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Magic: the Gathering |OT9| Kaladesh - Cruisin' Down the Street in my 6/4

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Can I say how much I HATE that Auras have to have the redundant "enchant creature" clause in the box?
It's actually a huge improvement. I remember the arguments I used to get into over whether Enchant Creatures were Enchantments when I first started playing.
I wish Auras had been that easy to template but that'd require a pretty hefty rework.

For Equipments and the usual Auras it's really just replacing a line of text with a box representing the same for better visual representation. You'd still have to read the cards but you'd gain more information at a glance.
Ideally you'd be able to have the aura/equipment just say trample, haste, vigilance or something as if it simply added it to the attached creature's text but that gets awkward if it becomes animated. OTOH it'd be fitting for animated equipments and Auras to receive their own boons in part.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem with Aetherworks Marvel is that while I have no idea if the pros will break the deck, it has the tendency of randomly winning the game on the upkeep of your opponent's Turn 4, which isn't exactly the kind of gameplay that leads to anything other than tilt for the opposing player.
The problem with Aetherworks Marvel is that while I have no idea if the pros will break the deck, it has the tendency of randomly winning the game on the upkeep of your opponent's Turn 4, which isn't exactly the kind of gameplay that leads to anything other than tilt for the opposing player.

I guarantee you that there will be Marvel decks at the PT. The question is whether or not it gets picked up by one of the "big" teams.


The problem with Aetherworks Marvel is that while I have no idea if the pros will break the deck, it has the tendency of randomly winning the game on the upkeep of your opponent's Turn 4, which isn't exactly the kind of gameplay that leads to anything other than tilt for the opposing player.

It's pretty tilty yeah, but the funny part is there is zero way to interact with Energy. So basically get to 6, get the marvel out, and rip the sickest vape Eldrazi off the top and GG.


I can see people saying it's some sort of Hearthstone RNG bullshit lol
Has anyone run into any control decks while testing?

yes, UW and esper obnoxious but not particularly good. Most ran torrential gearhulk but it's just a vanilla creature once it flashed something back not particularly hard to deal. Dovin Baan is unsurprisingly not particularly pushed, I only use him in the side.

As long as BFZ is in rotation Gx midrange is gonna be the better control. I could very well see Bant continue dominating that.

Aetherworks Marvel might have to shift into Temur since Spell Queller can wreck it mainboard and the deck isn't particularly hard to read. I've not lost to Aetherworks in quite some time but I've not run into AG with it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I've played a few other people on Aetherworks Marvel, most of whom were in Temur, but I don't understand why. Red does nothing to really address your weaknesses. You basically play a third color just to get Harnessed Lightning.

My current experiemental build:


I've got a bunch of flexible spots that I haven't really figured out. Servant of the Conduit, Attune with Aether, some number of wincons and Marvel are pretty much the only set cards.

Basically I've confirmed Ulamog is way better than Emrakul most of the time (and contributes to most of your broken as fuck Turn 4 wins. I'm guessing 3 is the right number since its a dead card in your hand but I have 4 in the last build I did.

The Elder Deep-Fried is the focus of my most recent testing - I really hate drawing dead cards and I was trying it out to see if I liked having an excellent card to dump with Aetherworks Marvel AND that I could routinely cast in games. I like it, but I don't love it enough to say it really should be there.

yes, UW and esper obnoxious but not particularly good. Most ran torrential gearhulk but it's just a vanilla creature once it flashed something back not particularly hard to deal. Dovin Baan is unsurprisingly not particularly pushed, I only use him in the side.

As long as BFZ is in rotation Gx midrange is gonna be the better control. I could very well see Bant continue dominating that.

Aetherworks Marvel might have to shift into Temur since Spell Queller can wreck it mainboard.

Counterspell decks are always annoying in any standard even when they aren't good. They seem worse than they did last season. In fact, BW Control seems pretty bad too, but aggro seems much better than last season, especially the RW Artifact/Copter decks. I can't stress enough that I expect Smuggler's Copter to be a Standard staple card. It's good in everything. I'm not even sure why I don't run it in Marvel (seriously - it loots for Marvel!).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Ceremonious Rejection is there because of other Marvel decks.
I forgot to mention the worst control deck. Dynovault towers, the 4 artifact that spends energy on 3 damage. The deck has nothing but counters draw and answers in UB and kills you in the slowest excruciating way. If it works that is.
The Ceremonious Rejection is there because of other Marvel decks.

You'll also get decent use out of it countering fleetwheel cruisers and copters against aggressive decks.
Speaking of Smuggler's Copter decks, narrowing down my list:


Mostly fixing the manabase and the sideboard at this point.

I almost want to play a Madness card with 8 discard outlets.

I don't even think the RW Aggro decks are good so much as the Copter is really, really good.

I've played a few other people on Aetherworks Marvel, most of whom were in Temur, but I don't understand why. Red does nothing to really address your weaknesses. You basically play a third color just to get Harnessed Lightning.

Red lets you sideboard in GR energy aggro cards when you expect your opponent to be able to interact with your Aetherworks Marvel plan. Also Radiant Flames can help against the turbo aggro decks.

Have you tried playing a copy of Geier Reach Sanitarium to discard your eldrazi/dig for Marvel or a copy of Westvale Abbey for your dorks?


I have Selfless Spirit in the SB for Radiant Flames, I'm expecting that if I'm playing against Red. Other than that, I try to get my creatures' toughness to stick above x/3.

But yes the Smug Copter is insanely good, 2 mana 3/3 flyer that loots is just powerful and pushed as fuck

3/1 scry 2 guy is insane for the deck. Scry 2 in the deck is powerful as fuck, letting me dig for answers or mana.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";217675484]Red lets you sideboard in GR energy aggro cards when you expect your opponent to be able to interact with your Aetherworks Marvel plan. Also Radiant Flames can help against the turbo aggro decks.

Have you tried playing a copy of Geier Reach Sanitarium to discard your eldrazi/dig for Marvel or a copy of Westvale Abbey for your dorks?[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can do a transformational sideboard; the cards in the deck aren't independently good.

That's why I added Copter.
What do you do against spell queller Grimace, just scry into another aetherworks, go wide with Gearhulk?
I've not lost many games against the deck if I have one and the mana worked out by turn 3/4. Post board I have negates in addition.
I think if I play any amount of Madness cards, it's these:


The two zombie one is good but it's just worse than the aetherborn dude I have. Asylum Visitor could just replace Duskwatch, he's good at digging for Gearhulks but that's about it. The backside of the Recruiter isn't even that good because most of my creatures cost 1 mana anyway and I generate a lot of ramp. I dump my hand super quick so the Visitor will actually trigger. That said, there's no easy cycle value with it.

Pariah could be a good sideboard card against bigger creature decks like Eldrazi, but I haven't really had problems with those since my deck is both faster and goes over the top of them..


Time stamps from the So Many Insane Plays (Vintage podcast)

0:47:15: Paradoxical Outcome
1:50:20: Aetherflux Reservoir

Over an hour of talk on Paradoxical Outcome! (I bet they end up saying it's not going to see any play)
For Equipments and the usual Auras it's really just replacing a line of text with a box representing the same for better visual representation. You'd still have to read the cards but you'd gain more information at a glance.

The real problem with this (and yes, vehicles have already muddied these waters) is that it breaks the visual distinction of creature cards. It's already hard to tell card types apart visually (instants and sorceries and enchantments all look the same, creatures only look different at the bottom, etc.) and this would worsen that. I think they really need a more severe frame redesign that adds a type symbol (a la the Future Sight frame) or even different frame treatments for each type -- that'd make something like the +3/+3 box a lot more viable.

Time stamps from the So Many Insane Plays (Vintage podcast)

0:47:15: Paradoxical Outcome
1:50:20: Aetherflux Reservoir

Over an hour of talk on Paradoxical Outcome! (I bet they end up saying it's not going to see any play)

I love how SMIP spends like a billion years on each card!
Like 17% of that is Steve misreading what the card does and having to revise himself after he figures it out


(a la the Future Sight frame) or even different frame treatments for each type -- that'd make something like the +3/+3 box a lot more viable.]

Probably something where if Auras/Equip add +X/+X the box is like a square or something so can stack cards without having to look except when needed for the relevant abilities.

I like how simple Gryff's Boon is -- the card does +1/+0 and flying, with the rider on the bottom that lets you get it back later in the game; the card is simple enough that you know what it does without having to reveal the whole card to remind the opponent. You tie a Gryff to a flying creature but not very powerful so that circles back around to +1/+0 and flying.


I love how SMIP spends like a billion years on each card!
Like 17% of that is Steve misreading what the card does and having to revise himself after he figures it out

They make me think about cards in a way that no other show/article/podcast does, and I don't even play Vintage. Sometimes they are completely off (Jori En), but they have no issue spending half an hour going over hypothetical situations for a card, before deciding it isn't playable
Probably something where if Auras/Equip add +X/+X the box is like a square or something so can stack cards without having to look except when needed for the relevant abilities.

Yeah, something like that could work.

They make me think about cards in a way that no other show/article/podcast does, and I don't even play Vintage.

Yeah, their reviews are very good. The main reason I even started following Vintage was Steve's old article-form reviews, but the podcasts are even better since they can go into more depth and work through their thought process as they discuss. (Also Kevin is a perfect foil for Steve in this kind of discussion.)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I feel like there's no such thing as a format where there isn't some lovable moron takes whatever 1UU counterspell that exists and puts 4 in their deck and thinks they're brilliant. I really wonder if the average casual tryhard understands the problem with counterspells.


I feel like there's no such thing as a format where there isn't some lovable moron takes whatever 1UU counterspell that exists and puts 4 in their deck and thinks they're brilliant. I really wonder if the average casual tryhard understands the problem with counterspells.
I saw the 2U counter quite often. Didn't help my opponent.
I feel like there's no such thing as a format where there isn't some lovable moron takes whatever 1UU counterspell that exists and puts 4 in their deck and thinks they're brilliant. I really wonder if the average casual tryhard understands the problem with counterspells.

Like even UW Sphinx's Revelation regularly lost to Mutavault. How do people expect to win with dissipate and fumigate when there are cards like Lumbering Falls and Smuggler's Copter around?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";217735541]Like even UW Sphinx's Revelation regularly lost to Mutavault. How do people expect to win with dissipate and fumigate when there are cards like Lumbering Falls and Smuggler's Copter around?[/QUOTE]

One day they'll figure out how to counter that land drop. One day.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";217736807]I wouldn't be surprised to see it hit 15 bucks by the time of the pro tour. Easy 4-of in a variety of decks.[/QUOTE]
No way it will be more than $5 once prices settle though. Kaladesh is going to be opened an insane amount.


Keep in mind that the rare prices will be quite low thanks to the masterpieces, so it is very unlikely that Kaladesh rares will ever exceed 8-10 bucks.
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