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"lol sports" I've been this guy all my life. You?

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Junior Member
All my brothers are watching World Cup and most of my friends watch Footy/Rugby, and here I can't understand how can anyone watch someone else score a ball in.

Now, I love playing sports. It's fun, you're taking an activity and it's a great cardio but how can watching sports be fun? I can't understand this.


I'm pretty much the same way. I love to play sports, but as far as watching sports, I only watch the Super bowl and NBA playoffs


I'm more like "lol at people who think "lol sports"".

How can you not understand how people can like watching sports?
Long Answer (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/45904-why-we-love-sports):
Sport inspires us. In spite of the corruption, cheating and scandal so prevalent in today's headlines, world-class athletes continue to demonstrate the fundamental nature of competition by giving us the strongest, the quickest, the smartest and most inspired performances on the planet. Their world is populated with people who strive for excellence. Being in the presence of such people - directly, as fellow athletes, or indirectly as observers makes us lift our sights a little higher...encourages us to loftier standards in our everyday lives.

Sport touches the depths of our emotion. Remember the old ABC theme "...the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat"? As a Portland Trailblazer fan, I carry a permanent scar on my heart from 'The Meltdown' loss to the Lakers in game 7 of the 2000 Western Conference Finals. That atrocity ranks close to 'the loss of a close friend' on my emotional scale. As deep and dark as that horrible event was, so too was the height and brilliance of the 1977 championship win over the Sixers. What is it about our soul that seems to yearn for the extreme? I suspect that apart from birth, love and death, sport uniquely spans the spectrum of our emotion.

Sport lets us believe in the impossible. "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!" It doesn't happen often enough but every now and then, just about the time we are ready to succumb to the predictable, to the inevitable...Whump! Young David rises up to smite the giant - whether that behemoth is the perennial powerhouse or the untouchable world record. It's this aspect of sport that can, at any time, any place, stir the little kid in us to ask "why not?"

Sport engages our mind. No more "dumb jock' jokes, please. Obviously sport is a physical discipline, but even the casual fan will tell you that mind and body work together. But when one gets to the top of his game, the mental aspect is huge - not only in the sense of getting "psyched up' but in devising strategy, studying video, researching and developing training technique, etc. More than any other time in history, sport has now become a science. For the participant and spectator alike, there is plenty of mental stimulus in today's sporting world - and we can swim as deep as we like in those waters.

Sport provides the element of danger. There is something in many of us, especially the young, that likes to tease disaster. We can stand at the edge of the cliff. We are aware of gravity, inertia and momentum, yet we disregard the unexpected gust of wind. Being a world-class athlete can be risky business. Think of it. One's whole focus has been to go faster, higher, stronger. Sometimes, as in motor sports, downhill skiing, boxing (to name some obviously dangerous sports) in order to get an edge, one must go over the edge. Too many times we've watched in sadness and horror as the athlete crossed the line from order to chaos, control to helplessness. The spectator, who joins the competitor in this tease, peers over the precipice with him, disregarding the wind...and though sometimes the athlete pays the ultimate price, we who only watch are continually drawn back to the edge.

Sport can give us a place in history. Most of us have been lucky enough to have witnessed in person an historic sporting event. Even if we were witness only via live TV, we may lay claim to being a part of that history. We were there, receiving and contributing to the collective energy at the precise moment history was made. It's something that stays with us and even carries a certain weight to those who will only hear about it later.

Sport validates our competitive nature. Some would argue that the competitive urges in us are merely primal, animalistic aggression which should be stifled. I'm convinced our competitive nature is God-given. The apostle Paul, in scripture* equates the spiritual journey to a vigorous race: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." And again** Paul reminds us: "But one thing I do. Forgetting what is behind and straining for what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize..." What should, and does separate us from the animals, in our competitive nature, are the kindred virtues of respect and honor. Any person, gifted with athletic (or any other) talent, who does not pursue his maximum potential misses the mark.

As I review the points above, I realize that sport impacts us at every level of our being: body, mind, soul and spirit. Is it any wonder we're so fascinated by it? For me, the world of sport is right up there beneath God, family and country. Perhaps this piece was simply an attempt to justify my own obsession - as if I needed to list reasons for feelings that come naturally. But then I think of thousands standing in line for hours to get tickets for a game that lasts 48 minutes. Or bleachers collapsing under foot-stomping fans enraged over a bad call. Or a guy jumping over a 15 foot wall to touch the star player...

Short Answer: $$$


I don't understand it either man. I hate that stupid soccer so much. And this is coming from a Belgian that moved to Brazil last year... Yeah, great timing :)


If you don't get it now you never will.

I don't think it's something you can just "get" if you try hard enough. You just.....Do.

But I agree it is more fun to play than watch.
I teetered that line, but in retrospect only because my main team (the Detroit Lions) were hot garbage when I grew up. They're still not the greatest team, but at least I have expectations now.
All my brothers are watching World Cup and most of my friends watch Footy/Rugby, and here I can't understand how can anyone watch someone else score a ball in.

Now, I love playing sports. It's fun, you're taking an activity and it's a great cardio but how can watching sports be fun? I can't understand this.

because you can never be as good as them.
Entertainment. Thrill. Suspense. Excitement. Happiness. Disappointment. Drama. Intrigue.

It has everything. Pretty weird to not see why people would find it entertaining.


other than my home NFL team i could never really get into sports for the life of me.and it sucks because it's pretty much required in virtually every social circle
only half of watching the World Cup is about the sport itself, the rest is about joining something that involves so many, and it really doesn't matter that much what it is that it's putting it together.

You don't even have to watch the games


Entertainment. Thrill. Suspense. Excitement. Happiness. Disappointment. Drama. Intrigue.

It has everything. Pretty weird to not see why people would find it entertaining.

Exactly this.

The media gives it intrigue with the storylines that they manufacture, but also just write themselves.

Star player gets injured before a big match, how will the rest of the team play?

Team is on the brink of elimination, how do they respond?

Star player is an unrestricted free agent: does he re-sign with the team that gave him a career, or go to a better place?

And so many more like that.


Op, do you watch esports or twitch broadcasts?

Do you watch movies or tv?

Do you play video games?

Why don't you think it's weird to watch these, when you could be doing them? You could be Don Draper, you could be an obnoxious reality star, you could be that politician taking bribe money to kill net neutrality, you could be that game developer who makes great games.

Its all subjective.


Love to play and love to watch. Always have and always will. There's something special about watching people who are at the very top if their game do amazing things.
I like playing them as far as not taking them serious. IE just hanging out and shooting baskets, hitting a few baseballs/catch ect. Taking them serious with rules and shit just makes them boring and take forever to do anything.

Don't watch any "sports" except Formula 1, simply because its one of those things you cant really replicate lol.


Yeah, I'm 26 and only started catching some american football and basketball games the past two years. TV shows like Friday Night Lights and random sports movies peaked my intetest.

But, I just have no affiliation to any team or players and find it hard to. I don't know the history of the teams. None of my family cared either.


I only watch Champions League knockout stages, World Cup finals and Euro finals for football, everything else is a warmup for this to see some of the best play for 'something'. I don't play Sports or consider myself to be someone that likes them. I watch World Snooker Championship finals, Wimbledon finals and the Superbowl and that's about it.


I like playing them as far as not taking them serious. IE just hanging out and shooting baskets, hitting a few baseballs/catch ect. Taking them serious with rules and shit just makes them boring and take forever to do anything.

Don't watch any "sports" except Formula 1, simply because its one of those things you cant really replicate lol.

Just step on the gas pedal hard.
Entertainment. Thrill. Suspense. Excitement. Happiness. Disappointment. Drama. Intrigue.

It has everything. Pretty weird to not see why people would find it entertaining.

doubly so for games i've played in my life (baseball) and like to play with friends (football/soccer)

seeing what these professionals can do that i can't is both amazing and slightly depressing.
Sports are pretty lame for me to be honest, the only one I ever liked playing was soccer.

Other than that I never watch sports and I don't really care about them.


Hockey is basically the only thing I can watch. That and Baseball.

Most other sports just don't seem as intriguing, and I don't even know why.


We should also break up watching sports into two categories.

(A) Category - Watching a game broadcast.
(B) Category - Watching a game live.

One of these categories makes a baseball game an eye gouging experience to a motherfucking event!!!

The song goes "Take me out to the ball game" for a god damn reason!!!!


i find sports to very bizarre to watch. i feel like an atheist watching pentecostals speaking in tongues whenever i interact with sports in any fashion. its literally a game, like meant to occupy time


Yeah I only like sports when I care if someone wins or loses, or it's like a playoff game and people are desperate to win and they go all out. Or if there's money on the game. Otherwise I just feign interest for social reasons.

Love playing sports though. Been playing all my life.


I can only really watch them with friends.

Mostly because their hype and excitement transfers over to me and it makes for a really fun time.

By myself though I'm just not really interested in the sport itself.


except I will always make time for women's gymnastics, women's synchronized swimming, and ballroom dancing on ESPN.
I don't watch much sports just:

A's games
Playoff baseball and hockey
Occasional round of golf
Trying to get into soccer
I don't know about "lol sports" but I can't get into them. Believe me I have tried, NBA, NFL, NHL, MMA, Soccer. I just get so...bored. To me most of it just a bunch of people running around. I know it is ignorant and incorrect but that is how my mind processes it.


aka Mannny
I don't like sports in general usually, but there's just something about going to an event. It makes me excited. Ironically I can't watch at all when at home.


I'm totally with you OP. Playing sports is actually fun, watching sports is not.

Same with video games. Don't see a reason to watch a Twitch stream of someone playing a game when I can just play the damn game myself. If you enjoy it, great for you, but it's too passive of an experience for me.
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