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Majestic Prince |OT| Hirai am. Rock you like a hurricane!

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Episode 5

Pretty standard episode, not much to say. I like the seniors though. They're real bros. The tone of the series is definitely enjoyable because it's not that serious and it feels more relaxed. The team work in the mission was nice, and the CG continues to shine.


Surprised it's this dead. It's a pretty solid show all around, and hits so many things that I love. I could even forgive the Hirai character designs when there's no one I want to punch in the face in the show.


I'm still keeping up with this show, not sure if anyone else is. I like it, even though I don't understand how the guy commanding officer hasn't been court marshaled. Funny and action packed show, I'll give it 3/5 stars or whatever.


Bringing this thread from the dead!

Majestic Prince - 09

I'm warming up to this show. They're starting to strike a better balance between comedy and drama. Seem to not be going the Vandread route, in that way.

Really reminds me of old school mechaime. The plot is fairly simple and real touches of Macross in here (including
the love triangle
). Nice to seem some explanations of the tech and the pieces are coming together. Slow character development for a few people.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Majestic Prince Episodes 1-6 Magical Index in Space

It would be nice if the show delved more into them being forced into a military academy because they were genetically altered before they were born and having their memories erased, and the affects this has on them as a person, but alas we'll never get this kind of story writing in a show like this even though they allude to it.

Funny enough the original Majestic Prince is a thoroughbred horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 1969. It was bred to race and perform.

Why does a genetically altered soldier still have acid reflux?

Yuka Iguchi's voice is the most annoying I've ever heard it. It is like they increased the volume and increased the higher frequencies of her voice to make it even more annoying.

If the students get brought into the academy at around the age of 12, why do they look the exact same in the flashback as they do in the present? Is the excuse going to be that being Genetically altered made them grow up faster?


Bumping this thread because:

Majestic Prince - 14

Holy CRAP. It's like the entire budget of the show went into the last 10 minutes or something. That's one of the
best CG mecha battles I've ever seen.
Even if overall this show ends up being mediocre,
it was worth it for that one-on-one battle

As for the rest of the episode, I really hope this is the start of
progressing Izuru to someone who can stand up to Jiart on a regular basis. The transformed Red-1 seems like the start.
. Seems like Ange and Teoria have roles to play in this series after all.
So I finally got all caught up on this series, and I'm into it. I don't think it's quite on the level of Valvrave, but it's solid enough to give me my mecha fix for a while. How many episodes is this going to be?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Since nobody actually reads my shit in that wasteland that is animegaf I'm posting my impressions from last night in here. Got caught up from 9 to 13 over the weekend. I was actually enjoying the show for the first time for the filler-ish episodes but the new character is terrible. Not like anybody reads this thread either but whatever.

MJP 09

This show is soooooooooooo bad I can't stop watching it. Its so good. I guess I'll catch up with it this weekend.

Tamaki's breasts are getting larger every single episode. She should consider getting them reduced a bit for her own safety. But I have to say out of all the dumb and unrealistic things in this show (and there are so many) her inability to find a single guy that would be willing to date her is right up there with everything else. It's inevitable at some point she hooks up with 4 eyes since both of their libidos are like bunny rabbits (the fact it hasnt happened yet is so anime).

But the whole reveal of the Aliens was so dumb it was awesome. The main guy does not give a fuckkkkkk about anything.

The new love triangle is so dumb but its hilarious.

Also lunch lady is waifu material.

MJP 10

Words words words. The love story in this show is so god damn stupid I can't help but laugh. Tamaki continues to be the best girl because she doesn't give a fuck about anything except actually trying to give a fuck. The alien cast is also pretty zzz except for the boss brother who also continues to not give a fuck except when actually giving a fuck.

Also lunch lady needs to be in every episode.

This show is terrible. I hate myself for enjoying it.

MJP 11

Now this was actually an awesome episode. Easily my favorite so far. The mission was really enjoyable with an awesome change of atmosphere, there were interesting character dynamics throughout, a really nice atmosphere to the whole thing with a background on everyday life for both sides, with the focus on the soldiers in Wulgaru and the more intricate details of the JULIA system.

I wish there were more episodes like this and less like the previous 10.

Also Lunch Lady - check! So much awesome Tamaki fanservice in this episode too. Kei can go away.

MJP 12

Best filler episode. GD FLASH.

Tamaki being awesome, Kei being terrible, Suruga doing I have no fucking idea what he was doing, Izuru really needing to find some friends and Asagi walking down a dangerous path of life known as the lolicon.

It's amazing how Tamaki's breasts keep getting larger every episode and Kei's keep getting smaller. By the end of the series I expect Kei to be concave and Tamaki to be too big to actually fit in any space suit. Seriously have no idea what Suruga was doing. Feel like I missed an explanation or something, hopefully its a lead in for the next episode. And RIP Asagi. There is no way this ends well. I still expect him to end up dead at some point. Those stomach ulcers are never going away.

Not sure what to expect out of the second half with basically two low key episodes in a row. They really got away from the central element of the story in a hurry. Which is a really, really great thing. Now they're going to have to go back to it shrug.

MJP 13

Bishoujo! Bishounen! Not really. Definitely Kei's best moment in the entire series.

New character is fucking terrible. Like god awful, worst character in the series. Just truly awful in so many ways.

Show managed to burn all of the goodwill in the last 2 episodes. It's back to being a gigantic steaming pile of crap.

To top it off now its got a garbage OP, garbage ED and a garbage soundtrack. Fuck this show.


That he/she mystery is totally unnecessary. I simply don't care about this character to give a shit.

On the side note about this show, it said somewhere it's based on a manga? Is there somewhere I can take a look at this? My google skill failed me.


Majestic Prince - 18

The budgetfest continues with the battles. Cot damn. Lots of developments like
Teoria being contacted and Gada being offed simply for overhearing something he shouldn't have. In addition to Klein, that's 2 generals gone in one episode

I'm almost getting a
Char/Sayla relationship between Jiart and Teoria
and am interested to see how it plays out.

The teamwork on display by the MJP was great. Asagi
finally stood up a bit but we still haven't seen his potential.
. Also some nice development for Suruga mid-battle.

I'm looking forward to endgame.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
So I finally got all caught up on this series, and I'm into it. I don't think it's quite on the level of Valvrave, but it's solid enough to give me my mecha fix for a while. How many episodes is this going to be?

I dont like Valvrave even remotely close as I do this show. Mainly because Valvrave is a giant 中二 mess with pretty CG.
Well the finale aired today, gotta say this show has come a long way from where it started. The final battle was truly epic on a grand scale that I couldn't take my eyes off of. It's too bad so many people gave up on this show and if you did pick it back up. If you enjoy awesome mech battles and large scale space war the second half of the series is not to be missed.


just started watching this again from episode 18 onward.

wow. team doberman...wow.

will there be a season 2 or is this it ?
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