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Muckraking Tabloid Journalist Jason Schreier upset at a new game studio "Lacking Diversity in 2021"


How has Jason and his ilk not noticed the correlation between super diverse game studios and the decline in game quality?

That pic looks like Halo CE era Bungie or Redwood in their prime. Who are they? I'm interested in what they're making.

EDIT: Oh shit Typhoon. I loved Journey to a Savage Planet. It's obvious these people actually like being around each other on a personal level. Quality speaks for itself.
These people don't really like games. They're in the industry for other reasons.
Hey little twit white man, Jason. Let me tell you a story...

My wife is a black woman (how's that for intersectionality). She works in the tech industry as a producer. She was once asked by her boss to lead a project because the customer specifically asked for a black producer as a lead. Not only was it a horrifically awkward conversation with her boss, my wife felt humiliated by being chosen to fill a race quota instead of being chosen on the basis of merit alone.

Contrary to your shitty leftist-leaning ideology, minorities like us black folk don't actually want to be recognised purely on the basis of our skin colour or gender or gender expression or sexual orientation. We want to actually be able to take pride in the fact that we earned our place and positions in the workplace on merit alone.

Why is that so difficult to grasp?


Gold Member


Rare breed, tough to survive, if you are not willing to wave flags or side with one or another.
99.9 percent of us are in agreement that what he is saying is horseshit or we'd belong to the other place. There's no need to beat the proverbial dead horse by attacking him personally.

And I will survive just fine being me. I hate how nasty everyone is now that social media exists. I long for how things used to be before the internet..

I don't need anyone to stroke my ego or even agree with me. I'm here to discuss my enjoyment of video games. I don't care what people have to say about politics or identity. I don't care who's trans, or gay, or republican or democrat. Let's just be nice to each other and talk about video games...
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Reseterror Resettler
Guess he's moved onto tearing down new small studios now as well

What a self assured twat, holy shit. "I don't know why you're making it so personal, I hope it's not because of my hitpiece on your studio lololol,"

Like no, Duncebert, it's probably because you're a trend chasing grifter twat that can't go five minutes without plugging his own heavily biased material or virtue signaling. Real people don't need to proudly proclaim that they aren't bigoted assmunchers, they just do things that aren't bigoted or ATM, and the world understands by virtue of not causing ripples.

Don't have many women in your studio? Garbage. Have equal gender distribution but you crunch deadlines? Garbage. Avoid both of those pitfalls but you're studio is fucking Norwegian so your work force isn't composed of 70% gender fluid black lesbians? Garbage.

Dude is the quintessential example of both someone who attempts to be smugly condescending without realizing that his tempered wit is as obvious as a hurricane, and a dude who hates spaghetti, but chooses to become a professional critic of exclusively Italian restaurants. Go write your next expose about ProJared that you got insider info out of from firsthand experience spending six months up his Sailor Moon cosplaying ass and spare us.


Man I can't anymore with this guy.

Imagine being a new game studio and have this motherfucker throw you in front of a bus called CANCEL CULTURE because he doesn't agree with how white your group is.

Awful thing to do, Jason.

yeah that's exactly what makes my blood boil too. if you want brownie points from the blue checkmark twitter clique that's fine, but don't throw a new founded indie studio under the bus for this you scrote.
nobody likes you jason. you have contributed nothing to the gaming industry. you're a grifter who posts his shit takes on twitter. you work at bloomberg. you said you knew about people getting abused at blizzard but didn't say anything for years. you have no moral high ground. you're a piece of shit and your wife looks like the creature from the aphex twin windowlicker video. nobody likes you.

someone needs to find the skeletons he's hiding in his closet and cancel him already.
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Gold Member
Does he mean the 2021 with lockdowns and restricted movement and travel across the world? Start ups should be applauded right now and not derided because they are creating a team from talent they can really only get in their local market - nobody is travelling across the country to work for an indie dev especially in 2021

Small studios require experienced talent who can and will get their hands dirty in every part of the development

When the talent pool of game developers are 90% men then your team is going to reflect that. It's only the big companies that can afford diversity quotas by having women starting out in the industry in entry level roles and build their way up

Not to say there aren't women who haven't been around for decades now with a wealth of talent - they are just much harder to come by.
yeah that's exactly what makes my blood boil too. if you want brownie points from the blue checkmark twitter clique that's fine, but don't throw a new founded indie studio under the bus for this you scrote.
nobody likes you jason. you have contributed nothing to the gaming industry. you're a grifter who posts his shit takes on twitter. you work at bloomberg. you said you knew about people getting abused at blizzard but didn't say anything for years. you have no moral high ground. you're a piece of shit and your wife looks like the creature from the aphex twin windowlicker video. nobody likes you.

someone needs to find the skeletons he's hiding in his closet and cancel him already.

Jason Schreier is a prick. No question... but let's leave his wife out of this. His sins don't fall to her.

Let's keep it classy folks.


Jason Schreier is a prick. No question... but let's leave his wife out of this. His sins don't fall to her.

Yer, bringing his wife or her boyfriend into the argument is uncalled for.

Edit: the poor developer is getting ripped to shreds on twitter, being told to "delete" his team photo tweet and that the world didn't need more white people in game development, depressing shit.
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Gold Member

Gotta love how he also pats himself on the back for "adding a woman" back in his podcast days. Narcissistic to the core. I love how he'll of course ignore pointing out that "how can a game be good with no diversity!?". When of course games of the past (and current) that come from Japan are all made by 99% Japanese devs.

EDIT: Adding in more information on the game devs themselves "Raccoon Logic" (former Typhoon Studio devs from Google/Stadia) with this article here: https://gamasutra.com/view/news/386...d_secure_Savage_Planet_rights_from_Google.php

You'd think a journo like Schrier would be more interested in a team starting out with the intent of avoiding the dreaded crunch times or mandated work. But nope.

ew no GIF
Yer, bringing his wife or her boyfriend into the argument is uncalled for.

Edit: the poor developer is getting ripped to shreds on twitter, being told to "delete" his team photo tweet and that the world didn't need more white people in game development, depressing shit.
Link? I'd like to stand up for him.


No he's fucking not, he runs the same easy story over and over about how video-game companies are evil overwork people, he just changes the name every few months and re-hashs it whenever his boss wants some clickbait web traffic in, and when anybody else does dares steal his easy gig by running a similar story, or actually names names and has proper evidence rather than anonymous sources, he shuffles his papers and gets angry as he was "working on that scoop first!"

He's a grifter cunt.
They do over work people though. And if whats happened at activision recently is any indication, alot of these companies seem to have cultural issues where shit like sexual harrassment is allowed to persist. That NEEDS to be called out. I think shcreier is a passive agressive baby on social media, but his work is important. Also finding out why andromeda was the way it was, or what happened to anthem is a big deal, because those were mismanaged cluster fucks.


GAF's Pleasant Genius

Gotta love how he also pats himself on the back for "adding a woman" back in his podcast days. Narcissistic to the core. I love how he'll of course ignore pointing out that "how can a game be good with no diversity!?". When of course games of the past (and current) that come from Japan are all made by 99% Japanese devs.

EDIT: Adding in more information on the game devs themselves "Raccoon Logic" (former Typhoon Studio devs from Google/Stadia) with this article here: https://gamasutra.com/view/news/386...d_secure_Savage_Planet_rights_from_Google.php

You'd think a journo like Schrier would be more interested in a team starting out with the intent of avoiding the dreaded crunch times or mandated work. But nope.

“Different perspectives are good… disagree with me and I will block you and never listen to you again”.


Now you just sound like an ass hole, no need to bring someone else into this. I have plenty of issues with schreier, but attacking his family is completely uncalled for

yeah maybe it is, in that case i'll take the ban but just remember the guy would gladly ruin your life any day of the week and send his """social justice""" mob after you for a couple clicks and some attention. so think about what's worse, someone calling his wife ugly or what this guy is doing on the regular.
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Gold Member
The most incredible thing about Jason Schreier is that a member of the opposite decided to procreate with him. This alone is proof of hope, proof of despair, and proof of both God and the Devil.


Gold Member
The more I see of twitter these days, with the crazy reactions and accusations is insane.

You can see that basically most normal people have left the entirety of it behind, and all you're left with in most cases are the most insane, terrible people imaginable.

There's a clear gap in the conversation, one side is completely silenced and the other is just extreme shouting. Any rational and normal people just don't even bother injecting themselves into any sort of nuanced debate or topic. The more this happens, the more batshit the people who do post look.


This is why we need to stop bullying in primary schools. It leads to a kid who grows up hating the world with a chip on his shoulder and wants to tear it down piece by piece. The same happened Hitler, got no respect until he got power and then tore the place down piece by piece.


yeah maybe it is, in that case i'll take the ban but just remember the guy would gladly ruin your life any day of the week and send his """social justice""" mob after you for a couple clicks and some attention. so think about what's worse, someone calling his wife ugly or what this guy is doing on the regular.

Want to know how you block woke, reactionary bullshit? Get off social media and your life improves 10 fold.

Social media is fake environment where people believe change happens.

I bet Jason didn't ask around to see if people applied for said studio and got rejected. Legal wise they had to post positions. Even if previous developers from the closed studio where coming over to fill their position in new studio.

I doubt he asked anyone that got rejected, or maybe reach out to the studio before hitting up Twitter. Which is a coward move iv yet to see legit reporters that report in country's do. A CNN reporter reporting in Syria doesn't go on Twitter to bitch out the election system.

Going on social media to call out someone is to me unprofessional.
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I think the biggest issue with those that say "tune Jason and people like him out" is that unfortunately, twitter/social media/cancel mobs are powerful because they're being used by businesses and governments to make decisions. So unfortunately by default they are already given a disproportionate share of power in those spheres of influence.


Gold Member
Want to know how you block woke, reactionary bullshit? Get off social media and your life improves 10 fold.

Social media is fake environment where people beliy change happens.

I bet Jason didn't ask around to see if people applied for said studio and got rejected. Legal wise they had to post positions. Even if previous developers from the closed studio where coming over to their fill their position in new studio.

I doubt he asked anyone that got rejected, or maybe reach out to the studio before hitting up Twitter. Which is a coward move iv yet to see legit reporters that report in country's do. A CNN reporter reporting in Syria doesn't go on Twitter to bitch out the election system.

Going on social media to call out someone is to me unprofessional.
Or even if they put up investment stakes to start the founding. Guy is simply a douche.


Jason Schreier is a prick. No question... but let's leave his wife out of this. His sins don't fall to her.

Let's keep it classy folks.

I do agree with what you're saying and I'm not condoning the attacks on his wife but he can't pretend to be shocked he's attracted these types. The guy has made a career out of putting spotlights on situations he personally is not involved in no matter how big or small simply for clicks and then he tries to take the moral high ground like he did the gaming community a service.

He can fuck right off. The people attacking his wife are assholes but honestly he's no better so as the famous tagline goes "let them fight".
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