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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member

Of course. That way they can turn on the water molecule altering frequency when people are sitting ducks. ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit man, the PM is actually in intensive care. Really hope Carrie Symonds is ok.


I hope that’s the case, but I don’t know how these things usually go. If he was in really bad shape would they inform the public? Or would they hide it to prevent panic? I don’t know what standard procedure is.
I don't know what the standard procedure for panic is, we Brits don't panic. Maybe...reboil the kettle? An extra cuppa will fix everything
He should have taken it seriously earlier. I don't know why anyone tried to downplay it.
Wouldn't have had to have downplayed anything if the CCP hadn't covered anything up.

We'd be "getting Brexit done" if the CCP hadn't been an absolute bunch of cunts.

I dislike Boris Johnson as a person and a politician. I am a remainer who hasn't lived in the U.K. for seven years.

If he doesn't pull through, I would consider this an act of war. Either way, China must pay.


Wouldn't have had to have downplayed anything if the CCP hadn't covered anything up.

We'd be "getting Brexit done" if the CCP hadn't been an absolute bunch of cunts.

I dislike Boris Johnson as a person and a politician. I am a remainer who hasn't lived in the U.K. for seven years.

If he doesn't pull through, I would consider this an act of war. Either way, China must pay.
No, he downplayed it long after social distancing was credible advice from every scientist in the book.


Remember when CCP told us their CFR was 3.5% LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Italy/Spain/France/UK have something to say to you CCP.

Oh let me guess CCP superior medical system lead to them having such a low numbers of deaths.


Gold Member
as much as Trump keeps getting a lot of shit for his support of this drug, it would be smart for Boris or any world leader to be on it at this point.
Don't you think he has been taking every kind of drug imaginable from the first moment he presented symptoms? He's probably had hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and several other drugs you've never even heard of before; maybe even invariolation and experimental vaccines.
Ohhh, you knowww!

They hate Trump sure, but do they really have to dismiss the Science and common sense? Trump makes them look stupid everytime they bring that shit up. I am shocked they have not released fake news that Trump owns stock in this pill, good thing it is too old so it is already off the patent meaning it is cheap and generics can be made.


Doesn't matter. This problem was made in China and whatever Boris did or didn't do, he doesn't deserve to die.
Of course it matters & no one said he deserves to die, following social distance guidelines helps curb chances of catching & spreading it. He didn't, he wanted to shake hands in defiance.
Don't you think he has been taking every kind of drug imaginable from the first moment he presented symptoms? He's probably had hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and several other drugs you've never even heard of before; maybe even invariolation and experimental vaccines.

if what you say is true then Boris is in worse shape than we know.
According to some reports people who have taken that drug as a last resort feel better the next day for Boris to keep getting sicker if he has been taking everything imaginable does not really make sense.

Boris seems like a strange dude not sure if he would be doing the smart shit. Not saying he is not smart, I am just looking at examples like Steve Jobs taking the woo woo approach to fighting cancer. Some folks just don't give medical science any respect.


Don't you think he has been taking every kind of drug imaginable from the first moment he presented symptoms? He's probably had hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and several other drugs you've never even heard of before; maybe even invariolation and experimental vaccines.

We're going to get Super Boris after this.


Gold Member
They hate Trump sure, but do they really have to dismiss the Science and common sense? Trump makes them look stupid everytime they bring that shit up. I am shocked they have not released fake news that Trump owns stock in this pill, good thing it is too old so it is already off the patent meaning it is cheap and generics can be made.

I won't get into it in here, but it's much further down the globalist rabbit hole.


Hope thet recover Boris and every human that gets coronavirus for no following social distance are responsable for their condition.
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Meanwhile in my neck of the woods we are talking about getting business back up and running when this thing blows over and if we continue with our trend we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Alberta and BC are doing really well and may very well be at close to 0 cases within a 2 weeks (if not sooner).

As long as our government isn't lying to us about testing (and Canada has done a SHIITE ton of testing, Quebec per capita is one of the top places in the world) we are heading in the right direction in Canada. Now lets just hope none of you Lib's from the US try and escape to our Corona free paradise.

Oh and my government is going balls deep on fuck you china. They want to invest 100K per business to get them better training to be more competitive in the global market, and we want to be as self sufficient as possible. Basically we want Quebec to be able to make our own shit going forward.
Boris and every human that gets coronavirus for no following social distance are responsable for their condition.
Do you want to say that to my mum? She's had coronavirus for the past two weeks and can't shake the symptoms.
She works in a supermarket. Doesn't turn up to work, doesn't get paid. What should she have done, wise arse? How can anyone social distance in a supermarket?

Fucking ignorant low-effort troll comment. The only people "responable" for this disease are the CCP and idiots like you who want to score political points in a pandemic.
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Joe T.

He should have taken it seriously earlier. I don't know why anyone tried to downplay it.

Refresher course:

  • On December 31 China alerted the WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. The virus was unknown.
  • On January 7, officials announced they had identified a new virus, according to the WHO, identified as belonging to the coronavirus family, which includes SARS and the common cold.
  • The WHO reported on January 13 a case in Thailand, the first outside of China, in a woman who had arrived from Wuhan.
  • On January 17, as a second death was reported in Wuhan, health authorities in the US announced that three airports would start screening passengers arriving from the city. Authorities in the US, Nepal, France, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan confirmed cases over the following days.
  • On January 20, a Chinese expert on infectious diseases confirmed human-to-human transmission to state broadcaster CCTV, raising fears of a major outbreak as millions travelled for the Lunar New Year holiday.
  • On January 23 the WHO said that the outbreak did not yet constitute a public emergency of international concern and there was "no evidence" of the virus spreading between humans outside of China.
  • On January 30, the WHO declared coronavirus a global emergency. World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in Geneva, Switzerland: "There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade."
  • On February 2, the Philippines reported the first death outside China, the victim being a Chinese man from Wuhan.
Plenty there to give you an idea of why it was downplayed.


Do you want to say that to my mum? She's had coronavirus for the past two weeks and can't shake the symptoms.
She works in a supermarket. Doesn't turn up to work, doesn't get paid. What should she she have done, wise arse? How can anyone social distance in a supermarket?

Fucking ignorant low-effort troll comment. The only people "responable" for this disease are the CCP and idiots like you who want to score political points in a pandemic.

Sorry for your mom hope gets well..

I am referrring to the ones that knowing the social distance rules and be capable of keep in home due to good economic situation decided to stay out as nothing happened.
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Refresher course:

  • On December 31 China alerted the WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. The virus was unknown.
  • On January 7, officials announced they had identified a new virus, according to the WHO, identified as belonging to the coronavirus family, which includes SARS and the common cold.
  • The WHO reported on January 13 a case in Thailand, the first outside of China, in a woman who had arrived from Wuhan.
  • On January 17, as a second death was reported in Wuhan, health authorities in the US announced that three airports would start screening passengers arriving from the city. Authorities in the US, Nepal, France, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan confirmed cases over the following days.
  • On January 20, a Chinese expert on infectious diseases confirmed human-to-human transmission to state broadcaster CCTV, raising fears of a major outbreak as millions travelled for the Lunar New Year holiday.
  • On January 23 the WHO said that the outbreak did not yet constitute a public emergency of international concern and there was "no evidence" of the virus spreading between humans outside of China.
  • On January 30, the WHO declared coronavirus a global emergency. World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in Geneva, Switzerland: "There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade."
  • On February 2, the Philippines reported the first death outside China, the victim being a Chinese man from Wuhan.
Plenty there to give you an idea of why it was downplayed.

Please add to your timeline Dr Fauci on Jan 21st saying there is "nothing to worry about".


Refresher course:

  • On December 31 China alerted the WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people. The virus was unknown.
  • On January 7, officials announced they had identified a new virus, according to the WHO, identified as belonging to the coronavirus family, which includes SARS and the common cold.
  • The WHO reported on January 13 a case in Thailand, the first outside of China, in a woman who had arrived from Wuhan.
  • On January 17, as a second death was reported in Wuhan, health authorities in the US announced that three airports would start screening passengers arriving from the city. Authorities in the US, Nepal, France, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan confirmed cases over the following days.
  • On January 20, a Chinese expert on infectious diseases confirmed human-to-human transmission to state broadcaster CCTV, raising fears of a major outbreak as millions travelled for the Lunar New Year holiday.
  • On January 23 the WHO said that the outbreak did not yet constitute a public emergency of international concern and there was "no evidence" of the virus spreading between humans outside of China.
  • On January 30, the WHO declared coronavirus a global emergency. World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in Geneva, Switzerland: "There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade."
  • On February 2, the Philippines reported the first death outside China, the victim being a Chinese man from Wuhan.
Plenty there to give you an idea of why it was downplayed.

He said he'd shake hands with everyone, disregarding social distancing rules on March 3rd, well after the advice was credible. & a full month after your timeline.


Gold Member

Man I would not want to be grocery employee.. if they strike or stop working.. fuck.

CCPNN ignoring this story in 3... 2... 1...


Does that surprise you from the morally and ethically bankrupt retards?

No it didn’t but fuck man have some compassion the guy has a pregnant fiancée

be thankful it exists so that the scum that inhabits it doesn’t come here
scum of the internet

I think calling them scum is been nice tbh I have a few other choice words for them. Guess I’m just worked up over everything fuck man this has to be the most stressful moments of my life.

Joe T.

He said he'd shake hands with everyone, disregarding social distancing rules on March 3rd, well after the advice was credible. & a full month after your timeline.

That's a conflicting message that adds to the confusion the public's felt around the virus and how best to prevent it. That's not exclusive to the UK either.

It's not difficult for me to see why this virus wasn't/isn't treated with the respect it deserved.
Sorry for your mom hope gets well..

I am referrring to the ones that knowing the social distance rules and be capable of keep in home due to good economic situation decided to stay out as nothing happened.
Thanks for your concern, genuinely.

I am curious though how one is supposed to lead a country from home? Surely it would be better to be in public view and adopt a reassuring manner? I can see English isn't your first language, so I apologise for my aggressive initial response. Yes, Boris could have behaved better in terms of social distancing, especially after more was known, but you can't make a blanket statement that people who don't social distance are responsible for the problems they may encounter.

People are scared, regardless of their level of income. I don't think there is anyone but a very small minority who are not trying to respect the social distancing rules. Of course there are a few idiots, but when we have to go about our general survival responsibilities (such as buying food), it can be tough to make sure you're always 2m from people at all times. These are new times, not everybody is able to adapt instantly, especially when you take panic and irrational fear into consideration. People can try as much as they want, but maintaining distance from others, especially in a public setting, is not as straightforward as it looks on paper. A guy over here was arrested for clocking an old lady in the supermarket when she got too close to him. He's now got a crazed mob after him on Facebook. No excuses whatsoever, but people are on edge and just want to get the necessary things done as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I don't think it's realistic or possible to respect social distancing 100%, and saying anyone is responsible for getting coronavirus is both unnecessary and crass.


Reading the Boris/Corona thread on Resetera.. What a bunch of fucking wanna-be and probably genuine sociopaths. What’s even more sick is the site (mods/owners) promotes the perversion by allowing it to flourish.

Boris is not Hitler. Wishing anything but “best wishes” should be met with a ban regardless of your views on his leadership style. I strongly dislike Obama and Trump, but I’d hope for nothing but the best if they were struck by this awful disease.


Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Uh, I mean I'm not gonna dismiss HCQ entirely but getting better r"within two hours" of taking an oral medication is almost certainly a placebo effect.



That's a conflicting message that adds to the confusion the public's felt around the virus and how best to prevent it. That's not exclusive to the UK either.

It's not difficult for me to see why this virus wasn't/isn't treated with the respect it deserved.

Not around March, back in January and early February that's an excuse, not in March from a world leader. And I don't really see what masks have to do with avoiding person to person contact.


Reading the Boris/Corona thread on Resetera.. What a bunch of fucking wanna-be and probably genuine sociopaths. What’s even more sick is the site (mods/owners) promotes the perversion by allowing it to flourish.

Boris is not Hitler. Wishing anything but “best wishes” should be met with a ban regardless of your views on his leadership style. I strongly dislike Obama and Trump, but I’d hope for nothing but the best if they were struck by this awful disease.


And to think, sometimes, we have Era shills around here preaching how the forum is fair and shit like that. Utterly disgusting.
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