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Marvel Says: No More Major Events For ‘At Least’ 18 Months After Secret Empire

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They're going to have an X-Men or Spider-Man event or both and say "We meant no LINE WIDE events guys!"

That is literally what they're saying, though. They're saying that there will be no CW2-esque line-wide events for at least 18 months after Secret Empire, but that there will be smaller events within the different franchises and series themselves.


Spider Verse 2 or House of M 2 INCOMING.

We'll see. I call your bluff.
We get/got crossover events all the time.
We just got Age of Apocalypse, Inhumans vs X-Men, Spiderwomen, Clone Conspiracy, and so on.
They acknowledged that and said they'd continue it.


They won't stick with it. Marvel is like crack addicts when it comes to comic events, they have no self control.

That is literally what they're saying, though. They're saying that there will be no CW2-esque line-wide events for at least 18 months after Secret Empire, but that there will be smaller events within the different franchises and series themselves.

That's gonna be a sticky definition for them. Like, do they consider Dark Reign an event then? If not and they consider Siege an event thats a pretty shitty definition because Dark Reign had a much bigger line wide effect than Siege did.


We get/got crossover events all the time.
We just got Age of Apocalypse, Inhumans vs X-Men, Spiderwomen, Clone Conspiracy, and so on.
They acknowledged that and said they'd continue it.

I know they mean til at least 2019 but I call bullshit lasting that long. Mini crossovers they can get away with because it's a crossover, not an event.

They can't help themselves. They've done three just in the past 12 months, not even counting smaller scale stuff like Inhumans vs X-Men or Clone Conspiracy.


If this holds true, then good. I want to be able to read Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man and Nova without them dealing with a universal calamity every damn issue.

I'd like to see a soft reboot. By that I mean, let the series go back to their OG numbering (like they're doing with Venom and DC with Detective and Action) and tell some darn stories. Build us up for 5 years and then drop a crazy crossover. Nothing feels important right now, and when we try to grasp on to well-told, diverse stories like Moon Girl or Hellcat, we lose those books because of fatigue elsewhere in the line.

DC imo has it figured out with their smaller crossovers with less importance. Even back when the New 52 launched, things like Throne of Atlantis felt important, but still small, especially in the face of Forever Evil. Convergence sucked though, we can all admit that.

End rant.
Well it's at least I start, I guess. I'm not sure I trust Marvel to not at least some kind of event in the next year, though.


Thank goodness. Maybe we can get some good character driven stories now that aren't beholden to a mediocre crossover event.

And have them rendered meaningless in 18 months.

"Hey, I have a kid now aaaaand they're gone nevermind."


Junior Member
Good, let the characters have a breather. Though I'm assuming this means Marvel Universe-wide events, with events centered around a certain part of the MU being fair game (Ex: A Spider-Man event, a Guardians event, an X-Men event, etc.).

And to those who've been put off by modern Marvel comics, give the current Nova run & Unstoppable Wasp a fair shot. Both comics are pretty damn awesome.


I've pretty much resigned to never read Marvel or DC comics again.

There's only so many times I can see them refuse to commit on any of their "groundbreaking" events. It used to be bad enough when dead characters kept coming back to life more times than a low tier Dragonball character, but now character they're barely allowed anything resembling character progression.

Marriages get undone. Children are literally whisked out of existence. Bad guys turn good guys and then bad again (or vice versa). Peter Parker is eternally a single highschooler. New superheroes never get made and instead we have 20 Robins, 7 Spider-folks and, uh...32 Venoms. Oh and three Jokers now, why not.

"But you have to retcon every few years so new audiences don't get alienated!"

You know what doesn't get retconned but constantly brings in new audiences? Books. Manga. Remakes.

Ultimate Spider-Man was what briefly got me back into comics. A fresh start in a new universe where important character beats (and deaths....well, most of them) didn't get undone.

And then they had to go and fuck that up too.
I've pretty much resigned to never read Marvel or DC comics again.

There's only so many times I can see them refuse to commit on any of their "groundbreaking" events. It used to be bad enough when dead characters kept coming back to life more times than a low tier Dragonball character, but now character they're barely allowed anything resembling character progression.

Marriages get undone. Children are literally whisked out of existence. Bad guys turn good guys and then bad again (or vice versa). Peter Parker is eternally a single highschooler. New superheroes never get made and instead we have 20 Robins, 7 Spider-folks and, uh...32 Venoms. Oh and three Jokers now, why not.

"But you have to retcon every few years so new audiences don't get alienated!"

You know what doesn't get retconned but constantly brings in new audiences? Books. Manga. Remakes.

Ultimate Spider-Man was what briefly got me back into comics. A fresh start in a new universe where important character beats (and deaths....well, most of them) didn't get undone.

And then they had to go and fuck that up too.

Those generally don't involve 75 years of continuity. Hence why they don't need retcons most of the time.
I get what you mean but if you're reading superhero comics hoping for long-lasting changes, you got it wrong from the start.
I don't give a shit about continuity. I just enjoy every run on its own. I don't care about how it connects to other stuff. I love that Superman currently has a son. It's a terrific story. If that gets retconned in 10 years, I'll whine about it on Future-GAF (Space-GAF?) but it doesn't change the fact that it was a terrific story.

Despite being in the public domain for decades, Sherlock Holmes has always been Sherlock Holmes. He hasn't really evolved in a century. And similarly, Spider-Man will always be Spider-Man. Evolving is not what they were created for. They'll adapt to the storytelling standards of the time and that's it. If you expect more, that's on you.
That team even had Mayday on it.

There's other stuff I don't expect to end or change creative teams anytime soon.

There's not a lot I can think of that isn't expected to end, especially with secret wars implementing a "hydra runs the world now, deal with it" plot line.

The X-titles JUST rebooted themselves, as did the inhumans, so let's disregard those for now.

Nova is around 20K copies. it's not long for this world. Dead man walking.

Slapstick: even less than that. Dead.

Foolkiller: see above.

Avengers: Building towards the conclusion of the Kang Arc, with Secret Empire coming up. That's going to end and reboot, guaranteed.

Champions: This one is a question mark- it's not selling "great" but is still only at #7. I can see marvel running this one out until #20 or so.

Jessica Jones: clearly not meant to be an ongoing, and building towards the resolution of "Jessica ran off with that baby" plotline. Defenders is in August, so who knows.

Captain America- Steve Rogers: Steve Dies during Secret Empire, so this is either coming to a hard stop or a reboot

Captain America- Sam Wilson: fairly low sales combined with Secret Empire and Sam giving up the Captain America Identity means this one is done

Uncanny Avengers: seems to be building towards a conclusion. Rogue is now on Astonishing, Steve is a villain due to be killed off during Secret Empire- Cable is getting his own ongoing. Deadpool is Deadpool. no one cares about literally anyone else on the roster.

USAvengers: terrible sales combined with Secret Empire coming up: this one is done.

Ultimates 2: is clearly building towards a conclusion- this is not an ongoing no matter what Marvel says. The sales for this have never been great but it is a good book.

Infamous Iron Man: Doom is NOT staying Iron Man for more than a few minutes, come on now.

Invincible Iron Man: lasts as long as it takes for Marvel to bring back Tony- which will probably be the next event. 18 months, max, though I'd be willing to bet less than this.

Mighty Thor: This is the only one I can see continuing for a while. Mostly off-earth adventures, Jane-Thor is selling well.

Spider Woman: Already dead

Spider Man 2099: Canceled, but not yet dead. one or two months.

Ghost Rider: Already Dead

Spider-Man: will likely continue as is- but I can see a status quo change after Miles kills Rogers.

Spider-Gwen: this one is a bit of a mystery. not selling well but marvel seems invested in the character. I can see a team book happening, the standalone doesn't seem to have much direction at all.

Silver Surfer: is concluding.

Scarlet Witch: dead

Dr. Strange: honestly don't know here

Dr. Strange and the Sorcerers supreme: dead

Daredevil: no clue, but Daredevil is an icon. will probably stick around, his series hasn't been running that long and we have defenders coming.

Luke Cage: just launched, and defenders is in august

Iron Fist: see above.

Squirrel Girl: honestly not sure. It doesn't seem to sell well, but Marvel seems to have plans for the character.

Thunderbolts: Selling abysmally- and heading into secret empire. This one is gone.

Man Thing: what the hell is this

Black Panther: I don't think coates is contracted for an ongoing. This one is going to end soon.

All New Wolverine: no clue

I mean, I missed stuff- but this whole list is "dead man walking" territory.


Does anyone want to see a line-wide reboot a la Rebirth (not New 52).

A sort-of reset that brings the best of every character back into continuity with self-contained stories.


semen stains the mountaintops
Events are a terrible thing that needs to be outlawed.

I want someone to read Mile's SPidey run who doesn't know about events, and wonder why the hell randomly all the storylines wrap up in one issue then it ends with a planet about to crash with the earth. Then I want to see them wondering why the fuck Mile's Uncle Ben is randomly alive in the next chapter and half of the cast no longer exists.
Does anyone want to see a line-wide reboot a la Rebirth (not New 52).

A sort-of reset that brings the best of every character back into continuity with self-contained stories.

Not really what Rebirth did tbh. For the most part, it was a refocusing rather than reset (Superman being a notable exception). The books are also more closely interconnected than before, with stuff like Mr. Oz occurring across a number of titles.

Fundamentally, what it did (and what Marvel needs to do) is overhaul their editorial process so that creative teams were more closely wed to their books and the whole line became better coordinated. Marvel right now feels like they're throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.
Does anyone want to see a line-wide reboot a la Rebirth (not New 52).

A sort-of reset that brings the best of every character back into continuity with self-contained stories.

no, no one does, and Marvel won't do it.

There has been exactly one reboot since 1965- and that was last year. no way they're doing it next year, or for the next 30 years.

Secret Wars gives them license to ignore or not ignore continuity as they see fit, so there's no reason for anything like Rebirth. Universe 8 is what Marvel says it is.

MC Safety

I would have more respect for Marvel if Alonso and that Gabriel guy approached the lectern and said, "In regards to our plans, we anticipate all clones all the time, and we're going to do even more to chase short-term sales boosts." And then they answered questions from nobody in particular about clones for 25 minutes.


Secret Wars was my big Marvel swan song after about 10 years of unbroken reading.

it's crazy how far i've fallen on Marvel since the end of Secret Wars

i'm still not ready to come back. might be a while.

In my head, the whole universe of characters that I grew up with died (save for the few that survived the incursion and rebirth and it doesn't seem like they're going back to that well)

I picked up the first couple Dr. Strange's which were neat but really nothing else. Everything I've seen so far post Secret War I can't shake the feeling of "this isn't the same person from the cannon you know".

It's good that they're putting a hold on events. That shit crippled all mutant related books for no good reason.

Does anyone want to see a line-wide reboot a la Rebirth (not New 52).

A sort-of reset that brings the best of every character back into continuity with self-contained stories.

Hell no. What's done is done.
No backsies whether I like it or not.

When Nu52 hit, I threw all my Green Lantern singles in the garbage out of anger (kept the war of light stuff tho). Friend at work keeps telling me that "oh this next event is bringing all the stuff you know back into cannon".

Nope. I can't buy the bullshit hoop jumping no more.
Haven't touched a DC Superhero comic since 2011.
I've pretty much resigned to never read Marvel or DC comics again.

There's only so many times I can see them refuse to commit on any of their "groundbreaking" events. It used to be bad enough when dead characters kept coming back to life more times than a low tier Dragonball character, but now character they're barely allowed anything resembling character progression.

Marriages get undone. Children are literally whisked out of existence. Bad guys turn good guys and then bad again (or vice versa). Peter Parker is eternally a single highschooler. New superheroes never get made and instead we have 20 Robins, 7 Spider-folks and, uh...32 Venoms. Oh and three Jokers now, why not.

"But you have to retcon every few years so new audiences don't get alienated!"

You know what doesn't get retconned but constantly brings in new audiences? Books. Manga. Remakes.

Ultimate Spider-Man was what briefly got me back into comics. A fresh start in a new universe where important character beats (and deaths....well, most of them) didn't get undone.

And then they had to go and fuck that up too.

I mean, there has only ever been one Joker at a time, and we don't even know what three Jokers means - it might not be literal. So while I get your frustration, let's not paint with too broad a brush.


Marvel soft resets every year.


Not really what Rebirth did tbh. For the most part, it was a refocusing rather than reset (Superman being a notable exception). The books are also more closely interconnected than before, with stuff like Mr. Oz occurring across a number of titles.

Fundamentally, what it did (and what Marvel needs to do) is overhaul their editorial process so that creative teams were more closely wed to their books and the whole line became better coordinated. Marvel right now feels like they're throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

I totally agree with that. And the shit that they're trying to make stick (Slapstick, Doc Strange & The Sorcerors Supreme, Occupy Avengers) ends up falling flat, but stuff like Moon Girl or Hellcat will fall by.

Their line needs cohesion, which is something I can say DC's line has had since New 52.

no, no one does, and Marvel won't do it.

There has been exactly one reboot since 1965- and that was last year. no way they're doing it next year, or for the next 30 years.

Secret Wars gives them license to ignore or not ignore continuity as they see fit, so there's no reason for anything like Rebirth. Universe 8 is what Marvel says it is.

Secret Wars should have done more imo. Obviously Hickman lined up the pitch perfectly for them, but a lot of things felt so out-of-place like Parker becoming the new Stark, no FF, Doom as Iron Man, all of Civil War II.


There's not a lot I can think of that isn't expected to end, especially with secret wars implementing a "hydra runs the world now, deal with it" plot line.

The X-titles JUST rebooted themselves, as did the inhumans, so let's disregard those for now.

Nova is around 20K copies. it's not long for this world. Dead man walking.

Slapstick: even less than that. Dead.

Foolkiller: see above.

Avengers: Building towards the conclusion of the Kang Arc, with Secret Empire coming up. That's going to end and reboot, guaranteed.

Champions: This one is a question mark- it's not selling "great" but is still only at #7. I can see marvel running this one out until #20 or so.

Jessica Jones: clearly not meant to be an ongoing, and building towards the resolution of "Jessica ran off with that baby" plotline. Defenders is in August, so who knows.

Captain America- Steve Rogers: Steve Dies during Secret Empire, so this is either coming to a hard stop or a reboot

Captain America- Sam Wilson: fairly low sales combined with Secret Empire and Sam giving up the Captain America Identity means this one is done

Uncanny Avengers: seems to be building towards a conclusion. Rogue is now on Astonishing, Steve is a villain due to be killed off during Secret Empire- Cable is getting his own ongoing. Deadpool is Deadpool. no one cares about literally anyone else on the roster.

USAvengers: terrible sales combined with Secret Empire coming up: this one is done.

Ultimates 2: is clearly building towards a conclusion- this is not an ongoing no matter what Marvel says. The sales for this have never been great but it is a good book.

Infamous Iron Man: Doom is NOT staying Iron Man for more than a few minutes, come on now.

Invincible Iron Man: lasts as long as it takes for Marvel to bring back Tony- which will probably be the next event. 18 months, max, though I'd be willing to bet less than this.

Mighty Thor: This is the only one I can see continuing for a while. Mostly off-earth adventures, Jane-Thor is selling well.

Spider Woman: Already dead

Spider Man 2099: Canceled, but not yet dead. one or two months.

Ghost Rider: Already Dead

Spider-Man: will likely continue as is- but I can see a status quo change after Miles kills Rogers.

Spider-Gwen: this one is a bit of a mystery. not selling well but marvel seems invested in the character. I can see a team book happening, the standalone doesn't seem to have much direction at all.

Silver Surfer: is concluding.

Scarlet Witch: dead

Dr. Strange: honestly don't know here

Dr. Strange and the Sorcerers supreme: dead

Daredevil: no clue, but Daredevil is an icon. will probably stick around, his series hasn't been running that long and we have defenders coming.

Luke Cage: just launched, and defenders is in august

Iron Fist: see above.

Squirrel Girl: honestly not sure. It doesn't seem to sell well, but Marvel seems to have plans for the character.

Thunderbolts: Selling abysmally- and heading into secret empire. This one is gone.

Man Thing: what the hell is this

Black Panther: I don't think coates is contracted for an ongoing. This one is going to end soon.

All New Wolverine: no clue

I mean, I missed stuff- but this whole list is "dead man walking" territory.

Of those I would say:
All-New Wolverine
Black Panther
Squirrel Girl
Doctor Strange
Uncanny Avengers

are safe for the time being for various reason. It hard to predict Avengers and the solos for the traditional members because we know Marvel is bringing them all back relatively soon, but they will always be a book with their name on it.


I don't believe it. Crossovers are the bread and butter of the comic book industry.


There's not a lot I can think of that isn't expected to end, especially with secret wars implementing a "hydra runs the world now, deal with it" plot line.

The X-titles JUST rebooted themselves, as did the inhumans, so let's disregard those for now.

Nova is around 20K copies. it's not long for this world. Dead man walking.

Slapstick: even less than that. Dead.

Foolkiller: see above.

Avengers: Building towards the conclusion of the Kang Arc, with Secret Empire coming up. That's going to end and reboot, guaranteed.

Champions: This one is a question mark- it's not selling "great" but is still only at #7. I can see marvel running this one out until #20 or so.

Jessica Jones: clearly not meant to be an ongoing, and building towards the resolution of "Jessica ran off with that baby" plotline. Defenders is in August, so who knows.

Captain America- Steve Rogers: Steve Dies during Secret Empire, so this is either coming to a hard stop or a reboot

Captain America- Sam Wilson: fairly low sales combined with Secret Empire and Sam giving up the Captain America Identity means this one is done

Uncanny Avengers: seems to be building towards a conclusion. Rogue is now on Astonishing, Steve is a villain due to be killed off during Secret Empire- Cable is getting his own ongoing. Deadpool is Deadpool. no one cares about literally anyone else on the roster.

USAvengers: terrible sales combined with Secret Empire coming up: this one is done.

Ultimates 2: is clearly building towards a conclusion- this is not an ongoing no matter what Marvel says. The sales for this have never been great but it is a good book.

Infamous Iron Man: Doom is NOT staying Iron Man for more than a few minutes, come on now.

Invincible Iron Man: lasts as long as it takes for Marvel to bring back Tony- which will probably be the next event. 18 months, max, though I'd be willing to bet less than this.

Mighty Thor: This is the only one I can see continuing for a while. Mostly off-earth adventures, Jane-Thor is selling well.

Spider Woman: Already dead

Spider Man 2099: Canceled, but not yet dead. one or two months.

Ghost Rider: Already Dead

Spider-Man: will likely continue as is- but I can see a status quo change after Miles kills Rogers.

Spider-Gwen: this one is a bit of a mystery. not selling well but marvel seems invested in the character. I can see a team book happening, the standalone doesn't seem to have much direction at all.

Silver Surfer: is concluding.

Scarlet Witch: dead

Dr. Strange: honestly don't know here

Dr. Strange and the Sorcerers supreme: dead

Daredevil: no clue, but Daredevil is an icon. will probably stick around, his series hasn't been running that long and we have defenders coming.

Luke Cage: just launched, and defenders is in august

Iron Fist: see above.

Squirrel Girl: honestly not sure. It doesn't seem to sell well, but Marvel seems to have plans for the character.

Thunderbolts: Selling abysmally- and heading into secret empire. This one is gone.

Man Thing: what the hell is this

Black Panther: I don't think coates is contracted for an ongoing. This one is going to end soon.

All New Wolverine: no clue

I mean, I missed stuff- but this whole list is "dead man walking" territory.

When you're right, you're right.
Shame about Sam Wilson and Nova though-those books are great.


Of those I would say:
All-New Wolverine
Black Panther
Squirrel Girl
Doctor Strange
Uncanny Avengers

are safe for the time being for various reason. It hard to predict Avengers and the solos for the traditional members because we know Marvel is bringing them all back relatively soon, but they will always be a book with their name on it.

All-New Wolverine's likely going to get relaunched by the end of the year with a new title when Pak either de-ages OML or resurrects OG Logan.
I don't see Coates writing Black Panther by this time next year. World of Wakanda won't make it far into double digit issues if at all.
Thunderbolts is going on hiatus.
Squirrel Girl will probably be brought to a close this summer. There have been cancellation rumors off and on for several months.
Spider-Gwen might hang around for a while in a cult-fanbase style like Spider-Girl did back in the day but I can see it ending in the 30s.
Uncanny Avengers is probably done after Secret Empire.

I wish more people would buy Nova. It's easily my favorite book Marvel is putting out right now. If it's cancelled, Loveness needs to fall upwards and get a gig writing Spider-Man. He's perfect for that character.


Nah, they are legit pushing Squirrel Girl correctly, killing off her book when her trades and digital make bank is foolish.

Then again, that's the fucking Diamond System for you.

It pisses me off there are legit good books but Marvel DeSean Jackson-ed the fuck of the comic line since Secret Wars.


All-New Wolverine's likely going to get relaunched by the end of the year with a new title when Pak either de-ages OML or resurrects OG Logan.
I don't see Coates writing Black Panther by this time next year. World of Wakanda won't make it far into double digit issues if at all.
Thunderbolts is going on hiatus.
Squirrel Girl will probably be brought to a close this summer. There have been cancellation rumors off and on for several months.
Spider-Gwen might hang around for a while in a cult-fanbase style like Spider-Girl did back in the day but I can see it ending in the 30s.
Uncanny Avengers is probably done after Secret Empire.

I wish more people would buy Nova. It's easily my favorite book Marvel is putting out right now. If it's cancelled, Loveness needs to fall upwards and get a gig writing Spider-Man. He's perfect for that character.
-Uncanny Avengers is continuing after Secret Empire
-Coates has been picked up for at least 24 issues so it really depends on what happens after that
-Thunderbolts is only on hiatus during Secret Empire and will be back after it ends, though we don't know what it will be like then
-I can't see Squirrel Girl being canceled
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