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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


I'm debating wether to pick this up on steam for £17.99 or wait for the PS4 version to get cheaper.

I just got a PS4 and am looking for more to play on it but my PC is beefy enough to play this on max with a better framerate. There's something that feels right about playing a character action game on a console too.

Any ideas to sway me?

I debated this I decided to get it on PC. Its cheaper, better graphics and framerate what more reasons do you need?


Just started playing today (PS4), what's with the input lag on the camera?

Finding it hard to get used to, it just feels bad. Makes aiming the bow a pain in the ass. It's not my tv settings, other games are fine.

Is this a known issue or is it my PS4 being weird?
I have been playing this on my PS4 since launch, today I had a random issue on the second map. I loaded the game, jumped off the tower and I was running when I came upon a group of enemies and the game just slowed to a crawl. It felt like a slideshow. So I fucked around some and it didn't stop, I tried different parts of the map and everything. Eventually, I turned the system off, then back on and it was working flawlessly as ever.

What was that about? Anyone had this? Should I be concerned?

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood



Dying to play this but no cash to buy for at least a month.

Anyone feel generous enough to start a share-play session with me? :) I can return the favor with Destiny, Watch Dogs, TLoU, Ground Zeros, Infamous: First Light, or Injustice. Btw I have no clue whether share-begging is frowned upon; if so, please ignore.


Neo Member
Finished this game last Friday. Have to say I really loved it. Not how much additional play I will get out of it, but still was pretty damn awesome none the less.
Question for those who have beaten the game:

Looking at my progress in the game summary, I've 100% all missions except the main storyline, were I'm about to start mission 20/20. There's only 2 (secret) achievements I've yet to unlock, totaling 80gs. I'm trying to 1000/1000 this game, and want to know if completing the last mission unlocks these 2 achievements (I'd look it up, but since they're secret, I don't want to spoil the ending of the game)?


Question for those who have beaten the game:

Looking at my progress in the game summary, I've 100% all missions except the main storyline, were I'm about to start mission 20/20. There's only 2 (secret) achievements I've yet to unlock, totaling 80gs. I'm trying to 1000/1000 this game, and want to know if completing the last mission unlocks these 2 achievements (I'd look it up, but since they're secret, I don't want to spoil the ending of the game)?

Secret achievements/trophies are almost always related to story stuff and are not missable. However, IIRC, the last mission only gives one achievement/trophy. Are you actually at the part where it says "NO TURNING BACK" with a giant confirmation? Because there's a mission before that that seems like it's the end-game but it's actually not.

You can't miss any achievement in this game. Even after you beat it you can go right back and collect what you missed.
Secret achievements/trophies are almost always related to story stuff and are not missable. However, IIRC, the last mission only gives one achievement/trophy. Are you actually at the part where it says "NO TURNING BACK" with a giant confirmation? Because there's a mission before that that seems like it's the end-game but it's actually not.

You can't miss any achievement in this game. Even after you beat it you can go right back and collect what you missed.

OK thanks, I kind of figured it was story content that would be unlocked, but wanted to double check.. I haven't gotten to the "No turning back" part yet. I feel like that's probably the next mission that I do.



so what do people think think any black friday deals will be if there are some? I am already seeing it is 49.99 at BB and Amazon.

I also have the GCU deal at BB which makes it 39.99, plus I get a $10.00 reward certficate after buying. Im thinking I wont find any better for awhile.


Wasn't too sure about this game before it came out, but now it's one of my absolute favourites of the year. So damn addictive. Currently on 77.4% completion.

Trying to get the trophy for using 5 bodyguards against a war chief, and I've branded the four bodyguards already attached to my target. I've got a fifth captain ready to go, but how do I make him a bodyguard of the chief?
Wasn't too sure about this game before it came out, but now it's one of my absolute favourites of the year. So damn addictive. Currently on 77.4% completion.

Trying to get the trophy for using 5 bodyguards against a war chief, and I've branded the four bodyguards already attached to my target. I've got a fifth captain ready to go, but how do I make him a bodyguard of the chief?

send him to murder one (should be the last) bodyguard that the war chief has and then a mission will pop up where you need to help your captain. once you kill that bodyguard, your captain takes his place. Of course, you could also just dominate the last bodyguard during that fight, too.


It's taken me awhile to warm up to this game and Ill admit Im still a bit cold towards it. It looks and plays fine, but dear god is it repetitive and samey with the collectible hunting and side quests. I realize they're optional, but I want all of the skills unlocked and completing all of the bullshit is how you get there. I reached the second area last night and thank god it's got some grass and a bit foliage in it because the grey and browns of the first area wore thin pretty damn quick. Combat wise, I wont deny how intutive, comfy and familiar it is. I mean it's fuckin Batman in Tolkein World.

I wish it were more challenging. Not having a difficulty select is a letdown and while you do rightfully so become incredibly god powerful with all of these abilities, it just becomes so hilariously and mind numbingly simple. I can count on one hand the total amount of times I've "died".

It definitely takes the strongest elements of Batman and Assy Creed and capitalizes on them, as well as Second Son with being able to knock out collectathons and side stuff relatively fast, but that same sense of sandbox deja vu is still there. The whole been there done that scenario.


This game is seriously starting to piss me off, almost every fight against a captain results in a second captain joining the fight almost immediately, or a graug joining in. What am I doing wrong?

Now they're jumping me whilst I'm doing one of the bow missions, fuck off already and let me play the fucking game.
I'm enjoying the game but I'm having a problem with framerate dips and it's pretty significant. I usually don't notice stuff like this but it's like less than 10 at times. The first time it happened, I reinstalled it and it was fine. It happened again just there and I just restarted the game to get it working again. Forgive my ignorance here, but can this be a faulty disc? I thought these next gen games didn't run of the disc since the whole thing gets installed onto the hard drive so I really don't know what the problem is?
Finished it last night. Overall I really enjoyed it. Some thoughts:

I couldn't tell if the 'brand the 5 captains' was easy or if I just got lucky. I never unlocked the really OP modes (L3+R3). None of them were combat masters, and one I even was able to one shot stealth brand. I branded a few underlings and helped them kill the captains. The final missions were really easy too.

I thought I might have screwed something up because I accidentally killed the 5th captain I branded (pressed down to kill a branded warrior and forget he was there), but 5 still showed up for the last mission and it was easy.

Fighting 'The Tower' could have been so much better if they would have just found a way to make you use sword, bow, and stealth instead of just stealth, That was way too easy.

Story: I enjoyed the cutscenes for the most part, but overall it was just a waste. The few missions with the dwarf hunter were interesting, but really didn't matter. In fact, a lot of the story felt unfocused. I did think the voice acting was well done though.

The ending was terrible and directly contradicted itself. Awful.

Side for Game of Thrones TV fans:

Anyone else think the song the wife sings sounds a lot like Rains of Castamere?


I'm a couple of hours into this game and I enjoy it, but for some reason it feels a little overwhelming and I'm not sure why. Anybody else had the same experience?


I'm a couple of hours into this game and I enjoy it, but for some reason it feels a little overwhelming and I'm not sure why. Anybody else had the same experience?

Yeah, was my first impression as well, definitely shitloads of things getting thrown at you right of the bat, after getting over that, second impressions was, god damn I hate this game with all the captains, and now after playing for a few more hours, I'm really starting to dig it. It grows on you. and the IQ is pretty damned good I must say.


I'm a couple of hours into this game and I enjoy it, but for some reason it feels a little overwhelming and I'm not sure why. Anybody else had the same experience?
Yes. It takes a shockingly long time for the game to reveal itself. The first 10 hours is a solid, but familiar open world rejiggering of Assassins Creed and Arkham Asylum. The second 10 hours is a totally different game that doesn't have a direct precursor. Its closest parallel is probably Brutal Legend. But it takes a while to realize it, and key mechanics aren't even available until fairly late in the game. It's not the most elegant way to design a game or to teach players how to play, but it mostly pays off.

Stick with it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So guys .. the PS3/360 version is coming out in a week .. is there absolutely any coverage/preview/footage or even screens for it yet ?
Just saw the 360 copy leaked,I'm sure PS3 will. Within a couple of hours at most.

I'm definitely interested in seeing what the causes of the delay were for,hoping it's at least sonewhat like current gen, but I don't expect to be blown away knowing this IS the lesser version.

And I'm extremely cautious as to how the nemesis system works, even for us less sorry old gen-ners.

I'm sure it will be fine, just not what everyone else had the joy to play.
Man..all I have to do is the final mission but its locked because of the "brand 5 warchief" thing. I branded 4 of them but can't do the fifth. Why? Because there is no fifth! He's dead! Guess I have to find some random captain and just die a few times to make the chump a chief eh? C'mon son, I just want to finish the game!


Man..all I have to do is the final mission but its locked because of the "brand 5 warchief" thing. I branded 4 of them but can't do the fifth. Why? Because there is no fifth! He's dead! Guess I have to find some random captain and just die a few times to make the chump a chief eh? C'mon son, I just want to finish the game!

You don't have to die I think. Switch to the map, hover over one of the towers, select advance time, should get some new captains and maybe even a warchief rolling in.
Man..all I have to do is the final mission but its locked because of the "brand 5 warchief" thing. I branded 4 of them but can't do the fifth. Why? Because there is no fifth! He's dead! Guess I have to find some random captain and just die a few times to make the chump a chief eh? C'mon son, I just want to finish the game!

You don't have to die I think. Switch to the map, hover over one of the towers, select advance time, should get some new captains and maybe even a warchief rolling in.

If you have a branded captain, you can also order him to just take the empty spot. He'll get a mission to prove himself, and you can go help him get promoted.
To those who are curious about the PS3/360 versions of the game. I have seen some footage of it and I can see that it barely runs around 20 fps. Also graphics look like shit. Reminded me of Dragon Age 2's shit mountains. It really really looks and runs poorly. There are very long loading screens as well. So I suggest everyone to wait for some footage so you can see and decide not to buy yourselves.


To those who are curious about the PS3/360 versions of the game. I have seen some footage of it and I can see that it barely runs around 20 fps. Also graphics look like shit. Reminded me of Dragon Age 2's shit mountains. It really really looks and runs poorly. There are very long loading screens as well. So I suggest everyone to wait for some footage so you can see and decide not to buy yourselves.

It looks hilariously bad. haha




Finished the main storyline tonight, considering it was bought to tide me over with until Unity, chuffed at how much play time and enjoyment I received out of it.

Last few "bosses" felt underdeveloped considering some of the earlier sequences,but did'nt stop me enjoying it.

Shame there is no true photo upload function on the X1 for those OTT kills and decapitations.

If they develop a sequel, or prequel I will be looking forward to picking it up.
I'm a couple of hours into this game and I enjoy it, but for some reason it feels a little overwhelming and I'm not sure why. Anybody else had the same experience?

Same here. Just started the other day, put about 5 or so hours into it, maybe a little less. It's okay so far. The game itself is solid but there just doesn't seem to be much character to it. Lot's of brown and I'm mashing square and fighting orcs 80% of the time, it feels like. Not very exciting stuff.

Going to stick with it, since I hear it gets better as it goes on, but we'll see. It's hard putting time and effort in when there is so much else out there that I want to play.
Is the season pass worth it?

Besides the challenge modes, it adds a moderately challenging captain / warband to defeat. Eventually, you'll play as Celebrimbor in a story expansion.

Value-wise, it's not worth it. I bought it mostly to support Monolith's efforts here - I think SoM is a flawed gem and I'd like to see its core mechanics evolve into something better.


Finally got round to finishing the main story at the weekend, can't help but feel extremely let down with the final two boss battles.


Steam is downloading a 1.2GB patch. Is this new? (I was offline for several days)

Edit: Yes, it is!

New Features:
Lithariel Skin available.
Lithariel’s Trials of War “Test of Defiance” available. (Main Objective: Kill 6 Warchiefs and 15 captains. Lithariel has only one life. Death results in failure. Lithariel does more melee damage, but has less armor. You cannot save during this challenge. Quitting results in failure.)
New Epic rune granted to player’s inventory “Defiant to the End”. (Additional last chance given to player when equipped.)

PC Specific Features:
Nvidia SLI support.

Bug Fixes for all platforms:
Photo Mode: The controller drain/brand SFX persists when Photo Mode is up. Brand SFX no longer persist when pausing through photo mode during a drain or brand sequence.
Power of Shadow: The hood of the Black Hand's cloak in the front end appears covering half his face. Eye FX issue fixed for the Black Hand skin in the front end menu. Glowing eyes effect misplaced on Black Hand's face when dismissing title screen.
UI/VFX still show Talion as poisoned when One With Nature (Epic) Dagger Rune is equipped.
Player can receive duplicate Epic Runes by killing multiple captains with dispatch.
MOTD is not cycling after one rotation.

PC Specific Bug Fixes:
Improved messaging when game fails to launch.
Fixed issue with incorrect aspect ratio being used when changing resolution through the video options in windowed mode.
Added an option to expose FXAA as part of the motion blur settings.
Fixed issues with native resolution detection. The game will now use Windows “recommended” resolution.
Fixed issues with custom resolutions specified in Windows. Users no longer have to delete them.
Fixed in game benchmark starting too early.
Fixed not being able to skip benchmark load screen.
Improved benchmark output files located in “My Documents\WB Games\Shadow of Mordor\*.csv”.
In game VSync will now use NVIDIA’s adaptive sync when turned on. It will use NVIDIA’s Control Panel settings when turned off.
Fixed save game issue where starting new game on top of existing data didn’t clear skills purchased.
Fixed issue with WB Play where entering age under 18 on accident prevented player from ever accessing WB Play.


Did you ever play any PS360 games since 2006?

That screenshot looks pretty bad, the video doesn't -look- bad, but the tearing and framerate is pretty damn bad.

I still stand by my statement, it -looks- like a PS360 (multi-plat) game. I think current-gen has sort of changed how people remember PS360 gen games tbh.


That screenshot looks pretty bad, the video doesn't -look- bad, but the tearing and framerate is pretty damn bad.

I still stand by my statement, it -looks- like a PS360 (multi-plat) game. I think current-gen has sort of changed how people remember PS360 gen games tbh.

I watched the video and I really don't think it looks like anything close to a 2013-2014 PS3/X360 game. The textures are way, way too low res.

Compare it to GTAV?

It's pretty obvious that it's a lazy port to PS3/X360


Ok, this game is starting to piss me off.

Why is it that I get swarmed with orcs in almost every battle I enter, be it randomly or on a mission? In addition when I try to fight this fuckton of enemies, I seem to be doing so little damage. All I have time for is a few swings in between the seemingly endless stream of incoming counter-attacks.
I'm at the point where I have to kill the 5 warchiefs.

Are there any cookie-cutter builds or abilities I have missed? Right now I'm trying to build up my health so I don't get killed in 3-4 hits.


Finished this game in just under 12 hours recently.

Story was disjointed, but I expected that since it's open world. The battle system really is like Batman on HGH. I loved that aspect. It starts off a little difficult, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by a lot of enemies, but eventually you do become strong enough that you can't really be beaten. Glad I purchased it since I liked it. I didn't bother with any sidequests to be fair (don't have the time or desire to ever do these things in games), but I felt the main missions were a good length for me. Between 8-15 hours is pretty much the sweet spot and that's where this fell.

I was surprised by the second area. I wasn't really expecting any more than the initial area I started off in, so that was pretty good simply because I really liked the way it looked. A good contrast from the first. I wasn't expecting a cliffhanger ending, but I'm up for more as long as they branch out into different places.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Finished the game this weekend. That ending and last fight was terrible.

Loved the fight where you faced your

Really good game, I enjoyed it. Probably my GOTY thus far.
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