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Movies You've Seen Recently |OT| May 2015

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Mad Max was a very enjoyable action movie.

But those declaiming it and its characters to be substantive are, uh, odd. The work is one of the purest exercises in style that's been released in years, and is damn good in that respect. There's a lot of cleverly-layered details throughout, and the choice to just drop one in the middle of this world and not stop to explain what is happening is excellent, and intelligent. But let's be real. The characters and story are about as generic as they come, and some of the dialogue is just preposterous.



I am really starting to dislike going to the cinema. PQ and AQ wise it's just so disappointing.

I saw Mad Max on a big screen, Atmos audio cinema, but damn if my home setup doesn't blow that stuff away.

Nothing beats a bluray disc on my plasma screen and surround setup.

I just wish blurays would release sooner and not 9 months late :(


Unconfirmed Member
I'd always known Last Action Hero was a 'bad' movie. Then I watched it.

Uh, it's fucking great. McTiernan's long, graceful Steadicam takes give it a dreamy feel that sells the unreality of both the 'real' world and the 'movie' world. Somehow it succeeds as an entertainingly dumb action movie and a parody of dumb action movies. And Charles Dance kills it as the villain.

It overstays its welcome a little, but at least it uses the protracted runtime to explore the concept fully.

Ian McKellan as Bergman's Death.
How can you not love this movie?


I am really starting to dislike going to the cinema. PQ and AQ wise it's just so disappointing.

I saw Mad Max on a big screen, Atmos audio cinema, but damn if my home setup doesn't blow that stuff away.

Nothing beats a bluray disc on my plasma screen and surround setup.

I just wish blurays would release sooner and not 9 months late :(
Add to that rude, annoying people, dubbing, and often theaters from the fucking 80s, in terms of technology... and they wonder why cinemas are dying.


Unconfirmed Member
When I saw Fury Road a couple walked across my row and started arguing that we were in their seats.

Despite the fact that the lights were down, the cinema was full, an action scene was playing on screen, and their session didn't start for almost an hour.
likes McQueen's Shame, complains about preposterous dialog

You mean the movie with good, realistic dialogue? Have you watched the date scene recently? Compare that to lines like "Hope is a mistake, you know", or the opening narration, and get back to me.

JC.. We're not bad people. We just come from a bad place.

In what universe is that a bad line of dialogue? She's an adult dealing with her and her brother's implied shared past of sexual abuse, and she's on the verge of suicide. That's the type of thing that people in real life say about themselves and about other people, and I've heard it plenty of times throughout my own life, especially among sensitive artist-types like the Sissy character. It's not a deep line unto itself, but it is realistic, and reveals much about her state of mind in that moment and her broader perspective on her and Brandon's situation.

But, regardless, I actually think Mad Max would be better if they'd found a way to strip out the dialogue completely. I can forgive the utter lack of realism in how many times people get hit in the head to no effect, or have large caliber guns shot next to their head with only a slight ring as the after effect, but if you're gonna go for style, go all in, make it the Evita of action movies. Nux
going from religiously fanatic soldier-from-birth to tender self-sacrificer would work better if the movie were more operatic, with fewer ties to recognizable human behavior.

Edit: CFK, I never said they needed to be Fanny and Alexander, or that anybody was arguing that they were, just that the promised substance was more just, well, competence. I greatly appreciated that the movie never stopped and had the characters exposit, like, "Oh, this is Red-Haired Wife, she's this way and that way, but watch out for this character flaw", but it would be more accurate to say that the characters are revealed more organically than most movies of this type and that there is no cringeworthy comic relief, no racial nor sexual stereotyping, and nobody overtly annoying.
I don't feel like "hope is a mistake, you know" is preposterous dialogue coming from a dude called Mad Max. To me it wouldn't make much sense if they were talking in a grounded, natural manner considering the world they are in and the whole "everyone has gone mad" vibe.

Edit: but goddamn I would pay so much to see Mad Max Evita style.


I started to watch Wild at Heart last night but wasn't feeling it.. should I bother finishing it? (made it about 30-40 minutes in). It's probably my least favourite thing i've seen from David Lynch so far.


I started to watch Wild at Heart last night but wasn't feeling it.. should I bother finishing it? (made it about 30-40 minutes in). It's probably my least favourite thing i've seen from David Lynch so far.

It's certainly one of his most devisive. The black fairytale/dreamlike wizard of oz ispired setting either grabs your interest or loses it completely. I find the characters amazing, especially da god Nicolas Cage.

LMAO is so easy to wind snowy up about Shame, never leave bro

I don't feel like "hope is a mistake, you know" is preposterous dialogue coming from a dude called Mad Max. To me it wouldn't make much sense if they were talking in a grounded, natural manner considering the world they are in and the whole "everyone has gone mad" vibe.

I also wouldn't get rid of any of its gloriously pulpy 2000 AD comic narration. Its straight out of Freakwave, which was totally just Mad Max as a surfer



A million ways to die in the west
Okay this was way better than I expected it to be. Seth and Charlize have great chemistry. Yes there are more than a couple of groan worthy jokes and set ups but there are some hilarious one liners sprinkled throughout "take your hat off buy, that's a dollar bill!" Oh and a certain special cameo.

Kung Fury
A full movie needs to be made of this immediately. Oozing 80s pop culture and style. Loved it. Maybe trying to cram too much jokes in but hopefully that can be rectified for full movie. Go watch the whole thing on YouTube now!

A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting On Existence
Today, I feel kind. Damn kind.

Amazing dark comedy masterpiece from Roy Andersson. If you're at all into dark comedies, go see it immediately (out on Curzon Home Cinema for UK) as it's full of surprises that you should experience before reading this.

There comes a point when a director of dark comedy might show a softer side, but sometimes they can lose the distinctive humour when the juxtaposition of bleak subject matter and mundanity is gone. His movies are comparable to Todd Solondz's and Wes Anderson's where elaborate theatrical sets, deadpan humour, and still cinematography is a mainstay but on an even bleaker level. A more sympathetic layer is added on top of the pitch black humour with a focus on community, alongside a look on the country's history. The most pervasive topic is on the lack of money so people are just trying to make ends meet in the day-to-day struggle. The main duo, depressive Jonathan and pragmatic Sam, go around from one location to another, trying to sell not particularly funny joke-shop items like vampire teeth, a laughing bag, or a creepy Uncle One-Tooth mask. There is a universal relatable struggle that's taken to the absurd.


The desaturated and painterly cinematography (Istvan Borbas and Gergely Palos), art direction, production design, editing, and acting are all in meticulous zombie-like sync. As a trilogy examining humans, most of the scenes are shot with many people on a set reacting to an event. There is deep focus throughout making it all look like a stunning painting where the characters in the background and foreground play a role. A couple of bars are given prominence, one that seems in the centre of a city that's more populated and another on the outskirts although both are housed by dejected people. The actors have very pale makeup on like his previous films that goes along with how literally deadpan the comedy and acting is. They're miserable but yet still have the last bit of humanity to care for a fellow person, like when one of the main characters (Jonathan) is weeping at a bar. Even when they're not in a good state, they'll all say "I'm happy to hear you're doing fine" on the phone in one of the funniest running gags.


The country's history comes into play, such as the surreality of Charles XII's cavalry bursting into the outskirts bar (horse and all) still in modern times kicking out all the women and just being general dicks.
The end of the war makes the army lose that superiority
, though. The more positive scene is the city bar in the 40s where a musical occurs involving a woman trading shots with kisses to soldiers and sailors in a line, one-by-one. It's not as random as expected for a surreal comedy, as there are a few recurring characters like a couple of captains. One standing outside a restaurant never at the right time for a meeting and another former one who's gone from working at the ferry to helping out the family barber business while staring at the camera to break the fourth wall ("maybe you recognise me"). The city itself can be seen as a misery machine as contrasted by the genuine happiness shown outside the city near nature where a mom plays with her baby at a park or a young couple rests lovingly on a beach.


Some of the most disturbing, elaborate, and politically memorable images are on display near the end
in the "homo sapiens" chapter in relation to a mining company (Boliden), and monkey experiments. To remind of how horrible human history can be while never asking for forgiveness
. However, the film still ends on a satirically hilarious note
on the importance of knowing what day it is or chaos will reign while an upbeat 50s rockabilly tune plays


I don't get Taken. Yeah, there were a few really great lines, and the film overall had a very decent plot for a movie of this type. It was just really horrendously edited and shot. The action sequences are incomprehensible half the time and the action itself is only entertaining a fourth of the time. The script also has some really bad exposition at the beginning, and although that's certainly not a deal breaker for this type of film, it was still bothersome. I just thought it was okay/nothing special.

The first hour of The Lost World: Jurassic Park was so boring. It got a bit better later on; I got the feeling Spielberg was having a lot of fun with the action sequences in this but just going through the motions on everything else. Putting Goldblum in the lead is a very, very bad idea that I can only compare to Jack Sparrow taking the lead in a Pirates movie; he's fun, but by placing him in the front of everything, he just becomes dull. There's a very good solid 45 min though from them rushing to save the baby T-Rex to leaving the island, but everything before and after is just kinda blah.


Was the new Spongebob movie worth watching? I love the first movie and the show up to the release of it. I haven't seen any new Spongebob.
Was the new Spongebob movie worth watching? I love the first movie and the show up to the release of it. I haven't seen any new Spongebob.

My friend put it on the other night, but I fell asleep during it because I'd been up for twenty-four hours. What I saw was really funny, though, and I'd never watched Spongebob before.

Edge of Tomorrow - I tried watching this before, after PVRing it, but the last half screwed up and was unwatchable. I PVRed it again and watched the whole thing. It's a really cool movie.

I also watched the first part of Tusk but deleted it, because I didn't feel like watching any more. Justin Long's character was annoying, and I knew it'd likely get worse/stupider. I hated all of the Canadian stereotypes.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I don't get Taken. Yeah, there were a few really great lines, and the film overall had a very decent plot for a movie of this type. It was just really horrendously edited and shot. The action sequences are incomprehensible half the time and the action itself is only entertaining a fourth of the time. The script also has some really bad exposition at the beginning, and although that's certainly not a deal breaker for this type of film, it was still bothersome. I just thought it was okay/nothing special.

The first hour of The Lost World: Jurassic Park was so boring. It got a bit better later on; I got the feeling Spielberg was having a lot of fun with the action sequences in this but just going through the motions on everything else. Putting Goldblum in the lead is a very, very bad idea that I can only compare to Jack Sparrow taking the lead in a Pirates movie; he's fun, but by placing him in the front of everything, he just becomes dull. There's a very good solid 45 min though from them rushing to save the baby T-Rex to leaving the island, but everything before and after is just kinda blah.

Woah, JW already? :eek:


So in the end due to shenanigans, i could only watch one movie at the cinema (missed like, two screenings), and had to choose between Louisiana and Mad Max, so i thought it made more sense for MM to be watched on the big screen (also, the cinema having Louisiana looked like a glorified home cinema with a projector, and a lot of bullshit like the happyhour area, which i didn't like, i'm there to watch a movie, not to make friends).

So that sort of sucks, but whatever, i'm in no rush to see movies as soon as they come out.

Mad Max was good fun though, the action was just fantastic, more or less top to bottom, and the production design was really great.
Some of the dramatic dialog (the little of it there is) was kind of lame, and a couple of dramatic scenes (when Furiosa screams, i'm thinking of) had some pretty cookie-cutter, out of place music, but really hard to find something i had a problem with.
Great movie.

Also, fuck intermissions. It's a 2 hours movie for adults, you don't need a fucking intermission (yes, i know it was just to sell more crap food).


May for me, pretty happy overall!

American Sniper
The Raid 2
Never Sleep Again*
Fast & Furious 7
Fist of Legend
Mad Max Fury Road
Ichi The Killer
When the Last Sword is Drawn
The Twilight Samurai
Memories of Murder*
Hansel and Gretel*

* already seen

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I enjoyed it, and I had a massive headache when I watched it in 3D, so it's probably actually better than I remember. Don't expect much of a plot though.

...no? I watched Jurassic Park 2, lol.

AHahahaha I swear I read Jurassic World... not The Lost World... lol 😃
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