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More white people being killed by cops somehow isn't an issue for ALM

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As long as the people being shot are criminals, or up to no good, or didn't obey commands, or probably deserved it anyway...

For many people, that's close enough.
A lot of people seem to think that you have to act a certain way towards police. We are told to do certain things like "you're supposed to be calm, keep your hands on the steering wheel, don't get out of your car."
And despite that kind of thing, people for some reason have a lot of faith in cops.

So when they hear something about cops, they think surely it was justified.
Even for tiny things, they don't stop and think "oh that doesn't seem okay."

"Oh, that guy had it coming, walking towards a police officer."

There are people that genuinely believe that kind of thing.


A lot of people seem to think that you have to act a certain way towards police. We are told to do certain things like "you're supposed to be calm, keep your hands on the steering wheel, don't get out of your car."
And despite that kind of thing, people for some reason have a lot of faith in cops.

So when they hear something about cops, they think surely it was justified.
Even for tiny things, they don't stop and think "oh that doesn't seem okay."

"Oh, that guy had it coming, walking towards a police officer."

There are people that genuinely believe that kind of thing.

Wasn't there a thread on GAF about a white kid who was shot and killed by cops because his hands were in his pocket, and most people were claiming it was suicide by cop?
Bullshit, study after study shows you still better off as a poor white person then a poor black person.

Can confirm. Was born and raised poor and white. Was still given more respect and opportunity than a person of minority status in the same situation which helped me claw my way out of poverty. The privilege of being white in this country helps regardless of income.


To ALM people, the only time a cop is wrong is when THEY are being accused of some wrongdoing.

(source: people I know)
I think this recurring issue in social media where a white person dies and you see the "Where's All Lives Matter now?" is played out. If you don't get by now that there is no movement behind the All Lives Matter catchphrase then you probably won't.

Everyone knows all lives matter. The people that say it, though, do so as a direct response to BLM. It's solely meant to be contradictory. So there will be no protests by All Lives Matter, unless they're protesting BLM. You're looking at two totally different things and imagining that they're similar because they sound similar.


The problem is officers think the use of force, lethal or otherwise, is that "magic spell". And of course I'm talking about people who talk back and not people that tackle officers although I don't believe that calls for lethal force either.

Well if a person isn't complying, cops do have the right to bring them in by force... Of course that doesn't mean they should beat someone up like that Houston cop in the other thread. I don't know if there are any rules on how long a cop should try to get someone to comply by verbal coaxing until using physical force.

And again, you could be the world's most charismatic and charming cop, there's still going to be people who talk back and won't comply, no matter what words you string together. While UK cops receive more and better training than US cops, I don't think they're that much better at non-violent conflict resolution than US cops. The prevalence of guns is imo, what makes for the difference between UK and US police shootings. A society that's in a constant Mexican standoff is a dysfunctional society.
It's indeed the most baffling defence, and there aren't a lot of ways to interpret its implications. Trying to correct someone by saying a problem is even more severe than initially thought, would make me all the more eager to get that shit sorted. Either that or 'All Lives Matter' doesn't mean anything, and the people who use it don't think about it beyond its silencing purpose

I guess a lot of white people simply have no qualms throwing other white people under the bus if it means they can defend their privilege, or the privilege they think they may one day obtain. The latter is especially a powerful construct, as this naive sense of hope makes people support systems of power that work against them and their social circle.


ALM has been used to derail the BLM movement and silence the protesting mouths of people that are bringing up the issue of police injustice. I get it, all lives do matter, but there is a specific issue being brought up and ignored.

It's like 1965 all over again and saw this powerful image over the weekend.

White, black, Latino, who cares? They're all poor. People should look for and concentrate on commonalities and not differences. Poor people have been mistreated, dehumanized, and underrepresented in every society since time immortal. Poverty is the root of oppression and injustice. Fight poverty, not each other.

What is this?

Racial mistreatment is widely studied and proved.


White, black, Latino, who cares? They're all poor. People should look for and concentrate on commonalities and not differences. Poor people have been mistreated, dehumanized, and underrepresented in every society since time immortal. Poverty is the root of oppression and injustice. Fight poverty, not each other.


Also your last sentence comes across as, who cares about racism when there are bigger problems in the world? I would guess people that deal with racists care.


hide your water-based mammals
I think it's a fair point but the climate in this country is not something I like. And it's all sides who need a check. As a minority this is really unsettling.


I think it's a fair point but the climate in this country is not something I like. And it's all sides who need a check. As a minority this is really unsettling.
All sides need a check? What do the people who are saying "stop abusing black people" need a check about?
White, black, Latino, who cares? They're all poor. People should look for and concentrate on commonalities and not differences. Poor people have been mistreated, dehumanized, and underrepresented in every society since time immortal. Poverty is the root of oppression and injustice. Fight poverty, not each other.

The Tulsa Race Riot

On May 31 and June 1, 1921, members of the white community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, participated in a riot, killing some 300 Black people. The attack, carried out on the ground and by air, destroyed more than 35 blocks of the district, then the wealthiest black community in the nation. More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and more than 6,000 black residents were arrested and detained, some for as many as eight days.[2] The official count of the dead by the Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics was 39.

The US at large has a historic problem with its own black populace. I mean, even Chris Rock joked about it once.
Do you really think black people aren't treated worse then white people by the police?

I believe socioeconomic status is the crux of virtually everything in life, police encounters included. Blacks, being disproportionately poor on a national level, skew how they are viewed in various settings.

Take my neighborhood in my city as an example. It's upper middle class with a few "fuck you" rich. My black neighbor has a Trump sign in his yard. He's a radiologist. He comes from money. He does not share the traditional black experience. He has avoided the negatives thanks to the privilege that money and education bring with it. His kids avoided it too. They went to U of Michigan and are also professionals.

Meanwhile, my white trash co-workers husband has been pulled over randomly 4 times this year. He's a felon and was found with a handgun and weed in his piece of shit car and his ass is headed back to prison.

Socioeconomics play entirely I to how the above situations come to be. Poverty has kept societies divided since we have had civilization. I believe it is the root of virtually every major problem in the world, racism included.


I believe socioeconomic status is the crux of virtually everything in life, police encounters included. Blacks, being disproportionately poor on a national level, skew how they are viewed in various settings.

Take my neighborhood in my city as an example. It's upper middle class with a few "fuck you" rich. My black neighbor has a Trump sign in his yard. He's a radiologist. He comes from money. He does not share the traditional black experience. He has avoided the negatives thanks to the privilege that money and education bring with it. His kids avoided it too. They went to U of Michigan and are also professionals.

Meanwhile, my white trash co-workers husband has been pulled over randomly 4 times this year. He's a felon and was found with a handgun and weed in his piece of shit car and his ass is headed back to prison.

Socioeconomics play entirely I to how the above situations come to be. Poverty has kept societies divided since we have had civilization. I believe it is the root of virtually every major problem in the world, racism included.

What is the traditional black experience?
I believe socioeconomic status is the crux of virtually everything in life, police encounters included. Blacks, being disproportionately poor on a national level, skew how they are viewed in various settings.

There's your problem.

In practice yes, poor people get the short end of the stick when dealing with cops and the justice system, but the system is also skewed towards black people, so if you're black and poor, you're basically fucked.


Middle class black guy, without hesitation.

Hahaha okay. How many poor white guys suffered from stop and frisk? How many get the cops called on them for entering their own apartment like the lady in Oakland?

Middle class black folks also have to be careful from jealous cops who feel they're "uppity".


There's your problem.

In practice yes, poor people get the short end of the stick when dealing with cops and the justice system, but the system is also skewed towards black people, so if you're black and poor, you're basically fucked.

That's what he is saying. Because black people are disproportionately poor, it's automatically assumed that all black people are poor, from low-end neighborhoods and it's systematically fine to harass/attack them.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Police reform benefits everyone and it's embarrassing that this is lost on whites. I hear gun nuts talk about the tyranny of the government and it's like they don't understand that the local police force is still the government and that they will occasionally kill you even if you're unarmed. If that isn't tyranny than I'm not sure what it is.

Sadly I think that police reform might be more possible in this country if it were framed as an issue that impacts everyone. I think it's clear that there are numerous white voters that don't give a damn about black people but they might be made to care about this issue at least.

Of course it's still an uphill battle because when dealing with the police, socio-economic status matters for whites. I don't think people in nice upscale suburban neighborhoods think there would be a problem rich, poor, black, or white.


That's what he is saying. Because black people are disproportionately poor, it's automatically assumed that all black people are poor, from low-end neighborhoods and it's systematically fine to harass/attack them.

It's not because it assumed they are poor. Tell me that cop was thinking "No way Tamir Rice has a 401k", and Sandra Bland was on the way to her good job. Hell we got audio from the Tulsa shooting "That is a bad looking dude".
I keep seeing people bring this statistic up to prove their point that black people aren't being killed more than white people, by cops, and therefore racism among cops isn't an issue...

Just... What?

Ignoring the fact that there's a lot more white people in the country and that black people die disproportionately more than white people by the hands of cops; if those white people weren't posing a threat to the police and they were still gunned down, that should be a big red flag. "Racism among cops isn't a problem. Here's a statistic about how trigger happy cops can be. See? Nothing wrong with our police. If anything, we need more police and for them to have more power and maybe even better weapons."
that's what I think of every time the rebuttal is made up.

sure, white people are killed by police more than minorities, but proportion that to the population of the minority communities in contrast to the white majorities, and what do you get?



It seems to me it should point out that there may be a police problem, but instead people who use this stat as "See? Now move on."

I don't get it.


There's a large part of the population that is pretty comfortable with summary execution by cop no matter the situation. Our culture doesn't really care about rehabilitation as much as punishment.

So expecting the All Live Matter set to care that white people are getting killed for non violent crimes is kind of missing the point. They view them as undesirables as well.

People won't change their minds until it happens to them.


Per usual there is a good population of people that believe everything is fine until it happens to them. Gays have no rights? No problem!...... until they have a gay child or sibling. Police brutality? Exaggerated!..... until they get beaten up by police. Medical reform? Unneeded! Until they get a health problem that even with insurance doesn't cover enough of the cost.

Liberals do this too sometimes with religion and small business incentives, but this is a big part of republicans unable to see the need for certain social reform. It's the heart of why BLM gets such hate from white republicans because changing race will NEVER happen to them and they will never get it until possibly marrying outside their race


There are, generally without exception or fail, large discrepancies in the socioeconomic and judicial outcomes between white people and black people even when controlling for income and class. Ergo, you cannot reasonably contribute the root cause of racism to merely economic classism, at least not without a better argument than personal anecdotes.
There are, generally without exception or fail, large discrepancies in the socioeconomic and judicial outcomes between white people and black people even when controlling for income and class. Ergo, you cannot reasonably contribute the root cause of racism to merely economic classism, at least not without a better argument than personal anecdotes.

Racism/Classism are one in the same for blacks


the same 10 city study shows that negroes, when harassed, are more likely to face violence. But its ignored, the point of the OP -- People looking to minimize the issue that uppity blacks are screeching about don't care about the problem.

They just want black people to stop talking about it and stop race baiting.

ALM literally ignores the DOJ reports about literal racist cities/police/gov as well. Again the problem isn't the problem, its vocal black people that need to be put into place.

The Kree

When I see someone say All Lives Matter, I think of that scene in The Matrix when Morpheus explains what it is to Neo, then Neo panics, starts hyperventilating, vomits, and passes out.


I believe socioeconomic status is the crux of virtually everything in life, police encounters included. Blacks, being disproportionately poor on a national level, skew how they are viewed in various settings.

Take my neighborhood in my city as an example. It's upper middle class with a few "fuck you" rich. My black neighbor has a Trump sign in his yard. He's a radiologist. He comes from money. He does not share the traditional black experience. He has avoided the negatives thanks to the privilege that money and education bring with it. His kids avoided it too. They went to U of Michigan and are also professionals.

Meanwhile, my white trash co-workers husband has been pulled over randomly 4 times this year. He's a felon and was found with a handgun and weed in his piece of shit car and his ass is headed back to prison.

Socioeconomics play entirely I to how the above situations come to be. Poverty has kept societies divided since we have had civilization. I believe it is the root of virtually every major problem in the world, racism included.
This has to be about the most idiotic anecdotal bullshit I have ever read on GAF.
That one black person you have met allows you to ignore study after study about racism, huh?
What is the "traditional black experience," by the way?
Your posts about black people are becoming more and more absurd.


I see where you're coming from.

It could just be acceptance of the faults in the police system so long as they aren't for racial reasons.

I feel as if it's similar to... What about black on black crime. It's another way to tell black people they don't have a right to argue.
I believe socioeconomic status is the crux of virtually everything in life, police encounters included. Blacks, being disproportionately poor on a national level, skew how they are viewed in various settings.

Take my neighborhood in my city as an example. It's upper middle class with a few "fuck you" rich. My black neighbor has a Trump sign in his yard. He's a radiologist. He comes from money. He does not share the traditional black experience. He has avoided the negatives thanks to the privilege that money and education bring with it. His kids avoided it too. They went to U of Michigan and are also professionals.

Meanwhile, my white trash co-workers husband has been pulled over randomly 4 times this year. He's a felon and was found with a handgun and weed in his piece of shit car and his ass is headed back to prison.

Socioeconomics play entirely I to how the above situations come to be. Poverty has kept societies divided since we have had civilization. I believe it is the root of virtually every major problem in the world, racism included.

From 1992 to 2013, the median net worth of blacks who finished college dropped nearly 56 percent (adjusted for inflation). By comparison, the median net worth of whites with college degrees rose about 86 percent over the same period, which included three recessions — including the severe downturn of 2007 through 2009, with its devastating effect on home prices in many parts of the country. Asian graduates did even better, gaining nearly 90 percent.


The pay gap between white and black workers is at its widest at degree level, with degree-educated black workers earning 23% less on average than white workers with degrees, the findings reveal.



Being black, educated, and middle class is still worse than being white regardless of education and wealth. Because being black is what matters to white America, and it isn't something you can hide. I hope you can step out of your bubble and see this for real one day. Racism is the ultimate problem here, and it's far more insidious, oppressive, and practiced than you assume.
That's what he is saying. Because black people are disproportionately poor, it's automatically assumed that all black people are poor, from low-end neighborhoods and it's systematically fine to harass/attack them.

Well, we know for a fact that socioeconomical standing isn't the only factor. Skin color is as big as that one. You can't just say that by fixing the economic situation it'll be enough because that is not the case.


I suspect it's like MRAs. The issues they claim to be concerned with are legit, but at the very least the most vocal and active voices in the group are only interested in tearing down feminism (and I have many issues with feminism, but wasting time moaning about it doesn't help disadvantaged men in the slightest). ALM could make a legitimate argument that police shootings specifically are an issue for all races - the statistics 'proving' bias are uselessly nonspecific and, like most stats, open to being read however your politics require - and making it all about race largely detracts from the core issues. Instead they hijack a possibly legit argument to justify discrediting the fact that anyone is dying.
I suspect it's like MRAs. The issues they claim to be concerned with are legit, but at the very least the most vocal and active voices in the group are only interested in tearing down feminism (and I have many issues with feminism, but wasting time moaning about it doesn't help disadvantaged men in the slightest). ALM could make a legitimate argument that police shootings specifically are an issue for all races - the statistics 'proving' bias are uselessly nonspecific and, like most stats, open to being read however your biases take you - and making it all about race largely detracts from the core issues. Instead they hijack a possibly legit argument to justify discrediting the fact that anyone is dying.
Yep. These people never actually do anything or talk to the world about their issues. They're just looking for bullshit justifications to argue against the people who actually do engage politically with their communities.
This has to be about the most idiotic anecdotal bullshit I have ever read on GAF.
That one black person you have met allows you to ignore study after study about racism, huh?
What is the "traditional black experience," by the way?
Your posts about black people are becoming more and more absurd.

Deflection tactic aka, focus on things that include white people too.
I imagine the people who think 'socioeconomic status' is the real problem would probably stop caring all together if the lower class was exclusively occupied by black people.
the same 10 city study shows that negroes, when harassed, are more likely to face violence. But its ignored, the point of the OP -- People looking to minimize the issue that uppity blacks are screeching about don't care about the problem.

They just want black people to stop talking about it and stop race baiting.

ALM literally ignores the DOJ reports about literal racist cities/police/gov as well. Again the problem isn't the problem, its vocal black people that need to be put into place.

This. It's just interesting to note how often people will accept and even support an unfair system as long as "undesirables" are the ones who suffer under it.
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