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Monster Hunter World - Gamescom Impressions


IMO Capcom know they failed with the design of the SA and Charge Blade is their fixed attempt at a morphing weapon. My first idea to fix the SA would be to remove the manual phial recharge and you'd have to recharge sword move by hitting with axe mode but that's already the flow of the CB.

Well, the Charge blade has always felt like a fully realized concept for a transforming weapon since it was first introduced as both modes are integral to the weapon. Unlike the SA that, despite making its debut years before the CB, still to this day has one main mode that deals the damage and another mode that is novel at best that can be almost entirely ignored.

There could possibly be some truth to what you say.

Yu Narukami

Please don't kill me for asking this as I am only gathering information before a potential purchase and this game looks really interesting and I'm always open to try something new. What else do you in these games besides monster hunting and crafting equipment? From what I understood you kill a monster and then you craft equipment to get stronger to be able to kill even stronger monsters. Doesn't it get a little monotonous after a while especially if you play solo or is there more you can do?


Goddamn this game looks good. I've always been interested in the MH games, but this genuinely looks like it's on another level. Very high expectations, can't wait to just hunt big ass monsters with randos all day, every day!


Please don't kill me for asking this as I am only gathering information before a potential purchase and this game looks really interesting and I'm always open to try something new. What else do you in these games besides monster hunting and crafting equipment? From what I understood you kill a monster and then you craft equipment to get stronger to be able to kill even stronger monsters. Doesn't it get a little monotonous after a while especially if you play solo or is there more you can do?
That's the gameplay loop yes, kill monster, get better gear, kill bigger monster. What keeps it fresh is the differences between monsters and the different weapons. Depending on the monster, hunts can play out very differently. They typically also have some set-piece hunts where things are structured in special way. Typical example would be jehn hunts from tri onward (sand whale, you're on a sand boat, fire canons and ballistas, climb on its back, it tries to crush your boat, etc.). Some of the weapons play so differently (in particular melee versus range) that changing from one to the other is comparable to playing different games. When I get bored with MH, I just pick up a different weapon and spend some time learning it.

In summary, a lot of the game is about learning monsters and weapons. There are 14 weapon classes. Don't know the number of monsters yet but conservative estimates are in the 30ish range.


That's the gameplay loop yes, kill monster, get better gear, kill bigger monster. What keeps it fresh is the differences between monsters and the different weapons. Depending on the monster, hunts can play out very differently. They typically also have some set-piece hunts where things are structured in special way. Typical example would be jehn hunts from tri onward (sand whale, you're on a sand boat, fire canons and ballistas, climb on its back, it tries to crush your boat, etc.). Some of the weapons play so differently (in particular melee versus range) that changing from one to the other is comparable to playing different games. When I get bored with MH, I just pick up a different weapon and spend some time learning it.

In summary, a lot of the game is about learning monsters and weapons. There are 14 weapon classes. Don't know the number of monsters yet but conservative estimates are in the 30ish range.

I was about to type something similar to this but you pretty much nailed it on the head.

Yu Narukami

Thanks for the responses.

Goddamn this game looks good. I've always been interested in the MH games, but this genuinely looks like it's on another level. Very high expectations, can't wait to just hunt big ass monsters with randos all day, every day!

Is that you, Muntu?


Lets take MHGen out of the picture considering that axe mode was non-existent in that game.

When players are solely using axe mode to reload their sword gauge and, only use sword mode attacks because it's the best way to play the weapon: that's a design failure. What's funny is that the original japanese name for the weapon is Slash Axe. What's the point in having a concept for a transforming weapon, two in one, if one mode is objectively superior in almost every way and the other can mostly be ignored entirely? Having slightly better movement speed in Axe mode doesn't make the mode worth using either because in sword mode you can just roll to cover distance or if the monster moves far away you just put your weapon away and run to it.

Capcom just doesn't know how what to do with axe mode, I mean, they tried to balance both weapon modes in MH4 by nerfing the hell out of the sword mode motion values, slightly buffing axe mode values and giving it the infinite chop combo. What did this achieve? Switch Axe went from being one of the best weapons in MH3U to one of the worst in MH4. Check out this weapon tier list for MH4U based on speed run data if you don't believe me: https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/762804-monster-hunter-4-ultimate/72936200

MHWorld's Switch Axe seems just like how it was in MH3U where the sword mode is OP and the axe mode is painfully inferior to it.
In general notion, I agree. Though I still stand by my stance that the axe still integral to the weapon considering that was the main concept (got the japanese name wrong, however since Axe can't slash, it's just more subtle way of saying that it's a switching weapon). The weapon really need more than just damage tweak to make the Axe more than just recharge mode of the weapon. I think MH Team afraid of making the switching more definite (by hard-blocking from playing in one mode much like CB will bounce when your charges is full) because it'll make them looks like CB, but considering the complexity of the latter, SA simplicity could and should differentiating factor in that regard.

new arekkz video, interview with tsujimoto and tokuda

Is this the first time someone from MH Team went into international game events to give coverage?


new arekkz video, interview with tsujimoto and tokuda

Great video.. . That Palico info was amazing. They talk to the local cats, learn language and can team up with small monsters. Haha, damn Capcom, you had fun making World. You can really tell they wanted something fresh.

Great to hear the story stuff and the story keeps going through HR. also dlc and collaborations stuff is planned.

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
So where's the love for DB Gamescom brehs !?


So, so excited for this. Easily the most excited I've been for a game in quite a few years. Will be double dipping on PS4 and PC.

As far as monster counts go, I'm expecting it to be fairly high. We have already seen 10 large monsters and they've only barely shown off a second area. Granted I'm sure there will be a good bit of overlap, but still, I believe we will see around 35 or so large monsters to begin with. I believe there will be 5 maps. Ancient Forest, Wildspire Wastes, an ice map, a volcano map, and a swamp or mountain map. All pretty safe bets.

In fact, there's a video floating around somewhere of someone looking at what appears to be a world map, and an ice area is definitely visible. I'll see if I can find that again.

With that said, 6 of the 10 monsters we have seen are all new. I'm sure they're eager to show off the new ones, but if we speculate there's even as few as 3 new large monsters for each biome, that's 15 large monsters right there. Then if we postulate that there are 4 returning monsters per biome, that's an additional 20 bringing our total to 35, assuming none of them are sub species. I think, given that logic, that is quite reasonable. Toss in sub species and elder dragons and I definitely think we could see 50 large monsters.

With all of the incredible quality of life changes and overall ... care they appear to be putting in to the game, I have no reason to suspect they would cheap out on the number or variety of monsters for us to fight.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand since you asked, our new chameleon monster friend shares his skeleton and some animations with Khezu. Just sayin'.
Please be excited.


I give you one good reason why the axe mode is better than sword mode in switchaxe

The infinite swing chop. That shit looks fucking badass and that is a good enough reason.

I'll infinite swing chop whenever there is chance. Monster fell down? Fuck the explosion sword finisher, just swing chop that fucker to oblivion.
The infinite chop sucks, it probably the worst combo SA has.


new arekkz video, interview with tsujimoto and tokuda
Nice interview, but I'm really disappointed he didn't ask about a rough number of monsters to expect or the new/old monster ratio. Don't expect an answer about the number, but they might have give a rough estimate about the ratio thing. Story continuing through high rank is nice.

Hope we get to see the rival monster at TGS next month.


Nice interview, but I'm really disappointed he didn't ask about a rough number of monsters to expect or the new/old monster ratio. Don't expect an answer about the number, but they might have give a rough estimate about the ratio thing. Story continuing through high rank is nice.

Hope we get to see the rival monster at TGS next month.

With the story going through LR and HR, I think it's possible the big monster we saw at the end of the trailer could be the rival monster. Could be wrong though!

Cannot wait to see what collaborations they come up with.


Is this the first time someone from MH Team went into international game events to give coverage?
Yeah its the first. Considering their past few games it's on handheld they see no need to but now it's finally on the home console with this gen graphics they have no choice but to market it hard but sadly I don't think they market it hard enough.


Monster hunter had a story? Since when?

The village stuff was always story based. Usually you finish that and HR basically turns into hunt with no real story focus.

World seems to be planning a story throughout the entire game. Interesting to see if and how they do it.


is there a way to disable those paintball insects?

Seems to be an integral part of the hunt. You run around, find tracks/poop/slime etc and the bugs show you the way. As an aside to that, you get points for doing so which probably feeds into another gameplay mechanic later on. You could just run around the world and bump into the monster, at which point the bugs have found the target and they go back into your equipment.


new arekkz video, interview with tsujimoto and tokuda

At 4:39min, they talk about continuing with the free DLC model (as it always has been with MH titles) but thinking about making access to DLC quests time limited. Can't say that I like this idea. The rotating event quest system was irritating at best in MH:Tri (because you had to wait many weeks until a specific DLC quest turned up again in the cycle) - and in the interview it sounds like it being truly time exclusive. Miss it, lose out forever. This sucks.

This "time exclusive" content is a trend in games these days that's very irritating to me. The idea seems to be, like daily quests, to lure the player back to the game every day or week, in order to do some minor task, to reap some kind of reward. That's fine until you realize so many games have this kind of mechanic now that you just begin to miss out on stuff on most games unless you put in the daily "work", which is not what games should be about. Its hearthstone ranked season cardbacks and Horizon 3's Forzathon weekly Porsche Rewards. It's elusive targets in Hitman and apparently MH:W quests now.

If you stop playing such a game for a couple of weeks or months, to play some other games or due to, you know, life, when coming back to them, usually you first have to accept you missed out on a ton of stuff. Same if you jump in a couple of months or a year later into a game. Gee, thanks.
Please don't kill me for asking this as I am only gathering information before a potential purchase and this game looks really interesting and I'm always open to try something new. What else do you in these games besides monster hunting and crafting equipment? From what I understood you kill a monster and then you craft equipment to get stronger to be able to kill even stronger monsters. Doesn't it get a little monotonous after a while especially if you play solo or is there more you can do?

It's kinda like MMOs or loot games where the objective is to fight increasingly hard encounter/bosses for more loot to make your character exactly the way you want them.

Hell, I'm still doing it for Nioh- I just want my character to look and function a certain way.

It's all about that character build.


So in the interview it says there's no guild quest and the High/ G-Rank is interweaved into the story..what? Thats kinda disappointing.
Lol, I was thinking about possibility of 8 player "raid hunts", but the developers shot that down.

Interesting to hear they have a 'meaty story' for World. I'm not exactly expecting much but it would be cool if they surprise us.


So in the interview it says there's no guild quest and the High/ G-Rank is interweaved into the story..what? Thats kinda disappointing.

They said the story would carry on through LR into HR, inst ad of the story ending after LR/Village quests are done. The guild quests are probably the quests that you can do if you return to camp after main missions. They should go a bit more indepth into the missions structure.


At 4:39minIf you stop playing such a game for a couple of weeks or months, to play some other games or due to, you know, life, when coming back to them, usually you first have to accept you missed out on a ton of stuff. Same if you jump in a couple of months or a year later into a game. Gee, thanks.
The stuff you miss from daily quests and what not usually isn't a big deal, just QoL stuff, that's the case in a lot of games with this kind of things, in MH's case, they can make something like:
Weakly quest: Defeat Rathlos(HR)
Guaranteed 1 Rathalos Jewel as a reward for first completion

It's a big incentive to turn on the game and do the quest, but missing it isn't leaving you out of any meaningful content/experience. If done well, the benefit of bringing players back and keeping them active far outdo the negative from the content that can be missed!


Any charge blade videos so far?

Edit: I mean Besides Arekkz's video, one that shows hunting monsters and stuff.


Has any other developer done monster animations as well as Capcom? FROM gets the style points, but animation?
Vicar Amelia and Moon Presence from BB are up there in animation, but they have way less overall distinct animations, same for FFXV's monsters too.


Please don't kill me for asking this as I am only gathering information before a potential purchase and this game looks really interesting and I'm always open to try something new. What else do you in these games besides monster hunting and crafting equipment? From what I understood you kill a monster and then you craft equipment to get stronger to be able to kill even stronger monsters. Doesn't it get a little monotonous after a while especially if you play solo or is there more you can do?
If monster hunter played like other games then it'd get boring quick. Monster hunter doesn't play like other games.


The stuff you miss from daily quests and what not usually isn't a big deal, just QoL stuff, that's the case in a lot of games with this kind of things, in MH's case, they can make something like:
Weakly quest: Defeat Rathlos(HR)
Guaranteed 1 Rathalos Jewel as a reward for first completion

It's a big incentive to turn on the game and do the quest, but missing it isn't leaving you out of any meaningful content/experience. If done well, the benefit of bringing players back and keeping them active far outdo the negative from the content that can be missed!

Well, if was only about, for example, a guaranteed drop like you say, it wouldn't be that bad and in line of a typical "daily quest" seen in other games (though I already can imagine the threads complaining about guaranteed rare drops, hehe). What they say in the interview sounds less like a daily quest and more like a time-exclusive event quest. Which (apart from sometimes have an increased drop chance for some monster parts) typically yield tickets, which are required to build event armor and gear. In that case, you'd simply miss out on a set of weapons of armor. "Tough luck, you should have been here back in May.". That kind of thing.

Then again, I guess you've already got be thankful that they didn't eff up the game by adding boot boxes / microtransactions. Interesting thought, though: Would the (unquestionably good) core gameplay of Monster Hunter be enough on its own to keep players playing, or is the acquisition of "good looking gear" such a strong driving force that adding cosmetic MTX to the game would cripple it? I'm undecided and I've spent a lot of time in Monster Hunter games.


Please don't kill me for asking this as I am only gathering information before a potential purchase and this game looks really interesting and I'm always open to try something new. What else do you in these games besides monster hunting and crafting equipment? From what I understood you kill a monster and then you craft equipment to get stronger to be able to kill even stronger monsters. Doesn't it get a little monotonous after a while especially if you play solo or is there more you can do?

It might seem boring but basically if you like boss fights you will like this all monsters are different in a way to shake things up a bit. And sometimes even multiple clash with you.

And thanks to the nice combat and lots of variety in weapons and armour it's hard to get bored untill in the 100s of hours of playtime.

It kinda feels like a dino hunter game done right you basically hunt down fantasy dinosaurs wich is cool AF.

But the game is not for everyone tho so you kinda just have to try it out and see if it clicks. Online coop in the games is a blast btw even with randoms. And singleplayer wise it's awesome too there is a main story sort of with hunt quests and that really helps you at getting good in the game. Cuz it goes from the noobiest monster to stronger ones in a great pace wich helps you learning the ropes.
It's interesting that there's no separation between village and guild quests this time. I hope this means there's no scaling. The game wouldn't be as fun solo if it's scaled for one person.

It's a tough call from information we have right now. If they don't scale the monster to groups then multiplayer might be too easy. If they do scale it, then it's going to feel like what's the point of playing as a group if you can just solo the monster.

I'm personally thinking that they'll give us "Difficult" missions that are recommended to be done in groups alongside the single player scaled missions. So allowing people to play together for the story mode, but mixing the Guild stuff into the village itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm way off the mark though.


It's a tough call from information we have right now. If they don't scale the monster to groups then multiplayer might be too easy. If they do scale it, then it's going to feel like what's the point of playing as a group if you can just solo the monster.

I'm personally thinking that they'll give us "Difficult" missions that are recommended to be done in groups alongside the single player scaled missions. So allowing people to play together for the story mode, but mixing the Guild stuff into the village itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm way off the mark though.

Don't mind if they don't scale hp for soloing, but they do need to scale time. 4 player hunts are a joke not because the damage output is 4x, but because at any given time SOMEONE has an opening to deal easy damage.


Don't mind if they don't scale hp for soloing, but they do need to scale time. 4 player hunts are a joke not because the damage output is 4x, but because at any given time SOMEONE has an opening to deal easy damage.

On top of that, four times the item output if everybody uses flash bombs, traps and such. 4 player Monster Hunter always was easy mode except for a very few select quests.


never played monster hunter, but looking at the video's it reminds me of Dragons Dogma. Does it look exactly the same as MH, or is there a chance they learned everything from Dragon's Dogma (and maybe Deep Down?) to make this into something a bit newer and better?


never played monster hunter, but looking at the video's it reminds me of Dragons Dogma. Does it look exactly the same as MH, or is there a chance they learned everything from Dragon's Dogma (and maybe Deep Down?) to make this into something a bit newer and better?

This is a Monster Hunter ass Monster Hunter game.


never played monster hunter, but looking at the video's it reminds me of Dragons Dogma. Does it look exactly the same as MH, or is there a chance they learned everything from Dragon's Dogma (and maybe Deep Down?) to make this into something a bit newer and better?

Nope this is Monster Hunter, plays very differently from DD
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