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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


This game is great so far but hard as hell. The graphics are fucking amazing too. In screens it wouldn't make your jaw drop but the level of detail and the way both the environment and the enemies react to your bullets is staggering. Amazing game so far.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This game is great so far but hard as hell. The graphics are fucking amazing too. In screens it wouldn't make your jaw drop but the level of detail and the way both the environment and the enemies react to your bullets is staggering. Amazing game so far.

Yeah, enemy reaction to being shot is awesome.

Also, Hard is probably the best way to play this game (free aim).


hahaha I'm having a BLAST with this. Been watching TV, totally forgot about Capt Baseball Bat Boy. Oh man, nostalgia trip here we go!

Game looks and plays great on PS3, only a handful of stutters(usually when loading videos), otherwise its topnotch.

For those having trouble with the controls: try turning down the acceleration feature, I turned it off an just up sensitivity, works better.
I just started playing it (360), literally, and these are my thoughts at this moment:

-Aiming feels a little sluggush default. I'm working to fix that in the options, but I don't think it'll be as tight as max payne 1 & 2 was. That could be due to the animation system, however. Since one can't have pinpoint aiming in real life whilst running and gunning, it makes sense, but I didn't expect that level of detail. Kinda reminds me of shadow of the colossus in which you're the main character trying to guide the horse and you actually don't control the horse itself.

-It's extremely stunning visually, and I like the new presentation. It's a great evolution for the series.

-I'd like to know if I can completly customize the controls or do I have to pick a preset config?

-also, can I install this on my 360?

- and, can I zoom in and out when I pause the game and hide the option menu?
So, can I first-run it 'normal' with free-aim, or is free-aim reserved for the harder difficulties? I'm hearing that free-aim is the way to go, but I don't want to subject myself to any difficulty-induced rage, first up.


So, can I first-run it 'normal' with free-aim, or is free-aim reserved for the harder difficulties? I'm hearing that free-aim is the way to go, but I don't want to subject myself to any difficulty-induced rage, first up.

You can do hardlock, softlock, or free aim; don't know if you can do the lock modes with hardcore or what not, but you can definitely free aim with every mode.
I'm about half or 3/4ths the way on Chapter 13 and I'm gonna wait to finish the game tomorrow.

I must say these developments in Max's character have certainly moved me.


Anyone know how many chapters in the game?

Awesome thanks

Having not beat the game and going by Social Club it's 17 Chapters, not 14.

Also being pulled up by a chain and taking out 9 guys in Bullet-Time while riding it up and finishing with an achievement....Stylish as hell.

The controls issue...Default the settings ARE sluggish as hell. Honestly it took me the first 4 chapters to dink around with the settings, switch back and forth from "Free Aim" and "Soft Lock" until I got everything just right.


So, can I first-run it 'normal' with free-aim, or is free-aim reserved for the harder difficulties? I'm hearing that free-aim is the way to go, but I don't want to subject myself to any difficulty-induced rage, first up.
I'm playing free aim on normal and it's working great. But like I said on the previous page, definitely mess with the control settings a bit. The default settings were too sluggish for me on free aim.


Multiplayer in Branco Headquarters is INTENSE as hell. I haven't played something this aggressive and "gun porny" since FEAR. SO GOOD.

Hell yeah it is especially in the main office area.

I tried out some of the Guerilla Warfare stuff....booby trapping your corpse and seeing the score and notice for killing somebody with it...Awesome.
Took 30 mins to get started from putting it into my ps3. wtf.
And as soon as I get started...my girlfriend calls >.<
I want to tell her stfu and play haha


Having not beat the game and going by Social Club it's 17 Chapters, not 14.

Also being pulled up by a chain and taking out 9 guys in Bullet-Time while riding it up and finishing with an achievement....Stylish as hell.

The controls issue...Default the settings ARE sluggish as hell. Honestly it took me the first 4 chapters to dink around with the settings, switch back and forth from "Free Aim" and "Soft Lock" until I got everything just right.

What are your settings?
As of day 1, this multiplayer is amazing. I don't know what will happen from here on out, but the combination of great feeling guns, EUPHORIA, crazy dives, bullet time, and chaos galore has me having more fun than I've had online in years.


Got to the middle of chapter 2 tonight and like it so far, but I do have one question. Is the camera blur and shakiness suppose to be max tripping out on pills or is it something explained later? I am talking about in the cutscenes...


The PC version would be pretty nice right about now, given that Blizzard can't seem to keep Diablo 3 servers up for very long.


Multiplayer in Branco Headquarters is INTENSE as hell. I haven't played something this aggressive and "gun porny" since FEAR. SO GOOD.

I went 19-18 on that map after consistently going 3-18 and worse. I'm terrible except for this map. I guess I catch guys by surprise there.
The PC version would be pretty nice right about now, given that Blizzard can't seem to keep Diablo 3 servers up for very long.

I've been popping in the Diablo 3 thread every now and then and pretty much all I can see are complaints and statements of frustrations. Is it really that bad?

leng jai

So now real comparisons between platforms yet? Would like some info before I preorder tomorrow. They both seemed to be running at the same resolution according to this thread.
Just finished chapter 4...not sure if I'm liking the game or not. The game looks amazing and has some really cool set pieces, but I'm finding some parts to be frustrating as hell and i don't like the controls.


I've been popping in the Diablo 3 thread every now and then and pretty much all I can see are complaints and statements of frustrations. Is it really that bad?

Yep. Servers have gone down for hours at a time since it unlocked, including right at this moment for America, where they won't be back up till around 2:45 AM EST (and that's no guarantee). There's also been lots of lag for a lot of people when we've managed to get in. Not Blizzard's finest moment.

I wanna shoot stuff, Euphoria-style. :p
I went 19-18 on that map after consistently going 3-18 and worse. I'm terrible except for this map. I guess I catch guys by surprise there.

It's really easy to have a bad game because it's really easy to die. That also means it's not that hard to go on a rampage out of nowhere where you feel like the John Wooeist mofo on the planet. Just keep in mind that your next kill may send you into Chow Yun Fat mode.
also, can I install this on my 360?

You can install any game on 360. Go to the screen on the dash that shows the game when the disc is in the tray, press Y to go into the details screen and there will be an option to install it. It can take a moment to pop up with the option sometimes.


Holy shit this game is incredible. The attention to detail is off the fucking charts. Shoot a clip dry? Pretty sure there's no bullets left when you eject the clip and it shows. Shoot a clip and eject it half empty? You'll see the bullets in the clip on the ground.

The other thing that amazes me? Costuming. Nearly every person you shoot in this game will have a unique outfit (even heavily armoured dudes have variations) on. That really personalizes encounters, in my opinion.

I've run 2 instances where I've fallen through the level geometry. I'm taking a break because the last one wouldn't let me restart from a checkpoint (it's an option in the pause menu) and I had to dashboard out to re-launch the game.

Amazing SP so far, however. Great story, great locations, pacing is tight, and the game controls nicely, in my opinion. There's a real sense of weight to Max now, which I like, and his "vocabulary" is expanded with the cover system and the option to roll around while prone. Sometimes it's better to stay prone after a shootdodge, you'll find -- makes you a smaller target if you have only 1 or 2 guys left shooting at you.

Anyone having trouble with the game or finding it too difficult should remember that if you're ever outnumbered, using bullet time is usually a saving grace. I'm playing on Normal with free aim and no target tracking right now and I'm not finding it terribly difficult. When you throw yourself into dumb situations you're going to get yourself killed, but hey, that's your fault.
I'm usually hesitant on buying Rockstar games because I usually end up not even playing much of them. My instincts this time were completely WRONG. I love Max Payne 3. It's awesome. So awesome. Like one of my favorite games ever in the making. I love the settings. The soundtrack keeps getting better. The multiplayer is really good. Between Max Payne 3 and Diablo 3, I'm set for the summer.


Up to chapter 7 so far, I'm done for the night, will finish up the game tomorrow. So far, I'm warming up to it, it felt pretty frustrating in the beginning, as I tried to approach it as a cover based shooter. Overall, the controls just don't feel responsive enough. The cover mechanic feels sluggish, I find I have to rely more on bullet time. Running feels slow too. I'm really enjoying the enemy hit reaction animations, they look really dynamic and quite brutal. But they feel like bullet sponges alot of the time, I find I have to resort to headshots to take them down for good.

I'm running on PS3, and I think the game is sub-HD? I'm seeing quite abit of low res textures, and some geometry/textures just pop in out of nowhere. Frame rate is decent enough, but it does dip here and there.

It took me some time to get used to the controls, but I am warming up to the gameplay mechanics now, and am enjoying the story so far. While the game does feel sub-HD and has some low res textures, the environment art is fantastic, especially in a couple later chapters.
To those with some extensive playtime clocked, how does the cover mechanic fare?

> GTAIV/RDR (quite shit; the latter less so)?
> UC2 (pretty awesome; rarely janky)?
> GoW3 (godly; perfectly snappy and responsive)?
To those with some extensive playtime clocked, how does the cover mechanic fare?

> GTAIV/RDR (quite shit; the latter less so)?
> UC2 (pretty awesome; rarely janky)?
> GoW3 (godly; perfectly snappy and responsive)

Big step up in responsiveness from RDR, not quite Uncharted 2 because the animation system in place can't allow for Uncharted 2's or Gears 3's "snappiness." I've only used it in multiplayer though, but I can't imagine playing against AI would need to be any faster.
To those with some extensive playtime clocked, how does the cover mechanic fare?

> GTAIV/RDR (quite shit; the latter less so)?
> UC2 (pretty awesome; rarely janky)?
> GoW3 (godly; perfectly snappy and responsive)

The cover is pretty loose, since it mostly seems to be designed for you to hide for a moment before dodging sideways out of it. Definitely feels better than GTAIV.

Holy shit the multiplayer graphics are terrible.

Yeah, it's not as pretty for sure. :(
The new visual style takes some getting used to because I really enjoyed the gritty, noir comic style of the original games, but overall it's pretty good. I've been getting killed a lot though, and I'm playing on normal. It's not a big deal as the checkpoints are pretty well spaced, but there have been a couple sections where I just continued to die and doing all of it again was frustrating.

As for multiplayer, it's pretty fun, but some of the weapons are ridiculously overpowered. One of the loadouts featuring the dual-wielding handguns is incredibly powerful. I managed to win a round of deathmatch with that combo. I wouldn't be surprised if they fixed that in a future patch.


Multiplayer in Branco Headquarters is INTENSE as hell. I haven't played something this aggressive and "gun porny" since FEAR. SO GOOD.

So true.. I thought the same thing when I played it the first time. I uploaded it just because it was so intense.

In case someone wants to see how this map plays in team deathmatch. I was still learning the game at this point but it was still a great match.
Team Deathmatch- Branco Headquarters
I didn't even care about how the MP GFX look because the gameplay makes up for it double.

Been having fun all night playing MP. This is a surprise game. I really am enjoying the MP legitimately. I can see me playing this for a WHILE.

Also the controls feel good now. At first I felt like I was controlling Old Snake through a microwave but now it feels good. I play free aim, target assist and slowdown off, aim acceleration at 10 and h/v speed @ 7. Feels completely natural now.
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