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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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He also said there is no going back to normal life for another year and a half, until after a vaccine is created, then highlighted the importance of contact tracing to keep future waves to a minimum. That's the opposite of good news to me, especially as governments around the world are currently relying on digital tracking to monitor their people.

He talks about rebounding strongly from this, but that won't happen with what he's suggesting.

Yup. Basically sounds like what we are living with is the new normal. Expect waves of lockdowns, social distancing, lines to go to stores, work from home, masks etc... until we ever get a vaccine (probably not).

Phone tracking will be next, its coming but we still aren't ready for that but a few more months and we will be begging for GPS tracking so we can get out of our houses.

And we aren't doing to bad in Canada. Alberta and BC almost have this thing under control. If Ontario isn't lying about its numbers they are dong a lot better than they should be. Even Quebec is showing some good signs.

If things are like this for us I can't imagine places like Italy/Spain/UK/USA/France.

But this is life now. Time to just get used to knowing that at any time an outbreak can happen and your life can be interupted for a lockdown.
I have often wondered if the U.S. would benefit by going the route of Europe. States becoming almost fully autonomous and the country held together in a EU style arrangement (but hopefully better run than the EU).
I find this amusing. The EU "went the route of the USA" by imitating our system and aspiring to a Union of States like we figured out 250 years ago.
Did you not even comprehend what that visual was showing? Every year shows huge drops in deaths, but as time goes on the CDC updates the data and the fall more in line with previous years.

Furthermore, the drops in pneumonia shown in the image that is being circulated are only up to Week 11 (ending March 15th), which is right before deaths attributed to COVID-19 started to spike in the United States. I was initially super curious about the drop in pneumonia deaths after Tucker Carlson mentioned it, but it doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary.

Fine. At least you say you were interested too. I understand now that the graph might be updated later, fair point.

I'm just saying, let's not let our human dignity and rights wherever we are, get shat all over by a becomingly clearer ulterior agenda. You hear that the WHO want to come into your home and take your family away? That Irish twat said it live in their briefing the other day. They are lying scum and don't care about you.
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I think thats like 80-90% of it. I think there is a small % of it to limit food.

But thats today, give it a few months and then we will probably see real "bread lines"

My PM is basically telling us until there is a vaccine we aren't going back to normal. After our "1st wave" we will allow some economic activity to start up.

Once the supply chains from globalization start drying up, its going to be up to each country to produce their own food. And if your country can't do that while the virus is out there then your going to be fucked.

Some of it is to limit food because you are getting jag offs who are trying to fill their carts with all the toilet paper the store has or just taking absurd quantities. The problem is the distribution centers cant keep up when people do this. If a store gets a stock order that is meant to be their inventory for the week and you have two days of hording mooks cleaning the place out, then its going to look like there is a food shortage. Also, you cant just increase the stock orders very easily either since one additional stock order to each store would equate to a doubling of needed trucks/drivers/warehouse workers/ etc.

As far as shortages from other countries....is there any country that is preventing "essential workers" from continuing to work? (My job definitely doesnt keep the world going around but I am sitting in my office right now) Food supply would definitely be one of these. I'm not going to sit here and claim that I know that food shortages wont happen, but I think its a bit alarmist at this point. I dont think this disease is deadly enough to wipe out essential supply chains. Hell, China is already sending people back to work and they make everything.


Some of it is to limit food because you are getting jag offs who are trying to fill their carts with all the toilet paper the store has or just taking absurd quantities. The problem is the distribution centers cant keep up when people do this. If a store gets a stock order that is meant to be their inventory for the week and you have two days of hording mooks cleaning the place out, then its going to look like there is a food shortage. Also, you cant just increase the stock orders very easily either since one additional stock order to each store would equate to a doubling of needed trucks/drivers/warehouse workers/ etc.

As far as shortages from other countries....is there any country that is preventing "essential workers" from continuing to work? (My job definitely doesnt keep the world going around but I am sitting in my office right now) Food supply would definitely be one of these. I'm not going to sit here and claim that I know that food shortages wont happen, but I think its a bit alarmist at this point. I dont think this disease is deadly enough to wipe out essential supply chains. Hell, China is already sending people back to work and they make everything.

Well as the world is forced to decouple from globalization thats going to effect supply chains. A lot of products you buy are not made locally and require to be shipped from other countries. What is going to be essential? Are little debbie snack cakes going to be essential? Is avavcado toast going to be essential? I am not looking forward to bread, rice and beans as my meal 5 times a week LOL.

My government just said that we will see waves and until we get a vaccine this is the new normal. Are we really going to be importing fruits from around the world to fill our grocery stores when every other country is going to be in lockdown and need to look after themselves? If we rely on somewhere that isn't going to do as good a job as we are doing in Canada how can we be sure they will keep things open and send us products?

China is "forcing" people back to work and is having a second outbreak already. Its very possible China will close down again, right now they are trying to save face and are facing tremendous amount of backlash so they need to put up the face that they solved the problem.

If the world is in lockdown until the summer or further countries are going to limit their exports and have to focus their resources in actual "essential services" like grain and rice.


Rage Bait Youtuber
He also said there is no going back to normal life for another year and a half, until after a vaccine is created, then highlighted the importance of contact tracing to keep future waves to a minimum. That's the opposite of good news to me, especially as governments around the world are currently relying on digital tracking to monitor their people.

He talks about rebounding strongly from this, but that won't happen with what he's suggesting.

Any "leader" who thinks they can keep a populous under house arrest for a year and a half is an idiot.


Don't bring population numbers into this.
lol is this a joke? don't talk about the physical number of people that exist?

im sorry if someone is going to say "Canada is doing such a great job, better than the US" then pointing out the objective truth that Canada has 1/10th the population to take care of is pretty relevant to the conversation.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
CCPNN won't air the coronavirus briefings because ORANGE MAN BAD and their mentally deficient WH reporter makes them look like idiots, now they're crying that the White House won't allow the health officials on their propaganda broadcasts:
Well as the world is forced to decouple from globalization thats going to effect supply chains. A lot of products you buy are not made locally and require to be shipped from other countries. What is going to be essential? Are little debbie snack cakes going to be essential? Is avavcado toast going to be essential? I am not looking forward to bread, rice and beans as my meal 5 times a week LOL.

C'mon man, you just gotta get creative! I will say my lady and I have up our chef game quite a bit since the beginning of this. She actually made bread from scratch yesterday and it was better than any of that shit at the store! I wouldnt be surprised if the little debbie factory is still going strong since what they produce is considered "food" I suppose!

My government just said that we will see waves and until we get a vaccine this is the new normal. Are we really going to be importing fruits from around the world to fill our grocery stores when every other country is going to be in lockdown and need to look after themselves? If we rely on somewhere that isn't going to do as good a job as we are doing in Canada how can we be sure they will keep things open and send us products?

Again, I am leery of saying anything definitive as we are all in uncharted waters here and we are all just armchair QB'ing, but most countries that produce food produce way too much for just their own populations and I would imagine that they would want to keep their own industries afloat as much as possible so, unless the government steps in for whatever reason and tells them to stop exporting their goods (not sure why they would want this either) I would imagine that things will keep going. Also as far as additional waves of this hitting the population, we should have a much better idea of what to expect on the 2nd go around so hopefully this will help industries anticipate the hit and come up with strategies to keep things going.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
CCPNN won't air the coronavirus briefings because ORANGE MAN BAD and their mentally deficient WH reporter makes them look like idiots, now they're crying that the White House won't allow the health officials on their propaganda broadcasts:

From the article:

"After Trump leaves the podium, CNN frequently cuts out of the White House briefing to discuss and fact-check what the President had said."

These people are fucking insufferable. Most of the good information from those briefings come from those on the team who are *not* Trump, and all CNN cares about is finding new "gotchas" for Trump and drumming up drama.
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C'mon man, you just gotta get creative! I will say my lady and I have up our chef game quite a bit since the beginning of this. She actually made bread from scratch yesterday and it was better than any of that shit at the store! I wouldnt be surprised if the little debbie factory is still going strong since what they produce is considered "food" I suppose!

Again, I am leery of saying anything definitive as we are all in uncharted waters here and we are all just armchair QB'ing, but most countries that produce food produce way too much for just their own populations and I would imagine that they would want to keep their own industries afloat as much as possible so, unless the government steps in for whatever reason and tells them to stop exporting their goods (not sure why they would want this either) I would imagine that things will keep going. Also as far as additional waves of this hitting the population, we should have a much better idea of what to expect on the 2nd go around so hopefully this will help industries anticipate the hit and come up with strategies to keep things going.

I agree with a lot of what you say, but it really depends where we are in a few months from now. This is really uncharted waters, but the longer we are in lockdown the more things are going to be come rare.

Did anyone ever think we would run out of masks and that countries would be "stealing" them and limiting their exports? Now imagine instead of masks we are talking about bread or grains. I sure as hell don't want to.

I hope things don't get to that point. But the longer we stay in lockdown, keep economies closed, the less resources and money a country has. So I hope global supply chains don't break down, but I don't see how this doesn't start happening if we are still in lockdown in July or August.
I didn't see a tweet yet.. but my Twitter is acting weird today.

Italy update (from worldometers):

+4204 cases
+610 deaths

Back in the 4000's after 3 days in the 3000s. Good news.. since the lockdown, cases are not exponentially rising, bad news, they're not really going down a lot either.. with everyone in lockdown. The hardest hit places have been in lockdown for a month now, and still generating a thousand new cases/day in Lombardy alone. If Italy decides to reopen soon, I am afeared at the case explosion. What will it take to get their new case numbers into triple digits?

Deaths have been in the 500's and 600's for about a week now, after peaking at over 900 a couple of weeks ago. I kind of wonder if the virus is running out of old people to kill? Or at least as many old people.

NY update:


Joe T.

Canada just basically admitted that this is the new normal and life is never going back until some magical vaccine comes out. We will be like this till summer and we are expecting waves.

I refuse to view this as normal. This is an aberration and it needs to be treated it as such.

Anyone telling me these social distancing measures will remain in place for the next year and a half or more without coming down hard on the Chinese Communist Party and the WHO is no leader I can respect. Their cover-up is the reason we're currently surrendering our freedoms to slow its spread.
I didn't see a tweet yet.. but my Twitter is acting weird today.

Italy update (from worldometers):

+4204 cases
+610 deaths

Back in the 4000's after 3 days in the 3000s. Good news.. since the lockdown, cases are not exponentially rising, bad news, they're not really going down a lot either.. with everyone in lockdown. The hardest hit places have been in lockdown for a month now, and still generating a thousand new cases/day in Lombardy alone. If Italy decides to reopen soon, I am afeared at the case explosion. What will it take to get their new case numbers into triple digits?

Deaths have been in the 500's and 600's for about a week now, after peaking at over 900 a couple of weeks ago. I kind of wonder if the virus is running out of old people to kill? Or at least as many old people.

The fact we haven't seen the cases drop off yet is scary. It's slowed down a bit but it's still way too prominent. We saw with the Diamond Princess that new cases can go a month without showing symptoms, could this mean the majority of the population was infected near the start of the lockdown and are just showing signs now?


I refuse to view this as normal. This is an aberration and it needs to be treated it as such.

Anyone telling me these social distancing measures will remain in place for the next year and a half or more without coming down hard on the Chinese Communist Party and the WHO is no leader I can respect. Their cover-up is the reason we're currently surrendering our freedoms to slow its spread.

I don't think we have a choice. I don't see how we will make this virus go extinct. We will have to live with it being out there and are going to have to learn to live life around it. At least we are admitting that and can focus on how we as a society can make a world around this virus. Mitigation is still on going but time to start pivoting to a post COVID world.

And yes China and the WHO need to take it up the ass for this. China needs to be held responsible for allowing this to escape from their borders and to infect the entire world. And the WHO and their role in carrying water for the CCP needs to be exposed. Terrorist Ted should be strung up from a lamp post.

Our only hope is that the TDS heads can stop looking to string Trump up and focus their hatred on the fuckers that caused this and did almost nothing to contain it from escaping.


The fact we haven't seen the cases drop off yet is scary. It's slowed down a bit but it's still way too prominent. We saw with the Diamond Princess that new cases can go a month without showing symptoms, could this mean the majority of the population was infected near the start of the lockdown and are just showing signs now?

Oh noes! What's going to happen when I've had the Corona this whole time but never show any symptoms?

What if the vast majority of cases never get tested????

It could mean this drastic response was totally ineffective and a full waste, that's what.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Oh noes! What's going to happen when I've had the Corona this whole time but never show any symptoms?

What if the vast majority of cases never get tested????

It could mean this drastic response was totally ineffective and a full waste, that's what.

But now the government can run your lives while the rich people at the top live high on the hog and everyone else shanks each other in the Walmart parking lot for toilet paper.


I don't think we have a choice. I don't see how we will make this virus go extinct. We will have to live with it being out there and are going to have to learn to live life around it. At least we are admitting that and can focus on how we as a society can make a world around this virus. Mitigation is still on going but time to start pivoting to a post COVID world.

And yes China and the WHO need to take it up the ass for this. China needs to be held responsible for allowing this to escape from their borders and to infect the entire world. And the WHO and their role in carrying water for the CCP needs to be exposed. Terrorist Ted should be strung up from a lamp post.

Our only hope is that the TDS heads can stop looking to string Trump up and focus their hatred on the fuckers that caused this and did almost nothing to contain it from escaping.

Well in the US we do have a choice. We're giving this a good college effort to avoid some possibly avoidable deaths, but I doubt we will hang with this approach indefinitely. Maybe in another month our specialists will better understand who is actually prone to the acute symptoms of this virus (ie. we know old people, people with diabetes, etc. are especially prone). My suspicion is that we will eventually resolve that an overwhelming majority of people are unlikely to show harsh symptoms, and we'll resolve to identifying those at highest risk and encouraging them to take the extra measures (as opposed to shutting the US down for 2 years while China prepares a land invasion of North America LOL).
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Did anyone ever think we would run out of masks and that countries would be "stealing" them and limiting their exports? Now imagine instead of masks we are talking about bread or grains. I sure as hell don't want to.

I get your point but I dont think its 1 to 1 comparison to something as obviously essential as food supply chains. N95s are essential right now because of the highly situational disease that we are battling that necessitates them. What I'm saying is that the demand for masks skyrocketed in the last couple months way beyond anything anticipated, while the food demand is always there and is more or less a constant.
Oh noes! What's going to happen when I've had the Corona this whole time but never show any symptoms?

What if the vast majority of cases never get tested????

It could mean this drastic response was totally ineffective and a full waste, that's what.

It's showed signs of slowing in America and Canada because we locked down relatively early instead of letting it spread. Compare that to Italy, France, UK, Spain (or NY if you want an American sample). That would mean this drastic response is effective if done properly.


I get your point but I dont think its 1 to 1 comparison to something as obviously essential as food supply chains. N95s are essential right now because of the highly situational disease that we are battling that necessitates them. What I'm saying is that the demand for masks skyrocketed in the last couple months way beyond anything anticipated, while the food demand is always there and is more or less a constant.

I am probably taking a more pessimistic view of things. But with the mask situation we are seeing how countries prioratize themselves over other countries.

I love oranges, I know my oranges come from California. In 4 months from now if we are all still in lockdowns is someone going to go harvest he oranges and will the US send those to the US or keep the limited amount they have for themselves?

I hope that everything can stay normal, groceries can remain stocked, food can still be delivered, workers will still keep going to man the cashes and stock the shelves. I hope I am wrong that it will get to that point.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, really? And those are ONS stats? That's odd... I highly doubt deaths in Scotland and Northern Ireland would take that number into the 1,500s...

Just checking the ONS website, again. I'm on another page now. It has more information. Again, this is taken directly from the site,

"A total of 150,047 deaths were registered in England & Wales between 28 December 2019 & 27 March 2020 (year to date) and of these, 647 involved Covid-19 (0.4%). Including deaths that occurred up to March 27th, but were registered up to April 1st, the number involving Covid-19 was 1,639."

So honestly, I've decided that numbers just confuse me & I'm going to stop looking at them. I'm a simple man & should stick with simple things.


It's showed signs of slowing in America and Canada because we locked down relatively early instead of letting it spread. Compare that to Italy, France, UK, Spain (or NY if you want an American sample). That would mean this drastic response is effective if done properly.

I agree, and every day I load the maps/charts to see the latest confirmed cases counts hoping to see a flattening curve for the US. I thought I was seeing it earlier this week, but today's slope was much greater. The thing about the data is that it's an incomplete sampling for various reasons like testing limitations and not even knowing how many tests are being done. Our lock down measures could be very effective right now but the # of confirmed cases could still spike thanks to the rapid testing that is newly being rolled out.

Basically, whatever my interpretations are of the numbers, they're pure rubbish. I don't know enough to make out the story.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really interested in seeing how the Swedish approach pans out compared to all of the countries doing lockdowns.
I love oranges, I know my oranges come from California. In 4 months from now if we are all still in lockdowns is someone going to go harvest he oranges and will the US send those to the US or keep the limited amount they have for themselves?

I live in CA. Now I know what to use to barter with Canadians when society collapses. We promise not to put smallpox on them.


Can we stop blaming 5G and start blaming Terraflops?

MS causes more Corona than PS5 confirmed. Though OTOH the SSD according to scientist helps spread the virus faster. PS5 wins.



On a cool, clear Saturday in February, neighbours and friends played ball hockey in a small village in the Eastern Townships.

“The weather was nice. We were all excited to play together and spend some time together,” Domenico Farinaccio, one of the group, recalled. “It was just a happy day.”

Two and a half weeks later, he was breathing through a ventilator. The novel coronavirus had invaded his lungs and doctors were unsure he would live.

Of the 21 people who gathered in the village of Racine that day, 15 contracted the virus.

We closed things down in March here. But this thing was already around in Feb. We actually only had our "first" case on Feb 29th.

Really puts it into perspective that this invisible enemy was with us earlier than we thought and regardless of the money morning QB'ing and hindsight not much could of been done. Who knows we might find out another story of someone who got it earlier in Feb, or maybe back in Jan or December.
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