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LTTP: So I finally got around to playing Uncharted...


Gbeav said:
That was the worst part of the game.

I had to restart that level at least 2 dozen times. I was getting extremely frustrated, haha.

I have high hopes for the future of this franchise. 'If' they make a sequel (I'm assuming it has sold well, so they probably will, right?) I assume they will expand on some of the non-linear gameplay of the original.
I never found lack of ammo to be an issue because I frequently used the hand to hand combos and got 2X the ammo. The combos where you shoot as you're running up to an enemy and then finish them off with a strong punch are also great. Such a good game.


Uncharted is the reason I bought my PS3, I managed to get it for free with my purchase.
Sadly I think the game is sort of overrated, while the story is decent enough and the characters good the game sort of ends up feeling sort of repetitive. The shooting and cover mechanics are okay but end up feeling 'been there done that' by the end of the game. This is made worse when the enemies are always the same, for the 'limitless' disc space of BD you'd think they would have come up with a mechanism to have all the enemies look different, or at least wear different clothes.
Uncharted is a great game but I have nearly no reason to go back and replay it. If there had been some sort of coop or perhaps even multiplayer the game would have had some life but honestly I don't think I'd recommend anyone to buy it, it makes a much better rental.


To OP: you've already played the best parts of uncharted... it only goes downhill from here

I never had an issue with ammo limits. Yes, it is annoying that you can't power your way through the game with a Magnum but the gun switching mid firefights made the game more exciting. If you didn't have to run around grabbing new guns, it would make the combat even more boring that it was. You would just sit behind a cover that doesn't blow up and peek and shoot until everyone is dead....at least you have to run around when you run out of ammo

The weapon balance is obviously the bigger problem. When the 9mm is the best weapon in the game, you know you have serious issues

A couple changes would make the next one better
- fire the fucking guy who thought the twist was a good idea
- more jeep sections (it was so awesome in the beginning of the game, then it never happens again!?)
- fix the gun balance


BobsRevenge said:
The twist was awesome. What the hell?

It almost ruined the game for me, to be honest. I got over it, but when it first happened I just put the controller down and turned off the game and walked away for a day or so.


Eep, I kinda regret ordering Uncharted now. I barely tried the demo and it seemed like fun, and I ordered it some days ago.

Linearity is the primary reason why I couldn't enjoy the new Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia games. If Uncharted has the exact same problem I doubt I'll play it for long.
Uncharted is one of the first PS3 games i really enjoyed. But, I think the emphasis on making it a shooter greatly reduced an experience that could have been. In the beginning of the game, you are exploring the cave with your flashlight, and i was in love with it. I was thinking here is a game that will be mostly based on exploring caves and jungles, solving puzzles. Only to find out the game basically becomes a straight up shooter on the second half. While it was ok, it turned it into one of the many 3rd person shooters that are out there. PLEASE GOD let uncharted 2 be 90 % exploring and puzzle solving with your flashlight and tools, making it something completely different and much more satisfying.


Sectus said:
Eep, I kinda regret ordering Uncharted now. I barely tried the demo and it seemed like fun, and I ordered it some days ago.

Linearity is the primary reason why I couldn't the new Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia games. If Uncharted has the exact same problem I doubt I'll play it for long.

You should still get the game, if only just to marvel at the amazing jungles.

But yes, the game is extremely linear especially when it comes to platforming. There will only be one way to get from Point A to Point B no matter what your eyes tell you.


eznark said:
It almost ruined the game for me, to be honest. I got over it, but when it first happened I just put the controller down and turned off the game and walked away for a day or so.

Why!? It's not like people in the cinemas stand up and go if there is some
in an indy-film? I don't get the hate for the twist.


Thrakier said:
Why!? It's not like people in the cinemas stand up and go if there is some
in an indy-film? I don't get the hate for the twist.

I've walked out of movies when they've gotten ludicrous, as I almost did with the new Indiana Jones, but it was the very end so there was no point.

It was incongruous and sort of cliche. I just thought it was a lame way to go with the story, just my opinion. now that I know it's the type of thing Naughty Dog is going to do with the Uncharted universe, however, I'll probably be a lot more tolerant next time. It was one of those cases where keeping the twist a secret hurt the story, in my opinion.
thetrin said:
I absolutely love Uncharted. One of the best games of last year. I loved the combat and the platforming. I honestly couldn't find a part of the game I particularly disliked.

That is how I feel about it.

It is one of the few games without faults. However I don't think there is any one part that is truly amazing and memorable for me, but it is consistent in its greatness.


I've logged a good amount of time on both games (considerably more on COD4). COD has the overall better package but graphically Uncharted takes the prize. It just has a whole lot more going for it graphically than COD4.


Other than the enemies taking far to many shots to die, the game is pure quality.

Why does it take three shots to the face to kill someone? Takes me right out of the experience. It's very frustrating because so many other aspects of the game have such a high level of polish.
I liked the twist. It was nice and tense. I had to abandon manually aiming at my enemies and just use a shotgun to shoot from the hip. I enjoyed that. Felt all sorts of badass.
It definitely a quality game and has gone under the rader IMO.

Ironically my appreciation for the game has gone up after recently watching INDY IV. I had images of Uncharted in my head and how much of a better experience I had with Uncharted. Granted I was never into the original INDY movies, but it was interesting to think that a "video game" actually outdid the cinematic movie that it was trying to impersonate.

I actually remember cracking up at some of the humor in the dialouge and just had a enjoyable time throughout the game. It isn't a perfect game, but overall I had a lot of fun.


pr0cs said:
Uncharted is the reason I bought my PS3, I managed to get it for free with my purchase.
Sadly I think the game is sort of overrated, while the story is decent enough and the characters good the game sort of ends up feeling sort of repetitive...This is made worse when the enemies are always the same...
You didn't beat the game, did you?

They were going to put in a clothing system that randomly clothed enemies, but it made enemy identification too difficult.


GQman2121 said:
Other than the enemies taking far to many shots to die, the game is pure quality.

Why does it take three shots to the face to kill someone? Takes me right out of the experience. It's very frustrating because so many other aspects of the game have such a high level of polish.

You're not actually hitting the enemies. It takes one head shot to kill an enemy. You're confusing the animations I think.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
JPBrowncoat said:
I liked the twist. It was nice and tense. I had to abandon manually aiming at my enemies and just use a shotgun to shoot from the hip. I enjoyed that. Felt all sorts of badass.
Hellz yes.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Ourobolus said:
Crushing, however, is a whole other freaking story. It took me several hours to get past that damn flooded cavern gunfight (I really hadn't run into any problems before then)

I think I know which one you mean. It's right after a long corridor with a machine gun nest at the end. Played that part earlier, and yeah, it was the first area I got stuck in. Had to replay it at least five or six time, if not more. I had shitty weapons and it's total chaos in there with enemies jumping down from every direction now and then. Suddenly you get shot in the back by an enemy while you're defending yourself from three others in front of you.


Just got through my first play through of the game - I had a really, really good time with it. Some thoughts...

-Best looking game as well as one of the best produced games I've seen this gen...and it's one of the "older" PS3 games. Things sometimes looked like plastic, but overall, gorgeous.

-I wish the game would have toned down the amount of gun fights or maybe even the amount of enemies in the fights; after a while they became pretty tedious. Also, no standard enemy in any gun fight should take more than 3-4 shots to put down...but here I am, putting 5-7 bullets into standard enemies regularly. C'mon...

demon Spaniards was a ridiculous plot twist to say the least. I was half expecting aliens b/c of the whole "Are those even human...?" comment by Sully at the beginning (referencing the art around the site of El Dorado) and the Egg Relic treasure having a language of unknown origin.

-My favorite part of the game hands down was the beginning chapter. No enemies, just pure treasure hunting; felt very Indiana Jones-ish. I wish the rest of the game would have made more room for moments like these.

Can't wait for Among Thieves! :D
JasonMCG said:
demon Spaniards was a ridiculous plot twist to say the least. I was half expecting aliens b/c of the whole "Are those even human...?" comment by Sully at the beginning (referencing the art around the site of El Dorado) and the Egg Relic treasure having a language of unknown origin.

The Strange Relic is actually a Precursor Orb from Jack and Daxter. Funny that it set you up from some strange occurrence later in the game, when it was only intended to be an easter egg.
a Master Ninja said:
Everybody picks on the gunplay, and while I see room for improvement, this game's real weaknesses are:
1.) Puzzles focus-tested on chimps - "Hey look, a puzzle" *opens journal to page with answer to puzzle*
2.) Generally pointless, linear platforming - hang on ledge, point analog stick at next ledge, jump, rinse and repeat until next combat area is reached. Sure you get the occasional brick that falls off the wall, but I think they could stand to mix it up a bit. Multiple paths might help me feel like I'm doing more than pointing at the set path of handholds the devs have layed out for me.

The Uncharted franchise has a lot of potential, they just need to build on what they have.
totally agree with this. especially #2. the platforming parts basically seemed like breaks from the shooting. thats fine, im all for breaks. its nice not having to worry about an enemy shooting you in the ass. but they need to do something else with it. having an occasion stone jiggle just doesnt do it for me either.

Also, the game is short. like the op i just bought it. started playing late last night when i was midly intoxicated, and today im at 61% completion. really? and thiis is on hard

now i am planning on going through it on crushing for trophies, and maybe even a third time on easy for fun. but c'mon. i guess its kinda forgivable since its so goddamn beautiful.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Jet ski moments were terrible, plot twist was retarded, gun fights got a bit annoying towards the end, and the platforming was kind of useless.

Fix those problems in the second one, and i'll be happy to call it an amazing game. First one was fun as hell, though. But it had some annoying flaws. Pretty too.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Uncharted has always been a shooter to me. Like Gears of War, only charming.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Just finished the game last night on hard, had a really good time with it. Pretty challenging and very much fun the whole way.

I started a Crushing playthrough this morning, and holy hell. I don't think I am going to do it. I have so many other games on my backlog I don't know if I can tolerate to spend another 10+ hours trying to get through Crushing just for the damn trophy. I'm getting my ass handed to me already on Chapter 4, the first real fighting of the game. I'm pretty sure I am not going to be able to handle it. I guess I'll just go through and pick up all the other treasures and trophies that I missed along the way, but yeah... Crushing is too hardcore for me and I have too much other games to be played.


Adam Prime said:
Crushing is too hardcore for me and I have too much other games to be played.
Yeah, I got frustrated with the sewer battle on Crushing and haven't played since. I keep meaning to give it another shot, but now I'll just be worse at it than when I was playing a lot.


I've got the itch to play Uncharted. I've only played the demo and it was alright, but that trailer/gameplay of Uncharted 2 has really piqued my interest in the series. I just wish Uncharted wasn't still $50 new or $40 used....


soldat7 said:
I've got the itch to play Uncharted. I've only played the demo and it was alright, but that trailer/gameplay of Uncharted 2 has really piqued my interest in the series. I just wish Uncharted wasn't still $50 new or $40 used....
At least rent it or something man, you gotta play it FFS!!


love on your sleeve
Rez said:
Uncharted has always been a shooter to me. Like Gears of War, only charming.
Which is why I don't understand the "too many gun fights!" complaint. Might as well say Gran Turismo has too much racing.

The jet ski portion is the only part of Uncharted I didn't like. Not only were the controls kind of shitty but you couldn't even really see where the enemies were.


I finally got my Platinum trophy for this game last week, and it was glorious. The fact that I have replayed this game 3 times and enjoyed it each time is astounding to me. I haven't done that with a game since ... well ... damn. Probably since God of War 2 (beating Titan Mode).

It really does say a lot about a game when, after beating it a 3rd time on the hardest difficulty and 100%-ing it, you still want to go back and play it again IMMEDATELY after finishing. Even the awful, awful, awful last boss couldn't ruin it.

And if you are playing this game for the first time, don't be an idiot like me. Remember to use blind fire every now and then. If you see a dude with a Magnum or a Laser Site camping out, blind fire 2 rounds to cause him to shift position then pop out and headshot him. It made Crushing so much easier (well, that and blind firing the shotgun whenever I could).

<3 Uncharted.


Kittonwy said:
Not sure why you would even think the enemies are all that accurate, the mercs are a bit more accurate but the pirates a lot of time just spray their weapons wildly. On hard and crushing enemies actually get to display their excellent AI by trying to pin and flank you. In terms of combat scenarios it's actually excellent, unless you just want a bunch of fodder to shoot at. Normal should be easy as you can survive 6-7 shots, hard is 5 and crushing is 3, the only one-shot kill enemies are grenade launchers/magnum/shotgun up-close/sniper rifle but that's more than reasonable.

Kitz, you're replying to a 2008 post. :(


Adam Prime said:
Just finished the game last night on hard, had a really good time with it. Pretty challenging and very much fun the whole way.

I started a Crushing playthrough this morning, and holy hell. I don't think I am going to do it. I have so many other games on my backlog I don't know if I can tolerate to spend another 10+ hours trying to get through Crushing just for the damn trophy. I'm getting my ass handed to me already on Chapter 4, the first real fighting of the game. I'm pretty sure I am not going to be able to handle it. I guess I'll just go through and pick up all the other treasures and trophies that I missed along the way, but yeah... Crushing is too hardcore for me and I have too much other games to be played.

On crushing you have to be more tactical and use cover more, it's not impossible by any means, you do have to make your shots but it's more about making your shots and being tactical than being hardcore twitch which doesn't work in Uncharted.


raft / river
section was graphically jaw dropping. Liked the game alot except for the wall swinging and the QTE's.
Chamber said:
Which is why I don't understand the "too many gun fights!" complaint. Might as well say Gran Turismo has too much racing.
By making the basic controls single-analog, Naughty Dog was telling the world that the game was an action-adventure game first and a shooter second.


Kittonwy said:
COD4 looks like a piece of shit compared to Uncharted, like srsly, the actual gameplay design in COD4 is essentially like a decade behind in terms of still using cheap tricks like "flood the level with fodder enemies until the player crosses an invisible line".


Like KZ2 does?


Before reading this thread I didn't realize just how many people didn't care for Uncharted. I mean, it's probably one of my favorite games of all time at this point. My experience with the game was amazing, and to hear some of the things people are actually complaining about just astounds me.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Thrakier said:
Like KZ2 does?
Killzone 2 is much more refined than Cod4 in single player mode. The way the player encounters enemies in KZ2 is much closer to something like Halo than Call of Duty.


Thrakier said:
Like KZ2 does?

Nope. It's only a rare occurence (once or twice) in KZ2, more often than not once you've killed the helghasts at a certain location, no more will come, whereas in COD4 SP enemies do come regularly in endless waves. In KZ2 enemies are not mindless fodder either, they use cover and flank the player much better than COD4, enemy AI is very good in KZ2 and very much similar to Uncharted. Enemy AI is especially evident in KZ2 MP where bots are simply deadly in terms of doing the right things and working together, I remember four of us in the clan were playing against 8 bots on the highest setting and the bots were harder opponents than real people.


I replayed this game Saturday and I loved it a lot more than when I played it last summer! I'm playing the beta now, and I can't fucking wait for U2!I was my Ps3 game of the show! Other than ODST it's my second most wanted game of the year!

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I played and bought this game because of the E3 trailer. I'm so glad that I did, the game was super fun and without a doubt one of my most favorite PS3 expereiences up there with MGS4.

I doubt that I'll have the paintence for Crushing mode, but I think I'll just replay through again for all the treasures and have fun with the weapon select and play on Normal mode or something.
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