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Metal Gear Rising PC release date Jan 9.

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I have an fx8320. Would that be good for this? Also, what rez are the videos(720p?)

Answer to both questions: we don't know.

And we won't know how well the game runs until it is released. Considering the size of the game it's fairly likely the videos are the PS3 version's so 720p, but nothing is certain.


Hoping my Q6600 can choke it's way through this game. A year and a half ago I made my first PC upgrade since building my Q6600/GTX 260 system, and aside from some open world games and Battlefield it's been fine. I don't see why it shouldn't be able to handle this when it could handle sleeping dogs just fine, but you never know.

Guess I could try to get that overclock back where it was too. Time has not been kind to my build.


I bought this but have no idea what to expect performance-wise. I have an NVidia GeForce GTX 560M (2GB) with 8GB of RAM. Intel Core i7, Windows 7... I'm never sure what to cite for computer specs.

Bottom line is, this thing has been able to run the PC version of every PS3 game at like twice the frame rate, no screen-tearing, etc, so I'd like to think it could handle a PS3 game that already runs at 60 fps.


You should be just fine.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Hoping my Q6600 can choke it's way through this game. A year and a half ago I made my first PC upgrade since building my Q6600/GTX 260 system, and aside from some open world games and Battlefield it's been fine. I don't see why it shouldn't be able to handle this when it could handle sleeping dogs just fine, but you never know.

Guess I could try to get that overclock back where it was too. Time has not been kind to my build.

Sleeping Dogs was a fantastic port. Not really the norm these days from japanese devs. I'm hopeful though.


He's not saying Sleeping Dogs is a good Japanese port, he's saying Sleeping Dogs is a good port in general.

He said that because someone else was mentioning how well Sleeping Dogs ran on their computer.


aka IMurRIVAL69
sleeping dogs wasn't made by japanese devs. the game itself isn't even japanese, its cantonese and chinese

Wow. I know. I'm not sure what part of that post is making people think I implied SD was a japanese game but it's obviously not.

Just saying that just because your older rig was able to run SD doesn't mean it will run this, because SD was a great port and japanese devs have dropped some pretty bad ports on steam recently.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
What are the chances we'll get a quick fix/mod to neuter that awful auto-centering camera?
I really, really hated it on PS3 and it's the main reason I had given up on the game. I fucking hate the automatically drifting camera in games, I had to constantly fight it to have it where I wanted and the game was hectic enough without having to worry about the camera starting to shift out if view in the middle of a boss' attack.
Preordered this today. Loved the demo on PS3, but I didn't buy it at the time, probable because it was $ 60 and supposedly only 4 hours long.

But for 20 something bucks on PC? So in.


Santa May Claus
Preordered this today. Loved the demo on PS3, but I didn't buy it at the time, probable because it was $ 60 and supposedly only 4 hours long.

But for 20 something bucks on PC? So in.

The game's not four hours long. That rumor spread because of reviewers taking the game clock at face value. The game clock doesn't count cutscenes or replays (retrying after death). It always shows your "best" time.


The game's not four hours long. That rumor spread because of reviewers taking the game clock at face value. The game clock doesn't count cutscenes or replays (retrying after death). It always shows your "best" time.

Well, at least the Steam timer will give us the true time.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Ok, so how do I move it to my proper Steam directory after it has unlocked?

If the game doesn't unpack to your desired library folder, you can just move the installation folder to the other library folder then uninstall and then reinstall it through Steam, at which point you will be given a choice. Steam will detect the existing data and, assuming everything downloaded correctly in the first place, won't actually download anything.
The game's not four hours long. That rumor spread because of reviewers taking the game clock at face value. The game clock doesn't count cutscenes or replays (retrying after death). It always shows your "best" time.

I clocked in around ten hours in my first playthrough. Only wanted to find a few secrets, didn't fuck around all that much, and kinda rushed through. Died about four times too.

Also, this game offers a fuckton of collectables, secrets, and a bunch of side missions that are pretty gud. You are suppose to run through the game as fast as possible once you beat it - it's like an arcade game but with a ton of depth.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rising is still very short on a single playthrough, especially if you're running on a lower difficulty. I highly recommend everyone starts on Hard, or whatever the difficulty up from standard/normal is. The parry window is pretty damn wide on normal, making encounters much easier to cheese once you've got the basics down. The upgrade system generally negates any cruel difficulty curve that harder difficulties introduce.
Rising is still very short on a single playthrough, especially if you're running on a lower difficulty. I highly recommend everyone starts on Hard, or whatever the difficulty up from standard/normal is. The parry window is pretty damn wide on normal, making encounters much easier to cheese once you've got the basics down. The upgrade system generally negates any cruel difficulty curve that harder difficulties introduce.

Thanks for the tip. Any other gameplay tips I should be aware of as well?


Please tell me that this game will support 3D out the box on PC? That would be incredible!

If not, I can pray that Helix will do his magic to this game and make it 3D ready.


If not I'm hoping for the Gods of 3d (Helix and eqzitara) to release the files to make it 3d compatible.
Currently playing brothers in 3D and that game is blowing my fucking mind.


Oh, that's official info? My Q6600 might be fine after all.
pretty sure jp said something to that effect in this very thread

and it's okay for those parameters to be labeled as the minimum? I laugh heartily.
well considering the zandatsu mechanic is quite cpu intensive, it's not entirely ridiculous that an i5 is considered minimum

i'm willing to bet that the game will run on lesser cpus just fine (actually i'm kind of counting on it, with my now five year old cpu), just there may be some framerate chugging depending on the zangeki configuration while in zandatsu mode

nobody will really know until release but minimum specs usually have some wiggle room


Thanks for the tip. Any other gameplay tips I should be aware of as well?

- First thing you should buy is the Defensive Offensive special move, it is this games dodge move
-When parrying or blocking make sure to let the stick return to neutral after tapping forward and hitting attack
-When enemies flash red they can be parried and blocked. When they flash yellow they are going for an unblockable so dodge
If the game doesn't unpack to your desired library folder, you can just move the installation folder to the other library folder then uninstall and then reinstall it through Steam, at which point you will be given a choice. Steam will detect the existing data and, assuming everything downloaded correctly in the first place, won't actually download anything.

Excellent, thanks Jase.


If the game doesn't unpack to your desired library folder, you can just move the installation folder to the other library folder then uninstall and then reinstall it through Steam, at which point you will be given a choice. Steam will detect the existing data and, assuming everything downloaded correctly in the first place, won't actually download anything.

Holy shit, you can really do this now? I don't have to set up junction points and stuff in order to move installed games to different drives anymore?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thanks for the tip. Any other gameplay tips I should be aware of as well?

Like BadWolf said, defensive/offensive is a good early upgrade as it gives you a dodge-like move. Main thing to remember is the fundamental of Rising's combat is not like Bayonetta. In the latter game mobility and athletics were the backbone of defence, particularly dodges/witch time. Rising is more about offence being the best defence, so instead of trying to avoid incoming attacks you're expected to clash back via the parry system. The counter to this are unblockable attacks, but these are heavily telegraphed super moves you can learn to dodge.

Back when the demo first launched on PS3/X360, and it did a fair terrible job of teaching the mechanics, people got real pissy about how odd the game was to play because, I suspect, they were trying to play it like a dodge heavy character action game. Once folk got the parry down the combat systems made a lot more sense.

Thankfully the main game teaches you the importance of parry right off the bat.

The only other tip I'd give everyone is to avoid grinding for the the fucking Grey Fox "Fox Blade" upgrade, which was a DLC bonus weapon that will be bundled with the PC build. It costs a fortune, but the fully upgraded blade itself is a total cheat weapon that one-hit-kills most enemies in the game irrespective of difficulty (bosses aside).


They are unproven in this department. And the logic in them lying would be to get more sales before word gets out on how the port actually runs.

In that case why wouldn't they lower the minimum specs in the first place? They're supposed to be an approximate indicator of what the game requires to actually run on low settings, not in 60fps or at max fidelity, let alone with some crazy additional physics option like Zangeki.

Basically everyone here is saying that we'll only know for sure when the game is released anyway, so I don't see the point in arguing.


yes, why shouldn't i?

what would be the logic in lying about how platinum measured the minimum and required specs?
The only logic here is they're new to PC.

Compare an i5 to the CPUs of the PS3/360, then tell me the game is CPU intensive so it needs an i5. With a straigh face.
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