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LTTP: Batman '89 (It's awful)

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Here's my thing with Batman '89


How is Bob the Joker's number 1, and not this guy? All Bob does is stand around like he IS a bad mofo, but doesn't do a fucking thing to show us why he earned that title. He's the Boba Fett of the Batman universe.


I went to see both in theater at 9 and 12, they were great experiences, had the Batman fleece, hell I even asked my mum to buy this

the craze was real, but they're just mediocre to me, with Returns being borderline good, I'll admit

the Batman game has a KILLER soundtrack though

Have you played the SNES Batman Returns? It is freaking awesome! Loved it as a kid.



My appreciation for it has grown over the years. It was so far ahead of its time.

Agreed. No one bags on Metropolis for being in black & white.

Batman 1989 was the first film that made people stand up and take comic book adaptations seriously after all that 1960s campiness. It set the template for the superhero films that we're still watching 25 years later. The art direction is absolutely gorgeous and Batman's design (and the incredible sleek Batmobile) looks great today.

The MCU, the Spider-Man films, the X-Men films, the Nolan Batman trilogy, the DC TV shows... all of them have Batman 1989 to thank for creating the industry.


Oh it was, I was there and remember 12 years old wearing my batman shirt, eating my batman cereal, reading the "crossover"comic issues dedicated to the guy who created the architecture in the movie where some villain was blowing up buildings to reveal old Gotham as a way to bring the comic in line with the look of the movie.

However after getting past the fact that it did not have to be good as much as taken seriously and not camp, and watching now that the technical filmmaking has aged poorly the fact is in hindsight it's not that great of a movie.

Just because something's the first does not mean it's the standard. I will always credit it because without Burtons batman I am not sure how much of the awesome stuff would exsist. Does not mean I am going to give the film a pass though, it's obselete.

Totally disagree. Just because something is dated to a specific period doesn't mean it's obsolete. That's not how movies work in my mind. '89 may not work to our current sensibilities on what we want from Superhero Movies, but it's by no means bad technical cinema or obsolete. So much of the filmmaking (production design, etc) still totally work outside of a "look at those old special effects" kind of way.


I think people under a certain age don't realize how much of a gamechanger this movie was for the majority of the population.

Believe me, I realize its place in history. But there's a difference between being able to acknowledge its historical importance and thinking its still a good watch. This was my favorite movie for a long time as a kid, but standards change. We've done a lot better with superhero movies since then, and we don't have to settle for a superhero movie from someone who clearly doesn't get it, and simultaneously resents its source material.

Yes, this movie still has some very appealing art design. But that doesn't save its... ummm... more questionable narrative choices. "Hey Bruce, I know you just had a date and one-night stand with this reporter lady.... TELL HER YOU'RE BATMAN! YOU CLEARLY LOVE EACHOTHER! HOLD ON, I'M GONNA GO LET HER INTO THE BATCAVE!"


Totally disagree. Just because something is dated to a specific period doesn't mean it's obsolete. That's not how movies work in my mind. '89 may not work to our current sensibilities on what we want from Superhero Movies, but it's by no means bad technical cinema or obsolete. So much of the filmmaking (production design, etc) still totally work outside of a "look at those old special effects" kind of way.
When I say dated I don't mean in the sense of time placement. and it's not a matter of old special effects ( or just effects at all ) but I have seen many movies of all genres that hold up better. There are 70's Grindhouse movies that have action sequences that hold up better.

And differing opinions are okay and while I don't agree with you I respect your opinion. Does not change the fact that where you see great and timeless production design and sets, I see generic "gothic" soundstages that would be at home and interchangeable with half the films in Burtons catalog.
Batman 89 is still my 2nd favorite Batman live action film behind Begins. Nostalgia or not, it's still as entertaining to me now as it was when I saw it in a theater so packed that they let people stand against the walls.
When you watch Batman and Batman Returns back to back it becomes painfully obvious that Returns is so much better. To the point where it's a little crazy that the same person made both.
Keaton as Batman kills in this movie. He actually kills criminals in it. The dark gothic nature of the world combined with a more shadowy almost supernatural Batman who you didn't quite know if he was simply a tragic hero or a maniac makes for an interesting take on the character. I wouldn't call this film timeless, but it definitely holds a stake in the Batman mythos that sets it apart from others and makes it good for me.


at last, for christ's sake
When you watch Batman and Batman Returns back to back it becomes painfully obvious that Returns is so much better. To the point where it's a little crazy that the same person made both.

not that crazy, it's kinda obvious. Burton was doing the good schoolboy for the prods, tricked them by making the movie they wanted, then, once it came out and became a massive success, he got free reign and basically went full crazy surreal Burton. I suppose prods were not happy anymore then


I usually rank them as

Dark Knight
Batman Begins
Batman Returns
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Forever
Batman and Robin

That said, I think that Jim Carrey was an excellent Riddler.
The Honest Trailers gen watches a classic.

What classic are you talking about? Indy and the Last Crusade? Back to the Future II? I don't blame you for getting confused, both of those came out in 1989 too and are actually classics. This is about the Batman movie that year, which is absolutely not a classic.


I never cared for Nicholson's joker because I was too distracted by noticing that yup, that's Jack Nicholson acting. As opposed to say, Ledger's Joker who transformed into the role so well I forgot it was Heath Ledger. Leto does the same with his characters so I'm excited to see his.

BB and TDK over '89 for sure.


You just saw it? Guess i'm old now.

Still the best, most rewatchable Batman movie overall. I'll admit though, I don't think one could possibly get it without being there at the time or growing up with it.


Part of my soft spot for Burton's Batman is due to how absolutely insane he is. Batman in those movies is fucking nuts and nearly as psychotic as his villains. He's less Batman and more Punisher and I can't help but love the ride.
Does batman murder a henchmen in '89 like he does in Returns?

If not, I prefer '89.
Let's not forget that he needed a minute alone after murdering his henchman. To this very day, I am constantly quoting this movie. "It's your Uncle Bingo!" "This town needs an enema!" "It's me, sugarbumps."

Batman '89 remains a great joy for me. I liked Batman Begins but the Dark Knight movies disappointed. Not a big comic fan so being faithful to source material is no biggie to me. I guess my source material is the Adam West series.

Edit: I thought you were referring to Joker killing Bob in '89. Enjoy the quotes: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0096895/quotes
I love the movie. And it was such a phenomenon when it came out. But I was watching it the other day and it did look like certain scenes were part of a stage play or something. That is to say the illusion was breaking a lot.
I watched it on Netflix a while ago and it's so bad. It must have been nostalgia all these years.

Nicholson's performance and art direction/set design are the only great parts of the film.

Keaton is fucking awful, he's so wooden and stiff as Bruce Wayne and not the least bit imposing/intimidating as Batman.

So many bizarre things in this film too:

I found it funny no one seems to know who Bruce Wayne is in Gotham.
Joe Chill killed Bruce's parents .... period.


It's my favorite Batman movie. I'm sorry you don't like it.

I actually like each Burton and Nolan Batman movie quite a bit, and the Adam West one. There are six Batman movies that I genuinely really enjoy, although I haven't seen DKR since I saw it in theaters, so I should probably check it out again.


at last, for christ's sake
what about Joker's godawfully fake white hand that emerges from the toxic tank?

as i said, goofy as hell


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Returns was horrible. Catwoman as a horrible character, the terrible soundtrack, Walken doing whatever he was doing, not to mention the absolute worst story of any of the Batman movies. Just an awful, unwatchable movie.


Part of my soft spot for Burton's Batman is due to how absolutely insane he is. Batman in those movies is fucking nuts and nearly as psychotic as his villains. He's less Batman and more Punisher and I can't help but love the ride.

True to the original concept


Ok, even if some people hated it, can we all agree that Batman's first scene with the two thugs he beats half to death is just plain awesome? Unlike Nolan's films, Batman comes across as a supernatural, unkillable monster to criminals. Not a ninja in a suit (which I do like, btw) and more of a complete freak. That opening left such a huge impression on me as a kid.








I guess you've not seen Batman.
Nothing like Cesar Romero just painting over his moustache...of course that show was supposed to be campy.

However any issue with Burton's movie aside, it at least proved Batman could be serious, it is not an inherently campy property, that to me is Batman 89's lasting legacy.


Ok, even if some people hated it, can we all agree that Batman's first scene with the two thugs he beats half to death is just plain awesome? Unlike Nolan's films, Batman comes across as a supernatural, unkillable monster to criminals. Not a ninja in a suit (which I do like, btw) and more of a complete freak. That opening left such a huge impression on me as a kid.






Oh absolutely. For Batman's first live-action appearance in decades, that's a fucking great reveal.
You know, you can have both performances be amazing in their own way without having to trash the other one.

The Nolan films almost take themselves too seriously. I love that there is this underlying playfulness in the Burton Batman films, it plays well into the comic book role.
Agree. '89 Joker is one of my all-time favorite villains in movies. It's corny, but weird and hilarious.


Hmmm interesting.

So with Nolans Batman movies I remember watching them the first time and being blown away, caught in the hype, loved it. Re-watch though? Torture! The horrible pacing really shines, the horrible acting by some of the smaller cast (and larger), and it just is ... boring? Most Nolan films suffer this though, the second or third watch and you don't want to sit through it till the end.

Burtons Batman? They are fun though. I can rewatch them infinite amount of times. The onscreen dynamic between the main cast is great. Sure it doesn't stick to the comic, but they are great movies.

So for the first watch Nolan wins, but on the rewatch after the hype dies down, Burton all the way..
Ok, even if some people hated it, can we all agree that Batman's first scene with the two thugs he beats half to death is just plain awesome? Unlike Nolan's films, Batman comes across as a supernatural, unkillable monster to criminals. Not a ninja in a suit (which I do like, btw) and more of a complete freak. That opening left such a huge impression on me as a kid.







I felt that the original opening of the cape (that first gif) was corny as all hell.
The Burton batmans are so damn dorky it's horrible. I could watch Nolan Batman every week, they are just better movies in every sense. They are good movies and you don't have to qualify it with 'good superhero movies'. Just damn good movies.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Batman 89. We wouldn't have the fucking godly
Batman: The Animated Series

Without Tim Burton's Batman. And Batman The Animated Series defined who Batman was for the 2 next generations.

I think The Dark Knight Returns did that.

You can't subtract '89 Batman out of this equation. Miller's TDKR was inspiration to '89 Batman, which then inspired friggin' Fox to debut Batman TAS in friggin' prime time with Elfman's Main Theme spinning up in the opening seconds as the first thing we saw.

TDKR (re)introduced the dark obsession, true. Blue and grey silver-age Batman was, to my recollection, busy trying to "cool" Batman away from his 60's TV persona, by essentially making him the masked James Bond of superhero comics.

But TAS essentially took its design cues from Burton's films, color palette, architecture, villain character pathos, music, and so on. And of course then in a few short years Schumacher was putting out movies that look more like cartoons than the cartoons.
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