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Metro Last Light dev: 'Wii U has horrible, slow CPU' [Up: DICE dev comments]

And this is why I'm sticking to a PC+Nintendo console life. Can never be 100% one side.

This. It served me well this last gen... I got a PS3 late, and even now I've mostly only played free games I got on PSN+, most of which I could have gotten on steam sale.

In fact, I only got a PS3 for Final Fantasy... and with the way FF games have been turning out, I think I'm okay to leave that behind.
This claim is probably a cover up story because THQ is under serious financial issues and they need to cut some expenses, hence Wii U Metro Last Light cancellation.

And this:

“We had an initial look at the Wii U, but given the size of the team and compared to where we were last time, just developing for the Playstation 3 is a significant addition.”

Take away credibility of his claims if you ask me.
The console is over $300 yet performs at basically the same level as systems that have been out for over 5 years. Even the thing that sets them apart from the other consoles is outdated compared to the touchscreen technology that is available in just about every device nowadays.

truth. BUT...those other devices don't have Samus, Link, Bayonetta and Mario. So there's that.
It's also a shame that people see Nintendo release a Mario game or two and completely forget they also created/published Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Rhythm Heaven, Zangeki no Reginleiv, Wii ____, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Batallion Wars, Another Code etc. Not bad for a single company where you listed multiple.

Look up "selective memory" in the dictionary and you'll find "NeoGAF"

battalion wars is a spin off to the wars series, that started with the gamecube (the battalion wars). another code started in the ds in 2005. rhythm heaven with the gba in 2006. seems to me you're just moving those goalposts.
It's also a shame that people see Nintendo release a Mario game or two and completely forget they also created/published Xenoblade, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Rhythm Heaven, Zangeki no Reginleiv, Wii ____, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Batallion Wars, Another Code etc. Not bad for a single company where you listed multiple.

Look up "selective memory" in the dictionary and you'll find "NeoGAF"
Did Disaster even come out?

Xenoblade and Last Story are good, but only really appeal to the Japanese market or shrinking JRPG fan base.

Battalion Wars is an older IP.

Rhythm Heaven originated as a DS game and is more for casual gaming.

Don't know about the other games. You really can't compare it to Sony. If Nintendo is going to sell their system on first party alone, then they should have the most first party games.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???

I understand it's been built to a certain cost but that was the best they could do? Was it worth it saving $5 on the CPU and $5 on the RAM?

I'd pay an extra £50 if it meant a Wii-U that is 4xPS3 power levels.
To be fair we dont know the potential of the system. Im not a tech guy at all but it certainly seems like for an extra maybe $50-60 in costs they could have dramatically increased the consoles performance.
Yes, but the Wii ended up being the least favorite console for 3rd party developers, thanks to its lack in power. And this fact hurt the Wii in the end.

So this is pretty concerning.
... that's what I was implying.

Nintendo will get fucked over again because they refuse to take the jump to next-gen like the rest of the industry does.
This claim is probably a cover up story because THQ is under serious financial issues and they need to cut some expenses, hence Wii U Metro Last Light cancellation.

And this:

Take away credibility of his claims if you ask me.

Why? There have been reports of the CPU being weak for quite a while now


So, I'm confused. Both the CPU and Ram are bad on the Wii U? I thought it was better than at least the 360?


When your first statement in response is "lol really," it's hard to take that as "critical feedback/honest logical opinions." That's just the way conversation works.

It's hard to believe that people are going to such great lengths to defend against perfectly understandable feelings/opinions. When someone hears something that's ridiculous, it usually makes them laugh and/or be shocked. That's just the way people are.

Because GAF wasn't just complaining about the power. That statement reaches much further than that. Take, for instance, the "Nintendoland is garbage" thread today. Or, take a look at the most popular third-party games on the Wii and the genres they're in. Do you honestly think those match up well with GAF?

How is that in any relation to what's being discussed in this thread?

Also, a few troll threads =/= GAF as a whole.

Nintendo hasn't been built around making games for most on GAF in a decade or more. GAF's userbase is mostly built around people who enjoy traditional gaming. Look at the outcry against motion controllers on here. Wii clearly wasn't built for them and clearly wasn't accepted by them.

More people would be interested in new ways to play games if the systems themselves felt like actual steps up.

Nintendo's strategy would be like MS ending the current gen in 2010 and then releasing "Xbox Kinect" as their new next-gen system... a new system that's exactly the same as the 360 but just with a new way to play (kinect).

That statement had nothing to do with power.

If it had nothing to do with power at all, why make that statement in this thread? That's what I don't get.

Again, people need to understand that Nintendo has moved on from being solely a traditional gaming company. They're much more interested in providing other ways to play.

A lot of people DO understand that. Heck, they never have been "traditional". But at least during the 8-bit/16-bit gen they were able to make unique experiences while at the same time backing them up with fresh graphics & improved power to make for more modes and/or other features to add on to the uniqueness.

Having those things put together makes for a more unique/different experience from what was out in the past in comparison to just having a system with a unique control scheme and nothing more that's new in comparison to what's already out.
If you would just pay attention. The wii u is struggling with current generation engines because its architecture is too advanced.
Not "advanced" but "forward-thinking".. in a sense. Nintendo probably is betting on futures consoles to be more GPU-heavy like the Wii U. That is not a farfetched idea with some of the rumors we are hearing.


So it still can run the Zelda 2011 demo but not Metro LN? I start understanding THQ's situation with those devs...

"We didn't feel like learning a new console"

If by "honesty" you mean unprofessionalism, sure. That was pretty childish.

Gamers: "Nintendo, give us an HD console!"

Nintendo releases and HD console.

Gamers: "Not HD enough!"

I'm already enjoying this new console generation. I cannot wait for what MS and Sony shows us.

I'm bored of developers talking about the Wii U's power based on how well their ports run. This is why I don't buy 3rd party games on Nintendo systems, they are the laziest most uncreative people on the planet the second you ask them to develop for a Nintendo platform. Seriously were Factor 5 the only ones who actually gave a shit?



To be fair we dont know the potential of the system. Im not a tech guy at all but it certainly seems like for an extra maybe $50-60 in costs they could have dramatically increased the consoles performance.

Exactly...you save a dollar here and there but long term they lose 3rd party license fees and sales.

I'm not an expert but an extra $20 in costs per Wii would silence everyone.

Just look at the GC. That thing was a beast and gave the PS2 a broken nose and the XBOX a bloody nose for half the price.


Metro was a very very CPU heavy game on PC. Even on 360 they were doing a CPU based AA if I remember correctly, that's probably why they have difficulties.


I have to agree with the above though...buying 3rd party games on a Nintendo console is silly business outside of the big companies and even then....


When your first statement in response is "lol really," it's hard to take that as "critical feedback/honest logical opinions." That's just the way conversation works.
So everything that has lol in it isn't logical or critical, ok got it.
What are you saying is ridiculous.

Because GAF wasn't just complaining about the power. That statement reaches much further than that. Take, for instance, the "Nintendoland is garbage" thread today. Or, take a look at the most popular third-party games on the Wii and the genres they're in. Do you honestly think those match up well with GAF?

Nintendo hasn't been built around making games for most on GAF in a decade or more. GAF's userbase is mostly built around people who enjoy traditional gaming. Look at the outcry against motion controllers on here. Wii clearly wasn't built for them and clearly wasn't accepted by them.

That statement had nothing to do with power.

Again, people need to understand that Nintendo has moved on from being solely a traditional gaming company. They're much more interested in providing other ways to play.
Power help to overcome or at least obscure to some point problems therefore people tend to forgive annoying stuff if they have something else to look on. If the wiiu was powerful enough you wouldn't even seen half the threads here about bashing on the console.


Its a little sad to hear and annoying, i was never not going to get the other two new systems next year so it doesnt effect me in the long run but i hope it doesnt come back to bite ninty on the arse.


Primary source please.

Do you have any reasons to doubt that both MS and Sony will come up with a radically more advanced gaming console ?

I expect the Orbis and Durango to be almost a generation ahead of the Wii U if they are as powerful as they should be.

Conor 419

do you really need a source for that o_0

There's been a like a rumour posted once a month about the upcoming 2, and they're all far too similar to not be true. Where there's smoke....yeah.

Primary source, please.

Do you have any reasons to doubt that both MS and Sony will come up with a radically more advanced gaming console ?

I think there's excellent motivation for Sony to not play the power game again.


Vita/PS3 vs PS1/PS2.


Exactly...you save a dollar here and there but long term they lose 3rd party license fees and sales.

I'm not an expert but an extra $20 in costs per Wii would silence everyone.

Just look at the GC. That thing was a beast and gave the PS2 a broken nose and the XBOX a bloody nose for half the price.

And the gc performance got them all the third parties on board...?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
battalion wars is a spin off to the wars series, that started with the gamecube (the battalion wars). another code started in the ds in 2005. rhythm heaven with the gba in 2006. seems to me you're just moving those goalposts.

DS is last gen, same as Wii. RH may have started GBA but was during the same timeframe as DS and Wii. BW you're right, my mistake.

Did Disaster even come out?

Xenoblade and Last Story are good, but only really appeal to the Japanese market or shrinking JRPG fan base.

Battalion Wars is an older IP.

Rhythm Heaven originated as a DS game and is more for casual gaming.

Don't know about the other games. You really can't compare it to Sony. If Nintendo is going to sell their system on first party alone, then they should have the most first party games.

Disaster did come out in Japan and Europe. Not in America doesn't mean it didn't happen.

My point is I hate this constant narrative that Nintendo is "artistically" bankrupt because they have a few IPs they reuse a lot, namely Mario and Zelda. They don't overuse IPs any more than any other company, the only difference is that it's been around longer. It's a bullshit narrative. And this is coming from a diehard Sega fan. Nintendo is not who I want to defend.

But even if it means defending my old nemesis I will call out bullshit when I see it.
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