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LTTP: Days Gone is an overlooked underappreciated gem of a game

Do you want a sequel to Days Gone

  • Yes, sign me up

    Votes: 204 65.8%
  • Need to play the original first

    Votes: 61 19.7%
  • I am still unable to secure a PS5 :(

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • I want a new IP from Bend

    Votes: 34 11.0%
  • Can we have a Syphon Filter Remake from Bend Studio

    Votes: 34 11.0%

  • Total voters
Let me put it this way.

It's an honest to god 7/10 game (when 7 was not considered a shitty score but a good game), a 6 or even a 5 if you hate zombies and sons of anarchy stuff or just burned out by open world formula, an 8 or even a 9 if you like all that stuff.

for me was an 8 but i'm biased because i love motorcycles and sam witwer the actor who do the VA for the protagonist, but the game surely is flawed and far from perfect.
My thoughts exactly.

People just love to inflate exclusives making them more than what they are, fun games.
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Nah even with bugs fixed it looks like a brown generic open world with zombie hordes. At this point the theme is derivative and I don't think there's enough innovation to get it to above 7-8/10.

Make a new more imaginative ip I say.


Nah even with bugs fixed it looks like a brown generic open world with zombie hordes. At this point the theme is derivative and I don't think there's enough innovation to get it to above 7-8/10.

Make a new more imaginative ip I say.
I, too, often feel that way when visiting Oregon. When I went to Crater Lake, just felt so generic.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but my main suggestion for a sequel is just to make it shorter.

Cut shit where you can. It's okay. Every other entertainment medium does it. The end product will be better. Leave us wanting more, not praying for the game to end.

This goes for most games, but Days Gone is a prime example.


Gold Member
Is it really overlooked though? People won't shut up about it, there's a thread every two days about how overlooked or underrated it is.
Did anyone play with the crossbow almost exclusively the entire game ? I would use guns on the bike chase quests and a bit here and there , and hordes too. But seems like I must have played about 80% or more with the bow as my main. It's just so good at dispatching enemies stealthily, and coupled with the different craft bolts you unlock , I couldn't see the need to use much else.
Great game . I may have to fire up a survival ll run soon.


Apparently one critic in the press said they cringed at the dialogue where the character tells he will ride her like the way he rides the bike. Apparently it's a biker cultural thing to say. Heck even Sara (Deek's wife) says she will say no such absurd things at their wedding ceremony. So games writing even addresses the cringe.
It really shows a lack of understanding of the game, let alone biker culture.

The game, as it is currently, is all round a brilliant new ip.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Days Gone was awesome. 9.5/10, my 2019 game of the year and 3rd best game of the generation for me. Truly hoping that they don't fuck up my sequel.
I'm not attacking anyone, I made a very mild joke. Don't be so sensitive Kiseki-chan.

  • LOL
Reactions: Isa


Yea,I loved it!
I played it after it was all patched up and had no tech issues with it.
It felt like a breath of fresh air in that it had no hidden political agenda too.....probably why critics didn't like it much,lol.


I too love it, planning on playing through on my PS5 after beating other games first. I loved the whole thing, and that secret ending has me eagerly anticipating the sequel if it ever comes. It leaves a lot of questions that I'd love to see explored, and could change up the gameplay big time. I played it through Day 1 and never encountered a single bug, I guess I was lucky.


Gold Member
I did enjoy it, but it took me a good 10 hours before I got into it. I had to be patient with the game. I don't like zombie games or grim post-apocalyptic settings, so it took me a while to warm up. Once I did, though, I had a good time.

However, I'd prefer that Bend go in a different direction with their next game. I'd love a return to Syphon Filter, but a new IP would be fine, too. I'd probably buy a Days Gone sequel, but I wouldn't be in a rush. I kind of feel like I had enough of that world, don't really feel like revisiting it.


Gold Member
I did enjoy it, but it took me a good 10 hours before I got into it. I had to be patient with the game. I don't like zombie games or grim post-apocalyptic settings, so it took me a while to warm up. Once I did, though, I had a good time.

However, I'd prefer that Bend go in a different direction with their next game. I'd love a return to Syphon Filter, but a new IP would be fine, too. I'd probably buy a Days Gone sequel, but I wouldn't be in a rush. I kind of feel like I had enough of that world, don't really feel like revisiting it.

Days Gone is Syphon Filter.
Go to Iron Butte Lab.

First game i played and beat with the PS collection. First of all what a brilliant idea and gift from Sony to grant access to all of those great last gen games for no extra charge if you have a PS plus sub. Secondly, wow great game. I completely overlooked it last gen due to mixed reviews and having such a huge PS catalog to play through, but wow do i feel like and idiot. This game is great, way under rated. If you have a PS5 and PS plus do yourself a favor and download this game and play through it while waiting for some of the bigger titles to drop you will not regret it.


It was my personal GOTY 2019. Bend gave no fucks about being PC. This is a game to be treasured nowadays. We lucked out and won’t see another like it for a long time unless they do a sequel, but I fear it’ll succumb to diversity and woke quotas. Especially since those two main Bend dudes recently left.

Some of my fav moments:



I put Days Gone on the same level as GOT, great games, but just lacking that one thing that pushes it up to be an all time classic.


It really shows a lack of understanding of the game, let alone biker culture.

The game, as it is currently, is all round a brilliant new ip.
I would say it’s not even just biker language, but blue-collar language in general. The game is filled with it and the people who review games are completely unfamiliar with blue-collar culture. They don’t care about the working class, they despise them while feigning compassion toward them to elevate themselves morally.

Deacon looking at the ass of a girl he’s after is so counter to their worldview that they must snuff out any notion that it’s acceptable. Some say you can still hear their shrieks echoing through San Francisco to this day.
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Bought the game a long time ago, but didn't play it until a couple of months ago. I really enjoyed my time with it, huge open world, lots of things to do and really enjoyable story. That said, the game is long, like really long. I hadn't feel that a game included both parts 1 and 2 in a single release since the original Okami.

The game also had some really weird bugs, like after reaching certain areas, the game would not load the enviroment completetely, as if the game streaming of the world had completely stopped, without the whole game fully loading, so even restarting the game would not solve the issue. I had to completely shut down my console and restart the game after 5 minutes, and the issue would be solved.

Besides said issues, which I don't know why haven't been patched, i'm really looking forward to the sequel. Also, as soon as I finally get a ps5, I would like to replay the game at 60fps.


Didn't it win one at the Game Awards though?

"Game most likely to be described as 'overlooked' or 'underappreciated' on reddit"


Too long, too repetitive, and too many technical issues. But a solid 7/10 game and a good open world new IP effort by Sony Bend, looking forward to the sequel which I expect to be a step-up.


Gold Member
Played it not long ago and felt it was mediocre.

Nice graphics, but everything else felt quite meh, specially the story, characters and both shooting and stealth mechanics.

I liked some things tho, like the caring for the motorbike, the world design and the crafting.

So yeah, if they improve the gameplay and make the survival aspect more deep, I still would sign up for a sequel, as the game had a lot of potential.

Felt the same way. Some promising moments, but overall very mediocre...and not scary.


By no means a perfect game BUT an incredible enjoyable game to play.... in the end that`s all that matters.

It`s a must play. Really hope there`s a sequel.


Its a good (not great or amazing) game, in a world where many 'good' games get released every week.

It is right where it needs to be.


I'm glad to hear you all liked it. It's not like it was terrible, but I had patience to play it for around 15 hours and then gave up. Deacon annoyed the fuck out of me with all that creepy talking-to-myself shtick - probably the least interesting or relatable protagonist in a while. I though bike controls were terrible and the game wasn't exactly a technical marvel (I could totally see it working a whole lot better at 60 fps on ps5). Also, it didn't take too long to realise that the game will be overlong and repetitive slog. Not a fan.


Only Sony exclusive I would give a 7/10. I loved the world/setting but:

Story took too long to kick off and was just okay-ish
Deacon wasn't massively interesting but also not entirely boring.
On last gen it also ran like ass.

It was a decent foundation for a sequel though. They nailed the world/setting but Days Gone needs a more gripping story.


My god another days gone is a hidden gem thread 🙄🥱🥱🥱

Worst game i ever played. Had to delete it after the car chase part

Worst game you ever played, huh?

Look here folks, someone who probably things Cyberpunk 2077 is a 10/10.


It was a decent foundation for a sequel though. They nailed the world/setting but Days Gone needs a more gripping story.

The story was fine, they just need to fix how they present it.

Too much radio talk, often multible radio channels playing at same time or even nonsense chronological order (hey deek we will do this but i cant do it know because i`m busy, i`ll call you back... 1 sec later, hey deek i`m ready... wtf). Booring "rememberance walking" missions with sarah. Uncanny characters modelling all over the place. Clueless "tracking" missions that doesnt make any sense and you don`t even know what to do next....

If they just fix that, the game whould be a solid 9+.

Just finished it, got plat and finished all horders... It`s just my third plat ever, so i really liked the game.


Gold Member
Played half the game on PS4; booted it up on ps5 today. Omg finally smooth as hell. It sucks we have to wait for the next gen to play last gen games at 60fps.
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