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LTTP: Mad Max series

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As someone who loves the post-apocalyptic setting I find it very surprising myself that I hadn't seen any of the Mad Max films. They are highly influential to pretty much anything that has to do with the post apolitical setting.

A started with the first film simply titled "Mad Max":


I'm going to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with this one. I now know that it was meant to be a low budget future cop film but prior to watching it I didn't expect it. I still enjoyed the film well enough, but being honest there isn't too much to highlight about this film. While it was cutting edge nearly 40 years ago, today it has been aped by so many films when it comes to atmosphere and setting. I unfortunately also watched the American version with the awful dub.

It isn't all bad though. Mel Gibson plays his role well and it is crazy to see him in a film where he is younger than I am. I also enjoyed how the film ended as
the ending wasn't a happy one. I couldn't imagine how many films would allow the family to die.
The car chases were pretty good too. Overall there just isn't much to say about this film almost forty years later.

It isn't uncommon for sequels to vastly improve on original entires as films get bigger budgets and the world is allowed more time to be fleshed out. "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior" does just this.


The Road Warrior improves the original on every front. Not only does it flesh out the Max Max universe significantly more, but it also contains a more memorable cast of characters, a better setting, and just overall a more tightly knit story. It isn't the best film out there, but it is still very enjoyable.

The last film in the series is "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome".


I'm going to be honest here, this is my favorite film of the series. The world of Mad Max is by far the most fleshed out as we see Barter Town,
The Desert, Child Village, and the Abandoned City
. The film's title really fits as throughout the film you see much more beyond the Thunderdome which in some films would have been the climax. The film has a lot of memorable characters, specifically Master/Blaster and Aunty Entity. And the final act was definitely satisfying and I loved the bit on how
the woman just wouldn't die

While it isn't the best film out there, I throughly enjoyed it. Yes the second half of the film drags on a bit but I was entertained. I was surprised to see that the film was widely the most hated in the series. I found it to be superior to The Road Warrior and especially the first one.

Overall these films were worth watching and I am now very excited to see Fury Road, which is a sequel and not a remake.


I found it to be superior to Fury Road" damn I don't know about that one.

I love road warrior so damn much and for the most part thunderdome is entertaining. I can't wait for fury road though, been dying to see a movie like that in a long time.
Some of my favorite movies. These along with Evil Dead are the reason I got involved in the film industry to begin with.

Thunderdome isn't my favorite, Road Warrior obviously is, I still love the first though.

Fun fact: Saw 1 was created because the writers were inspired by the ending of the first Mad Max. Also, the villain from Mad Max 1 is playing the dude with the crazy mask in the new one.

Love this series.
Road Warrior is a friggin classic. The others are good, but hoo boy, Road Warrior man. That's a movie.

Please don't suck Fury Road.


The relationship between the fans and Thunderdome is an interesting one.

It's definitely the most iconic film of the franchise, but is pretty much shrugged off by fans. I remember one night listening to a drunk fifty-year-old man rant about how Thunderdome was "sellout."

But the franchise wouldn't have the pop culture surrounding it that it does if there were no Thunderdome.


Like Thunderdome the best?!?!


I am gravely disappointed.

Lord Humongus was a fantastic villain too. Brutal and merciless, but smart and cunning. George Miller makes some good villains.


Road Warrior was the best one. the stunts on that were incredible.

Fury Road looking like the best blockbuster in years.

Yeah its definitely going to be a crazy ride, I think its a must watch for action fans. For me I'm a little stuck inbetween thinking its trying to take itself to serious, and hitting that off the wall almost cartoon like action. Will have to check it out when it drops.
Road Warrior is the best in the series. I enjoy Thunderdome more than the first one.

Never even heard of there being a American Dub version.


I really think each film is almost in a different genre.

Road Warrior might be my favorite film of all time. Perfect. Would love to see it in a theater.

Still unsure about Fury Road. Seems like it's trying too hard. We'll see.
Rewatched Mad Max 2 recently and was blown away by how good the cinematography was. The framing is impeccable. Great commentary on the Blu-Ray.

"And the Road Warrior? That was the last we ever saw of him. He lives now only in my memories." Chills.


The second one easily stands out and is considered a cult classic by many movie buffs.
Not dificult to see why, that movie just plain rocks. From the amazing stunts, the iconic sets and props , the frantic action and camera work.. Amazing how they did that without any CGI..

First one is alright ( THAT opening chase scene..) but there's not much happening in the middle.

Third one suffered a bit from Hollywood syndrome, everything felt toned down for a better PG rating and the story wasn't very compelling. And Tina's acting is all over the place
Why do fans dislike Beyond the Thunderdome so much? Is there even a general consensus that it is the worst in the series? Cause I'm just going by IMDB ratings.
Why do fans dislike Beyond the Thunderdome so much? Is there even a general consensus that it is the worst in the series? Cause I'm just going by IMDB ratings.

Because of this shit:

There's such a thing as Mad Max hipsters? Because there's no way that's your actual opinion, unless you think Road Warrior is the first one...

I don't agree with your opinion so it can't be your actual opinion.
I fucking love Road Warrior, it's one hell of a film. Australian's were making some interesting, entertaining shit back in the day.

I wasn't big on the first when I watched it again years ago, and Thunderdome is just a faint memory at this point but I've been thinking about marathoning all 3 with friends, so that could be fun.


Hipster Princess
I honestly started with 2. Only ended up watching the first to understand how the story of man called max started.

On another note, I've been passed the "MFB" building many times and actually lived about 2 minutes away from there gooses revenge scene was filmed.


Unconfirmed Member
Road Warrior is by far the best one of the lot for me, amazing film. 1 is a classic and Beyond Thunderdome I can barely remember but I hated it at the time I watched it.
mad max post apoalypse world/setting and ppl are the influence for many other pop-culture stuff. Fist of the North Star practically is mild clone minus the exotic fighting angle.


The second one's the best one. The original film is good on its own but pretty great when you read up on it, take into account the shortcuts they had to take considering their budget, and their complete disregard for health and safety during its filming.

The series actually goes the same way as the Evil Dead series for me. Love 1 for its raw quality, 2 is the best overall film, and I think 3 sucks. They both get a bit too campy for me.


Good thing there's a thread for this already.

Marathoned the trilogy with some friends yesterday and I have to say that I just don't understand the love for the series. Now, I enjoyed The Road Warrior the most out of all three but to me the story is pretty incoherent in all of them especially the first which just seems to jump around so much without giving any explanation as to what the hell is going on. Road Warrior actually helped clear up some questions everybody had in the intro with the little bit of exposition that would have greatly benefited the first.

Overall though, I love the aesthetic and the world of Mad Max. So much so that it's not a surprise that those two iconic things from it are what became so widespread. That said, maybe it was too deep or subtle or whatever for me, but I just didn't see a good story in any of them. Like I said before Road Warrior was far and away the best but even then it just had things that made no sense to me.

One was the most confusing one though since before watching Mad Max I would always associate it with the whole desert look, outrageous leather bondage spiky outfit wearing psychopaths, and just basically "barely anything alive" vibe. Then in the first we get all these greenery shots, a good little hustling town, and something of an actual police force? It was really weird.

Overall I think fury road's trailer better captures the more general association a person who knows of Mad Max but who hasn't seen any of the films. I just hope the story in this one is more engaging because overall I didn't care much for almost anybody except for the Gyro Captain who played a good foil to Max's more stoic personality.
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