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Little things about you

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Post some little character quirks (or flaws) about yourself that others wouldn't know unless you flat out told them. To get things started;

- I drool when I sleep. Every night. I'll go to sleep and then wake up 15-20 minutes later with a small bit of spit on my pillow. I'll throw the pillow off my bed, use another one, then go back to sleep. I never really realized this, but this has happened every single night for at least the past 6 years.

- Whenever I take a leak in a toilet (not a urinal), and bubbles start to form in the toilet bowl water, I shape them with my stream to try and replicate geographical sites (the bubbles dictate land, the flat water surface is the water). Other times I'll just move the stream around and imagine what the life and economy on this newly created island/continent would've been like back in the older days, based on amount of sea, access to the ocean, and whatnot.

- I'm slightly obsessive compulsive. If I wink one eye without thinking about it, I have to wink the other. If I blink too hard, I then have wink with the original eye with a smaller amount of pressure to equal the second wink . So if I wink normally with my left eye, then wink hard with my right eye to balance it out, I then have to wink normally again with my left eye to make everything even. If I were to wink hard with my left eye in an attempt to balance things out, I'd then have to wink normally with my right eye. I do this with pretty much every part of my body that has symetrical features (eyes, nostrils, ears, hands, fingers, arms, feet, toes, shoulders, pecs, etc).

- I really like the feel of my facial stubble, though it irks me that I can't light a match with it.

I'll post more when they come to mind, but in the mean time lets hear similar foiables that you guys institute upon yourselves.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mike Works said:
- I'm slightly obsessive compulsive. If I wink one eye without thinking about it, I have to wink the other. If I blink too hard, I then have wink with the original eye with a smaller amount of pressure to equal the second wink . So if I wink normally with my left eye, then wink hard with my right eye to balance it out, I then have to wink normally again with my left eye to make everything even. If I were to wink hard with my left eye in an attempt to balance things out, I'd then have to wink normally with my right eye. I do this with pretty much every part of my body that has symetrical features (eyes, nostrils, ears, hands, fingers, arms, feet, toes, shoulders, pecs, etc).

Man, I really wish you wouldn't have shared this. I'm going to have real difficulty sleeping tonight.


- I'll draw weird perspective lines around everything I see if I'm bored. I'll imagine a line coming out of my eye, touching one the edge of one object, and then I'll try and make the end of that line trace round an object behind the first by moving my head. It's very strange.

- Whenever I read text on a webpage, I'll use the mouse to quickly highlight random parts of the text that I'm not reading, and I'll repeat this till I've finished reading.

- I rest my fingers on the right mouse button. If I have to use a mouse that has a sensitive right button, I'm totally fucked.


-I'll wake up with my eyes all wet cause i know i cry in my sleep. Its a lot of strange crap that goes on when i sleep. Makes me want to put myself in a coma like everynight. I know i've got a lot of stuff going on in my mind all the time. But seriously thats just fucked up. Why the fuck am i crying. I'm scared by something that huants me in my dreams. Dont know if people notice it but i feel traped in a world of never ending pain. I've woke up crying, bleeding, and all kinds of screwed up.

-I think about washing my hands ever 5 seconds for some reason or another. I learned to stop it finally though. I put three bottles of Hand Sanitizer in my room. Now i wash ever couple of hours or when needed.

-I picked up the habit of flossing a few weeks ago now i keep some floss with me and if i dont feel like my teeth are just right, i'll go use some. I also got some of these little disposable teeth cleaners.

-At one time again in my life i was on Oxy Cotton, they put me back on it just a few weeks ago. Its starting to make me feel like that happy person again. Very interesting drug. Mixed with Zoloft and Lamictal i am one happy camper when Mr Cotton works. So when i'm acting high and happy, dont blame it on the pot, blame it on the drugs. Some people like me like this while others despise it. But it takes care of my multipule personalities.

-I drink coffee freaking black, no real reason why i have to add this. But you know what no one has ever asked me.

-I dont think anyone know that i like manacures. I havent had one in a long time but the last time i had a spa treatment back in 01 it was a great experiance. Dont know what that means especially since i'm a guy. But it helps relax me.

-I tried Yoga and well i've actually gotten my stuck in positions that would just make you laugh. Especially since i'm a big fat guy.

-I feel guilty of hurting this one girl no matter what and i cant get away from it. I feel like everything i've done in my life has hurt her. And i just want to take myself out the running of life just cause of it.

-I use to drink heavily before the age of 19. I fucked up my left kidney pretty bad with all kinds of crap. So now when i pee the little piece in my urithra thats stuck in there makes me piss two streams. (and like mike i make formations and art out of the bubbles)

-When i think of life as a picture i make it black and then just draw lines. Bleak i am.

-I love to make Buffalo Chicken Quasidilias with Hot pepper cheese and dip it in both mustard and ranch dressing.

-I can eat 3 large pizza's in one sitting.

-Drink myself to sleep with a gallon of milk, then squirt it out of my nose while i'm sleeping.

God i'm a super freak

-I love latex paint and the feel of weird things on my body. That one day with the peanut butter and jam kind of gets to me.

You and I.....
- There are few things I dislike more than the feeling of dry/stretched hands (skin stretched) or a dull pencil on paper. Pruned hands on thick towels will do the trick too. Also, fucking nail files. Abomination is what those are.

- I'll talk to myself all the time when I'm alone, and I often talk what I type (I'm talking this very sentence right now). I mostly do it just to better understand what I'd say in a given situation, and how I sound. This will also extend to when I'm watching TV, as, usually when I've been alone watching it for more than a few hours, I'll start replying to commercials or new casts. I think the most common thing I say is;

[Broadcaster] Hello, I'm Dan Newscaster

[Mike] No you aren't

- I've worn my socks inside out for my entire life. I detest the line stitching that stretches across the bridge of your toes when you wear it properly.

- If there's a song that I even remotely like playing on the radio when I turn it on while I set the faucets for my shower, I'll usually stand in front of the bathroom mirror and sing along with it. If the song after that is also one I like, I'll usually continue. This has caused me to be late for work about 10 times in the past year.


-I can't be the first in a group to walk into a resturant.

-I get incredibly embarrassed if I walk into a store and not buy anything. I try to avoid smaller stores unless I know for sure I'll buy something.

-I make marks on bedsheets/pillows, and check them everynight, right before bed, to make sure they're facing up

-I always get paranoid about not locking the door and walk back from the parking to double check. Even though I KNOW I locked it. And the more I think about it the more worry I get.

-I can't stop from picking at scabs

-Been told NUMEROUS times that I look very unapproachable in RL.

-I barf anytime I eat anything that has pork in it. Only exception being Bacon, which I love. Don't know why...


Unconfirmed Member
* I have to take the geometrically shortest route when walking to places, even if that means crossing a busy street at a 'risky' angle, the only OCD-like trait I recognise in myself.

* My self-control & willpower are low/missing presumed dead, especially when it comes to impulse spending, hence I gave entire financial control over to my "significant other" (One of the most sensible things I've ever done, BTW)

* I'm absent-minded to the extreme, to the point whereby I never use a wallet anymore for fear of losing EVERYTHING at once, and I have seperate keyrings for the car, house and everything else. I also seem to be unable to keep a pair of shades for longer than 6 months before losing them and needing another pair. (A pattern that has been consistant for at least 15-20 years)
B'z-chan said:
Mike dont feel bad man i talk to myself all the time.
Huh? I don't feel bad about talking to myself. It's just something I do. A few more before I go to bed;

- If I see myself in the mirror when I'm brushing my teeth/taking a leak before going to bed, I'll fuck around with my hair until it looks good, even though I know I'm going straight to bed and it'll be fucked up when I wake up. I often spend 15+ minutes re-arranging my hair in an attempt to get a certain perfect yet unattainable look. It's hopeless, yet I still do it. This is pretty much what's caused me to be late every other time for work.

- Whenever I listen to a song, I attribute it to a fake scenario. I'll replace the singer/entire band with myself, and come up with a story or a setting for the song. For instance, off the top of my head:

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out: I imagine picking up a guitar for the first time, singing the beginning, and then going off the cuff and playing something completely different (this is when the guitar riff starts up) despite my music teacher (which I don't have in real life, as I don't play any music instruments) yelling at me.

Radiohead - Airbag: Picture myself singing this song with a girl I used to know a few years back, changing the world/earth as certain aspects of the song (all instrumental) are introduced. Stuff like changing the sky from day to night by moving my hand. It all takes place on a grassy hill, it's a little hard to explain. Radiohead is easily the most used band for these scenarios.

Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench: Imagine singing this song on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and getting the censorer/FCC guys at the show really pissed off when he/I go into the screaming part.

The only instances where this doesn't happen is if the first time I hear the song is by seeing it's music video. For instance, I cannot unconciously attribute a scenario to Trouble by Coldplay, Californication by RHCP, or the remix to Points of Authority by Linkin Park, as I initially heard the songs on Much Music (Canadian equivolent to MTV, except they play music), and those videos are just too vivid to be written over.

- I can't stand muting the TV unless I'm leaving the room or at least not going to be looking at the screen. If I'm still going to be watching the thing, but don't want the sound, I'll manually turn the sound all the way down.
Wow Mike, I though I was the only one, I also do stuff like trying to even EVERYTHING out, though I am not as bad as I used to be, but my thing is like if I do some random insignificant thing one way, I will do it again in the opposite way, than again the same way, and 1 last time in the orogonal way. Like it somehow actualy acomplishes anything. It's kinda hard to explain on what exactly it do it on, because it's just random, like as an example, if I'm sitting around board, I may lightly punch my right fist in to my left plam, thna I would procede to punch my left fist in to the right plam twich, and than one more right in to the left. It got annoying, but it's less common now.

~ I chew my nails, all the time, I have been trying to break the habit for as long as I can rmember, but I NEVER can, If it wernt for the pain of chewing them to far down, I would probably not even have nails, it's just a damn annoying habit, when I think about I can stop, but after a while I stop think to not do it and bam, I am chewing my nails again. Hell when i was like 10 or 12 or something, my dad got this funny tasting stuff you can spread on your nails to remind you not to chew them and to break the habit. but instead I chewed my nails and for a while wonderd that the hell that awful taste was, but after a while I became immune to it or something, becuase I didnt stop, hell I think i got to like the taste.

~ In the last year or so, when I have been really pised I put my fists through the wall, though that's probably not a good thing.

~ I also talk to myself to a small degree, sometimes I yell at innamant objects I am pissed at, like my PC or other game consoles when I am pissed, but I have other ways I deel with that too (see: punching walls). I even years ago created this cherecter based origonaly on this (now ex) freind to bug him, but the cherecter took on a life of it's own, and every so often (especaly around this one other freind how always laughs at it) I will talk in the voice of the cherecter, and than go back to being myself and argue with the cherecter, it's probably boarderline insaine, but it always manages to make me laugh. Probably because the cherecter is a complete idiot (again based on my ex freind, what can I say, he inspired me)

~ I am obsessive about my hair, and my hair always grows fairly quick, and it's thick as hell, so keeping it the way i want to look gets harder and harder as it grows, and I always seem to take a long time to get it cut again. But it's so thick if I dont keep it under controle, it turns in to a fro, and I hate that.

~ When I buy new games and DVD's, instead of catagorizing them with other games and DVD's of the same gener, or instead of putting sequals next to the origonals I put them on my shelf in the order in which I bought them. And all the games are put in the order in which I bought the consoles there on, so my PS2 games first, GCN second and XBox last. (though that's somewhat quincedental) Same with DVD's, Star Wars and LotR dont sit side by side by side. And I seem to do this for no other reason than to remember the order in which i bought them. Even though I have a list on my PC of every DVD and game I own, and I order that list the same way.

~ I hate coffee, but do like coffee flavord things, and even some flavord coffees.

~ I also hate dry palms, and will constantly go to the sink and wet them in the hopes of making them not dryed out.

~Black Deatha


Will start substantiating his hate
Black Deatha said:
~ I also hate dry palms, and will constantly go to the sink and wet them in the hopes of making them not dryed out.
Well, by washing your hands constantly that's exactly what you'll do.
~ When I buy new games and DVD's, instead of catagorizing them with other games and DVD's of the same gener, or instead of putting sequals next to the origonals I put them on my shelf in the order in which I bought them.
aw shit.. i used to do that.. i dunno when or why i stopped exactly but it was sometime in 2002...

i drink tea, black, no sugar...

i like to pay for things with exact change... i go as far as calculating sales tax in my head ahead of time...


Has problems recognising girls
Burger said:
- Whenever I read text on a webpage, I'll use the mouse to quickly highlight random parts of the text that I'm not reading, and I'll repeat this till I've finished reading.

I thought I was the only one that ever did this :p


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Whenever I take a leak in a toilet (not a urinal), and bubbles start to form in the toilet bowl water, I shape them with my stream to try and replicate geographical sites (the bubbles dictate land, the flat water surface is the water).

See a doctor. Consistantly foamy urine is not good.

About me... Lessee...

I'm tall and find that I intimidate most as a result.

I'm a native New Yorker and will always operate as though I am in a burrough. I often take w/ me the 'big fish in a small pond' state of mind.

People who don't know me well, will often confuse my confidence for arrgance and/or conceit. That said, very few people know me well.
-I hate it when people touch my hair. I've been trying really hard not to flinch when my girlfriend touches it, but it's really hard for me not to do so. I've reached the point where it's alright for her to touch it if we aren't going anywhere the rest of the day, but I still get slightly uncomfortable.
-seeing hair in the shower drain makes me gag and almost puke, which is wierd cause i have fairly long-ish hair, so most of it is probably mine.
jiggle said:
-I can't be the first in a group to walk into a resturant.

-I get incredibly embarrassed if I walk into a store and not buy anything. I try to avoid smaller stores unless I know for sure I'll buy something.

Holy shit man im the same way with those.


The Faceless Master said:
i like to pay for things with exact change... i go as far as calculating sales tax in my head ahead of time...

I'm the opposite. I hate buying stuff unless I'm sure I have way more money than I need. It has a lot to do with my poor math skills and my terrible fear of not being able to pay for something when I'm at the register with people behind me waiting - easily one of the most embarrassing things I can imagine happening to me (even though I can't remember it ever happening).

I can roughly estimate taxes on purchases and I'm usually close enough, but I have zero confidence in my guesstimates and I consider getting it wrong to be a huge potential public shaming so I always want to have more cash on me than the total cost could possibly be to the point where I like having at least twice as much cash on me as I think I'll need. I also always round things up (if I'm buying a book that'll cost about $13 and later buy other stuff worth about $15 I'll go the rest of the day assuming I've spent $40, because in my mind I consider it spending a full 20 each time).

It's easier now for me because of Interac (debit) cards, but I still *always* have a slight fear when I use my card that it'll be declined. Even if I'm paying for lunch and I know I have plenty of money in the bank I'm worried about the transaction being declined and get a bit relieved when I see the APPROVED on the LED. I like to hold the keypad thingie long enough to see the transaction go through and I don't like when the cashier takes it back right away, which I assume all ties into my paying-for-shit phobia.


I can be lazy... like last night, I woke up because I had to pee, but it was too far and too much trouble to get up and walk to the bathroom. I went back to sleep thinking, "ah well, if I piss myself, I piss myself."

I didn't, and it would've only taken like 30 seconds to get up and go, but that's 30 whole seconds of sleep I would've missed.

Oh yeah, and I watch clocks a lot, too. Hate to have my time wasted.


-Whenever I read a webpage, I either constantly autoscroll up or down the page or if there is no scroll wheel I do the highlighting thing.

-I used to bite my nails, but have recently quit. I do constantly lap back into biting them unconsciously, but now am doing a better job at catching myself. It's also easier when your nails are polished and clean (no jagged edges). I remember most of my unconscious nail-biting was grounded in biting off the edges that are uneven, which leads to more edges that are uneven, which leads to more nail-biting. Now I'm better though; I can stay sitting down at a meeting without having to hide my hands.

-I constantly tap my foot across five points (heel, middle, toes, right side, left side), usually making rhythms, in almost every situation. It's come to the point where the people at my job must think I constantly have to go to the bathroom. Oh yeah...

-I constanly go to the bathroom if I have either alcohol or any type of caffeine. I counted five times in a couple of hours yesterday afternoon after having a diet coke. Maybe it's cause I drink the recommended daily allowance of water.

-I eat different side/main dishes on my plate in equal portions at the same time. For example, if i have a breakfast with eggs, sausage, and potatoes, nearly every bite has to have a piece of eggs, sausage, and potatoes all proportionate to the remaining amount of each substance left. I just did this with my lunch at my desk.

-I print out everything I ever need to read from the computer. Even though I freak about not recycling a soda can, if it has more than five lines, it's coming through the office printer. My tree-hugging fiancee would freak if she saw how much paper I went through a day.

-I drool like a MFer but unlike you Mike I just don't care in the middle of the night. I'll actually be lucky if I end up with my head on the pillow side of the bed when I wake up.

-I mad sleep walk. It comes to the point where I have had complete interactions with people when I'm up, only I have my previous dream as a backstory and think something else entirely is going on (I once woke up and struggled to get my tool box in my dorm in order to take my bed apart. 10 minutes later I finally snapped out of it. Another time I woke up and ran to my family members telling them that god had told me that the world was going to end, in order to prepare them).

-I need sound wherever I go (I'm a noiseaholic according to Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby). It might be because I grew up in a loud family but I need sound wherever I go, whether it is my headphones, a television in the background whenever I'm at home, or a radio at work. My whole family is like this.

MAn, it seems like a lot of disturbing dark stuff is coming out of this "little things" topic ...


insert blank space here
Burger said:
- I'll draw weird perspective lines around everything I see if I'm bored. I'll imagine a line coming out of my eye, touching one the edge of one object, and then I'll try and make the end of that line trace round an object behind the first by moving my head. It's very strange.

- Whenever I read text on a webpage, I'll use the mouse to quickly highlight random parts of the text that I'm not reading, and I'll repeat this till I've finished reading.

I do those lol. When I'm trying to get to sleep or I'm picturing something in my mind I tend to draw it out... all the lines, curves, etc. and then fill it in with colour o.0.

- I always run up the stairs from my basement.
- I sing constantly and make sudden weird noises lol (only at home :p).
- I can't walk into a store without feeling guilty for not buying something.
- For some reason whenever I look at the clock it is the same number repeating.
- If I see or hear something once, the odds are I'll remember it for a long time no matter how stupid or pointless it is :( .
- I screw with people's minds on MSN.
- Every night I drool enough to fill a small bucket :(


- I drum with my teeth.

- I'm also a "noisaholic", if I go swimming, my iPod goes with me.

- I spin the shopping basket of malls, when I hold one. I gotta spin it atleast 10-20 times while in the mall.

- I have a lot of games, but I read about games 10x the time I play them. :p

- I'm unemployed and in the last 2 years I have applied for less than 20 jobs.

- I know all the Naruto hand seals and practise them all the time, I haven't told or shown anyone.
jiggle said:
-I always get paranoid about not locking the door and walk back from the parking to double check. Even though I KNOW I locked it. And the more I think about it the more worry I get.

This is somewhat common. I've done it, and I know several coworkers who still do it.

draven said:
-I mad sleep walk. It comes to the point where I have had complete interactions with people when I'm up, only I have my previous dream as a backstory and think something else entirely is going on.

I don't think I've ever talked about something during a sleepwalk, but when I was a kid I managed to walk a block and a half before groggily wondering where the fuck I was. From what I've heard, sleep walking usually has something to do with a high blood sugar level while you're asleep.


jiggle said:
-I get incredibly embarrassed if I walk into a store and not buy anything. I try to avoid smaller stores unless I know for sure I'll buy something.

-I always get paranoid about not locking the door and walk back from the parking to double check. Even though I KNOW I locked it. And the more I think about it the more worry I get.

-I can't stop from picking at scabs

Describes me to a tee. The paranoia thing about locked doors gets on my nerves. At least in my case, its because I have a relative who would rather steal from everyone than work. I know I lock the door, but sometimes, I've walked for 5-10 minutes just to go back and check.


When I was in 8th grade way back I was attending the Fieldston school in Riverdale here in NYC. There was this really racist English teacher, Ms. Sanders, who had it in for me since day one of that year.

One day, I'm staying for tutoring after school, it was about 6 PM or so, and the school was empty. I have to take a dump, so I cut out for a few, but on my way to the bathroom on the 1st floor, I pass by Ms. Sander's class room. An idea popped into my head.

I went to the toilet, got a roll of TP, went back to Ms. Sander's classroom, opened up her top desk drawer, dropped my pants, and proceeded to take a nice, fat shit all over her pencils and papers. Returned to tutoring, didn't think twice of it till the next day.

Next morning, I tell my best friend what I had done and he's like "Get the fuck outta here, you're lying". No way can I convince him. Later that morning, after homeroom, my friend is on his way to class, and he sees the custodian, wearing rubber gloves and and apron, carrying a metal tray in front of him. He reeks of disinfectant. In the corner of this big crowd of students, he sees the dean (Ah, Mr. Nightingale, I'll never forget you) consoling Ms. Sanders, who is crying uncontrollably and seems on the verge of a breakdown.

Suffice it to say, the entire school eventually found out I did it, yet, not one person ever blew the whistle on me. We even had a huge school gathering in the gym with all students and faculty about it. The dean went so far to say that he wanted to catch whoever did this, not to get them in trouble, but because "this person needs serious help". *Shrug*

Anyway, to the day, students at Fieldston know about this story, though I don't know how many versions there are of it now.


At select times im an arab christian canadian that thinks like a white supremist. Maybe its my disdain with life that expreses itself or simply the massive owning at day of defeat with the kar 98. But thankfully the better side of myself takes over when im too deep in extreme toughts.


jiggle said:
-I can't be the first in a group to walk into a resturant.
-I get incredibly embarrassed if I walk into a store and not buy anything. I try to avoid smaller stores unless I know for sure I'll buy something.
-I always get paranoid about not locking the door and walk back from the parking to double check. Even though I KNOW I locked it. And the more I think about it the more worry I get.
^^^ That's me to the point. :)

draven said:
-I eat different side/main dishes on my plate in equal portions at the same time. For example, if i have a breakfast with eggs, sausage, and potatoes, nearly every bite has to have a piece of eggs, sausage, and potatoes all proportionate to the remaining amount of each substance left. I just did this with my lunch at my desk.
I do this, too (I even calculate in my drink when I'm in a restaurant).

- I can't watch TV for a few hours without dropping the remote control at least once
- I don't trust myself/my memory:
->I check my backpack, pocket etc. before I leave the house and later outside as well.
->Going to the movies, as soon as I sit down, I'm worried that I might have entered the wrong room. I'm not relieved until the movie begins and I can be sure it's the right one.
- I also tried to even everything out when I was a child.
When I, for example, scratched my head with my left hand, I also had to do this with my right hand. But wait - wasn't that a "soft scratching" with the left hand and a "hard scratching" with the right ?! Right, so I had to "hard scratch" with the left and "soft scratch" with the right until it was really even.... unless I scratched incidentally wrong and the whole thing had to be repeated again...

- That's how I read through the GAF:
I open the Gaming and Off-Topic forums.
I open all interesting threads in the background (most of the times there are so many that I can only see the GA-logos but no text on the "page bar" in Opera.
I start reading the first thread, randomly stop somewhere, highlight how far I've read with my mouse, start with the next thread... I do this until I've started reading about 3-6 threads and then I cycle within them (when I'm done with one thread, I add the next one) until I'm read all of them.

That's how I post at GAF:
I often start a new thread or response but close the window during the writing because I think that my answer isn't really interesting, my bad English prevents anyone from understanding my point or I'm afraid I might start an unnecessary argument or get banned (although I seldom post anything offensive, imo).
My posting style has gotten so damn lazy and conversational that I don't even bother to quickly scan for spelling/grammar gaffes before clicking "submit". And when I *do* go to edit them out later, I'm too lazy to double-check and I almost invariably introduce some stupid formatting error. I think I edited a post like 10 times once, catching all the retarded little errors I made.


Everyone's got mild neuroses; here are some of mine--

--I talk to myself (just like everyone else, probably). I'm more likely to do this when working on a writing project, since I work out the sentences and paragraphs in my head while walking down the street or taking a shower or something. Most of the time I remember not to do this in public, but these days if I slip there are so many people around talking on cellphones that no one notices.

--Whenever I go into a restaurant, a coffee shop, or a bar, I order the same thing 99% of the time. It's gotten to the point that whenever I walk into most restaurants in my town, the staff immediately starts preparing whatever my habitual dish is: fish and chips at one restaurant; ginger chicken with string beans at another; chicken enchiladas with red sauce at another.

--I almost never multitask when I listen to music, except while driving. If I put on a CD, then I sit down and listen to it, just as if I were watching a DVD. I might read a book, if the CD is instrumental and it's something with which I'm already familiar. I probably picked up this habit from having several composers for friends, who will go to live performances and sit absolutely still with their eyes closed to hear everything.

--I'm the opposite of a "noiseaholic": excessive ambient noise makes it difficult for me to concentrate on things as much as I like.
bob_arctor said:
When I was in 8th grade way back I was attending the Fieldston school in Riverdale here in NYC. There was this really racist English teacher, Ms. Sanders, who had it in for me since day one of that year.

One day, I'm staying for tutoring after school, it was about 6 PM or so, and the school was empty. I have to take a dump, so I cut out for a few, but on my way to the bathroom on the 1st floor, I pass by Ms. Sander's class room. An idea popped into my head.

I went to the toilet, got a roll of TP, went back to Ms. Sander's classroom, opened up her top desk drawer, dropped my pants, and proceeded to take a nice, fat shit all over her pencils and papers. Returned to tutoring, didn't think twice of it till the next day.

Next morning, I tell my best friend what I had done and he's like "Get the fuck outta here, you're lying". No way can I convince him. Later that morning, after homeroom, my friend is on his way to class, and he sees the custodian, wearing rubber gloves and and apron, carrying a metal tray in front of him. He reeks of disinfectant. In the corner of this big crowd of students, he sees the dean (Ah, Mr. Nightingale, I'll never forget you) consoling Ms. Sanders, who is crying uncontrollably and seems on the verge of a breakdown.

Suffice it to say, the entire school eventually found out I did it, yet, not one person ever blew the whistle on me. We even had a huge school gathering in the gym with all students and faculty about it. The dean went so far to say that he wanted to catch whoever did this, not to get them in trouble, but because "this person needs serious help". *Shrug*

Anyway, to the day, students at Fieldston know about this story, though I don't know how many versions there are of it now.

That is absolutely vile. You do/did need help.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I fuks w/ bob_arctor. That's some sh!t (no pun intended) that I'd do.


-Bite my nails so close to my finger tips that you get that sort of strange uneasy sensation that your nails are too tight and barely attached o the skin. Also, I clipped my pinky toenail so much that 90 percent of the time if my sock gets snagged in a jagged edge, a majority of the nail will peel off my skin. It's become so frequent that perhaps about a millimeter of nail is left and I never bleed from it.

-I have this thing with my eyebrows... my brothers always made fun of how thick and bushy they were so every morning, in an attempt to at least look presentable, I have to comb them with a brush three or four times to make sure the hair is in place.

-Like Mike, when I type I have to mouth the words because it find it helps when I'm constructing sentences. I find that it helps organize my thoughts and allows me to test the ease of readability when anticipating how other people will interpret it.

-I have a tendency to correct people about certain misconceptions that they believe to be true. Urban myths, rumors, and silly things I just recently heard like:

Random Person: "Hey, Adam... did you know daddy long leg spiders are one of the most poisonous spiders in the world? They can't kill you because the legs are too long and prevent you them from reaching your skin!"

I mean, come on... what kind of creature would have legs so long it couldn't even attack its prey? Think people!

-I HAVE to brush my teeth, each section, for at least 30 seconds. Plus, I HAVE to gargle mouthwash for more than the recommended time. Somehow it makes me feel like I'm going to extra mile to take care of my oral hygiene... plus, it's the same for shampoo and conditioner, especially the latter. When it comes to scrubbing I have to wash with body wash then a body scrub. I hate having the feeling that my skin is dirty. Oddly enough, when I go camping I don't mind the dirt.

-I have to be the last in line for food with any function. Have to be the last person to enter a place. Open the door keep it open so long as I see people walking my way within 15 feet of me.. jerks don't even hold the door to let me pass OR say thank you. I still do it anyway. *_*

I'm sure there's more.

Justin Bailey

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bob_arctor said:
When I was in 8th grade way back I was attending the Fieldston school in Riverdale here in NYC. There was this really racist English teacher, Ms. Sanders, who had it in for me since day one of that year.

One day, I'm staying for tutoring after school, it was about 6 PM or so, and the school was empty. I have to take a dump, so I cut out for a few, but on my way to the bathroom on the 1st floor, I pass by Ms. Sander's class room. An idea popped into my head.

I went to the toilet, got a roll of TP, went back to Ms. Sander's classroom, opened up her top desk drawer, dropped my pants, and proceeded to take a nice, fat shit all over her pencils and papers. Returned to tutoring, didn't think twice of it till the next day.

Next morning, I tell my best friend what I had done and he's like "Get the fuck outta here, you're lying". No way can I convince him. Later that morning, after homeroom, my friend is on his way to class, and he sees the custodian, wearing rubber gloves and and apron, carrying a metal tray in front of him. He reeks of disinfectant. In the corner of this big crowd of students, he sees the dean (Ah, Mr. Nightingale, I'll never forget you) consoling Ms. Sanders, who is crying uncontrollably and seems on the verge of a breakdown.

Suffice it to say, the entire school eventually found out I did it, yet, not one person ever blew the whistle on me. We even had a huge school gathering in the gym with all students and faculty about it. The dean went so far to say that he wanted to catch whoever did this, not to get them in trouble, but because "this person needs serious help". *Shrug*

Anyway, to the day, students at Fieldston know about this story, though I don't know how many versions there are of it now.
That is fucking hilarious.

I do some of the things people have mentioned:
-talk to myself
-try to make everything symmetrical
-highlight text on web pages
-triple check locks and alarms
-I'm absent minded as hell, and it drives me nuts sometimes

A few I didn't see:
-I absolutely cannot sleep on my back, I have to be on my side or stomach
-I eat cereal religiously, and I make sure that every square inch has been pressed down into the milk before I eat it


-I constantly check my watch. Even when I know what time it is. At least twice every 5 minutes. Then when someone asks me the time I have to look at my watch again, even if I had just looked at it.

-I do the same thing with my cell phone...always checking for calls/texts even though I know I'd feel the vibrator if I got one...and I check the time with it alot as well, even though I always have my watch.

-When I take a shower, I have to constantly turn up the temperature. It usually ends up at the hottest it can go by the end.

-When I get out of the shower, I go into my room and turn the fan to high and dry off. I hate drying off in the bathroom since it gets really humid from the shower.

-I used to constantly lick/bite my lips...and consequently they're kinda screwed up now. almost always chapped. but it's not all of my lips, just a little tiny section in the middle of my upper lip and a little over halfway down my bottom lip. then they get really ugly so that I feel I have to get rid of the dead skin, and thus keeping the process alive. =(

Oh yeah, and I drool when I sleep. =)


Teh Hamburglar said:
That is absolutely vile. You do/did need help.

Nah, I was young, stupid and pissed off. Pretty much had to deal w/ racism every day in that school (remember, this was the 80's, when it wasn't "cool" to be urban). These rich ass kids didn't take too kindly to this Puertorican kid from the Bronx walking around campus in his Lees, Le Tigre shirt and shelltops. Which is fine, you know, I was on full scholarship so I knew there wasn't this massive community of minorities waiting to greet me and I had my fair share of fights, but when it reaches the faculty, well, that was the only way I knew to get her back.
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