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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


Neo Member
Final boss:

Wat. What the hell was that? Never seen a sorrier excuse for a boss fight, let alone a final boss. Anticlimax to the max. Ending in general was such horseshit, too.

Yeah the ending was probably the weakest part of the entire game. I don't even care for boss fights that much but that was on a whole other level.
General consensus? Dunno if it's the general, but the last 30 or so pages can pretty much be summed up as "Wow, Nemesis system is SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!". Take from that what you will.

One explanation for the schizophrenic reactions on GAF is probably that some of us have been following this game from an early stage, when Monolith was showing off 100+ hours of gameplay footage... so we had a pretty good idea of what to expect and were hyped long before the preload started. Because of all the footage, the mechanics were fairly obvious to us and we were patient with the game's slow progression because we knew where it was building up to.

Others got hyped more recently when the reviews dropped and this OT got its momentum and I can definitely see how the game's flaws make it less accessible and fun to them.

It's not a perfect game by any stretch but it does combat and emergent storytelling so well, we enjoy it despite the imperfections.

And the Nemesis system is SOOOO AWESOME!!!!
For people finding the game difficult, especially earlier on, I've found that running away occassionally makes the game extremely easy. If you just retreat away a bit and find an herb to replenish your health, but stay close enough so that the captain/ warchief you are fighting is still "engaged" in the fight, its really not that hard.

You can do as much damage as you can until your health gets low, and then retreat a bit, find an herb, and come back into the fray and the captain/warchief will be where you left him in terms of health and whatnot.

I got myself into a pickle in a strong fighting a certain warchief and 3 captains arrived with with him, I was able to take them all out with this approach. It takes a while, but its worth it. I think the habit is to just keep fighting in the horde until you die, but don't be afraid to run a bit!
My main issue with this game at first was using X to run. Even now I pull the right trigger (I assume this is muscle memory from the AC games). Other than thatI have been having a great time with the game. The brutal combat and nemesis system and the way they are both presented really make it satisfying.


Neo Member
Have spent over 35 hours on this game, seriously addictive. What I don't like is the respawning rate of the orcs in the stronghold once the alarm goes off. I spent almost an hour hacking away until I realised it wasn't going to end. No matter how much I enjoy the combat I absolutely detest endless waves of enemies.

As for taking out war cheifs becomes so simple once you have the ability to brand, all you have to do is brand a captain make him a body guard and then command him to betray the war chief.

The only captains I've had issues with are ones which can't be hit with execution moves, think it's called battle master ability.

Regarding the ending
what the hell is up with the final encounter with the black hand, I was expecting an epic fight using most of the abilities learned, instead it's just a cheap ass quick time event, major let down

Just got a couple of hunting challenges left.


Got the game yesterday, did a couple of missions then decided to explore a bit. So as I aimlessly wandered about chopping orc heads left and right I spot a Graug. Without hesitation I charge the motherfucker, 5 secs later his foot on my head slightly changed my perspective on the matter so I start running like hell towards a nearby cliff.
Climbed the cliff only to come face to face with 3 Caragors who were enjoying some carcass by the fire. As probably anyone else is annoyed by uninvited guests at dinner they also charged me so I went and climbed a nearby tower. Graug soon followed the party and started dancing with the wolves while I cheered top of the tower.
Meanwhile, a small group of uruks seeing from afar the trouble I was in quickly rushed to my rescue only to be as quickly dispatched to my dissapointment.
Seeing that today was not my day I aim the last Caragor left alive, jump on his back, had one good look at the Graug and rode into the sunset shouting "I'll be baaaaack".


So far I fucking love this game.


I was talking about this with my wife last night. The nemesis system is obviously a great open world tool. We talked about how amazing a more realistic system involving the mob in GTA would be. Guys moving up the ranks, plugging moles and snitches into the pipeline, each with their own dynamic story lines. OMG

EDIT: I won't go into detail about all of the possibilities because this post will be pages long.


I was talking about this with my wife last night. The nemesis system is obviously a great open world tool. We talked about how amazing a more realistic system involving the mob in GTA would be. Guys moving up the ranks, plugging moles and snitches into the pipeline, each with their own dynamic story lines. OMG

EDIT: I won't go into detail about all of the possibilities because this post will be pages long.

I agree. The Nemesis System is such a great foundation for other inspiring uses. Allthough it coul be hard in more realistic games, if you kill someone for him to come back :p


Neo Member
I'm trying to do one of the warchief missions where I need to kill 20 Uruks in 2 minutes, and can never get above 11 or 12. Am I bad or is this just unnecessarily difficult? I mean, the combat isn't hard but it can take a while to kill stuff, especially since they never seem to be in groups of 4 or more in this particular section.

I find it'l take 20-30 seconds to kill a group of 4, then maybe another 10-15 seconds to get to the next group, even with the shadow strike.

I had issues with this mission also.
What you can do is first run around the camp getting noticed. You'll probably get them to sound the alarm, which is something you want.

Once Orcs start arriving, keep dodging and moving, don't kill anyone. Group them up next to a bonfire or explosive barrel, once they're grouped up, shoot an arrow.

That should kill 10+
The rest is easy.

The only problem is, when the Warchief arrives, you'll have a full camp under alarm. You can run to another part of the camp and fight less orcs, but it will still be complicated.


Neo Member
My main issue with this game at first was using X to run. Even now I pull the right trigger (I assume this is muscle memory from the AC games). Other than thatI have been having a great time with the game. The brutal combat and nemesis system and the way they are both presented really make it satisfying.

"Hold X to run" bothered me as well in the beginning, but then I realized that you couldn't map it to R2 because you need both the tap to dodge and the hold to run. Tapping L2 for a dagger ends up with me drawing the bow half the time, so X for run and R2 for stealth is actually a pretty good design choice.


I agree. The Nemesis System is such a great foundation for other inspiring uses. Allthough it coul be hard in more realistic games, if you kill someone for him to come back :p

Oh yeah for sure that would have to go lol. But how "Departed" would it be to see your rookie cop go from the academy to the upper ranks of the mob and see that evolution? I'd die happy
I had issues with this mission also.
What you can do is first run around the camp getting noticed. You'll probably get them to sound the alarm, which is something you want.

Once Orcs start arriving, keep dodging and moving, don't kill anyone. Group them up next to a bonfire or explosive barrel, once they're grouped up, shoot an arrow.

That should kill 10+
The rest is easy.

The only problem is, when the Warchief arrives, you'll have a full camp under alarm. You can run to another part of the camp and fight less orcs, but it will still be complicated.

That's actually a good shout, never thought about setting off the alarm first. Just assumed that would start the time for some reason.


Okay I just got the branding mechanic last night. What a game changing system to introduce halfway through the game! I wish the game started with branding because it completely changes how I approach every situation. It feels like a strategy action game now.
So I've got a Legendary Captain I'm dealing with, who's killed me so many times (Snanog, he's a total jerk), he's now got 20 Power and he can only be damaged by ranged combat or explosions. He's also a body guard for one of the war chiefs I have to kill.

No matter how hard I try, I can't kill this guy. Any advice on what I can do?
Alright. Just finished after approximately 23 hours and 50-60% completion.

The ending was shite - like, really shite. Not only was it incredibly anticlimactic, but there could not have been a bigger, more stinging slap in the face to the suite of mechanics that made the game fun.

Anyway, first and foremost, the game is good. I just want to get that out there, because I'm going to throw some negativity up in here. So, yeah. There's no doubt about it. SoM = fun and I had fun.
It's also incredibly fucking addictive

Also, the Nemesis System is great. 'Nuff said. Truly something special that Monolith should pat themselves on the back for, even if it does take a little too long to reach that sweet spot of functionality after being somewhat gimmicky (albeit nifty).

THAT BEING SAID, SoM's underlying mechanics are just... Shallow. Every action is so automated and arguably only a few steps above the dreaded QTE -
unless we're talking that Graug mission, which is a laughable venture right through the heart of QTE City. Spare me.
There is variety and satisfaction to be had in the combat, but when it has such an underlying tone of simplicity and is so frequent, the game world starts to flake away and you feel like you're playing some sort of weird medieval Whack-a-Mole on autopilot. And hey, that's still fun, but it really becomes draining once the mid-game hits. Everything just lacks a certain mechanical depth that would have saved it from the bouts of drudgery I experienced, or the want for something more.

Also, speaking of game world... Wow. Truly a missed opportunity. I guess the most succinct and telling thing I could say about it is that it feels like an uninspired user-made landscape created in a level editor. Lifeless, boring, cut-and-paste drabby-drab. Not to mention the crushing disappointment that slowly seeps in as you realise that this "new" map could not look or feel any similar to what you've been traversing for the past 10 hours. Really sucky.

To get back to the mechanics: I guess that, in a way, you could argue that I'm not really knocking SoM. Rather, I'm knocking Ass Creed and the Arkhams - two series that I have liked, are widely loved and from which SoM merely borrows. The problem with that train of thought to me, though, is that SoM borrows so prodigiously. Back then, these mechanics were fresh; they were novel. It's no revelation that when you lift a game's defining mechanic so rigidly (for the most part), you're opening yourself up to a whole new assortment of pitfalls and criticism; 'been-there-done-that' syndrome, eagle-eye scrutiny, etc. And really, SoM doesn't differentiate itself enough from its influences to escape these criticisms.

I probably am knocking Assham Creedsylum retroactively on some level, but I feel like it's something SoM should still have points docked for; not many, but some nonetheless.

Then there's the easy-to-identify shitty things: fail-states, QTEs, not being able to quick-restart missions, finicky parkour, mission paramaters/stats losing their tiny little brains, etc, etc.

There are niggles in Mordor and an unshakeable simplicity/shallowness that brings it down a bit, but it all works in a cohesive and fun enough manner, whilst also introducing some truly great and inspired elements. I guess, to sum it up, it's a great game for what it is and it definitely has the potential to be a whole lot more. All in all, very happy with my purchase!


I'm trying to do one of the warchief missions where I need to kill 20 Uruks in 2 minutes, and can never get above 11 or 12. Am I bad or is this just unnecessarily difficult? I mean, the combat isn't hard but it can take a while to kill stuff, especially since they never seem to be in groups of 4 or more in this particular section.

I find it'l take 20-30 seconds to kill a group of 4, then maybe another 10-15 seconds to get to the next group, even with the shadow strike.

I lured a few groups of Orcs near some explosives, detonated, killed 30 orcs in one blast, the camp was in turmoil as the warchief arrived, but I was still unseen by the Orcs, so I sneaked toward a perch over the warchief, stealth-killed the motherfucker, shot a nearby bee-hive to disperse the Orcs and retreat back to obscurity.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I lured a few groups of Orcs near some explosives, detonated, killed 30 orcs in one blast, the camp was in turmoil as the warchief arrived, but I was still unseen by the Orcs, so I sneaked toward a perch over the warchief, stealth-killed the motherfucker, shot a nearby bee-hive to disperse the Orcs and retreat back to obscurity.


So I've got a Legendary Captain I'm dealing with, who's killed me so many times (Snanog, he's a total jerk), he's now got 20 Power and he can only be damaged by ranged combat or explosions. He's also a body guard for one of the war chiefs I have to kill.

No matter how hard I try, I can't kill this guy. Any advice on what I can do?

If you have brand I'd perch up on a structure out of his reach, pluck him full of arrows (using the fire arrow special when chains are long enough if possible) and daggers, then when he's weak enough to grab hop down and brand him. Then you've got a 20 power rank buddy to help against the war chief and an immediate mole after he's dead.
I lured a few groups of Orcs near some explosives, detonated, killed 30 orcs in one blast, the camp was in turmoil as the warchief arrived, but I was still unseen by the Orcs, so I sneaked toward a perch over the warchief, stealth-killed the motherfucker, shot a nearby bee-hive to disperse the Orcs and retreat back to obscurity.

The thread is full of posts like this and some still come in wondering what all the buzz is about.

K1ng P3n

Only had the game for 2 days and there seems to be a lot that I didn't know about from reading everyone's post here. When I play later things should be interesting and oh yeah absolutely loving this game! Probably my favorite game so far this year.


Should have added an online multiplayer where you can have battle your orc army against someone else's, pokemon style.

Kaka the destroyer, I choose you!


The thread is full of posts like this and some still come in wondering what all the buzz is about.

Well, I ended up scoring a 999 hit combo on a Warchief, pushing him about 1000 feet out into the middle of nowhere, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal.
it was an entirely stupid, scripted battle where the bodyguard I commanded to kill him was actually supposed to be the one doing all of the damage. The Warchief's life stopped moving once I got him out of range of the bodyguard...it was like WTF?


I did a Vendetta mission last night where I converted 90% of an orc stronghold to my side via stealth branding (~25-30 orcs it took awhile), pressed up on the digital pad and watched the calamity ensue from high above the battlefield. Was fantastic.


I did a Vendetta mission last night where I converted 90% of an orc stronghold to my side via stealth branding (~25-30 orcs it took awhile), pressed up on the digital pad and watched the calamity ensue from high above the battlefield. Was fantastic.

I have never been able to get more than 9 orcs total to stay branded when I try that. I once branded around 30 orcs, but only 9 "stuck" as though they simply reset or respawn if you move too far away from them.


I have never been able to get more than 9 orcs total to stay branded when I try that. I once branded around 30 orcs, but only 9 "stuck" as though they simply reset or respawn if you move too far away from them.

The area I was in was a smaller stronghold and there were huge clumps of them. I simply hung off the sides and attracted them over one at a time.


Well, I ended up scoring a 999 hit combo on a Warchief, pushing him about 1000 feet out into the middle of nowhere, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal.
it was an entirely stupid, scripted battle where the bodyguard I commanded to kill him was actually supposed to be the one doing all of the damage. The Warchief's life stopped moving once I got him out of range of the bodyguard...it was like WTF?
Sounds torturous.


Sounds torturous.

All I had to do to end it was walk away. I just wanted to see how long it would take to get the counter that high. It took less time than I thought since I was getting x3 per hit.

The area I was in was a smaller stronghold and there were huge clumps of them. I simply hung off the sides and attracted them over one at a time.

I wonder if the self-contained missions also reset enemies less or something. When I was doing it, I'd brand a group then teleport across the screen to a distant archer.


All I had to do to end it was walk away. I just wanted to see how long it would take to get the counter that high. It took less time than I thought since I was getting x3 per hit.

I wonder if the self-contained missions also reset enemies less or something. When I was doing it, I'd brand a group then teleport across the screen to a distant archer.
x3 per hit? That sounds...kinda game breaking. I'm enjoying some of the new power ups, but that seems a little overkill. Wondering if I should skip it when I get the chance. I've left some other perks out of the mix so far already.


This one time I got one captain to give up and go down on his knees and I then had the opportunity to kill or dominate him... how do I do that again?


Had something pretty funny happening just now. I was doing one of those free the slaves missions. So I free this slave and of course he is very grateful. Then a bunch of orcs show up and I decided to break a caragor cage to cause some chaos. Well, the caragor ignores me, ignores the orcs and straight up murder the freed slave. Man, I lolled hard at that one, poor guy, he was so happy.
So with a gtx 780 3gb graphics card and an i5, is there any reason to go PS4 version over PC?

I have a 2GB card that is lower than yours and I am getting 60fps with mostly high and some ultra settings including high textures. The only setting to hit medium for me is ambient occlusion.


Quick question. When the fuck can I start giving these orcs orders. I've defeated every war chief and advanced towards the second area, yet that power is not yet in my possession.

Now the first area has 3 war chiefs again...

EDIT: I mean "Brand" to be clear.


This game could do with a bit of something like NG+. Like super elite bosses that reach even higher levels, attack faster, more aggressive, etc. Don't need to play the stories or side quests again, but some truly challenging super elites would be cool. And not just "I'm immune to everything" type of difficult.


I had issues with this mission also.
What you can do is first run around the camp getting noticed. You'll probably get them to sound the alarm, which is something you want.

Once Orcs start arriving, keep dodging and moving, don't kill anyone. Group them up next to a bonfire or explosive barrel, once they're grouped up, shoot an arrow.

That should kill 10+
The rest is easy.

The only problem is, when the Warchief arrives, you'll have a full camp under alarm. You can run to another part of the camp and fight less orcs, but it will still be complicated.

Another option is to run around branding everyone and then use your "kill all branded" ability. You can get halfway done in a single blow.

Quick question. When the fuck can I start giving these orcs orders. I've defeated every war chief and advanced towards the second area, yet that power is not yet in my possession.

Now the first area has 3 war chiefs again...

Story missions unlock all the cool abilities.


x3 per hit? That sounds...kinda game breaking. I'm enjoying some of the new power ups, but that seems a little overkill. Wondering if I should skip it when I get the chance. I've left some other perks out of the mix so far already.

Critical 2 gives you +2 hits to your hit/hot streak counter. This, combined with Blade Master effectively makes your finishing moves only require three swings of your sword. If you want to prevent trivializing the game, then skip:

1. Critical 2
2. Resilience
3. Double Special
4. Both the sword and dagger skills at the bottom of the upgrades screen that cost 2500 each.

The problem with doing that though is that combat then just ends up being a lot slower, and not necessarily more "challenging". The regular orc swarms just take longer to thin out, and more presses of the attack button; which isn't entirely compelling gameplay.

This one time I got one captain to give up and go down on his knees and I then had the opportunity to kill or dominate him... how do I do that again?

Seems pretty random, but I think you just need to make sure you are not trying to land finshing moves on them when they are at low health. Just hitting them with regular attacks will probably trigger it at that point.


Quick question. When the fuck can I start giving these orcs orders. I've defeated every war chief and advanced towards the second area, yet that power is not yet in my possession.

Now the first area has 3 war chiefs again...

EDIT: I mean "Brand" to be clear.

Do a few more missions and you should get it. Make sure to do the one immediately after you get "brand" too.
This game could do with a bit of something like NG+. Like super elite bosses that reach even higher levels, attack faster, more aggressive, etc. Don't need to play the stories or side quests again, but some truly challenging super elites would be cool. And not just "I'm immune to everything" type of difficult.

If it can be finished it should have NG+. It's as simple as that.

Batman Arkham understood... (even if I've never played through them).
This game could do with a bit of something like NG+. Like super elite bosses that reach even higher levels, attack faster, more aggressive, etc. Don't need to play the stories or side quests again, but some truly challenging super elites would be cool. And not just "I'm immune to everything" type of difficult.

I agree. The Trials of War scratch that itch for me at the moment, working against the clock is a good test of your skills. It's silly that they locked the Trials away behind the season pass though.


so when do i get brand?

Just finished the storyline chain with the dwarf.

seems like actual story mission stuff is pretty light already got 15/20 of them done o_O

hope the inevitable sequel/spinoff etc will have better story missions. easily the worst part of the game.


I wish I could buy just the Dark Ranger skin for a few dollars, instead of having to buy into the whole Season Pass.

I'd buy a spare code.

EDIT: For PS4.


so when do i get brand?

Just finished the storyline chain with the dwarf.

seems like actual story mission stuff is pretty light already got 15/20 of them done o_O

hope the inevitable sequel/spinoff etc will have better story missions. easily the worst part of the game.

It's the second Queen mission. Should have done that first over the hunting stuff with the dwarf. You were literally one mission away before starting the dwarf quests. :eek:
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