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Men in Black 2 - the worst sequel ever made? Yes, yes it is

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How can a movie as good as Jurassic Park get a sequel as bad as The Lost World ? This is the worst movie Spielberg had ever done, yes even worse than Crystal Skull !

What sucks even more is that the book was a lot better, they just fucked it up with the whole San Diego aspect.
It's godawful, but that indignity goes to Highlander 2: The Quickening.

And if we want to be cruel about it, I'll say The Blue Lagoon 2, for managing to make the first one look watchable by comparison.
The first MIB is close to perfect. The sequels have been mediocre at best, embarrassing (knoxville's double alien head guy) at worst. To those saying the second Matrix film is one of the biggest drop's in quality from the original, I strongly disagree. Rather than repeat myself, i'll just repost my defense for it from the 15th anniversary thread.

I really enjoyed the 2nd film and thought the 3rd was weaker than the first two but still a decent movie. Of course no sequel could ever have the impact of seeing the original after we had been familiarized with the concept, but I still feel like Reloaded (2) is just as good as the first. Revolutions had interesting scenes and ideas, but it felt very unbalanced. Too much "real world" and not enough Matrix. Stuff like the sentinel battle and Smith fight went on for waaaaay too long and it felt like they were just padding the film to get a decent run time.

But 2... I don't get the hate for 2 at all. It was well balanced as far as real world vs matrix scenes, we got to see Zion and how Neo had become a messiah-like figure to them, and we got a deeper understanding of the politics of the matrix itself with characters like Merovingian. The dialogue was as interesting and well written as anything in the first. My favorites being the Merovingian restaurant scene, the Architect scene at the end, and the conversations between Morpheus, Lock, and Hammond. "I do not believe it to be a matter of hope... it is simply a matter of time." Then the whole reveal with the Architect at the end, and the reaction of everyone, especially Morpheus, when they hear the news. And then there are the cool set-piece moments that stick in my mind like the fight with Oracle (...i must apologize...), the Twins, Chateau fight, the highway scene, etc. Sorry for gushing, but 2 is my favorite of the trilogy. 3 felt like they cut the final act from 2 and made an entire movie out of it. If they had made a tighter, stand-alone sequel combining 2 and 3, I think that would have been best.

Sure it wasn't as fresh, influential, or culturally significant as the original, but that doesn't make it a bad film.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Highlander 2 wins by default. Not only was there so much wrong with it, but it also destroyed pretty much everything that was good about the first one.

The Exorcist 2 was pretty bad, and like Highlander 2 it was completely unnecessary.

Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is one of the better known trainwrecks in recent history.

That at least had the interesting and topical gay subtext to go along with it. And to be honest it wasn't that bad a movie.


Ghostbusters 2 was worse.

No it wasn't. Ghostbusters 2 wasn't bad (though it wasn't as good as the first movie), they just played it too safe and made it too much like the first movie.

It has some really great jokes and scenes, I think the courtroom scene is one of the best in the series.

Foghorn Leghorn

Unconfirmed Member
I didn't say anything about Toy Story 2, I said Muppets, all Muppets.

Even Francis Ford Coppola says "There should have only been one. " It was pointless, almost three hours of nothing to show he's alone at the end, make it 90 minutes and it may have been better or make the second all about the rise of Vito and you have yourself a good movie. Part 2 is Fonzi strapping on the skis, part 3 he's clearly landed on the other side of the shark.


provides useful feedback
Um... how crucified will I be if I nominate Hangover Part Two as one of the worst sequels I've ever seen? I really liked the first, but making the exact film again but with a monkey and a new location is just insultingly lazy in my opinion.

Troll 2 isnt a sequel. It has nothing to do with the original "troll."

Edit: I should clarify. The films were made by entirely different people, from start to finish. The troll 2 people don't even have the rights to "troll." IIRC the same company made a "terminator 2" before Cameron did for the same reasons. Its an original concept with a bullshit title to fool people.


I thought MIB 2 was better, MIB's ending was pretty anticlimactic I thought, and Frank's hilarious.

Perhaps the French dub improves the movie.


You can basically add any Disney sequel to this list. The Lion King II & Return of Jafar are especially egregious in this regard.

Makes me worry for Wreck-It Ralph II...


The first MIB is close to perfect. The sequels have been mediocre at best, embarrassing (knoxville's double alien head guy) at worst. To those saying the second Matrix film is one of the biggest drop's in quality from the original, I strongly disagree. Rather than repeat myself, i'll just repost my defense for it from the 15th anniversary thread.

Sure it wasn't as fresh, influential, or culturally significant as the original, but that doesn't make it a bad film.

I like you A LOT!

And nothing will ever beat Batman and Robin as far a shitty sequels to good franchises, with a special price to Speed 2.
Ghost Rider 2. And I say this as one of the 4 people on the planet (if there are even that many) who actually liked the first Ghost Rider movie. Not only liked it, but watched it more than once! I went into the second movie eyes open, as someone who enjoyed the first one, and had the attitude that "like most things, internet hate is blown out of proportion, I'm ready to have a good time!".


This is a surprisingly good answer. GR1 wasn't exactly great cinema, but 2 is SHOCKINGLY bad. Completely unwatchable.
-effects that still hold up today (except the octopus-alien birthing scene)

I agree with everything except this part. The effects in MIB was awful. Some of the fakest CGI out there. The Alien roach at night looks terrible. Usually CGI is easier to hide at night, but man was it fake. Everything else in MIB was excellent except the CGI. They were horrible in 1997 and horrible today.


Highlander 2
Mortal Kombat 2

There's your list. I don't think anything can compare.

Matrix doesn't fully wreck until Revolutions. It's the unfulfilled pay off that kills the franchise.

Edit: and it should be called Super Wreck-it-Ralph!


Someone doesn't know about Highlander 2.
In less then 12 min they buttfucked the series and killed of the film series with only two words: Planet Zeist.
Agreed with the OP, MIB1 is a classic and I still hate MIB2. Only part I like in that movie is J's partner at the beginning when he's crying and he neralizes him.
I'd throw Oceans 12's hat into the mix too. That was some bullshit.

That movie hurt me when I first saw it. Ocean's 11 was a favorite of mine and throughout 12 I just kept thinking, "...really?" The whole Julia Roberts playing Julia Roberts gag was unbearable.

I do think I liked it better when I saw it again a few years later, but it was still not that great. 13 was better, but felt kinda soulless for the most part.
The Matrix Reloaded was a much bigger drop in quality. MIB2 sucked, but as much as I like the original movie, it really isn't all THAT great when you take it on its own merits. Very good, but too flawed to be "great."

At least MIB2 had Laura Flynn Boyle parading around in lingerie, pre-facelift.

I.... like The Lost World, a lot.

Don't kill me.

To live in shame is a greater punishment. The Lost World is through-and-through a complete piece of shit. Spielberg should be mortified.

Someone doesn't know about Highlander 2.
In less then 12 min they buttfucked the series and killed of the film series with only two words: Planet Zeist.

This might be, objectively, the correct answer.


Now hold on a second. I know Robocop 2 had a lot going wrong with it and basically lacked the heart and soul of the first movie but damnit it's entertaining and it doesn't belong in the worst sequels ever made list.

I'd say MK: Annihilation and Highlander 2 do go up there yeah.
The best part of the Lost World is the raptors in the tall grass which they nicked from the unused Alien3 treatment.

Oh. I thought it was the girl doing a gymnastics routine on perfectly placed pipes to defeat a prehistoric killing machine.

Or maybe that comes second to a T-Rex that can kill the crew of a ship, including the pilot inside the enclosed bridge despite having a head to large to fit inside, and then lock itself from the outside into the hold of the ship.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, easily. MiB2 at least had sexy Rosario Dawson

Oh hell no. ToD is the weakest of the original 3 films, but it's not at all a bad film. It's just sitting between two GREAT films so it looks bad by comparison.
Gotta love how it's universally accepted how bad MIB2 was. Reminds me how simple yet effective a certain South Park intro was: ,,Boy, I hope this movie won't suck'' *camera zooms out - MiB2 on the theater board

3rd was aight, although some shit like the time travel hobo was still annoying.
Ask yourself: Is The Lost World a quantifiably worse movie than Highlander 2, Mortal Kombat Aaihilation, Son of the Mask, or Caddyshack II?

If your answer is yes, you're wrong.
I think theres two tiers of shitty sequels.

One where most of the creatives and leads behind the original return, you expect lightening to be captured again and the films turns out to be a disappointing mess.

Then theres the obvious shit like American Psycho 2 and Donnie Darko 2, that typically have no association with the first and that you never expected to be good in the first place.

I think the former is way more deflating.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Aside from the opening scene, the one with the RV dangling off the cliff, and the San Diego climax, I can never remember anything about the movie.
Besides the OG Star Wars trilogy and the Indiana Jones franchise I can't think of a single sequel that's been decent.


As for Men in Black 2, I actually like the general idea of the plot, but the movie always felt like it wasn't completely finished to me. The whole thing goes by so fast, and then they defeat the big bad alien by... just shooting it a bunch of times. I get the feeling the production was really rushed.


Favorite part of The Lost World was how it started out. "Oh no, not the little girl! :(". It reminded us that dinosaurs were still bad business, it built tension. Showed us that in this movie, nothing will be sacred.


John Hammond: "Oh she's fine, fine!"

Hammond's nephew: "The little girl will be fine."

Really?? She didn't look that fine to me. A bigger, more formidable piece of meat didn't last against compys, and the girl certainly didn't look to have been gotten to in time.
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