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Marvel going street level w/ Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist)

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The success of Daredevil can have some impact, but Disney owns ABC and Warner Bros owns The CW. They are pocketing money at every step of the process, something which isn't the case for the Netflix shows where they are losing certain revenue streams. FOX won a bidding war for Gotham, so there were probably other interest parties. As for stuff like AMC, DC has sold them Preacher. We're still waiting on it. They have given TNT Titans, we're still waiting on that too. It is also a question if licensing their stuff to such tiny channels isn't beneath them? Starz gets way less viewers than The CW.

In the case of Marvel's Netflix deal, it was a very specific package they put together and shopped it around: http://deadline.com/2013/10/marvel-...-series-a-mini-for-vod-cable-networks-611826/

They weren't offering one show, they were offering 5 shows totaling at least 60 episodes, to be signed right off the bat. There was a bidding war and Netflix won.


Will the success of Daredevil be a game changer in terms of how DC ports their properties onto television? I always thought that a Batman series on AMC could do better justice to the character than what they're doing on Gotham. In fact, the network formula is too constraining, for both Marvel and DC. AoS and Agent Carter will always feel too networky. And with the 20 plus episode count for each season you end up with too much burnout.

Having had a steady diet of original programming from HBO and Showtime, scripted network shows are too hard to go back to, no matter what buzz a network show happens to receive. And I do know that the Netflix CEO was quoted as saying that they wanted to become like HBO before HBO becomes them.

Is it possible that Netflix could someday produce a live DC series? And if not, has the thought probably crossed the minds within the thinktank of DC at some point? I can't be the only one who feels that licensing their shows on the CW and Fox is beneath them. Likewise, will the success of Daredevil prompt Disney/Marvel into rethinking where to have any of their forthcoming shows aired in the future. Imagine an Agent Carter series if it were on AMC, Amazon, or Starz.

Is it also possible that Marvel could end up spinning off some of their MCU characters onto a Netflix series in the future?

I would kill for a Cap Netflix series just to flesh out his WW2 stories a bit more.


The success of Daredevil can have some impact, but Disney owns ABC and Warner Bros owns The CW. They are pocketing money at every step of the process, something which isn't the case for the Netflix shows where they are losing certain revenue streams. FOX won a bidding war for Gotham, so there were probably other interest parties. As for stuff like AMC, DC has sold them Preacher. We're still waiting on it. They have given TNT Titans, we're still waiting on that too. It is also a question if licensing their stuff to such tiny channels isn't beneath them? Starz gets way less viewers than The CW.

WB and HBO are owned by the same company. I'm surprised HBO didn;t make any DC show yet.
Altough I think that superheroes shows might be beneath HBO. So they might get shipped to Cinemax instead.
Unlike Marvel, which focuses on superhero IPs, DC owns the Vertigo line and I imagine if some cable wants to do AAA quality DC comicbook drama they will go for something from Vertigo line, instead of superheroes, as those aren't really suited for prestige series.
But couldn't DC shop a series to HBO then, or even Cinemax, with gritty shows like Banshee. Daredevil is everything that Arrow and AoS wishes they could be, and alot of that has to do with network constraints, Honestly, Daredevil doesn't even need the MCU to give it legitimacy. It's good enough to stand on its own merits, and it in some ways even trumps the MCU. Agents of Shield feels like a step down from the mainline MCU films by comparison. Does the revenue stream trump the accolades that Daredevil has been receiving? Likewise, do the higher ups at DC realize how eyerolling the teen angst mandates on the CW are to viewers or do they just roll with the punches?

Any chance that DC could send out feelers to Amazon?


But couldn't DC shop a series to HBO then, or even Cinemax, with gritty shows like Banshee.
Well..since it's the same company they shouldn't even shop it. Altough HBO is so big they probably get a lot of creative freedom over whathever they choose to make. Preacher was initially supposed to be made at HBO, but they passed on it eventually.

Does the revenue stream trump the accolades that Daredevil has been receiving? Likewise, do the higher ups at DC realize how eyerolling the teen angst mandates on the CW are to viewers or do they just roll with the punches?
At this point I think they're focusing on exposure mostly. It almost looks like they want to sell at least one show to every single network/channel that's not owned by Disney. And that's not an overstatement.
Also those are superhero shows. Some might get better reviews, but let's not kid ourself that they're able to actually increase the mainstream prestige of channels that air them. So revenues probably are most important. Especially since they aren't using the tv branches to supplant movie universe like Marvel does.
So, I'm pretty sure I know who Iron Fist is gonna be played by. I won't say anything for now other than the fact that nobody has come close to guessing it yet. I might PM a mod about it later.


So, I'm pretty sure I know who Iron Fist is gonna be played by. I won't say anything for now other than the fact that nobody has come close to guessing it yet. I might PM a mod about it later.

Alright, I acknowledge that was a pretty bad post and I apologize for trolling. I’ll just write out who I’m pretty sure it’s going to be.


Earlier today I met a young at Animazement, a convention that held various actors and people in the anime industry. His name was
Michael Sinterniklaas
, a voice actor who has worked on numerous anime and cartoon titles
including Leonardo from the 2003 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dean Venture in the Venture Bros.
Under his description for the convention I found a very interesting sentence.


Now I went to this actor’s IMDB page and I noticed how very few live action role’s he’s been in. However, his resume in anime and Asian influenced shows may lean towards him being a better suited actor for the role than others. He’s around Paul Rudd’s age and is fairly unknown, which would fall in line with Marvel’s most recent casting of non A-list actors(Chris Pratt, Charlie Cox, Kristen Ritter, Michael Colter). I’m most certain that this guy will be Iron Fist.
Alright, I acknowledge that was a pretty bad post and I apologize for trolling. I’ll just write out who I’m pretty sure it’s going to be.


Earlier today I met a young at Animazement, a convention that held various actors and people in the anime industry. His name was
Michael Sinterniklaas
, a voice actor who has worked on numerous anime and cartoon titles
including Leonardo from the 2003 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dean Venture in the Venture Bros.
Under his description for the convention I found a very interesting sentence.


Now I went to this actor’s IMDB page and I noticed how very few live action role’s he’s been in. However, his resume in anime and Asian influenced shows may lean towards him being a better suited actor for the role than others. He’s around Paul Rudd’s age and is fairly unknown, which would fall in line with Marvel’s most recent casting of non A-list actors(Chris Pratt, Charlie Cox, Kristen Ritter, Michael Colter). I’m most certain that this guy will be Iron Fist.

This guy is literally a voice actor. It will not be him. Marvel does tons of animated features.


Alright, I acknowledge that was a pretty bad post and I apologize for trolling. I’ll just write out who I’m pretty sure it’s going to be.


Earlier today I met a young at Animazement, a convention that held various actors and people in the anime industry. His name was
Michael Sinterniklaas
, a voice actor who has worked on numerous anime and cartoon titles
including Leonardo from the 2003 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dean Venture in the Venture Bros.
Under his description for the convention I found a very interesting sentence.


Now I went to this actor’s IMDB page and I noticed how very few live action role’s he’s been in. However, his resume in anime and Asian influenced shows may lean towards him being a better suited actor for the role than others. He’s around Paul Rudd’s age and is fairly unknown, which would fall in line with Marvel’s most recent casting of non A-list actors(Chris Pratt, Charlie Cox, Kristen Ritter, Michael Colter). I’m most certain that this guy will be Iron Fist.



That dude doesn't fall in line with the other casting choices. They were all somewhat notable and on popular TV shows or even movies. Colter is arguably the least known given he's most famous for a recurring guest spot on the Good Wife, but even he has a much higher profile than that guy. Even a lot of the supporting characters in most Marvel stuff tend to be higher profile.
Why didn't it occur to you that the last sentence referred to voice acting, considering why he was there and the majority of his credits?

He's probably playing someone on the Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon.


While I do think it's certainly just him voicing somebody for a show or something, he's actually already done voicework for Marvel before (granted, nothing terribly major). With that in mind, it's possible that it could be something bigger if they are playing coy about it.


Yeah, The little crumbles they left on The first season were good, but The transition itself will make or break the series.

Doesn't have to be too mystical. Kung-Fu/Wushu is pretty mystical in reality. Being mystic doesn't necessarily mean super natural magic it's more about mystery and secrecy.


Why didn't it occur to you that the last sentence referred to voice acting, considering why he was there and the majority of his credits?

He's probably playing someone on the Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon.

Even if it is not voice acting .... Jessica Jones works for Super Hero clients .... he can be just a generic super hero dude that asks for her skills


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Apparently, Marvel is having trouble cracking Iron Fist.

What I'm hearing is that Marvel still hasn't decided what the direction of the show will be. They've brought in a lot of people to pitch, and have been having a lot of discussions, but so far nothing has stuck. My understanding is that one of the big hold-ups is the mystical element, with lots of different opinions on just how much weird wuxia to bring in to the show. I don't know if there are other arguments about the race of the character, although I do hope they're considering how to best proceed with that.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Strange. The Immortal Iron Fist run feels like it would be very feasible to adapt. Beyond that I have no clue what they should do with the character though.


If there's a real problem with cracking how an Iron Fist series would work in the Netflix deal, I suspect it's less of Marvel being afraid of mysticism (they're not), and more with how to fit those elements into something which still qualifies as a street-level series in NYC. Remember, that was the initial pitch - that each of these shows would be street-level stuff set in NYC, and that it would all lead up to The Defenders. Just adapting Immortal Iron Fist is easy, but doing so would make the show stand out from the rest. Most of the story wouldn't even take place in NYC, and it certainly wouldn't be "street level".
The problem with Iron Fist is that if they cast him as white like he is in the comics, people will complain about the lack of diversity in Marvel heroes, especially since they don't have an Asian super hero yet. If they cast an Asian actor, they'll be accused of perpetuating an old Asian stereotype despite the comic origins. I think they have to cast a white actor, but they either need to come up with some significant minority characters in the comics to put on the show or start inventing super heroes to be introduced first in the MCU and then the comics, because this issue isn't going to go away.
If there's a real problem with cracking how an Iron Fist series would work in the Netflix deal, I suspect it's less of Marvel being afraid of mysticism (they're not), and more with how to fit those elements into something which still qualifies as a street-level series in NYC. Remember, that was the initial pitch - that each of these shows would be street-level stuff set in NYC, and that it would all lead up to The Defenders. Just adapting Immortal Iron Fist is easy, but doing so would make the show stand out from the rest. Most of the story wouldn't even take place in NYC, and it certainly wouldn't be "street level".

Well, the "Streets of K'un-L'un" then. Fight your way to the top, Rand.
Iron Fist as a Mortal Kombat fantasy series based on the material in Immortal Iron Fist has potential for 2-3 seasons. Iron Fist as a street level hero based on a range of material doesn't have much potential for multiple seasons when they can just combine it with Luke Cage to make a much stronger Heroes for Hire series imo.


Heroes for Hire sounds good.
Maybe Danny should have just been a sidekick to Luke at first, and then Iron Fist could be more easily spun off into his own show after Heroes for Hire lays whatever groundwork they're worried about having to lay as the show plays out.

Basically, it should have been a Heroes for Hire show.
For a first season, it seems like they should take a slightly opposite tack:

Start with Danny Rand at the top of the world. Whereas as Matt, Jessica, and Luke are living down and dirty in the streets, Danny Rand is flying high.

Until he comes crashing back down to earth. It's a classic "Break the Haughty and Rebuild" story. Start with him as a stranger in a strange land (not obviously super supernatural, but off-kilter and vaguely mystic) scrapping by on the streets and continuing to ascend through lots of beatings and then subsequent ass-kickings.


I would not be surprised if they ditched Iron Fist and replaced it with a Punisher series.

I would. Iron Fist is kinda essential to the Luke Cage dynamic. It's possible that they might -delay- the series and do Punisher first though. I still expect Iron Fist before they get to Defenders.


I don't think they should dive right into Immortal Iron Fist. Honestly, that's his "Born Again" - everything changes, everything falls apart, everything Danny thought he knew about the Iron Fist changes. You can plot it out like this:

Season One = Marvel Premiere ~ Iron Fist Vol. 1. Origin story, Danny Rand returns after vanishing 10 years earlier, hunting down his father's killer. Meanwhile, Steel Serpent is moving in the background, forming a link that ultimately reveals where their history in K'un-L'un.

Season Two = Heroes for Hire. Joint series with Luke Cage. No idea what this would actually consist of as I haven't read any of the old-school Heroes for Hire stories... but probably introduces the Daughters of the Dragon, too.

Season Three = Immortal Iron Fist. Hell, make it a movie. Big tournament, big magic, big wuxia. Bring in Orson Randall and the legacy of the Iron Fist. Show-stopping finale to the entire business.

I think it'd be a real missed opportunity if they just skip all of that old-school, street-fighting kung-fu action. There's so much groundwork laid in Daredevil for it. I'd be disappointed, at least.


What are they having trouble adapting? I mean there's only been Enter the Dragon, Mortal Kombat, Karate Kid 1-3 etc etc.


Returns to NYC fresh from becoming Iron Fist. Helps people being abused by crime. Crosses paths with enemies of his master. Flashbacks to training kind of like in Daredevil, maybe some conversations via meditation astral projection. Madame Gao and Steel Serpent the big bads. Some crossover with Luke Cage and DD.




Returns to NYC fresh from becoming Iron Fist. Helps people being abused by crime. Crosses paths with enemies of his master. Flashbacks to training kind of like in Daredevil, maybe some conversations via meditation astral projection. Madame Gao and Steel Serpent the big bads. Some crossover with Luke Cage and DD.


It's been a while since I read Fraction's run but I'd devote at least half the season to the shenannigans in Kun Lan or whatever that place is called and just work from there. Flashbacks could work pretty well as well.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
The problem with Iron Fist is that if they cast him as white like he is in the comics, people will complain about the lack of diversity in Marvel heroes, especially since they don't have an Asian super hero yet. If they cast an Asian actor, they'll be accused of perpetuating an old Asian stereotype despite the comic origins. I think they have to cast a white actor, but they either need to come up with some significant minority characters in the comics to put on the show or start inventing super heroes to be introduced first in the MCU and then the comics, because this issue isn't going to go away.

I'd love to see Shang Chi thrown into the mix. Could address a lot of the issues, and would be bad ass to see.


The problem with Iron Fist is that if they cast him as white like he is in the comics, people will complain about the lack of diversity in Marvel heroes, especially since they don't have an Asian super hero yet. If they cast an Asian actor, they'll be accused of perpetuating an old Asian stereotype despite the comic origins. I think they have to cast a white actor, but they either need to come up with some significant minority characters in the comics to put on the show or start inventing super heroes to be introduced first in the MCU and then the comics, because this issue isn't going to go away.
Marvel does have an Asian superhero. She's the co-lead on Agents of Shield.


I think that article has to be bullshit, possibly a way to stir up some trouble and hopefully drag some news out of Marvel.

There were some moments in the first season of Daredevil that opened the door for weirdness in Iron Fist, most notably the seemingly-supernatural powers of Madame Gao. The show also had a glimpse of a symbol that appeared to hint at Iron Fist villain Steel Serpent, although everything I have read and heard indicates that stuff was thrown in as easter eggs, as opposed to being part of a meticulous plan.

With the way everything else in the MCU is organized, we are supposed to believe that? I could maybe buy it had they not announced Iron Fist already, but...eh.
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