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Looking back I think PS1's graphics aged better than N64's (used to think opposite)


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Back when "bits" were all the rage and N64 was the new kid on the block with it's impressive 64-bits, I thought PS1 and it's 32-bit graphics wouldn't measure up. And a lot of the time, I thought N64 games were more impressive. Revisiting some games in recent years, I've changed my stance.

The one area that N64 excelled in was having straight lines on it's textures, I'm not sure what the technical term (bi-linear filtering maybe?) is but the PS1 had jagged lines that would even "warp" when you rotated the camera. A lot of PS1 games are drastically improved when using a filter to correct that problem like MGS1.


Crash Team Racing to Mario Kart 64

compare the impressive 3D models in Crash to MK's poor sprites

Final Fantasy 8 to Quest 64

RPGs were slim pickings on N64 but what it did have couldn't measure up to PS1's cinematic offerings

Brave Fencer Musashi to Ocarina of Time
OoT is by far the better game and a personal fave of mine, but it wasn't a stunner until the 3DS version. Brave fencer is more detailed and doesn't use fog to cover up it's draw distance

Crash Bandicoot to Mario 64
Mario 64 is revolutionary, and I prefer it to Crash, but the Crash games have aged far better visually imo. Truly showing even back then how Naughty Dog could really play to the strengths of Sony's hardware

I'm curious how Resident Evil 2 measured up between the two, never did play any version of that game and it did get ported over to the N64 later on, I remember that being a big deal back in the day. I know the N64 cartridges didn't have a lot of room for the large FMV/CG files.

While the N64 produced a cleaner image that I preferred at the time, I now prefer PS1's messier, but more detailed approach. N64's textures are really blurry and muddy even on AAA games, and most games have a ridiculous amount of fog. I was shocked to learn years later Ocarina of Time also ran at only 15 fps?
Even as a MASSIVE Nintendo fan, it's the only Nintendo machine (aside from Virtual Boy) that I don't look back on fondly.

The N64 also got the RAM pack later on (Majora's Mask used it, one of the Turoks too I believe) but sadly most developers didn't take advantage as a majority of people who bought the system didn't ever purchase the pack.

What do you think?
CTR came out years after MK64 and MK wasn't even the best looking kart racer on the system. Why not use Diddy Kong Racing?
FF8 to Quest 64? Really? I'm suppose to take this as a fair and balanced comparison?
Oot looked better than Musashi
Crash levels were somewhat small, linear and on rails while M64 levels were large and open

I mean, there were definitely some graphical "amazing" (for their time) PS1 games like MGS1
FF8 to Quest 64? Really? I'm suppose to take this as a fair and balanced comparison?

I know right, haha.

Some shovelware piece of shit from a no-name developer like Imagineer, to a top-tier, big-budget game from one of the most respected developers in the world like Squaresoft...hmm...


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
FF8 to Quest 64? Really? I'm suppose to take this as a fair and balanced comparison?

LMAO well, I could not for the life of me think of another RPG that was released on the N64... was there one?

What resolution is that Super Mario 64 shot?

I'm not sure, had a hard time finding shots of games that weren't too huge to post


Highly disagree and the OPs shots show it clearly. Mario 64 was a day 1 game and looks cleaner than the entire PSone library.


The one thing I couldn't stand with the PS1 was textures and poly's wigging out if they were close to the camera. I forget what the tech term is.

Also: Emulator shots?

Also Again: LOL QUEST 64
I know right, haha.

Some shovelware piece of shit from a no-name developer like Imagineer, to a top-tier, big-budget game from one of the most respected developers in the world like Squaresoft...hmm...

Exactly, he should've compared that big-budget JRPG from Squaresoft to something like...




Queen of Denmark
Mario 64 was a huge open-world game. Crash could get away with a lot more visual tricks with more path-based levels.

I was always turned off by the jittery nature of many PS1 games. Although N64 games were often blurry/foggy, they were at least stable.


The warping textures of the ps1 where countered by what was called perspective correct texturing at the time.

The best looking, best sounding games were on playstation back then. The n64 was a pooch.
The one thing I couldn't stand with the PS1 was textures and poly's wigging out if they were close to the camera. I forget what the tech term is.

Also: Emulator shots?

Texture warping.

With the N64 and PSone visuals I think it mostly comes down to which bothers you less, texture warping and pixellation or blurry visuals and fog.


Not close to me. As far as 3D goes.

I always hated that warping thing that polygons did in PSX games. N64's 3D was rock solid.


Lmao at using some shit games like Quest64 to prove a point.

Conker's Bad Fur Day looks by far better than anything on the PSOne.

Also SM64 big worlds are considerably more impressive that Crash's straight corridors.


Why not Crash Team Racing to Diddy Kong Racing, Crash to Banjo and Conker to the PS1 Action Adventure?

I don't think you comparison is a fair one...


Kind of loaded comparisons...

I do think you can find games on both systems that have aged better. Conker looks good, Vagrant Story does too. Otherwise you know, 5th Gen 3D games haven't aged too well in general.


Ummm I don't know, I think that Psone games using pre-rendered backgrounds have aged better than N64 games, definetly.
About full 3D games....it's basically a pixellated unstable mess (with more polygons) versus a totally blurry (but more filtered) mess in most cases. There are exceptions though.

Edit: People posting emulators screens in HD....what are going to prove with that? That's not how the games looked and completely hides the strenghts and weaknesses of both hardwares :D


Those are some seriously skewed screenshots. Looks like emulator shots, so really we're comparing emulators here, not consoles.


It depended a lot on the developer, but N64 games are easier to go back to simply because they take advantage of stuff we take for granted nowadays (like texture filtering, AA, and proper 3D rendering that allows solid polygons to stay solid and not move around like jello).

And yeah, this comparison is all out of whack, graphics change a lot across a single generation, especially back when 3D was a whole new thing. Crash Racing looked nice, but it was no Mickey's Speedway USA or even Diddy Kong Racing; comparing it to Mario Kart is really dishonest considering that one still used sprites for the racers (!).


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.

That is really impressive. Rare was better at squeezing good visuals out of the N64 than Nintendo themselves at the time. See also > Banjo and Donkey Kong 64 which used the RAM pack, I remember my copy coming with it so I believe it was required for DK64

Now Rare is a shell of their former selves :(
OoT wasn't a stunner until the 3DS? The hell?


(and yes, I realize this shot's pre-rendered, but the whole game looked great for its time and the scope)


Hard to compare when the games are years apart. Of course the game made years after will always look much better than games years behind in the same generation lol.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Those comparisons are not very useful. Some games on both systems have aged well, others haven't.
The screenshots chosen are kinda suspect but I think I agree with the argument. I have a really hard time going back to N64 games, especially cause they're so blurry and so many of them ran at awful (20 or sub-20 fps) framerates. Even trying to play N64 OoT is really hard cause the perf on 3DS is just so much better. Comparatively PS1 games are much easier to go back to now.
I always preferred the sharpness of PS1 visuals to N64's general blurriness (textures in particular - so muddy), so I agree.
And that's ignoring the awful performance of 64 games.


OP comparisons didn't help the PS1 at all.

To me they all look like shit, that is why they are only playable for me on a very small screen or an old TV.

Conker, Mario 64 and Crash are the most pleasing to the eyes.
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