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Let's reminisce about the cinematic marvel-Home Alone

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This house is so full of people it makes me sick. When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone. Did you hear me? I'M LIVING ALONE! I'M LIVING ALONE! I'M LIVING ALONE!

Buzz, your girlfriend!! WOOF.


Allow me to introduce myself. Gus Polinski.

Polka King of the Midwest?

The Kenosha Kickers?


I had a few hits a few years ago. That's why I just...

"Polka, Polka, Polka"? Polka, polka, polka

"Yamahoozie Polka," a.k.a. "Kiss Me Polka"? "Polka Twist"?

These are songs?

Yeah. Yeah, we... Some fairly big hits for us.

You know, in the early '70s.

Yeah, we sold about 623 copies of that.
A lovely cheese pizza, just for me.

This is it...don't get scared now.

I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button, which I never did before but sort of enjoyed. I washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape.


Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?
I love how crystal clear the audio is on a 40-50 year old movie coming from a TV, which no one recognizes (though Marv vaguely remembers), and no one bothers to call the police.




Gold Member
The brick-throwing scene in Home Alone II is the best comedy moment I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm not even kidding. I've seen it well over 20 times by now, and it still is amazing.

I love Home Alone, but Home Alone II is soooo good.


my favourite bit is when the house blows up in scotland when they're all older ha ha ha

Just kidding, I loved that scene. ;)


This was like, *the* seminal film of childhood, lolz. I was 7 when it came out, and I totally wanted to be Culkin's character and set booby traps and shit and have that adventure.

Love the film dearly. Sequels weren't necessary.
I've found out through TV Tropes that Home Alone is very popular in Poland, pretty much their definitive Christmas movie, like we regard A Christmas Story or It's A Wonderful Life here. God help the TV stations that decide not to air it.
I watch 1 and 2 every year at Xmas. Doesn't feel like Xmas without it.

I always manage to count the amount of times Harry and Marv would have died in the films too.
I also have to admit I find the scene in the church with Kevin and his neighbor very well done-and then the scene at the end where they see each other out the window. I always get a well earned lump in the throat at the end.


It's on TV every year around Christmas, so most people from my generation watch it at least once a year.

One thing I noticed last Christmas was that the movie is indeed pretty much perfect, which is a weird thing to say, I know, but the pacing is impeccable, and what struck me the most the last time I saw it was that the plot is VERY tightly written. No holes, no deus ex machinae (well, maybe the spider, but who cares), no unnecessary crap.

It was also made during the golden age of movie localization in my country, so even the local overdub holds up wonderfully.

EDIT: I owe you guys an example: John Candy's character in our version is called Polak Romanski. I didn't get it when I was a kid, but it's one of favorite things about the movie now.


Robert De Niro and Jon Lovitz both declined the role of Harry before it went to Joe Pesci. De Niro could've been interesting, but I'm so glad Pesci got it instead of Lovitz.
I agree with pretty much everything that was said here. Perfect movies, childhood-defining, God I love Home Alone. Those two movies make me wish I never grew up.
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