got trolled so hard a few games ago. We were easily winning, got nexus down to less than 50%, and then Graves and Blitz decides to dive fountain for kills. Both dies to fountain. Enemy was able to defend nexus. A few more team fights of Graves thinking he's tank and jumping the front lines and Blitz yanking Alistar in the middle of our team = huge enemy comeback. Threw that game so hard; I've never been so pissed. >:[



Added red/green rings to indicate which targets will be affected
Say wha? Why is this necessary? I think that move is already well telegraphed. He stops, stomps the ground loudly, there are clouds of dust under your feet. Now they add glowing rings? Why not a warning buzzer and flashing lights too? :D


I hate it when they do that.
I've been postponing playing Morgana because I thought I'd start playing her again after buying this sick skin. Now I'll have to play with a nerfed Morgana.
On the other hand I suppose it was necessary.
As mentioned, she's banned like 85% of the time in ranked (along with shen who I believe was also nerfed, and kassadin). I would say it's more reasonable to nerf her than Lulu again; Morgana has been out for quite a while.

Say wha? Why is this necessary? I think that move is already well telegraphed. He stops, stomps the ground loudly, there are clouds of dust under your feet. Now they add glowing rings? Why not a warning buzzer and flashing lights too? :D
Because the move is totally silent if Cho is in a bush, you can't see the ground stomp, if he's at long range even out of a bush you might not see the ground stomp...and perhaps most importantly, on the snow map the dust was nearly invisible (along with kogmaw's ult). Especially since they're messing with the map textures, it's probably a good thing to make it more visible. And hey, it's faster now.

I think some other ground effects, like Miss Fortune's bullet ring thing, can also become half-invisible if the ground is sloped.


Oh yes Tyrant Swain. Time to feed as learn Swain.

Oh wait Morgana skin. I guess I'm never going to play mid in blind pick.


How are percentage damage based attacks affected by MR/armor? Like Brand's passive for example. Surely, MR affects the damage it does, but how is it calculated?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Do we know when the patch is releasing (it might have already but I'm out of my house and I don't know if it has or not)?!?!?
I hate it when they do that.
I've been postponing playing Morgana because I thought I'd start playing her again after buying this sick skin. Now I'll have to play with a nerfed Morgana.
On the other hand I suppose it was necessary.

Man, that sucks. I haven't played Morgana in a while, but she was always my favorite champion. I guess I can understand the necessity, though. Maybe I'll still buy that new skin. Anyone know how much it will cost?


Because the move is totally silent if Cho is in a bush, you can't see the ground stomp, if he's at long range even out of a bush you might not see the ground stomp...and perhaps most importantly, on the snow map the dust was nearly invisible (along with kogmaw's ult). Especially since they're messing with the map textures, it's probably a good thing to make it more visible. And hey, it's faster now.

I think some other ground effects, like Miss Fortune's bullet ring thing, can also become half-invisible if the ground is sloped.
Ah, I guess all good points then. Seeing it in-game it's not as bad as I imagined; just 1pixel ring. For some reason I was imagining a giant red ring around the ability when it was cast. :p


Do you guys turn "wait for vertical sync" on or off? I've left it on because that's what it was by default, though when I turned it on I get an FPS of around 130 versus the normal 60. Should I be going for the higher FPS?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Map redesign looks nice

I had mixed feelings in the initial reveal. I hope it really does look nice.

Do you guys turn "wait for vertical sync" on or off? I've left it on because that's what it was by default, though when I turned it on I get an FPS of around 130 versus the normal 60. Should I be going for the higher FPS?

It helps with screen tearing, but if you have to ask you probably won't notice a difference either way. Personally your comp setup seems OP for this game as it is so I'd leave it on. That's just me though.

On a side note is everyone seeing a FPS improvement like Riot said? They claimed the new map + UI design would be a FPS improvement across the board.


So Swain was disabled because his ult costed 0 mana? Must have been some amazing games for whoever got in on that.
Haha oh wow.

Just got a game in as Darius and he's a ton of fun. I'm usually not a big melee/brawler guy, but I really like his pull. I went against another Darius and I would just pull him into all my minions and then just harass him. Also, had a pretty good jungler on my team, so that helped.


Haha oh wow.

Just got a game in as Darius and he's a ton of fun. I'm usually not a big melee/brawler guy, but I really like his pull. I went against another Darius and I would just pull him into all my minions and then just harass him. Also, had a pretty good jungler on my team, so that helped.

I've been watching streams of Darius. I think I'd really only play him jungle. Ghost will make for some powerful ganks and his clear time looks good. That ult is sick though. There has to be a bug right now. It sometimes refreshes on assists as well as kills :eek:

He may be the first new champ I'm going to buy...


I've been watching streams of Darius. I think I'd really only play him jungle. Ghost will make for some powerful ganks and his clear time looks good. That ult is sick though. There has to be a bug right now. It sometimes refreshes on assists as well as kills :eek:

He may be the first new champ I'm going to buy...

"The cooldown is refreshed if Noxian Guillotine kills the target, or if the target dies within 0.5 seconds after use."



Having full time internship makes it so hard to play league now -sigh-
Cant wait to pickup Darius though tonight :D hopefully he's as fun as I've heard.
I absolutely destroyed a Darius as Kennen, not really surprising I guess.

Map redesign is nice, I really like seeing my CS in the top right corner instead of constantly tabbing to see it.

I constantly hover in between 1170-1300 ELO. Maybe this is where I belong.

I fluctuate between 1400 and 1550, been there since Season 1. I've accepted this is probably where I belong unless I start duoing more with my friends.
Well that was a disaster. During the picking phase (normal blind) we had a Malphite and Pantheon. Since we already had Fiddle and Ashe too I decided to try support Lux and Googled some guides. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the timer and randomed Malzahar. Was also too late to change my masteries and summoner spells and ended up with Smite and Flash. At least I had AP masteries (though they were for Dominion). Ashe DC'ed right at the start and I had never played Malzahar so I decided to go support.
Yes he's a terrible support.


Ashe came back while our Nexus was being destroyed.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
LoL-GAF teach me the ways of Cho-Gath top lane!

He's the newest character I'm trying to learn, and I'm sort of stumped on what to build/do. His silence seems cool, and his ult being true damage scales great into late game. He seems to lack a ton of true hard CC though as his Q is sooo slow.

Also he seems slightly tankier than most bruisers, but I'm not sure if he's got the chops to be a full on tank with his spells. Plus he seems to do slightly less damage. Do I just build tank items on him? Try and stack HP? Should I build AP items for his abilities or not?

Also how do I maximize his toggle E spell to get the most use out of it?
Don't get items that just focus on HP. Your ult takes care of that. Build him tank first, then CDR/AP later.

Start with Doran Ring, or Cloth 5 if expecting heavy physical range harass like from Cait

Core items:
Merc Treads/Ninja Tabi
Glacial Sphere
Catalyst OR Wit's End

Final items:
Merc Treads/Ninja Tabi
Frozen Heart
Wit's End
Abyssal Scepter
Rod of Ages
Situational: Morello, GA, Thornmail/Randuin, FoN, Atma, Wards


Well that was a disaster. During the picking phase (normal blind) we had a Malphite and Pantheon. Since we already had Fiddle and Ashe too I decided to try support Lux and Googled some guides. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the timer and randomed Malzahar. Was also too late to change my masteries and summoner spells and ended up with Smite and Flash. At least I had AP masteries (though they were for Dominion). Ashe DC'ed right at the start and I had never played Malzahar so I decided to go support.
Yes he's a terrible support.


Ashe came back while our Nexus was being destroyed.

Should you get another incredibly unrealistic Malzahar w/ smite lock, you should jungle him. His pet scales off of AD and his ganks are insane. He's obviously not a top tier jungler but he can surprise some people.


Neo Member
Hey, been building Darius like a hundred different ways, but can't find a solid laning build. . .Also, has anyone tried him jungling? He seems perfect for it.


Just tried the new Summoner's Rift. The performance improvements are immense. Real pleased with this patch.
Hey, been building Darius like a hundred different ways, but can't find a solid laning build. . .Also, has anyone tried him jungling? He seems perfect for it.
I'd definitely prefer to play him as a jungler. He has no escapes or defensive boosts, so he's quite vulnerable to ganks.

Was watching TheOddOne in a few games and he seemed to have some great ganks thanks to his ability to stick to people (W, E & R).
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