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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


Super Member

General Information
Rated PG-13
Runtime: 2 hours 38 minutes
Post-processed 3D
Official website: www.manofsteel.com

Man of Steel @ Rotten Tomatoes


Directed by Zack Snyder
Produced by Christopher Nolan
Story by David S. Goyer and Christopher Nolan
Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Original Soundtrack by Hanz Zimmer

CAST (Full cast list @ IMDB)


Official preview compiling samples from every track
The entire track from the trailers

Hanz Zimmer to Rolling Stone said:


by Jett
Aw man. I'm sorry to say it was kind of hit or miss for me. First off, this is a pretty weird movie. It's more of a sci-fi/alien invasion deal than a comic book or even a Superman adaptation. I suppose Superman has been realized as believable as he can be in MoS. Where such a direction is good or bad will depend on each person. They've also virtually reinvented and rewritten him and his mythology. They take a couple of huge liberties which may or may not enrage the comic book die-hard. I personally rolled with them.

BTW, I'll be making some BB comparisons for obvious reasons.

Now, the good stuff. The actions sequences in this movie are outstanding, awe-inspiring even. There's a 10-minute sequence in the middle of the movie that immediately takes its place among the all-time greatest action scenes in cinema. During those 10 minutes, it's the Superman we deserve, it's everything everyone hoped for. Faora is BADASS, I'll say no more. And Cavill does a fine job as Supes. Most of the time he's a digital double punching stuff, though. :p But he does bring good emotion to the character when needed.

Unfortunately I wasn't really feeling the rest. Snyder/Nolan gives Krypton, Jor-El and Zod a frankly absurd amount of screen time. The movie spent may have spent more time establishing and building up Zod than Superman himself. It's like they tried to pull off a Batman Begins here, which has an established link between the villain and the hero. Except BB doesn't waste time with Ra's, and except there's no direct link between Zod and Supes, it's a tertiary link through his father.

The trailers act like there's some sort of interesting internal conflict with Clark, but there really isn't one, what little is there is pretty much surface level. Lots of Lana Lois too, in a way it almost seems like one of those forced female characters so that the movie doesn't feel too dudebro. This woman is everywhere. Amy Adams is fine but her Lois is not really compelling or interesting.

Lastly, visually I can't say I enjoyed how blue this movie looks. This movie is bleak already and the desaturated color palette makes it even bleaker. Even BB had more color variety, and even had a few good jokes in it, this really does not. Super serious all the way through, some of the tension towards the end doesn't let up at all. Not saying this is bad, just describing the thing. :p There's an equally manic and uneven sense of pace with the editing of some stuff(outside of the action). I thought it was a little weird, movie barely gives you room to breathe. It's like Snyder can't wait to move on to the next section of the film. The soundtrack was all right for me, it kind of blends in the background, punches it up when necessary(which is a lot of the time actually).

Overall, it's a good time, and I'm interested in seeing it again. I was expecting an emotional core that resonated with me more, I suppose, but the action stuff is really top notch. I guess Nolan is to blame for this movie's deficiencies in the end.


GAF - Man of Steel Trailer 3
GAF - Man of Steel Trailer 4
GAF - Man of Steel Final Trailer
GAF - Man of Steel TV Spot Thread
GAF - WB/Partners spent $170 Million on Marketing

Find your Kryptonian House
POSTERS, WALLPAPERS and TRAILERS available for download at www.manofsteel.com


I walked into Superman Returns so excited and left so deflated.

I'm going in excited again! At least Lois can act this time.
Walmart tickets for the early premiere are going on sale tonight at 7pm.

Is this true?

Edit; Blah nevermind , its for thursday June 13th.



I remember watching The Tudors a few months ago and I really liked Henry Cavill's character in there.

And then I suddenly hear he's the new superman.

Pretty cool.


Super Member
Thank you Strafer :)

Better subtitle would have been; It's time to join him in the sun
I thought about it really hard, but in the end I disagree and present this awesome quote:


Technology caught up with him and Superman finally has an action movie suitable for his powers.


Yoou are not alone... My name is General Zod. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach here. Your world has sheltered one of my citizens. He will look like you, but he is not one of you. To those of you who know of his location: the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this: surrender within 24 hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences...


Yoou are not alone... My name is General Zod. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach here. Your world has sheltered one of my citizens. He will look like you, but he is not one of you. To those of you who know of his location: the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this: surrender within 24 hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences...

Kal-El .- Maybe....
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