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LTTP (In Progress): Resident Evil REmake. The horror, the horror...


I've been on a bit of a Resident Evil binge, recently. Earlier this week I posted a love thread for Resident Evil 3, and I've just been in that survival horror mood recently. This game certainly scratches that itch (Itchy. Tasty.)

The first Resident Evil game I ever owned was 4. It scared me, thrilled me, and made me want more Resident Evil. My only exposure to the classics were brief stints at friends houses when I was in elementary school, too scared to play the 2 and 3 myself I was simply content to watch snippets of them. I rectified this grievous mistake this past year by downloading 2&3 off of the PSN and playing them on my Vita (I urge anyone who hasn't played them to do it, especially on the vita). I opted out of downloading the Dual Shock edition of Resident Evil because I had heard that the music butchers the experience. So, I'm went into REmake blind of any knowledge of the original Resident Evil beyond the fact that it's set in a mansion, and dogs jump through the window to scare the shit out of you. Although I did come into REmake knowing some of its tricks unfortunately: I had heard about burning bodies, crimson heads, and I know that at some point I will run into some really scary chick named Lisa Trevor.

I've wanted to play REmake pretty much since it came out--or at least since RE4 came out and really got me interested in the series--but due to my lack of a nintendo system I had no way to play it. Now, 12 years later I come to the realization that I can run Dolphin on my laptop. 12 years later I can finally experience true survival horror.


First off, it's a good thing that this wasn't my first Resident Evil game because it is hard. It absolutely feels like a game designed for survival horror vets. I'm playing as Jill on the mountain climbing difficulty, and I'm only at the point where I need to get the serum for Richard, and I've already died quite a bit. The corridor's are super tight, which making maneuvering around zombies a big challenge (doubly so considering your character moves reallyyyy slowly, especially when compared with RE2&3. This is my only real complaint so far). Jill dies in about 2 hits, zombies take a bunch of hits, the burning mechanic means you have to use up 2 additional item slots making item management even tougher than the other games, and a whole host of other difficult things.

I don't want to bring in an unwarranted Dark Souls discussion just because of the difficulty, but I do think that the success of that series could hopefully revitalize an interest for this style of Resident Evil. The difficulty really means you have to consider the layout of the mansion (I love how complex it is. It's a real treat getting to explore it so far) as you have to decide whether its worth risking running by zombies, or killing them (potentially creating crimson heads). I am constantly stressed, worrying about if I have enough ammo, if I should bother killing a zombie or not, if I should waste more of the limited kerosene (this more than anything stresses me out. I thought those jugs were going to be unlimited until one time it said: "LOL nope! It's empty!"). But if I'm stressed, that means the game is working. It may not be as 'fun' as RE2&3, but that's kind of the point.

This game is really a showpiece for Mikami and his teams mastery over horror. There are some many clever design choices at play here. Here's a list of some of the things I've encountered so far that have impressed/scared the shit out of me:

-First of all, I would be remiss not to mention how gorgeous this game is. Because it is fucking gorgeous. The mansion is dripping with atmosphere, and the lighting is incredible. Also, so far the scariest location is the hidden room in the cemetery. Like what the fuck. I don't want to put all the deaths masks on because absolutely nothing good can come from following instructions out of something called "The Book of Curse" that you found in a hidden furnace room that has a coffin suspended from the fucking ceiling. I get chill there every time.

-The level design itself is brilliant. The hallway with the mirrors is a fantastic visual trick that both aids player navigation (you can see what's around each corner) and is freaky as shit (because you can see what's around each corner). Not to mention this hallway gets doubly freaky after this happens:

I shat myself a little at this moment, and then I shat myself again going when I had to go through this hallway again to get back out after hiding in the trap room. I haven't gone back since, and I don't plan to.

-The tapping on the windows. Dear god, the only thing more terrifying than zombies suddenly breaking through the windows of a previously safe area, is walking through another safe area after this has happened once and hearing that fucking tapping knowing that zombies could come through at any second.

-Zombies opening doors and the music that plays when they do. I was not expecting this because they can't do this in the other RE's. Fuck I hope crimson heads cant do this, because after running away from that first one I haven't seen it since...

Basically, this game is scary in a way that the other Resident Evil's aren't. Like I said, it really feels like MIkami and co. were in top form for this game. Even the map is really well designed (it shows locked and unlocked doors, where you are, unexplored areas, areas that need more exploring, and areas that are fully explored).

I will be updating this thread with more impressions in the coming days/weeks (depending on when I have time to play and how good my progress is). Apparently I will be fighting a giant snake soon! Wheee!

Also, did I mention how beautiful this game is? (I did) But still, look again. It's beautiful:

TLDR: This game is amazing, everyone should play it and talk about it so Capcom knows whats up.

P.S. If anyone from Capcom is reading this, please do everyone a favor and rerelease this game for current systems. People will love it, and people will buy it. Hell, I'll probably buy it twice (Vita port please). Also, while you're at it call up Kamiya and make REmake 2...and 3. Thanks.


That Michael Jackson crimson head gif.

Also gameplay spoilers
Crimson heads can open doors.
And Hunters too :3


I love this game. Unfortunately all my GameCube games were stolen during a burglary, so I'll likely never plat it again.


This game is my favorite version of Resident Evil to date, also a couple of PROTIPs: If you decapitate/shoot off a zombie's head they won't comeback as a Crimson head (except for the first one which I believe is scripted) also once you've killed all the zombies in a room leave & then comeback to see if any of the zombie's are still there on the floor, if they are then they will comeback as Crimson heads.


I love this game. Unfortunately all my GameCube games were stolen during a burglary, so I'll likely never plat it again.

If you've got a Wii or a Wii U you can play it again as it was re - released on the Wii as Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil (same goes for RE Zero) also the original mode Wii could play Gamecube games so it would only be a matter of getting the Gamecube game, a controller, and a memory card again.
This game is my favorite version of Resident Evil to date, also a couple of PROTIPs: If you decapitate/shoot off a zombie's head they won't comeback as a Crimson head (except for the first one which I believe is scripted) also once you've killed all the zombies in a room leave & then comeback to see if any of the zombie's are still there on the floor, if they are then they will comeback as Crimson heads.

Ah, thanks. Can I decaptitate zombies after they're already dead by shooting them on the floor? And do I have to burn other non zombie bodies? For example before I died in my most recent play sesh I accidentally let Richard die by not getting the serum to him in time. Is he gonna reanimate?


I remember Chris' game being harder than Jill's cause he lacks a lockpick and doesn't get the grenade launcher.

Combat shotgun all day every day.

Ah, thanks. Can I decaptitate zombies after they're already dead by shooting them on the floor? And do I have to burn other non zombie bodies? For example before I died in my most recent play sesh I accidentally let Richard die by not getting the serum to him in time. Is he gonna reanimate?

Yup. You have to burn their bodies or cremate them.

Also, this is a risky protip here, but if you know you wont be returning to a room then you can have them transform. This is a viable resourceful strategy.


Recently played this for the first time as well. It was great. The areas were so well crafted. You always had one more place to go after checking out all the available areas in the order that you wished. You really had to plan out where to go and how to get there.I ending up killing almost nothing and had a huge stockpile of ammo by the end though. It's one of the first survival horror games I've played and it has got me interested in the genre.

I still can't get over how good it looks, it easily has some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds out there. And the way background movement and light were implemented into the scenes was breath-taking. My jaw dropped when I saw the running water the first time.
I remember Chris' game being harder than Jill's cause he lacks a lockpick and doesn't get the grenade launcher.

Combat shotgun all day every day.

Jill's game is already super hard for me haha, so I'm glad I didn't go with Chris for my first go round.

Recently played this for the first time as well. It was great. The areas were so well crafted. You always had one more place to go after checking out all the available areas in the order that you wished. You really had to plan out where to go and how to get there.I ending up killing almost nothing and had a huge stockpile of ammo by the end though. It's one of the first survival horror games I've played and it has got me interested in the genre.

I still can't get over how good it looks, it easily has some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds out there. And the way background movement and light were implemented into the scenes was breath-taking. My jaw dropped when I saw the running water the first time.

Yeah, it's crazy good looking. I was stunned that they incorporated reflections into things like the polished floor, windows, mirrors, and water as well. This game running on current hardware would look (un)real. Also, if you want more survival horror and haven't played them yet, I would heartily recommend RE2&3, and Silent HIll. I'm pretty new to the genre as well, but those three games all floored me.
Yep. Chris has -2 inventory slots I believe as well. Definitely the best RE game ever made, or remade. I'm a nut for some RE: Nemesis, but REmake is pretty much perfect.

Maaan, Jill's inventory already isn't enough for me (or at least doesn't feel like it's enough) so I couldn't imagine doing away with two slots.


Ah, thanks. Can I decaptitate zombies after they're already dead by shooting them on the floor? And do I have to burn other non zombie bodies? For example before I died in my most recent play sesh I accidentally let Richard die by not getting the serum to him in time. Is he gonna reanimate?

1st question: No.
2nd: Yup.
3rd: yup.

Yep. Chris has -2 inventory slots I believe as well. Definitely the best RE game ever made, or remade. I'm a nut for some RE: Nemesis, but REmake is pretty much perfect.

I forgot that. Damn, I have no idea how I beat Chris' story.

His endgame team was wack compared to Jill's.

Angry Guy

Aaah, yes, my RE experience was basically the same as yours, OP. Played RE4 first
Not counting Umbrella Chronicles oops
and wanted to see if all the people who said it was better before RE4 had a point. Fortunately for me someone I knew gave me REmake for nothing.

Damn hard to think of a better remake than this one. I've never played the original RE, but I know that one of the best things about REmake is how it toys with the expectations of people who have. For example, the infamous dog hallway has the sound of dogs growling but I'm reasonably sure nothing will ever jump through the window. Little details like that made sure even the vets were terrified and didn't know what to expect back in the day.

And it still looks better than a shitload of games released today.


This may be too much info, so forgive me mods, but I'm going to warn you that there's some zombie with grenades on him.

I swear he shows up in one area, but he follows you everywhere when you replay the game. At least, I think that's how I remember it.


Ah, thanks. Can I decaptitate zombies after they're already dead by shooting them on the floor? And do I have to burn other non zombie bodies? For example before I died in my most recent play sesh I accidentally let Richard die by not getting the serum to him in time. Is he gonna reanimate?

1. No you can't
2. The reason why I mentioned leaving the room then going back in after you've cleared it of zombies is because the zombie's bodies will (again if I remember correctly) disappear when you leave the room unless they are going to turn into a Crimson Head in which case their bodies will stay in the room and you'll have to burn them to stop them from turning
3. It's been a while, but if I remember correctly no Richard will not come back as a zombie, though I do remember there being at least one STARS member who does reanimate it is
Forest Speyer
Still far and away the best Resident Evil, and probably the best survival horror game of all time. Sooooo hyped for The Evil Within, it's been way too long, Mikami.
I love the REmake. No other horror game really scared me the way the REmake did.

I wouldn't say the game is really difficult (it's on the harder side, for sure though), but it certainly feels like it's really difficult. The way the game is designed, it's hard not to think about how the game is working against you. The limited supplies, the crimson heads, small inventory, the typewriter ribbons, and the way all of those systems interact with eachother is pretty brilliant.


I played the original, and when this came out I didnt even know about it. I saw it in a store, bought it instantly, and was blown away. I was expecting the same game with a visual upgrade, but damn it was so much more.

The thing that scared me the most (as I had already played the first) was the additional
staircase below the main stairs. The noises you hear and the enemy down there was some of the freakiest moments in gaming for me... The Forest at night *shudders*

Nothing short of a masterpiece. I am going to buy this again soon. At the very least I wish they would release an HD version for Wii U. I mean they made a million versions of RE4. Why not this?


First time I fired the thing up I jumped in blindly, and when one of them turned crimson I found myself holyshitting while running away from it. I didn't even want to fight back, I just wanted to run.
The game is completely doable in a full 3d engine with identical fixed camera angles with current gen. Just get it done Capcom. It's the best thing you've produced... Well since you produced it.
One of the best 5 games I've ever played... A 10/10 game.

It's so perfect and the mansion is my favorite setting in all the horror games, screems "Great Atmospher".

Can't believe capcom still haven't made a HD version of it yet... The game will look so godly in 1080p or even 720p.... What are you waiting for capcom huh?! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ;_;
For me this was the first remake or re-interpretation of a game I feel can really be considered a classic in its own right. I still have a soft spot in my heart for the PS1 original, it introduced us to an amazing series and blew us all away in 1996. But REmake is an absolutely beautiful, engrossing, sometimes scary, and magical experience that doesn't simply take the original and introduce a higher resolution, it takes you places the original either chose not to or couldn't because of hardware limitations.

They simply don't remake games like this anymore. Arguably the Gamecube's best title.


My favorite game of all time! Still looks absolutely amazing.


I would also recommend playing through the REmake portion of Umbrella Chronicles if you have the opportunity to do so. It felt quite special to run through the 3D version of the mansion, and it also had some outstanding remixes of the REmake soundtrack. In addition, both Richard and Rebecca, as well as Wesker, have their own scenarios which complements the story in REmake.


Loves Robotech S1
I remember Chris' game being harder than Jill's cause he lacks a lockpick and doesn't get the grenade launcher.

Combat shotgun all day every day.

I replayed this a month or two ago - Chris/Mountain Climbing. I hadn't played Chris' scenario in the original or remake in ages so it was still pretty fresh, but I really loved it. You have no way to 'skip' certain puzzles and events because Barry isn't there to save you if you fuck up. I found myself travelling light, only carrying what I knew I would need and no more, usually one full weapon and no extra ammo. I made heavy use of the knife in the early game and became extremely proficient at circling zombies in close quarters while poking at their ankles. And for the first time in the series in ages I actually faced many very real threats of being killed because I had to traverse routes I knew contained crimson heads with low supplies. Making sure you always have a backup route open to key areas becomes immensely valuable.

In short, Chris' game is the real Biohazard and the most fun I've had with the series in years.

My favorite game of all time!
Thank you for keeping these pictures in 4:3 and not stretching them out like so many emulator shots people throw around.


Never did my Jill play through, but I loved the game when I played as Chris. Truly one of the best looking and designed horror games.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Crimson Head tips!

1. They reactivate according to set points in the story, not a timer. Most people thought it was a timer back in the day. You can get totally fucked by this depending on exactly how you explore the mansion, in one particular scenario I ended up getting four or five of them in one two or three room set pretty much right after killing them the first (second) time.

2. In rooms with more than one zombie try and stack them close together when they die as the fire from one zombie will burn the other bodies if close enough.

3. As mentioned, headshots will prevent them from reactivating. Aim up as they get close to you.

4. To further Jill's advantage over Chris Incendiary Rounds from the Grenade Launcher will also burn them up. You may say this is overkill...I say there is no such things when dealing with V-ACTs.

5. If you ever run into a zombie that's already dead, well, consider leaving them alone.

6. If you don't kill a zombie you don't have to worry about them turning into a Crimson Head at all!

7. While it seems really hard to plan ahead on an initial playthrough there are a ton of Zombies where if you kill them in the right spot they'll never get to you no matter what. That jump scare one in the l shaped corridor next to the foyer can be blocked in by the furniture if you kill them in the L. Plenty of rooms have nothing left in them after your first or second trip. Those sound effects can be maddening though.
So what I took out of the OP is that you deprived yourself of one of the greatest survival horror games for 12 years because you wouldn't lower yourself to buy a Nintendo system. For shame.

A great game is a great game.

Jokes :p


C'mon Capcpom - A PS4 / XB1 re-release of this to serve as a prologue coupled with a new Resident Evil (serving as a reboot, ditching the 7 tag) which could be modelled around RE2's setting.

This globetrotting of the series is weak. One tight setting with a sense of cohesion. Tight corners. Claustrophobia. The entire series is built on the foundations laid in the original trilogy. Return. Regain the influences that made the series so good.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I have never felt the feeling of dread as strongly as when I played this game, it's absolutely perfect in every way. The save room music never sounded so soothing


Gold Member
It was great reading your OP, OP. It brings back memories of my first time playing it. So good. The only thing that puts me off playing it again is the forced mode that kicks in every other time you do a New Game+, which ruins the atmosphere when you just want to play it slowly and normally for the first time after a break of several years. I'll have to take my memory card out for it.

Speaking of modes, the game has some decent challenge modes. It's a shame we never saw them used in another classic game.

I don't know if anyone else had already done it, but I both do and don't want to tell you about a trick/skill. It can be risky, but it largely trivialises the game.

Crimson Head tips!

1. They reactivate according to set points in the story, not a timer. Most people thought it was a timer back in the day. You can get totally fucked by this depending on exactly how you explore the mansion, in one particular scenario I ended up getting four or five of them in one two or three room set pretty much right after killing them the first (second) time.

2. In rooms with more than one zombie try and stack them close together when they die as the fire from one zombie will burn the other bodies if close enough.

3. As mentioned, headshots will prevent them from reactivating. Aim up as they get close to you.

7. While it seems really hard to plan ahead on an initial playthrough there are a ton of Zombies where if you kill them in the right spot they'll never get to you no matter what. That jump scare one in the l shaped corridor next to the foyer can be blocked in by the furniture if you kill them in the L. Plenty of rooms have nothing left in them after your first or second trip. Those sound effects can be maddening though.
1. Mind blown. I didn't know that, so the game retained some of its wonder. I still don't know the points, and contrary to what I usually do I'm not sure I want to know.

2. Interesting, and another little thing that shows how much effort they put into the game.

3. I hope you mean with the shotgun, there's no way I'd try that with a handgun.

7. I purposely blocked in that zombie you mentioned, it's nice to be able to laugh at the bastard you've caged in after being harassed by the others. I think I did it on my 2nd playthrough.

I love the control scheme where you push the R-button to go the way you are facing. It hasn't been done in a lot of games, right? But it made the tank controls keep their panicky 'not fully in control' feel while still being fluent enough as to not feel broken by design. Such a joy to play the game that way.I wouldn't mind it back in a Resident Evil 7, whenever that may happen.

Resident Evil 5 had DLC where you play in the HD mansion, but had RE5-controls if I remember correctly. It was cool and all but really made me want a REmake HD-version.
I've seen a few people mention that controller layout in the past, but I absolutely can't grow to like it. I remember one person saying it's the only way he can enjoy Resident Evil. But not having back next to the input for forward throws me right off. I become useless.

I praised that DLC, because it proves that a move towards a classic style RE is possible. After seeing it go in a certain direction from 4 to 5, that change of pace was great. If only they had the confidence to make another classic style game.
I love the control scheme where you push the R-button to go the way you are facing. It hasn't been done in a lot of games, right? But it made the tank controls keep their panicky 'not fully in control' feel while still being fluent enough as to not feel broken by design. Such a joy to play the game that way.I wouldn't mind it back in a Resident Evil 7, whenever that may happen.

Resident Evil 5 had DLC where you play in the HD mansion, but had RE5-controls if I remember correctly. It was cool and all but really made me want a REmake HD-version.


Makes you wonder why Capcom never re-released this. I'd pay $20 for a 60FPS 1080P version on Steam.
C'mon Capcpom - A PS4 / XB1 re-release of this to serve as a prologue coupled with a new Resident Evil (serving as a reboot, ditching the 7 tag) which could be modelled around RE2's setting.

They can't. Nintendo owns REmake and Zero. Your only hope is a Wii-U HD re-release.


They can't. Nintendo owns REmake and Zero. Your only hope is a Wii-U HD re-release.

True but a shame. Nintendo have nothing to gain by just sitting and doing nothing with them. They offer Capcom the rights to re-release in exchange for a cut - money for doing nothing.

"Capcom sold over 1.35 million copies of the game.[26] Nevertheless, Shinji Mikami said that the Resident Evil franchise later shifted away from the survival horror gameplay following the "commercial failure" of this game. The perceived poor reception of a horror-focused game prompted Mikami and his producers to incorporate more action-based elements into future Resident Evil games, starting with Resident Evil 4"

This makes me sad. One of the highest profile franchises of the 90's. Resident Evils 1 - 3: massive sellers. CV - very well recevied, has sold nearly 4million across multiple platforms. REMake - critically acclaimed, didnt sell as well but bearing in mind it was on GC only in 2002 - Capcom change their whole strategy and haven't returned to it in 10 years?

Did they finance it? Co-produce? How do they own a capcom tittle?

I can't remember the details but wasn't it part of a complex financial arrangement that saw Capcom and Nintendo announce a 'Capcom 5' for the GC exclusively involving REMake / Zero / Killer 7 / RE4 and something else? This wouldn't explain 4 getting re-released everywhere so perhaps another gaffer could shed some light


REmake and Zero weren't part of the Capcom 5. The Capcom 5 was:

- P.N.03
- Viewtiful Joe (later ported to PS2)
- Resident Evil 4 (later ported to everything)
- Killer7 (later ported to PS2)
- Dead Phoenix (cancelled)


Gold Member
Bought the GC when this game was released. Didn't regret it one bit. It's a masterpiece.

The only thing I actually prefer from the PS1 original is the sound and music. Especially in the intro the sound design was friggin amazing (something I cannot say about the B-Movie actors). Put you right there in the mood.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
REmake is the only RE game that really scares me. I love the series and other entries, but none of them come close to the level of atmosphere and scares REmake has. It's tied with RE4 as my favorite though, love them both quite a bit for different reasons.

REmake was way ahead of its time and I'd even argue is still ahead of its time in the world of horror. It really understood horror and classic survival-horror style like no other game before or since its release. And I mean the core survival-horror elements so many clones have tried to imitate, not the different sort of horror that, say, Silent Hill or Fatal Frame bring to the table.

Even though it's 12 years old, it still looks good. The lighting is very impressive and the pre-rendered backgrounds are used to great effect. This helps the atmosphere, along with the recrafted and haunted music that layers the game.

It has a number of nasty surprises and tricks in its wake through its course, and as you've mentioned does things that no other Resident Evil does to make things unexpected, and is also rather challenging. It even does a good job at keeping its horror element later into the game and still providing the unexpected all the way through to the end.

It also is in my opinion the greatest video game remake of all time. It literally improves on everything of the original game, everything. And it adds new content, a lot of it, that does not feel tacked on or out of place at all, but rather feels like it naturally has always been there and fits in perfectly with everything else. The graphical improvement of the remake is ridiculous when you consider the remake only came out 6 years exactly after the original game. The leaps and bounds in how good it looks is ridiculous. But it is in my eyes the perfect remake as it hits every right note for a fan who wants to experience the game again, those new to the game, those who want to re-experience the game they love, and those who want more content added to the core game. It literally did all of this and improved everything from the original game.


I actually did a comparison video a while ago of the beginning of the game on both Gamecube and the Wii-release. Both appeared to each have pros and cons, like the Wii version having more jaggies but fasting loading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP0rDGnOYyk

Ultimately people with a good enough computer to run it through Dolphin have total bliss. Anyone got some good Dolphin screens? Make me jelly.
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