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LTTP: Alien Isolation (PC)


Seems the developers are happy with those sales so if they are happy, i'm happy.

Although, the game does deserve even more than that. But then they would have to make it more mainstream?

Its like a double edged sort of thing.

Lets be honest they would always say they are happy with the sales no matter what they were. I agree def deserves a lot more.


How may LTTP threads is Isolation going to get, ballpark? I'm glad people are finding it, though. Deserves every success.

Hopefully 2 to 3 million. That way I'll get a sequel.

One of the best games of all time for me. Just amazing what they delivered and the balls they showed particularly with current trends to stick to their vision. Insta-death fail states, unforgiving "teach yourself" mechanics, ice cold tone and an almost constant state of nervous dread and tension exacerbated via use of slow, manual save points. I can only assume they didn't even bother focus group testing this as the results would have been obvious anyway.

I also love the perversity of a game that is most challenging early on when you're least experienced. That's just insane design risk to take.

Still love the Alien as I've never played a game where an antagonist seemed to individual and real within the confines of the game itself. The humans and androids behave like you'd expect for scripted entities, but the Alien, that fucker feels real and alive and right there with you.

Playing it on hard with headphones and the lights out is one way to test your mettle that's for sure.

Best sounds design and execution ever too.
I started this game... Then Decided I didn't like it but then decided to give it a second chance and now I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Quit at the start of the 5th mission (basically the first mission where you have to sneak around the alien). Just finished the 10th mission last night.

It takes some time and patience to figure out how things work and the mechanics but once you do it is a very fun game with a great atmosphere, sound design and the story seems really cool so far.

I always feel such a sigh of relief when I find the next save point.

It really is a great game.
Oh, I also found this, which I hear is a pretty common thing to see?


Yeah. I saw many a floating weapon in the game—the only real glitch I encountered.

Other than that though... AWESOME game!!! I'm glad people keep discovering this (including myself being a former LttP member).

And that IGN review makes me shake my head in absolute disgust every time it's even mentioned. They really should be ashamed of themselves for allowing that to be posted and even defended!
I played on hard. Hated how the alien would hover around the room you were in, even if it had no reason to think you were there and just sort of hang out making it nearly impossible to creep away. Then I learned to be much bolder, take more risks and although I still died a lot i progressed much more quickly. Unfortunately this also took away much of the 'horror' of the experience. I'm still picking away at it. Definitely the best alien game I've ever played and yeah I've played every avp game plus the cool snes(and gameboy!) alien 3


I played on hard. Hated how the alien would hover around the room you were in, even if it had no reason to think you were there and just sort of hang out making it nearly impossible to creep away. Then I learned to be much bolder, take more risks and although I still died a lot i progressed much more quickly. Unfortunately this also took away much of the 'horror' of the experience. I'm still picking away at it. Definitely the best alien game I've ever played and yeah I've played every avp game plus the cool snes(and gameboy!) alien 3
I was thinking that the Alien "senses" you and other humans in the station, that's why it seems to be always somewhere close. Ofc that would mean it should be near other humans that are far away from you. But there are some parts where the Alien can't be heard and seems to be away so i assume it just hunts other people during that time. I don't know if during these parts it will come to you if you start making noises. I don't really want to test :p
I was thinking that the Alien "senses" you and other humans in the station, that's why it seems to be always somewhere close. Ofc that would mean it should be near other humans that are far away from you. But there are some parts where the Alien can't be heard and seems to be away so i assume it just hunts other people during that time. I don't know if during these parts it will come to you if you start making noises. I don't really want to test :p
There are other annoying things about the Alien. It teleports around instead of following some sort of logical route around the station. I have tested this in campaign and survival mode. It's annoying. Also when it's in the vents with drool coming out it won't grab npcs for some annoying reason. I've successfully lured other humans underneath the vent and they just keep walking and find my hiding spot. So annoying. Still, I highly recommend this game to alien fans. You will geek out like never before lol


Well, i did find it funny how the Alien doesn't attack synthetics. Its on purpose of course as, supposedly, the Alien only cares about living beings. And when a synthetic casually asks the Alien "What are you?" it makes me giggle every time.


I want to play this game on Pc but im still unsure what is the final version of this game.
How many dlc does it has? Is there any definitive version available?


I still haven't finished it but it has to be my favourite horror game.

Not usually a big fan but this was actually a great experience. Awesome atmosphere, sound, graphics, and alien.

Scariest game I've tried.
And all of them are worth it? Because its 47€ of dlc in total, no joke.
i dont care about skins and all that, just want the meaningful content

Sorry, I don't know. I haven't tried any yet.

I still haven't finished it but it has to be my favourite horror game.

Not usually a big fan but this was actually a great experience. Awesome atmosphere, sound, graphics, and alien.

Scariest game I've tried.

Have you tried ZombiU?


Something i noticed today, sometimes there is an annoying head wobbling effect even when you are not moving that never goes away. Like there's some earthquake or like the place moves or something. It doesn't look like something that is supposed to happen and it goes away when i change areas but most of the time stays in one area and restarting the game doesn't fix it. Anyone else noticed this? Its subtle but it gives me a bit of motion sickness.


Something i noticed today, sometimes there is an annoying head wobbling effect even when you are not moving that never goes away. Like there's some earthquake or like the place moves or something. It doesn't look like something that is supposed to happen and it goes away when i change areas but most of the time stays in one area and restarting the game doesn't fix it. Anyone else noticed this? Its subtle but it gives me a bit of motion sickness.
I got this too. It happens after i use an elevator. If i backtrack a bit and come back to the current mission area using an elevator, the screen starts shaking non stop. It is really annoying and i cannot stop it no matter what i try, neither save/load on other areas or restarting the game works.

Are there any others who have this problem with the PC version? Any known fix?


I see the DLC season pass is on sale, is it worth it? I have havn't played it yet, in my back log. I'm not sure if the DLC is even good or not.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I see the DLC season pass is on sale, is it worth it? I have havn't played it yet, in my back log. I'm not sure if the DLC is even good or not.

I have only played the two episodes based on the film, they are quite short and difficult. I would only recommend them to fans of the film.
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