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Mercury Steam: "of course we've thought of making Metroid 3DS"

A new, atmospheric 2D Metroid, developed by Nintendo SPD, with gameplay designed by Sakamoto, a MINIMALISTIC storyline, and a drive to recapture the essence of Super Metroid....

It wouldn't be that expensive to create, and it would greatly please hardcore gamers.

Now THAT is a win-win situation.

Anyone else but Nintendo SPD or Retro Studios....I don't trust with the franchise.


They're definitely not qualified for it
not that Team Ninja was either, apparently.


Oh my god please no!

Keep them the hell away from Metroid. Hasn't it suffered enough?

Oh come on. It's had one bad game. And the game wasn't horrible; although it did not come close to being a Metroid game, it was still halfway decent.

Put WayForward on Metroid. They can make an awesome game.


Hopefully Mercury Steam will dissolve after Mirror of Fate and LOS2 bomb, so that we never have to hear from these talentless hacks ever again.


at last, for christ's sake


irresponsible vagina leak
Hopefully Mercury Steam will dissolve after Mirror of Fate and LOS2 bomb, so that we never have to hear from these talentless hacks ever again.

Not to that point, a lot of people losing their jobs aint good. I rather have them do the 3Dvanias since that one was actually enjoyable and let other team (IGA or new team) do the portable games (2D preferably)

Is it bad that even though I liked Jericho and the first LoS, I'm still scared of this developer?
I liked Jericho (Better AI and more variety on enemies would have helped it) and I liked a lot LOS since then again there was no standard set for 3Dvanias (Yet if we want to follow how Castlevania is then C64 its the closest thing to being Castlevania on 3d)


oh god imagine it...

a 40 hour long gears of war clone at 10fps with zobek calling and 10 different types of rage meter


irresponsible vagina leak
Couldn't be worse than Other M.

-15fps in action heavy areas
-Music that doesn't fit the areas or events (check Lords of Shadows 3DS demo)
-Enemies being bullet sponges
-Try hard story (At least it will probably get better voice acting and portrayal than Other M)

On the positive side
+Looks pretty
+Good Music
+Ok-decent gameplay
-15fps in action heavy areas
-Music that doesn't fit the areas or events (check Lords of Shadows 3DS demo)
-Enemies being bullet sponges
-Try hard story

On the positive side
+Looks pretty
+Good Music


Something tells me you're taking this harder than most... my thoughts with you at this difficult time.


irresponsible vagina leak

Something tells me you're taking this harder than most... my thoughts with you at this difficult time.

Well despite my avatar I wouldnt go saying Castlevania:LOS:MOF its a 4.5 (more like a 6.5-7.5) yet I have enough complains to not like it. I did enjoyed Lords of Shadows 1 but this game simply rubs me the wrong way in multiple places (Framerate and Damage Sponges being the biggest offenders) with some of the changes yet I dont exactly call it garbage exactly.

It might be sorta generic epic music but still doesnt take away that its good music. (Still Castlevania OSTs are hard to top, even Judgment had a banging OST)


irresponsible vagina leak
The biggest question is how would they fit their jokes on Metroid? Dead Chozo Scrolls?
Lords of Shadow was a bloated mess of a game. The first 3 or so chapters were fucking terrible. The pacing in that game was atrocious and it was also a technical mess. Seems like issues that could be fixed in a sequel. But seeing as how Mirror of Fate, from the sounds of it is not good and runs at 15 FPS; I doubt these guys are capable of making a great game.

I would rather Nintendo just make an actual 2D Metroid for the 3DS instead of Mercury Steam.


If anyone is up to the challenge of making a worse Metroid than Other M, surely it must be Mercury Steam!

Agreed! Go from making an anime Metroid to a western Bay/JJ Metroid! No Thank You

No, ta. The demo of Mirror of Fate was OK, but I wouldn't want a Metroid title in that vein. I'd rather a second Team Ninja collaboration before putting the MS team on it.

Mechanically and presentation-wise, Other M was sound. Some questionable design decisions - the first-person sections, for example - and heavy-handed storytelling gave it a boot in the balls, but it was still a far more accomplished title than Mirror of Fate appears to be from what I've played and read.

The said can be said about Mirror of Fate. The presentation, sound, story, and graphics are all sound. Just not for a game that is titled Castlevania!


No please. Metroid is currently the only good exploration saga that is still alive. You already killed my favorite one and don't whant the second even more dead.


I did enjoyed Lords of Shadows 1 but this game simply rubs me the wrong way in multiple places (Framerate and Damage Sponges being the biggest offenders) with some of the changes yet I dont exactly call it garbage exactly.
I'm waiting for the LoS 1 to be released on the PC when the sequel is eventually released and then I can finally play the game proper. I played the first few levels and after gouging my eyes out because of the frame rate I decided I probably have something more worthwhile to do. PC has restored my faith in gaming.
Wait a second...15 FPS?!

The PSP remake of Rondo was already a hot mess in my eyes due to the frame-rate. What was Mercury Steam thinking?


They can stay the hell away from Metroid for all I care. I really didn't care for their Castlevania game, and I don't think it'd carry over well to Metroid.
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