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MS: Devs Could Make Scorpio Only Titles | (Update: Misspoke, no Scorpio exclusives)

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It sounded nuts to me that they were forcing everyone to make games that had to work for the original Xbox One. 2017 will be 4 years into the current generation, so the Xbox revision that allows a "clean break" would've had to happen sometime soon after that.


I mean if this is the way forward, blurred genertions/no more generations, then XB1 is gonna have to get left behind at some point ....

I mean at this point it's not blurred generations. IT's still a new generation, only after an exceptionally short one that they've botched.

There's no point in sugarcoating in, this seems so be like xbox is trying to force a new gen on their own terms to revitalize the xbox brand, gen8 owners be damned

Is this like, a brand new console gen?

Or is it just a specced up version of the XBO? A genuine + 0.5?

Basically both.

You can build a cross platform game for Scorpio or Xbox One and have a scaling option. Additionally you can build a game for just scorpio consoles.

It's significantly a more powerful console but it uses Xbox One OS.

The Xbox One S is being sent to die

Nah, It's the new budget model basically. You can get into the xbox ecosystem and have access to 90% of the library for $299 + a UHD player. It's the long term cheap seats model.
Well, duh.
However I think we won't see many such titles until Ps5 is released, too.
Developers are always about that userbase, especially when its about investing money in fancy graphics.

fuck it. lets just start next gen already. make everything backwards compatible.

People will quickly change their mind since this backwards compatibility will just hold back the potential of the new console.
We've seen it this gen.


I mean if this is the way forward, blurred genertions/no more generations, then XB1 is gonna have to get left behind at some point ....

I assume the reason for no XB1 port of a game will be the Scorpio version being too ... demanding. But then isn't that what you would want out of a powerful system?

Yeah but it's too soon to have this talk now. In two years, sure, start to talk about lapsing support for XB1, but it's a buzz kill to hear this talk now, especially when they're trying to sell a slim SKU.
Scorpio is a soft launch for MS's next gen.
Developers aren't gonna continue to design games to both the Scorpios spec and the Xbox One, they will tire of it when it constrains development.
MS couldn't simply say Xbone One was a fuck up and bin it off, so this is how they're doing it.

Miles X

I mean at this point it's not blurred generations. IT's still a new generation, only after an exceptionally short one that they've botched.

There's no point in sugarcoating in, this seems so be like xbox is trying to force a new gen on their own terms to revitalize the xbox brand, gen8 owners be damned

Then gen 8 owners should feel lucky. 4 year gen is short but not anything out of the blue, if the next gen console caters to gen 8 owners then that's more than what Sony/MS have done in recent years with their new launches.

It won't be for a couple of years Scorpio gets exclusives, even then it'll be slow and steady.




What a joke. Really no point in getting an Xbox One now.

This is a shitty business practice that does the industry no good.


That's good. Don't want the old machines holding games back.

That 7 year console gen was way too long. 3-4 years with backwards compatibility seems about right this day and age.
This isn't really a concern IMO

Devs have barely just weened themselves off of 360 and PS3 compatibility, and I imagine those ports were much harder to achieve than dual compatibility for Scorpio and the Origibal will be


They were very clever in saying all your xb1 games will carry over but did not promise that all games for the Scorpio will play on Xbox one. I mean I am sure at some point they have to cut the cord but if they do it too early that may leave a bad taste


You don't build a 6 TF console and hobble it by chaining it to a 1.3 TF one.

There will be exclusive Scorpio games to show the power of the machine, just as there will be exclusive PS Neo games.


Despite what Microsoft wants you to believe, this is basically a new gen. They want to leave the Xbox One behind and start fresh as soon as possible.


What they specifically stated at the conference wasnthat all your Xbox games and accessories would work with Scorpio. This would not affect that in any way. Any game made for Xbox one, BC included, will work with Scorpio. That was the promise, that your investment into the ecosystem would not be left behind.


MS need to get their messaging straight. The promo video says games would work across both and its a "family of devices".


This really isn't hard to understand. I don't know why people are so upset. Xbone will be supported until the software stops selling obviously. But yes Scorpio will have exclusives. Why wouldn't it?


Basically both.

You can build a cross platform game for Scorpio or Xbox One and have a scaling option. Additionally you can build a game for just scorpio consoles.

It's significantly a more powerful console but it uses Xbox One OS.

I guess my question is, since the lifespan is normally 6-8 years for a console gen.

Are they just starting next gen 3 years early, or 3 years after this scorpio model comes out, there be an XBOX TWO which is a more substantial leap?

Is this basically the mid cycle "S" model, like with iphones before they move onto the next numbered release or is it the next numbered console release?
Just like I said - this will be the main difference between Neo & Scorpio. Problem is, 1st party isn't a console sales driver anymore. And I don't see 3rd party targeting the smaller base, especially with the very real outcome of these two new consoles being they sell less than the rate by which the PS4 & X1 sold
im not buying a new console. i only ever purchased 3 games on my xbox so far, the gen has hardly fukin started and they want to make exclusive games for new console.

im sure 1st party games will be compatible with both and 3rd party will want to reach a bigger audience so they will also work with both


Scorpio is a soft launch for MS's next gen.
Developers aren't gonna continue to design games to both the Scorpios spec and the Xbox One, they will tire of it when it constrains development.
MS couldn't simply say Xbone One was a fuck up and bin it off, so this is how they're doing it.

Well except this gets screwed up by Sony requiring PS4 support for any Neo games. So unless they want to skip Playstation entirely they are going to have to make a version for PS4 which is still going to hold them back on everything but framerate and resolution. So this might only benefit the exclusives that skip XBO.

Is anyone surprised? There will be NEO only titles too.
Got to compel people to upgrade.

No there won't be. Sony is requiring devs to support the PS4 no exception according to devs on this board. Microsoft is staking their own claim with this.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
How did we get from "nobody left behind" to this in the span of hours? No thanks. #UGH3
This is basically what they are doing

We're essentially getting the return of 3-4 year console cycles and the PC-style intersection of backwards compatibility and games as a service. What's really new here is your old console being able to play some downgraded version of new games on your new console. So, basically like owning a 3 year old PC, only now I guess they can call it forwards compatibility.
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