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Lord of the Rings: War in the North QA with community manager at Snowblind

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
SnowblindTina said:
I can say it is something I've definitely taken back to the team, but it's not in the cards when we launch in November.
Having it with a post-launch patch sometime in the new year would be awesome, I can see how that has maybe a 1% chance of happening but I'm glad and thankful you passed on that there's a lot of us who would love to have split-screen co-op on pc. Thanks, really appreciate it, good luck with the game's launch :)
Watched the human ranger trailer. Makes this game look more like the movie games (Two Towers and ROTK) than Champions of Norrath. Tight camera over the shoulder, basic hack n slash moves and cinematic sequences. Saw the lightest of rpg elements and no loot at all. This game wasn't at the top of my list because the holidays are so packed but I was wanting top play it at some point. But if this isn't like Champions (tons of loot, top down overhead view, lots of stat modifiers) then I've lost interest.
Its too bad this fall is so bloated, I feel like this game deserves more attention. I would love to buy it, but recent financial problems means no fall games for me.

Still, cant wait for this to come out.
robut said:
Watched the human ranger trailer. Makes this game look more like the movie games (Two Towers and ROTK) than Champions of Norrath. Tight camera over the shoulder, basic hack n slash moves and cinematic sequences. Saw the lightest of rpg elements and no loot at all. This game wasn't at the top of my list because the holidays are so packed but I was wanting top play it at some point. But if this isn't like Champions (tons of loot, top down overhead view, lots of stat modifiers) then I've lost interest.
That doesn't sound good at all :( Hopefully it was just the trailer.
I'd love another top-down Champions style game as well, but I'm willing to give Snowblind the benefit of the doubt until I get a chance to try it myself. Nothing I've seen from the official site or in the discussion here is really jumping out to me as a negative beyond durability and locked race/class combos, at least from a console standpoint.
Nice preview on Destructoid.

not much has deviated from Snowblind's tried and true path of delivering addicting loot-collecting, hack-and-slash adventuring. There are five different levels of loot to pillage from and weapons and gear even contain sockets to add extra attributes to their standard statistics, such as elemental damage and bleeding effects.

Loot dropped is unique to every player, so there is never a need to race for the rare item. You can trade items amongst players or even sell them at certain "shop" locations found per level. There is no weight encumbrance to worry about, but there is a predetermined number of slots for carrying gear -- providing ample storage.
Each character skill tree provides three branching paths, and from what I was told, only one would be able to be fully completed by the time the campaign concludes. Fear not, those who must have the most complete and well-versed combatant, as War in the North contains a new game plus and even a new game plus plus with more challenging difficulties -- which I can attest should be a trial.
robut said:
Watched the human ranger trailer. Makes this game look more like the movie games (Two Towers and ROTK) than Champions of Norrath. Tight camera over the shoulder, basic hack n slash moves and cinematic sequences. Saw the lightest of rpg elements and no loot at all. This game wasn't at the top of my list because the holidays are so packed but I was wanting top play it at some point. But if this isn't like Champions (tons of loot, top down overhead view, lots of stat modifiers) then I've lost interest.

Really? No loot at all?



LotR: War in the North Community Manager
A few lore-fan updates today!

1) The Lord of the Rings: War in the North is finally in the steam store! Yay!

2) Character Backstories are up on our website. For the Lore-Hungry of you, It should give you a glimpse of what makes our three main characters tick.

3) A Story Community Q&A is up for your reading pleasure. It's a Q&A with our primary writer, Scott Crawford, who is sort of our very own Lore-Master in house. Take a look. ;)


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
Dr. Acid Avatar said:
Does this game feature new game+?

Yes - Four Difficulty levels, plus NG+, plus different story trees based on the character who is taking the lead in dialogue.


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
robut said:
Watched the human ranger trailer. Makes this game look more like the movie games (Two Towers and ROTK) than Champions of Norrath. Tight camera over the shoulder, basic hack n slash moves and cinematic sequences. Saw the lightest of rpg elements and no loot at all. This game wasn't at the top of my list because the holidays are so packed but I was wanting top play it at some point. But if this isn't like Champions (tons of loot, top down overhead view, lots of stat modifiers) then I've lost interest.

The camera is different from BG:DA and Champions, but we still LOVE our loot, and stat modifiers, and buffs, and skill trees.
Are the armor sets and orc sword for the various pre-order bonuses epic items or regular items that help give your character a little boost? but not a godly item (I hope they're not too powerful)


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
DevelopmentArrested said:
Looks cool.

1) Anyone creating OT?
2) Is there a review embargo?

We don't have an OT yet.

There is a review embargo, but I don't know the exact time that it lifts. I just sent an e-mail over to the WB PR department (I'm at the studio) and when I get a response, I'll let you guys know, so you can know when to expect full reviews.


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
Heavy said:
Are the armor sets and orc sword for the various pre-order bonuses epic items or regular items that help give your character a little boost? but not a godly item (I hope they're not too powerful)

They aren't the be all/end all of items, but they will give you a really good head start on your first playthrough.


Tina I know this is not something you can really give answer to (which version is best?), but maybe you can find out what the lead development platform is.

I'm ready to pre order but want the best performing platform. Typically it's the 360, but with your studio's history on PS2 I thought maybe the PS3 version could come out on top.


SnowblindTina said:
Yes - Four Difficulty levels, plus NG+, plus different story trees based on the character who is taking the lead in dialogue.

Could you expand on the difficulty modes? Are all difficulties available from the beginning? If so, does new game + add aditional challenge? Does the game scale difficulty with the number of players as well?

I like to coop loot games with my friend but I'd really like a nice challenging experience the whole way through; we usually end up having to easy a time after a certain point.

Appreciate all the information you're providing!
For those concerned about the magic user:

From the character back story page...
Elven Character: Andriel’s History said:
Andriel is a Lore-master of the house of Elrond Halfelven, one of those who keep alive the ancient arts and knowledge of the Eldar. She is a skilled healer and practitioner of arts that the unknowing would mistakenly call magic. In actuality, her powers and abilities stem from a keen understanding of the world and the powers that shape it.

Lore-master was also the class that LOTRO used to get around the magic issue. I'm not familiar enough with the universe to know if it's a cop out or something that legitimately existed in the books.


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
ced said:
Tina I know this is not something you can really give answer to (which version is best?), but maybe you can find out what the lead development platform is.

I'm ready to pre order but want the best performing platform. Typically it's the 360, but with your studio's history on PS2 I thought maybe the PS3 version could come out on top.

We actually have optimization go through all platforms in parallel development, so there shouldn't be much difference between the skus.

We pretty much have to do that with Co-Op at the heart of our game, because we need our Net Code to be strong, and as clean as possible, and the systems for that are different on all three platforms. Especially since we offer a mix of couch/lan/online co-op on console, however you want it.

Whether you have a PC/PS3/360, you already know the strengths of your console, and the game should take advantage of those strengths, but by and large, the work was done concurrently.


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
erragal said:
Could you expand on the difficulty modes? Are all difficulties available from the beginning? If so, does new game + add aditional challenge? Does the game scale difficulty with the number of players as well?

I like to coop loot games with my friend but I'd really like a nice challenging experience the whole way through; we usually end up having to easy a time after a certain point.

Appreciate all the information you're providing!

Difficulty Levels
Easy and Normal difficulties are unlocked from the start. Heroic only unlocks on your second playthrough. Legendary only unlocks on your third.

NG+ Differences
You keep all your loot from your first playthrough and keep building. Found loot gets better, and the enemies get tougher. The more you play, the more epic your items become. We really balanced for NG+.

How Difficulty works with other players
Difficulty doesn't scale with the number of players, as you will always have three in your party, whether they be human or AI driven, however it does scale based on the levels of those in your party. Difficulty is based on the host: For example, if you get the game ahead of your friend, and build yourself up to a level 10, if he jumps into your game, he'll have a really rough time of it. Conversely, if he hosts as a level 1 and you jump into his game, you'll breeze through while he climbs up the ladder. You'll essentially be helping him level.

If you Matchmake with strangers, we look for similar places in the story and similar skills levels to match you with, but we don't limit you from playing with your friends... there will just be consequences of one type or another if they are out of your league. :)

Hope that helps.


Wait so this has lan on console? Because if so, I'm making my wife buy her own so I don't have to share my tiny 20 inch screen lol.


Felix Lighter said:
Lore-master was also the class that LOTRO used to get around the magic issue. I'm not familiar enough with the universe to know if it's a cop out or something that legitimately existed in the books.
I'm pretty sure it's a cheat. I'm not sure why they don't use one of the lesser known members of the council of wizards. But it's nothing that'll stop me from buying the game.
SnowblindTina...your work here as community manager is really appreciated.

I wasn't feeling super positive about this game but your consistent stream of information has me thinking you guys are taking this seriously and there's no small amount of pride in your product. It's now on my list of purchases.

Tell your boss that you're great at your job.
Ok, so the new infos got my interest back into it a bit. I'd LOVE a quick write-up or video that shows off customization, how deep it can go and how many stats there are to alter.

Also, does your character carry over from single player to multiplayer? Dungeon Siege 3 was really hurt because of that.


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
Phloxy said:
Wait so this has lan on console? Because if so, I'm making my wife buy her own so I don't have to share my tiny 20 inch screen lol.
Lan/Systemlink - depending on what your Console prefers to call it. :)


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
robut said:
Ok, so the new infos got my interest back into it a bit. I'd LOVE a quick write-up or video that shows off customization, how deep it can go and how many stats there are to alter.

Also, does your character carry over from single player to multiplayer? Dungeon Siege 3 was really hurt because of that.

We don't have a video just yet on the customization, but this thread created by one of our forum members has a LOT of screengrabs that could help. Please note that he started it with E3 videos so some of the stats/names/icons were not final:

Character Abilities

Your character (and his gear, level, skills, etc) is always your character (just as your game is always your game). You can take your character with all of his customization into a friend's game and show off (and help out, or not help out as the case may be).

Some people drive a sportscar because they like how it feels. Some people drive a sportscar because they like how it makes others feel.

Our loot (and online play) should make you happy, whichever type you are. ;)


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
bigdaddygamebot said:
SnowblindTina...your work here as community manager is really appreciated.

I wasn't feeling super positive about this game but your consistent stream of information has me thinking you guys are taking this seriously and there's no small amount of pride in your product. It's now on my list of purchases.

Tell your boss that you're great at your job.
Gawrsh. Thanks, Bigdaddygamebot!


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
Got info on our Review dates:

Previews are open to come up now (hence the Destructoid one, and the live footage one on Monday from Gamestop). These experiences were formed at our Live Hands-On Press event earlier this week.

Reviews are under embargo until the date of release, so November 1, 12:01am EST.

Look for reviews that day! :)
It'll be finished soon... probably like a half hour, I'm not sure. It's not a flashy PR brochure but I did my best to convey info in a clear and concise way but also show why people should care about the game and what makes it attractive. Will post a link here after it's up...


Buying this game on tuesday with Targets B2G1 sale going on. I can't wait, its refreshing to have a game like this with the glut of shooters out there. My wife is making me wait until christmas to play it though =(
SnowblindTina said:
We don't have a video just yet on the customization, but this thread created by one of our forum members has a LOT of screengrabs that could help. Please note that he started it with E3 videos so some of the stats/names/icons were not final:

Character Abilities

Your character (and his gear, level, skills, etc) is always your character (just as your game is always your game). You can take your character with all of his customization into a friend's game and show off (and help out, or not help out as the case may be).

Some people drive a sportscar because they like how it feels. Some people drive a sportscar because they like how it makes others feel.

Our loot (and online play) should make you happy, whichever type you are. ;)

Ok, now that is more like it! I appreciate the response and I'm certainly more interested in the game. For what it's worth, I work at Gamestop and I've been telling people all year that if they like loot games like Diablo or Borderlands (or Champions) they should be excited about this one. It's why I was concerned when recent trailers pointed otherwise. I'll be sure to tell everyone I can about the customization and new game plus plus :)

*also that your character is YOUR character


LotR: War in the North Community Manager
robut said:
Ok, now that is more like it! I appreciate the response and I'm certainly more interested in the game. For what it's worth, I work at Gamestop and I've been telling people all year that if they like loot games like Diablo or Borderlands (or Champions) they should be excited about this one. It's why I was concerned when recent trailers pointed otherwise. I'll be sure to tell everyone I can about the customization and new game plus plus :)

*also that your character is YOUR character
Yeah - The concept of "loot action-rpg" hasn't really readily been used on this generation of console. I always have a hard time explaining to newer gamers what game we're like, without directly referencing past Snowblind titles.

Thanks for explaining it so well! :)
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