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Let's hear it for tragically underrated sci-fi flicks

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First male birth I ever saw. Speaking of which (At least on the TV version)...

- Way better than District 9

Robot 492


Danny Boyle is awful but Sunshine is almost a good movie. That third act...

Pretty sure Solaris is widely considered to be one of the best sci-fi movies ever.


they seriously need to remake it, you can even have keanu play the same role. just take ti more seriously with a real budget

I'm not sure but I think they used the same terminology in this film as they did in the Matrix. Wasn't the phrase, "jacking in" used.

Sadly, I don't think Keanu Reeves is going to be in any major blockbuster films in the recent future. And the Wachowskis are not going to have him in Cloud Atlas.


The original dune movie I think is underrated. It's certainly not respected as much as it should be. It's not perfect but it is great.

Maybe if David Lynch actually attempted following the book in the second half of the film, it would be more respected. That's not the only problem, but it certainly would help.


Good topic. I've really been in a sci-fi mood lately but there doesn't seem to be much real sci-fi about. Will download some of the suggestions, though some look really crap. I've seen 12 Monkeys (great), Sunshine, Gattaca (both decent), Solaris, and Equilibrium (shit).


I dunno if it's necessarily underrated, but nobody seems to talk about Linklater's fantastic adaptation of A Scanner Darkly. Beautiful film with fantastic performances from Robert Downey Jr. and Woody Harrelson.

I'll also agree with Primer and Solaris (not the shitty remake though).

Zardoz is great from a mst3k perspective but I couldn't recommend it to anyone in good conscience.

way more

Actually a Farenheit 451 rip off. Totally killed the movie for me.

Why would being a Farenheit 451 rip-off be a bad thing?


This movie is just High Noon set in space. But since the source material is good, the rip-off is similarly good.


More unknown than underrated, since everyone I know that has seen it loves it.

Fucking amazing how people don't know this one given the huge fucking cast alone.

Can anyone recall why it isn't so big? Was it just buried upon release?

Mr. Nobody

It's a pretty amazing sci-fi movie that has yet to be released in theaters, it's only been up in a few movie festivals - which is a big shame considering that its the most expensive movie do date to come from Belgium.


First male birth I ever saw. Speaking of which (At least on the TV version)...

God yes, this one. Fantastic flick with a great story arc. Lou Gosset Jr. and Dennis Quaid really put in some great performances in this one.

Also +1 for The Arrival.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I absolutely hated Primer, loved Time Crimes.


Phase IV is underwatched, super stylish sci-fi and the only movie directed by Saul Bass, the dude that designed a lot of the most iconic posters and title sequences of the 50s and 60s. Definitely the coolest man vs ants movie


Movie is great.

Charlie Sheen IS Gordon Freeman in this movie


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
So underrated that it should be a crime. If you can someday watch it with an audience, please do. That ending causes so much shock and aww, man... Love this flick.




Love this movie. Looks awesome visually, basically a neo-noir in that respect, and the premise is pretty neat. Quality cast as well, especially Kiefer Sutherland (dude is creepy in this) and William Hurt.

Came out two months after Titanic, and was slaughtered by it like pretty much everything else at the box office. And a year after The Matrix came out (using some of the same sets as Dark City) and so it continued to get overshadowed. And in classic "overlooked at release sci-fi" style, the studio forced director Alex Proyas to include a lame explanatory voice over in the beginning because they were worried audiences wouldn't understand the film. Basically spoils part of the plot within the first five minutes.

Luckily, the director's cut fixes all those issues (and looks great).
Why would being a Farenheit 451 rip-off be a bad thing?


This movie is just High Noon set in space. But since the source material is good, the rip-off is similarly good.

While it is essentially High Noon-in-space, it's really atmospheric and does the gritty sci-fi thing better than most movies, outside of classics like Alien and Blade Runner.

Plus, Sean fucking Connery.




Really nails the sense of claustrophobia that space movies should have. That's one of the reasons I didn't like the remake of Solaris, because even though it was set on a remote space station, it didn't feel remote. It felt like no big deal to get there and no big deal to get home.

way more

While it is essentially High Noon-in-space, it's really atmospheric and does the gritty sci-fi thing better than most movies, outside of classics like Alien and Blade Runner.

Plus, Sean fucking Connery.

Yeah, I undersold that. It has a setting as well developed as those two you've mentioned. Just a very real, authentic, space mining station.


I've been searching for this for a long time! THANK YOU! I saw this when I was a kid. I love it.

no doubt.

i also just recalled, the original The Andromeda Strain is a REALLY good movie. It is almost timeless, because the set design is soooo good.



The alternate ending is much better.
Where the 'killer' turns out to be an automated system, a kind of Von Neumann machine that detects species capable of stellar engineering, sets them up with a test scenario (dying sun)identifies that as a threat and destroys them. The first group actually fails in its attempt and so the Von Neumann machine lets earth survive. When the second group gets there and succeeds, it apologizes (in the form of the 'killer') and ironically wipes out Earth BECAUSE they made it.

Holy. Shit. Is this true? On the Blu? I must see this...

rdrr gnr

As far as some of the posts on the first page go... I think Sunshine counts. Sunshine is also one of my favorite films, so I'm probably far from impartial.


this would be up there with the best sci-fi of the decade... BUT, danny boyle just had to go and remind us he was behind the camera and pull one of the shittiest third acts of ALL FUCKING TIME.

yeah. still pissed.

great movie besides that. too bad "that" is a big fucking dealbreaker.

oh god, what in the holy hell was going through his mind with that shit? I feel exactly the same as you...SO MUCH PROMISE in the first 2/3 of that movie and it all gets shit away.

It had its meh moments, but it had its great moments as well.

the scene where they make first contact was very, very well done.

plus it's got Ethan from LOST.


Gah, you're in my head! My replaying of Mass Effect and excitement for Mass Effect 3 has me in total sci-fi mode again. So I was definitely looking for something I havent seen before, so an unknown recommendation is always nice. Perhaps I'll check one of these out tonight.

Perhaps I'll finally watch Galaxy Quest asap since it's no doubt a much lighter mood than most suggestions here.

I love this movie and I've never met anyone who likes it anywhere near as much as I do.

Still the greatest Director's Cut ever, I can't believe how much they butchered the film for the theatrical cut.
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