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Most disturbing characters in all gaming?



David (TLOU)
Kind of a weird one, but:

??? said:
That's right. I don't know who I am. I am always living as someone else for my assignments. I don't remember what my face looks like . . . or even what my personality was like. My face, memories, personality, beliefs, emotions, and soul . . . I left them all behind. I have no "self." I am no one. I am nothing but an endless abyss.

I'm not even going to tell you what game this is from because spoilers, but there's something about the character that's just . . . unnerving. People who've played it will know.

More conventional answer: Cortex Reavers from System Shock.



Since Sander Cohen was already posted, how about Dr.Steinman


Such a great character with such low screen time. They really could have done so much with Steinman. That's why I posted Cohen. He has an integral part in an ENTIRE level in Bioshock and plays a much larger role than Steinman.


Damn... deciding to read this at 4AM might just be the best and worst decision of the day.

Keep 'em coming.


There's many already in this thread that I would've named before this one, but I want to keep things original.

These fuckers in The Suffering stressed me out, especially when they grab you.



Silent hill
The monsters from the Souls games.

I guess. But I haven't heard anyone freak out as much as people in the arcades did when attacked by these guys

Edit: guess I'll remove it, someone might misunderstand and view it as offensive in the context.
Motley Bossblob. Not exactly distrubing, but just the tounge teasing noises it made before battle were just..weird. Like, cute & creepy at the same time.



Dying to Barnacle's in Half-Life and HL2 ALWAYS freaked me out
Those green things in Duke 3D that take over the full screen also creep me out.


Good choice. Just sits at the bottom of a stairwell. Not a boss, not a regular baddie.

Just wants to beat you to death with a club.

Exaclty. I was so scared.
Walking down the stairs and looking at him. There, still.
Then you make the wrong step and he is sudden alive, chasing you.
A real nightmare.


Kefka is pretty bad. But I think Edgar beat him.
Asking a girl for her age who is 10 and then saying "I hope you're around in 8 years" is just all kinds of wrong. I had to double take that actually made it in a FF game.


It may not look as disturbing as some of the mentions in this thread. But the movement and sound of the pendulum were always very disturbing when they go crazy all over the place.



Nobody, from Devil May Cry.


Not among the ones I find most disturbing, but certainly the most disturbing enemy in the game, probably the entire series. It's one of the few enemy designs left from when the game was supposed to be Resident Evil 3, then 4, which you can tell by the giant eyeball on the abdomen, a characteristic of the G-virus. It throws lumps of flesh at you, can grab you by the head and throw you, and when it has taken enough damage it puts on a mask that allows it to grow in size. It'll dance around and make demonic laughing sounds and howl. One of its attacks is this strange dance that saps your DT (demon) energy. It also has a fatality move when Dante's health is in the red where it grabs Dante's head and crushes his skull. All this combined with the twisted setting where you first meet it, along with the writhing fleshmounds of the underworld where you next meet it makes for one freaky encounter.
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