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LTTP: Michigan: Report From Hell ... (IE Grasshopper Manufacturer's Perv-Horror Game)

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller


So this game was one of the earlier Grasshopper Manufacturer games, and also famous as the last game Suda51 worked on before he really started becoming a bit more famous for his work on Killer7. It was never released in the US, but was in Europe, and Japan.

I've played a lot of horror games in my years, and in my continued quest to play every one, I constantly have things to say and more informed opinions, but let me just tell you all right now, this is among one of the weirdest horror games I've ever played. Like, I know, "Oh, so you're telling us a Grasshopper Suda51 game is weird? What else is new?" But like, this isn't the normal 'weird' for the team, it's like... A completely different level of weird. And its actually really original, too.

The problem is its extremely debatable if it's actually good.

Basically, the idea is that you're a cameraman. Your duty is to go record the things around you.You're not interacting with things, hell, you're never really in any danger, but you're recording the things around you. And it is up to you whether you want to interfere with events happening, or leave them alone and let them happen. You can save characters, or let them die. And saving them or letting them die both affect the story. And certain levels you'll only go to if you save people, like if you just let everyone die you will only visit about less than half the stages in the game. And there's multiple endings, and different dialogue chains based on if people live or die.

There's also a mechanic about recording specific things. Basically recording creepy things, or gruesome things, or important information things, or perverted things, etc. To help you find out good things to record, there are various event spaces. They have different colors, but highlight where to go if you wish to follow the story. Some of them you make choices, some of them you should only go to if you want to save someone, some of them will trigger special scenes, etc. In every level, you are accompanied by your partner sound engineer, this guy named Brisco, and by some News Reporter Lady. There's apparently a lot of News Reporters who happen to be girls in town, and you can either help them live and escape, or let them die and just get replaced by the new News Reporter Girl.

And being a Grasshopper game, this is all told with a really weird story, quirkiness, and sexual themes. Let's just say a lot of the game's art is pretty telling of how they were trying to sell this, or even the game's advertisements.


And while letting every person die is fun, if you let them live you get into some pretty messed-up shit. From crucifixions, to insanity, and the like.

It's unique, it's grotesque, it's preverse, It's kind of interesting that, depending what you are looking for, you can get just that. Want to just have over-the-top death scenes and grotesque elements? You can get that, and entirely miss out on the story and pervy stuff, and the like. Want to get the story? Can do that and miss out on all the death scenes and pervy stuff? Want to do the pervy stuff? Can do that but miss out on all the story and death scenes. Or balance those and other elements out, or whatever. It kind of lets you approach each situation however you'd like, and interesting how it branches out and changes from that.

There's a lot more I want to say about the title, but its basically a bit too much for an OP, so I'll mainly just mention it in any discussion. It didn't sell great, and most people seem to never mention this game when talking about Grasshopper Manufacturer. It's not really a 'good' game, but its interesting, original. I enjoyed playing it, but it wasn't really fun, more interesting and funny. Anyone else here really played it?


I really want to play this but it's directed by my least favorite of the Lov-de-lic guys, Akira Ueda. He made Contact and that game kind of sucks despite all it's weirdness, which I appreciate. To go even further off topic, I still want to play Sakura Note in English.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I really want to play this but it's directed by my least favorite of the Lov-de-lic guys, Akira Ueda. He made Contact and that game kind of sucks despite all it's weirdness, which I appreciate. To go even further off topic, I still want to play Sakura Note in English.

It's not really off-topic. This game falls in line with that, This was the gameh e directed before Contact. The game's he directions are fairly ambitious, original even. Which is something to say in an industry full of a lot of samey games. I can definitely say out of all the horror games I have played, there has been nothing else quite like Michigan: Report From Hell. Of course, that's not to say it's good, or fun really. It's more... Interesting, entertaining, but not really 'fun'. I need to play Contact, but I hear its similar in that regard.

I'm actually kind of happy you're just an observer in the game though. I can't imagine combat being fun in the game,. and it does highlight the thing this game is best at, Witnessing the strange scenes, and given some level of interactivity and freedom, but the game isn't bogged down with what would of been likely lackluster elements about combat, and instead made some unique system that allows them to focus on the cheesy B-Horror goodness. But then me even saying that is an implication that it may not be much of a game, or is it worth playing. Which is a tough one. On one hand, it does actually have a lot of alternate approaches ad branching paths, cool scenes, hilarious moments, and interesting horror imagery, but on the other, all you basically do is walk around with a camera and look at stuff, occasionally race to an event point and make a decision.

So it's maybe the truest form of an interactive movie for a game since FMV games, even more so than games like Heavy Rain or something as you are more an observer who can interact with the world and have some point in the plot. But then all you really do is record monsters, or pantyshots, or rescue people, or record them dying.


Thanks for posting this. I'm a fan of Grasshopper and Suda, but since I live in the U.S., I never knew this game existed -- now I know. Very interesting stuff, especially given its pedigree.


I like weird Japanese games and I'm a Suda fan, so I gave this game a fair shot in 2012.

Played about 2 hours of it, but I just couldn't finish that game. The graphics are horrible, even by 2004 standards. The controls are bad (think Japanese FPS in the PSX era), but you can get used to them. The only thing I liked about the game were the atmosphere and story, but both got destroyed by the localization. Other than that, the basic idea behind the game is very intriguing, but like I said, the game just didn't work for me.

I can imagine a scenario were you have a few buddies over to your house, get drunk and play the game ironically, like a B-Movie marathon. But the game is pretty expensive these days and there are tons of other weird Japanese games/horror games.


It's not really off-topic. This game falls in line with that, This was the gameh e directed before Contact. The game's he directions are fairly ambitious, original even. Which is something to say in an industry full of a lot of samey games. I can definitely say out of all the horror games I have played, there has been nothing else quite like Michigan: Report From Hell. Of course, that's not to say it's good, or fun really. It's more... Interesting, entertaining, but not really 'fun'. I need to play Contact, but I hear its similar in that regard.

I'm actually kind of happy you're just an observer in the game though. I can't imagine combat being fun in the game,. and it does highlight the thing this game is best at, Witnessing the strange scenes, and given some level of interactivity and freedom, but the game isn't bogged down with what would of been likely lackluster elements about combat, and instead made some unique system that allows them to focus on the cheesy B-Horror goodness. But then me even saying that is an implication that it may not be much of a game, or is it worth playing. Which is a tough one. On one hand, it does actually have a lot of alternate approaches ad branching paths, cool scenes, hilarious moments, and interesting horror imagery, but on the other, all you basically do is walk around with a camera and look at stuff, occasionally race to an event point and make a decision.

So it's maybe the truest form of an interactive movie for a game since FMV games, even more so than games like Heavy Rain or something as you are more an observer who can interact with the world and have some point in the plot. But then all you really do is record monsters, or pantyshots, or rescue people, or record them dying.

Now I want to play this more but I've already got a NA and Japanese PS2 and probably can't justify a PAL machine. Though if I did, I could get that construction vehicle fighting game and the Cing game. Hmm...
I like weird Japanese games and I'm a Suda fan, so I gave this game a fair shot in 2012.

Played about 2 hours of it, but I just couldn't finish that game. The graphics are horrible, even by 2004 standards. The controls are bad (think Japanese FPS in the PSX era), but you can get used to them. The only thing I liked about the game were the atmosphere and story, but both got destroyed by the localization. Other than that, the basic idea behind the game is very intriguing, but like I said, the game just didn't work for me.

I can imagine a scenario were you have a few buddies over to your house, get drunk and play the game ironically, like a B-Movie marathon. But the game is pretty expensive these days and there are tons of other weird Japanese games/horror games.

Really? I've bought it for 20 euro a few weeks ago.


Really? I've bought it for 20 euro a few weeks ago.

Pick up a copy and ship it stateside. The cheapest I've seen online is 40£ plus shipping.
I've been looking for a copy to finish out my ps2 and horror collections.

Glad to hear it's worth it for enthusiasts because like you mentioned I've heard it isn't really fund.


I watched Dansgaming's playthrough of the game and it was the greatest stream ever. The game is so good at being so bad, the voice acting is one of the worst ever (same level of Chaos Wars), but that makes it even more hilarious.

Brisco greatest character ever.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I got my copy a year or two back for about $25 off Amazon, but my copy wasn't new, but was in good condition. I don't recall it being very expensive.

I like weird Japanese games and I'm a Suda fan, so I gave this game a fair shot in 2012.

Played about 2 hours of it, but I just couldn't finish that game. The graphics are horrible, even by 2004 standards. The controls are bad (think Japanese FPS in the PSX era), but you can get used to them. The only thing I liked about the game were the atmosphere and story, but both got destroyed by the localization. Other than that, the basic idea behind the game is very intriguing, but like I said, the game just didn't work for me.

I can imagine a scenario were you have a few buddies over to your house, get drunk and play the game ironically, like a B-Movie marathon. But the game is pretty expensive these days and there are tons of other weird Japanese games/horror games.

This is a fair alternate shake. I say one of the appeals is its-so-bad-its-good type of localization, though, and that it is pretty original. There are absolutely better games than this, but I also can say there is definitely no other games like it. I guess one thing people might find the game dull, as I mentioned you're basically more of an interactive observer than you are an active participant, which I didn't mind but could see being a turn-off for others.

Pick up a copy and ship it stateside. The cheapest I've seen online is 40£ plus shipping.
I've been looking for a copy to finish out my ps2 and horror collections.

Glad to hear it's worth it for enthusiasts because like you mentioned I've heard it isn't really fund.

Really? I actually live in the US, but I must of been lucky or something as I don't remember paying a fortune for this game, even if it was couple of years ago. Looking it seems the Japanese copies are cheaper though. But I don't remember paying an arm and a leg for the game, like Rule of Rose or something


Really? I've bought it for 20 euro a few weeks ago.

Yeah, I just checked. The game has gone down in price. I paid close to 100Euro for the game in 2011, back than, the game was very hard to find.

I gotta be honest here, maybe the price colored my perception of the game. I think I was expecting PS2-era Nier (technically proficient, overlooked gem) but instead I got PS2-era Deadly Premonition (last gen visuals, very rough around the edges, but if you can get into it, there's fun to be had). I might give the game another shot.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man, I actually finished this game. LONG time ago...must've been 2005 or 2006. I barely remember anything about it, except I got the ending where
the main character kills himself
, I think? It's been a long time, can't really remember. Hell, I can't even remember if I enjoyed it or not. Only other thing I remember is that there was a puzzle involving a pool table or something that pissed me off, heh.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Man, I actually finished this game. LONG time ago...must've been 2005 or 2006. I barely remember anything about it, except I got the ending where
the main character kills himself
, I think? It's been a long time, can't really remember. Hell, I can't even remember if I enjoyed it or not. Only other thing I remember is that there was a puzzle involving a pool table or something that pissed me off, heh.

The pool puzzle was difficult when you didn't know what you were doing, yes. XD
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