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Limited FOV = *barf*

Killzone-like FoV makes me ill but it looks ok, I can't stand the warped fisheye view that a lot of PC gamers tend to use, it's fine on a multiple screen setup where the effect is falling out of my peripheral vision but squeezing that into a 16:9 (or less) frame is disgusting.


I haven't seen anyone else post this yet... but games with high FOV give me headaches/ eye strain which usually lead to migranes... I think it's the slightly fish-eye look it gives the games...

Games don't tend to fish-eye until they are above 105 degrees from my experience. I have no idea why you would set it that high. 90-95 has never fish eyed for me.


Singularity on PC and Shadows of the Damned had pretty bad FOV. I was able to eventually get used to SotD but I was never able to get used to it in Singularity. I still managed to finish Singularity, which says a lot about how much I liked the game itself, but I would feel sick to my stomach and a little dizzy for the rest of the day after I would stop playing.
You can't distinguish a narrow from a wide FOV?

I for one just wouldn't care.
I can't understand how someone could get sick from decreased FOV.
Sounds like he never wore sunglasses for an extended period of time.

Increased FOV (like 90° or more) I could understand, I get motion sickness with super high FOV (I usually set it to ~85° if possible) but I know that people are able to play with these just fine.


Halo 2 & 3 FOV is so fucking low, Reach made it a lot better. I have the feeling that it was lowered again for Halo 4.
Back in the old days 4:3 shooters had a horizontal FOV of 90...good old times.
Halo 2 & 3 FOV is so fucking low, Reach made it a lot better. I have the feeling that it was lowered again for Halo 4.
Back in the old days 4:3 shooters had a horizontal FOV of 90...good old times.

I remember thinking how bad it was in 2 and 3. What is it, 50? Couldn't see shit.


I remember hating the FOV in Prey when I played it on the xbox. Not because it was too low but because it was too high. Can't stand that fisheye effect.
So I was playing ZombiU before. I like it. I think it's a great take on survival horror.

I might have to trade it in.

Playing it makes me physically ill. I know why. The field of view is too limited, narrow, or whatever. This has happened time and time again. Half-Life 2 on the Xbox made me actually throw up, once.

I really wish that developers would, at the very least, give an option to expand it. I'd take the framerate hit as long as I can play the damn thing without feeling terrible.

Funnily enough, Halo has never done this to me. I wonder if it's to do with the slight lag and float that the controls and camera seem to have.

Are you sitting too close to the TV? There was a great explanation vid of FOV that someone posted (Philosopher? I forget his username...) where they show that PC games have bigger FOVs because you sit closer to the monitor whereas console games have smaller FOVs because you sit far away from the TV typically. And if you are too close to a game with limited FOV, some people just can't handle the lack of peripheral vision and get sick.


I kind of like a tiny little bit of fisheye depending on the game. I play Tribes and Quake at around 120 fov and I wouldn't give up any of that. It just looks and feels natural for fast-paced, free-form, first-person games.
Some people are simply more susceptible to motion sickness than others. There are so many sizes of tv, and some people prefer to sit closer or further away regardless of size. This means there is no optimal fov, and it should always be a slider in a first person game.

Only until VR goggles arrive should there be fixed FOV, because then it really will look awful to everyone if it's wrong.
I for one just wouldn't care.
I can't understand how someone could get sick from decreased FOV.
Sounds like he never wore sunglasses for an extended period of time.

Increased FOV (like 90° or more) I could understand, I get motion sickness with super high FOV (I usually set it to ~85° if possible) but I know that people are able to play with these just fine.

I on the other hand don't understand getting motion sickness from a high FOV.

I can, just don't care enough to do so.

Ah, nevermind then.

Foxix Von

I don't actually suffer from motion sickness or anything like that. However, very rarely if I'm sitting too close to my TV a game can make me feel dramatically disoriented. It's a combination of having high anxiety and having extremely low environmental awareness. If the FOV is too low I can't figure my way around an environment. VERY few games are bad enough for me to complain about it though. Really Borderlands 2 and Mass Effect 3 come to mind.

In both cases I think it's more of the developers just being assholes. I'd rather have an uglier game than not be able to get a firm grasp of my surroundings. FOV that low makes me do 360 degree circles repeatedly just to figure out where the hell I am in relation to the environment.

It can result in a very mild dizziness. Only two movies have ever effected me as well. Basically The Adventures of Tintin and Hunger Games. Once again because of roller coaster like camera work that made no goddamn sense and the directors just being ridiculous.
Well, I believe that one of the reasons for using very low FOV's in console games is performance. On pc upping the fov has few performance consequences, but on a console you are trying to maximize visual fidelity on limited hardware.
This is why console game never have FOV sliders, performance would be affected.

Of course performance would be affected, but that's not WHY they have low fov. There are some games with FOV options or high FOV that are on console, and they make me feel sick when playing on my TV.
Can you make a list ot FOVs in popular games?

Console games - shit, narrow FOV.

PC games - hopefully adjustable (not so often).


Jokes aside, it's not that bad, really. I guess I'm lucky, just like Neuromancer sasy.

The Oculus Rift will fix this forever, though. Praise the Eye.


I used to have no problem with narrow FOV's, that was until I started to play Transformers Fall of Cybertron on PC. The narrow FOV of that game made me a bit dizzy, but luckily it can be fixed with a mod.

Narrow FOV

Wide FOV


Gold Member
Low FOV still feels shit no matter how far you are from the screen. How much you can see actually effects the playablility of a game. Shocking, I know.

That's great people think it's all okay because science though.

Agreed, whilst yes sitting further away from a TV makes low FOV more bearable, higher FOV is always better, only thing could be whether you like the rounding effect it starts to give the higher you go.

Personally I play every PC game at about 85 - 90 FOV, good medium between performance and visibility whilst keeping the image relatively straight.
So two things for those asking:

1) I don't actually notice the FOV, at least not in the sense I'm like "Oh, this game has a FOV OF X." I just suddenly start feeling sick. I looked up why a few years ago after the aforementioned Half-Life 2 incident and found out FOV does it through the idea of tunnel vision.
2) I'm sitting 2 1/2 metres from the tele, which is the maximum possible distance I can in my house. I'm not parked in front of it like a five-year-old child.


I couldn't play Bioshock because the low FOV and the weird FPS limit on the physics gave me an headache. It's sad because a friend gave it to me because he loves that game :(


When Darkness 2 first launched on the PC, i couldn't play it for more than 10 minutes without feeling sick. Felt like you were walking around, constantly iron sighted.
I noticed that issue in the screenshots of the game I saw when it first came to PC, completely turned me off.

Luckily when I played it this weekend, I was able to expand the FOV to a very comfortable setting. Real credit to the increased FOV that I didn't get queasy at all, as a combination of low FOV + dark environment is usually a recipe for puking my guts out.

Playing Borderlands 1 at default settings and playing Borderlands 2 is like night and day, in terms of the effect FOV can have.


The PC version of Portal was the first (and only) game where I would get nauseous playing. Which is weird because I had already played through the game on 360 with no problem. Started searching online to find out WHY the PC version was making me sick and that's when I started reading about FOV (not a big PC or FPS player so I wasn't familiar with it). Read I should widen it and that helped tremendously. No more motion sickness.


I can't play Borderlands 2 on PC with it set higher than 90 personally. I think its mostly because sprinting in that game changes the FoV so if its set to say 110, and you sprint around moving the mouse to look... Its extremely disorientating for me. Anyone else have a problem with that?

It also makes things seem like smaller targets when looking through a sniper scope. I guess I just prefer 90 in most cases.


Again, I'd take sub-20 FPS as an option if it meant I could play it.

You know what sucks more than a low framerate? Not being able to play a game at all.

Not playing a game at all is actually far better than playing a game with low framerate. I'd rather go for a smooth walk outside.


Any developer/publisher who does low FOV and has not tried their best to add options is a...


well they're poopyheads.

HOWEVER, any developer/publisher who does low FOV and adds VIGNETTING can just go fuck themselves and the mother they came out of, because no, just NO.


Low FOV doesn't bother me on consoles (except Turok 1), but on PC I get motion sick in a matter of minutes. I remember Turok 1 making me sick for hours on end after 20 minutes of play.

Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth and Syndicate on PC come to mind... thank God Syndicate has a work around hack for single player.
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