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LTTP: So I finally got around to playing Uncharted...


So, after putting it off for months, I finally got down to playing Uncharted. I'm currently at Chapter 15 (I think) and the game has been pretty good so far.

The graphics are AMAZING and I would vote this game to be the second best looking next-gen game thus far (behind COD4, ahead of GTAIV and Gears). I don't think I have ever seen a jungle being so accurately represented within a videogame ever before. It's just fantastic moving through the jungles and having your breath taken away every damn minute when you're looking at what's around you.

The platforming is generally fun and the many scripted events that occur during the platforming parts do much to add to the overall action movie vibe of the game. The animation is certainly not as good as that of Assassin's Creed but it's still incredibly fun to jump from ledge to ledge and to do some amazing acrobatics to get from Point A to Point B. The implementation of the camera is also excellent in most cases and that is absolutely critical since a poorly-implemented camera certainly has the potential to ruin a game like this.

Checkpoints are also used really well in Uncharted. Certain sections of the game could have got really frustrating if not for the very considerate and forgiving checkpoint system. It's great to see a dev recognising that well-placed checkpoints can make a game that much more enjoyable for a gamer.

Unfortunately, I can't help but notice that the game is mired in some serious flaws. First of all, the gun fights. Most of the guns are relatively boring to shoot, in terms of the visual and audio feedback you get from the game. The implementation of the AK47 has got to be the worst I've ever seen. If an ASSAULT RIFLE takes the same/more number of bullets than a fucking 9mm PISTOL to kill an enemy, something is seriously wrong. And what about the lame ammo limit? It doesn't make sense in a gameplay context since the game throws a shit-ton of ammo and guns at you. Rather, the ammo limit is merely forcing the player to constantly spend time looking for ammo and guns instead of moving the game forward.

The problems with the gun fights in Uncharted is probably exemplified when a certain enemy pops up. Oh, you know what I'm talking about. OMGZ, THE ENEMIES GOT TEHZ LASERZ!! ONE SHOT ONE KILL!!! Seriously, WTF is up with that. I'm playing on Normal and I'm a veteran of shooters in general and I die a shit-ton in Uncharted. Enemies are unforgivingly accurate at Normal difficulty and your life is incredibly short. Throw in the one-shot-one-kill enemies and you've got some frustrating gun fights on your hands. It's a huge pity since the game really has several awesome set pieces for some epic battles but the shooting mechanics, ammo limit, short life and lame enemies kill it all.

Next, the linearity of the game can be stifling at times. There is never a different way to get from Point A to Point B. It's always got to be done the way the devs wanted you to do it. It's pretty bad that such ancient game design decisions actually made it into a game of Uncharted's caliber. If I'm looking at a wall with a ledge (or a vine) that I should be able to grab, the game should allow me to grab it. Instead, if that ledge isn't critical to getting to a point that I need to get to, then the game won't allow me to grab it. It's the same with certain jumps in the game. I can be looking at a gap of six feet and when I attempt to jump the distance, Nate falls to his death. Five minutes later, I can be looking at a gap of ten feet and when I attempt the jump, Nate makes it. It's inconsistent and it's fucking stupid. The only reason I didn't make the first jump is because in the context of moving the game forward, I don't need to be there.

Overall, I'd rate the game a solid 8.5. It's a good game for sure and the production value is through the roof. Unfortunately, several flaws really prevent it from becoming a truly great game.

Now, my question is: I sort of lost interest where I am (Chapter 15). Right now, it certain feels repetitive as it just seems I'm doing the same things over and over again. Does the story/ending make the rest of the game worth playing through? Or can I safely say that I have experienced Uncharted for what it is now that I've finished about two-thirds of the game.


The gun fights can get quite tedious sometimes.

If you're on Chapter 15, you only have about seven chapters to go, with the last two chapters being relatively short.

Keep playing, there's a few surprises left.
SRG01 said:
Last few firefights are completely different.

And even worse than the stuff that came before. I wondered if I was alone in just really disliking most of the guns in the game. I practically played the whole thing with the pistol, because it was much easier to get the headshot kills, and also because it would take twice as many bullets from any other gun to do the same damage otherwise. I know that it probably was a balancing issue, but it just felt wrong, and drove me to ignore the automatic weapons for most of the game.


Honestly unless you have a huge backlog to clear before MGS4, do finish it off. The last few gunfights will be different then from the typical "pop and shot" style. Trust me very different.

If you want more convincing Kittowny is incoming...


chicken_ramen said:
And even worse than the stuff that came before. I wondered if I was alone in just really disliking most of the guns in the game. I practically played the whole thing with the pistol, because it was much easier to get the headshot kills, and also because it would take twice as many bullets from any other gun to do the same damage otherwise. I know that it probably was a balancing issue, but it just felt wrong, and drove me to ignore the automatic weapons for most of the game.



I really didn't enjoy it too much, way, way too much shooting. Felt more like it wanted to be an iffy Gears of War clone than a good Tomb Raider clone. Where was the platforming and puzzles?

Didn't care for the second half of the game outside of a couple of fire fights either.

If it had co-op, and some more platforming/puzzles, I'd have been a lot warmer on it.
I would have probably rated uncharted a little lower than you, OP. I thought it was a great game while the fun lasted, but the fun-factor really started to decline for me near the end of the game.
I loved the laser sight enemies. It gave those sections heaps more tension, and you have to change the way you play. I found it to be less hide and shoot to be constantly on the run to dodge bullets.

The final third is either love it or hate it. I personally loved it because the game changes again to be more run and gun. The plot points and changes are a bit silly tbh. Some of the best scenery (imo) is towards the end though
treasure vault
. You should definitely finish it.

Agree with the assault rifle, I hardly used it (the ak that is). Pistols were awesome.


Dante said:

Maybe I'm biased since I've probably clocked way more hours on COD4 than Uncharted.

But I like COD4's overall package better: the smooth and clean look and the huge variety of locations that you trek through.

Uncharted does the jungle and ancient civilization ruins thing really well but that's about it. Also, certain effects (like the mushroom cloud grenade explosions :lol) are just laughably bad.


Yeah, my main problem with it too..
Anything that had to do with shooting, sucked.
And then when the "twist" happens..and you are basically forced to just run and shoot like crazy..
I've played through it twice, on normal and hard. Best game I had played this gen until GTA IV. I might give the extreme difficulty a go before MGS4 drops.


I started playing through Uncharted myself on Monday. It seems like a pretty cool game so far, but I am only 4 hours into it.

Sadly, it does seem extremely linear, and I feel that this game would probably have made for a better rental than purchase.


ElyrionX said:
Maybe I'm biased since I've probably clocked way more hours on COD4 than Uncharted.

But I like COD4's overall package better: the smooth and clean look and the huge variety of locations that you trek through.

Uncharted does the jungle and ancient civilization ruins thing really well but that's about it. Also, certain effects (like the mushroom cloud grenade explosions :lol) are just laughably bad.

I think the best thing it does well is the AI.

Oh and the baseball slides by the pirates. Those are hilarious and crack me up every time.


I recently got around to playing it also. I got ripped on this board for buying it used, but I'm glad I did. The game was really awesome, but not $65 worth of awesome considering I beat it in less than 10 hours. Probably closer to 8 or 9 hours. I also felt like it had little to no replayability unless you want to run through it again to collect all the trinkets. The short length of the game, no multiplayer, and no real incentive to play through it again are my only gripes. Graphics and gameplay were outstanding and its a must play if you're a PS3 owner.
Everybody picks on the gunplay, and while I see room for improvement, this game's real weaknesses are:
1.) Puzzles focus-tested on chimps - "Hey look, a puzzle" *opens journal to page with answer to puzzle*
2.) Generally pointless, linear platforming - hang on ledge, point analog stick at next ledge, jump, rinse and repeat until next combat area is reached. Sure you get the occasional brick that falls off the wall, but I think they could stand to mix it up a bit. Multiple paths might help me feel like I'm doing more than pointing at the set path of handholds the devs have layed out for me.

The Uncharted franchise has a lot of potential, they just need to build on what they have.
Just finished it over the last weekend. All in all a pretty cool game. I liked the cinematic quality to it, plus it looked damned beautiful. And c'mon, the music by Greg Edmonson was so good.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I think my save says I gave up at 75% or so. It was a competent game with great production value. I'd love to see ND's technical people work with better designers.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
ElyrionX said:
The problems with the gun fights in Uncharted is probably exemplified when a certain enemy pops up. Oh, you know what I'm talking about. OMGZ, THE ENEMIES GOT TEHZ LASERZ!! ONE SHOT ONE KILL!!! Seriously, WTF is up with that. I'm playing on Normal and I'm a veteran of shooters in general and I die a shit-ton in Uncharted. Enemies are unforgivingly accurate at Normal difficulty and your life is incredibly short.
Oh come on... the game is pretty easy on Normal. You must like your games to be walk in the park to find Uncharted on Normal unforgiving and difficult. Either that, or you're just doing something badly wrong.


I'm playing on Normal and I'm a veteran of shooters in general and I die a shit-ton in Uncharted. Enemies are unforgivingly accurate at Normal difficulty and your life is incredibly short. Throw in the one-shot-one-kill enemies and you've got some frustrating gun fights on your hands

I guess this just shows how challenging modern shooters are :lol

I started on hard and I rarely play shooter. Had no problems with the difficulty level.


Combat suffers from the developer's trying to get a "T" rating. While it controls well, it doesn't have much punch (not that a lot of shooters do these days, anyway).

Uncharted is probably the best single player game this generation so far...yet I don't really care whether Uncharted 2 gets released unless ND makes combat more interesting (doesn't develop it to get a "T" rating).


I loved the game until the last couple hours when it just completely fell apart, both in story and gameplay. It wasn't bad enough to ruin the experience overall, thankfully, and overall, I'd say I still very much enjoyed the game - I just wish the last few sections weren't handled in such an awful manner.


Uncharted was a game that the whole package was much better than the small parts. I can't wait until the next one and they get to refine gameplay.

I would say it's only 2nd to COD4 last year.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Grayman said:
Uncharted makes me happy and the grenade explosions fit the comic adventure style.
Yep, they went for the cartoony look for some things, obviously. Baseball slides and death backflips would be another such thing. I don't think explosions are not technically competent, despite not looking realistic. That black cloud that comes out of them is like a sweet cherry on top of the cheese. I guess some people just didn't perceive it that way, as I've read complaint about explosions more than once.

The game had some flaws, most notably the lack of more difficult puzzles and more scenes that combine platforming and shooting, but it was overall hugely enjoyable to me, and one of my favorite games overall. I just can't wait to see what they will do for the sequel.


Marconelly said:
Oh come on... the game is pretty easy on Normal. You must like your games to be walk in the park to find Uncharted on Normal unforgiving and difficult. Either that, or you're just doing something badly wrong.

I don't know. I can play through Hardcore on Gears just fine.

I guess, what I would say is that yes, it isn't THAT hard once you learn that camping in one spot is generally a bad idea in Uncharted. But it's just ridiculous and laughable how an enemy with a laser sight would suddenly be able to one shot one kill you. And the difficulty is also ramped up artificially by the ammo limit, super-accurate AI and the overall weak shooting mechanics of the automatic weapons.
That was shoot-out in the underwater cavern was undoubtably the weakest part of the game for me. The only reason I beat it was because I eventually memorized where all the enemies would spawn from after like 15 tries, so yeah, Uncharted was a pretty hard game for me on normal.


ElyrionX said:
I don't know. I can play through Hardcore on Gears just fine.

I guess, what I would say is that yes, it isn't THAT hard once you learn that camping in one spot is generally a bad idea in Uncharted. But it's just ridiculous and laughable how an enemy with a laser sight would suddenly be able to one shot one kill you. And the difficulty is also ramped up artificially by the ammo limit, super-accurate AI and the overall weak shooting mechanics of the automatic weapons.

Yeah Hardcore on Gears wasn't all that hardcore to be honest, compared to Uncharted, enemies in Uncharted on hard tend to pin down and flank Drake alot more, they use cover better and they don't really vault over objects right into your bullets, AI in Uncharted is simply smarter in every sense.

The guys with laser sights are carrying colt45s, basically those can kill you in two shots (the same as you can kill them in two shots so it's pretty fair).

COD4 looks like a piece of shit compared to Uncharted, like srsly, the actual gameplay design in COD4 is essentially like a decade behind in terms of still using cheap tricks like "flood the level with fodder enemies until the player crosses an invisible line".



I found the game to be pretty easy on both normal and hard. Crushing I'm yet to finish, I'm right at that underwater cavern, and it's hard.

It has its flaws but I still love it.


BlockBastard said:
That was shoot-out in the underwater cavern was undoubtably the weakest part of the game for me. The only reason I beat it was because I eventually memorized where all the enemies would spawn from after like 15 tries, so yeah, Uncharted was a pretty hard game for me on normal.

That was the worst part of the game.
This game rubbed me the wrong way. It was boring. I forced myself a good ways through it just for the story. The graphics and dialogue are top notch but the gameplay annoyed the hell out of me. I never finished it. Probably never will.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
ElyrionX said:
But it's just ridiculous and laughable how an enemy with a laser sight would suddenly be able to one shot one kill you.
Why not? It's just a different type enemy, and one that's pretty easy to avoid. As long as you roll every once in a while, they can't hit you, and you have plenty of time to shoot them before they shoot you. Their aiming time is pretty generous I thought.

And the difficulty is also ramped up artificially by the ammo limit, super-accurate AI and the overall weak shooting mechanics of the automatic weapons.
I didn't think AI was unfairly accurate at all, especially on Normal. Don't know what to tell you about that, as I think they are some of the most fun AI to fight against. The only weak and imprecise automatic weapon was AK47, and it's pretty clear why it had to be like that - you get it early on, and it has large amount of ammo. If you could kill an enemy with just 1-2 bullets from that gun (which you technically still can with a headshot) it's ammo would last you forever - which is just not how the game is balanced. It requires you to constantly move around to get better position on enemies, and replenish ammo. It's the way it works, and the reason to utilize you character's speed and agility.

Even still, other than AK47, I found Uzi and M16 to be both precise and powerful, but you get those much later in the game.
well, It was still better the better sequel to Last Crusade Than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

And I loved the game, until it became a Resident Evil 4 clone....


ElyrionX said:
I don't know. I can play through Hardcore on Gears just fine.

I guess, what I would say is that yes, it isn't THAT hard once you learn that camping in one spot is generally a bad idea in Uncharted. But it's just ridiculous and laughable how an enemy with a laser sight would suddenly be able to one shot one kill you. And the difficulty is also ramped up artificially by the ammo limit, super-accurate AI and the overall weak shooting mechanics of the automatic weapons.
The one shot kill laser sight kills didn't bother me because they were really fair. Although I did sometimes get antsy with recovering from a shot most of the way then dieing in one shot to a normal guy who had a quick draw.

I read at some point that Uncharted doesn't really have health, drake has luck and when it runs out he gets shot. Even though he clearly gets hit by bullets to turn the screen black this stuck with me and made sniper deaths seem fair.

Gbeav said:
That was the worst part of the game.
Plane crash site on crushing. Go. It is a fight that doesn't really rate in difficulty on other modes but ruins your life on Crushing.


Incredibly Naive
ElyrionX said:
I don't know. I can play through Hardcore on Gears just fine.

I guess, what I would say is that yes, it isn't THAT hard once you learn that camping in one spot is generally a bad idea in Uncharted. But it's just ridiculous and laughable how an enemy with a laser sight would suddenly be able to one shot one kill you. And the difficulty is also ramped up artificially by the ammo limit, super-accurate AI and the overall weak shooting mechanics of the automatic weapons.

I still can't believe this. The game was fairly easy on normal, but with a good level of challenge. Just wait until you try crushing.
Grayman said:
Plane crash site on crushing. Go. It is a fight that doesn't really rate in difficulty on other modes but ruins your life on Crushing.

Oh man, I remember that part. When I finally managed to get through, a trap fucking killed me. I seriously wanted to punch my buddy who was sleeping on my bed due to the sheer frustration and RAGE I felt at the time.


Bizarrely, I liked the beginning and the ending of the game, but most of the middle just bored me. I didn't find the fights all that enjoyable. Cover based combat is just boring. Not sure who thought hiding behind rocks and crates makes for fun gameplay.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I absolutely love Uncharted. One of the best games of last year. I loved the combat and the platforming. I honestly couldn't find a part of the game I particularly disliked.


I think Uncharted and Gears are the two most gorgeous games ever...

on consoles, you damn PC warriors :p


Kittonwy said:
COD4 looks like a piece of shit compared to Uncharted, like srsly, the actual gameplay design in COD4 is essentially like a decade behind in terms of still using cheap tricks like "flood the level with fodder enemies until the player crosses an invisible line".


If Uncharted's gameplay is so revolutionary, why did they use a cheap QTE as the end game?

I thought the game was good but certainly not great. Had great eye candy but the actual gameplay was very generic and repetitive, and I felt extremely robbed by the ending.
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